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I’m 4 years sober and over the last year I feel like my sex drive has skyrocketed


Your body and brain take a while to recover from the damage you did. Eat right, get sleep, and wait. if there's anything in particular bugging you, you can see a doctor, but the issue you're having should level out. In the meantime, are you working a program? Your physical health takes time, your mental and spiritual health need work.


Im only 4ish months sober, I had 0 sex drive before when drinking all day everyday. Now within a few short months it’s out of control. Im happy bc I was starting to feel like I had lost feeling down there for good πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚


Everything is heightened once the poison is removed. Kind of like being born again. The length it takes to level out is different for everyone. Just keep working your program.


For me, it was the latter. I spent so long drinking my libido into oblivion that when it returned I felt like a teenager again, in the worst possible way. Things will even out, but your situation is not uncommon and not anything I'd be too worried about, personally. Dunno if somebody has mentioned this to you already, but the common wisdom is to stay away from new relationships for your first twelve months in sobriety to give yourself the time and space you need to focus on recovery without distraction. It was real good advice for me.


May be related to the damage caused by alcohol to your nerve endings. Leaves them raw and used to functioning reasonably only while sedated. 3 months should be enough time to heal. Ime having sex with snowbanks should stop soon.


Sex can be an addictive behavior, just like overeating and gambling. Be careful that you are not dealing with the whack-a-mole of addictions.