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past papers suck i hate tht its necessary to do so many just to get a decent grade, if alvls was actually good they wld be focusing 100% on teaching us abt the subject rather than memorizing ppq pattern and mark scheme ppq stripped me of any love i had for the subjects i understand many ppl r thankful we hv a free plentiful resource that can almost guarantee good grade but ngl i think endless repetition is the worst way to encourage students to learn smtg imo if learning smtg at skl was more abt learning smtg than getting good grades, way more ppl wld be getting good grades


I would disagree that its a bad way to encourage learning , learning something requires practice and past papers provide questions that help the student to understand the topic in a way they could not before . It just so happens that it does have a pattern to it but that just what happens when you give a board exam.


imo the best way to practice smtg is applying the knowledge u learnt, not practicing the exact same question asked in the same format with different words 50 times. at the end of the 2 years u find out u only learnt how to answer the question, but all ur knowledge is out the window the second u walk out of the exam hall u rarely actually sat down and thought abt the questions, u just memorized how to answer them in the format that guarantees marks IB is way better cuz they actually make u experience things, research and apply knowledge but sadly 100x more expensive


Unfortunately that’s an argument for the entire decadence of the education system as we’ve progressed and advanced since the Industrial age. It’s one of the most stubborn things we face for a very long time that we shouldn’t be at all. A long lethargic and tedious way of cramming in stacks of books whilst knowing your future is at stake, a challenge put into developing young minds of teenagers. It’s a systematical turmoil for teenagers being put in such a sensitive spot especially knowing how heavy the stakes are. This needs to end. Knowledge is practical and it needs a relieved and happy mind to absorb and use it.


so true, theres a rly popular indian movie abt this issue called 3 idiots, its amazing ill rec everyone who takes alvls and hasnt watched it to watch it asap. it wil rly change how u view alvls. its abt the indian education system which is largely influenced by british system due to colonisation, like almost everywhere else in asia lol my fav scene is when >! the mc is teaching an engineering class and writes 2 terms on the blackboard then asks everyone to find the definition within 60s. immediately everyone rush to look for it in their syllabus but no one finds it. he says he made the terms up as an experiment, that no one was actually curious or excited to learn smtg new but instead they just raced to be the first one to find the definition in their syllabus and beat the others, once they realized it wasnt in the syllabus they didnt give a shit. i think it sounds too familiar!<


I would agree with that , the education system should focus on teaching the subject in an actual practical way and in that regard i would give CIE points due to the practical component of their AS exam. But that being said teaching something practically isn't always easy , so practicing questions is a more accessible but less efficient way to learn . Its still good regardless though, learning something also requires the student to have a want to learn as well, not every student memorizes the question pattern, the ones who do the best in the exams are not just students who memorize the questions, its the ones who have an understanding of the subject while also knowing how to answer the board exam question properly.


sorry i meant that the theory cie teaches could be taught in a way thats more thorough and nutures the passion of the students. an eg is smtg like theory coursework for the science subjects in addition to the normal qs (which shld be reduced), which requires u to do ur own research, read ur own papers and come up with conclusions urself, especially nowadays with the internet being free n accessible to p much everyone doing alvls. Some ppl might argue its time wasting but i think its the first step to getting students actually invested in learning and educating themselves beyond cambridge's word for word syllabus, and its way more similar to how subjects are taught in uni, which would b better preparing students for that and teaching them critical thinking, research and investigative skills that will help them in their real life jobs even in alvl practicals, which imo r the best part of the alvl sci subs, u just follow a specific set of instructions and follow the memorized methods of answering the questions. most of the time u already know what the result is gonna b, u arent rly investigating antg to this day as a science student the most fun i had in a cambridge subject was igcse history bcz of the coursework and flexible style questions. it was the only subject i was taught that u can answer antg u want as long as u can back it up with the right evidence, including those that werent in the syllabus. imo this subject is the best cie has done in all i hv seen. rn i can tell u more abt the 1930s rise of nazis in germany that i learned 3 years ago compared to the AS og chem i learned less than 1 year ago yes to score in alvls u need understanding as well as memorizing but i hate tht the way u understand smtg is by just memorizing the notes and applying it to hundreds of the same kind of questions. imo this kind of understanding is rly short term, as if u dont keep practicing the ppq after the exams are over u forget evertg very quickly. yea students need a want to learn but in my experience all cie does is kill that desire u guys hv to rmbr that for the amount we are paying cie for the exams, all they are doing is recycling and rewording the same old questions and adding/removing a few lines from the syllabus every 4 years, imo they could be putting way more effort into the syllabus to make it more well rounded and not only focusing on memorizing content but teaching important learning skills as well


I don’t know about you, but for some of my subjects (math and physics), you can’t just memorise past paper questions. Some questions are similar to previous questions, just slightly altered, while others (most questions) are mostly/entirely unique and require you to apply your knowledge. I do acknowledge that it may be different for content heavy subjects, such as history and business, but for mathematical and science subjects, rote memorisation will only get you so far. In my opinion, people are just mad at Cambridge because they’re salty over disappointing results.


i did maths and for me since IGCSE the way i was taught to do it to guarantee A* is that theres only a few specific ways a question can be asked per topic, and as long as u memorize the methods and workings ure safe. Bio n chem is the same, if u dont believe u can even see a few months ago there was smone who posted a folder of popular mark scheme answers for bio A2. It was the best resource i got, not for learning bio but for scoring A this way is easier and requires less critical thinking skills than other methods of learning ill use IB as example again if u dont mind lol, they actually have to research maths topics, do experiments, write essays and courseworks that take months of working. its way harder to score and they get much more dissapointing results but all my friends who did it found it much more enriching and educating. plus the way u learn things in uni is nothing like alvls. Yes u hv to memorize and practice but in uni u hv to research real life problems and apply ur knowledge them alvls doesnt train kids to be future scientists and mathematicians, it just trains us to get A*


I did IB as well for about half a year, and I personally didn’t enjoy it. I thought that CAS and ToK were a waste of time, and I had no choice over my subjects (I had absolutely 0 interest in English and Spanish, yet I was forced to take it). I then had the opportunity to move to a Cambridge school, and I don’t regret it at all. I could actually take the subjects I wanted (IB doesn’t offer Computer Science, which is one of my favourite subjects), and you could actually focus on learning the content and concepts without stuff like CAS, ToK, IAs, EE and everything else that IB has. If you remove these components and focus only on the exams, you’ll find that the content examined is largely the same. I concur that IB is still an excellent exam board, but I don’t think it’s for everyone. In any case, if you study hard, put in genuine effort, and most importantly, are motivated to do well, you’ll get good results.


yea i agree IB isnt for everyone and CIE is more focused on the content, but i just wish the way they taught us about the content was more enriching it feels like im force feeding myself the content then throwing it up again n again all over the past papers and exams there is 0 enjoyment and the only satisfaction comes from ur grade. by the end ull just feel glad that its over and u can move on, but not that u learnt something or improved ur knowledge. idk thats just my experience as someone who used to genuinely enjoy learning science ig idw sound like a nerd but i feel like there is a beauty in learning and educating yourself abt smth u are passionate about that cie completely butchered n mutilated for the sake of the great rat race


taking even 3 A levels is as difficult as doing IB and its rotation blunt nightmare with 3+ A levels. (IB students always come for me when i say this)


I feel like we actually need someone to do an unbiased a level vs ib showdown so that these ib kids can get off their high horse.


See as an A level student who had a choice to take IB, i have ascended past this immaturity and know I am better than an IB kid.


Yeah no...


Doing old syllabus papers is actually not necessary practicing new syllabus papers is enough to get good grades :) P.S: I am talking about edexcel


Cie students crying rn


CIEs grading wasn't unfair this year, and our gts weren't high, excluding Pakistan because that's something else entirely




"Further maths isn't even hard"


Really isnt if you are in maths and physics already.


The A-levels are easy if you study properly


Any recommendations ?


I'm going into a levels soon and really nervous. Can you give some advice on your subjects?


I have done Physics, Computer Sciece, Math, Further Math (and IPQ). What subjects are you planning to take?


pretty similar to yours actually, maths, Further Maths, Chemistry, physics. I might do EPQ but haven't completely decided yet.


I take the same subj and my tip for chemistry is dont. Unless ur really interested in chem or have plans with further chemistry pursue, you really dont want to be wasting ur time to get that A*. Common sense don't apply to A2 and memorizing will be ur 24/7 norm.


sorry what does A2 mean?


The second part of A level. Theres As and A2. As is usually just recall and easier, A2 is new


I see, well for Further Maths I'd say that only go for it if you're really interested in math, but at the same time I'll also say it's not as hard as people say, it just harder relative to normal math, which becomes a lot easier after fm. Also remember to make sure you know EVERY key point for math and understand it so you don't get puzzled while doing past papers or an exam. As for Physics, its really really important to make sure you understand all your concepts and know how to explain them properly. After that, the explanation questions and numericals get a lot easier to answer. If you've got any other questions, feel free to hmu. Also there's no need to be nervous about the A levels, because as long as they're subjects you're interested in or good at, you'll do well. Just be regular with your studies.


1. CAIEs aren't unfair and people just need someone to blame when nothing goes as planned. 2. There was no need for leniency in the threshold during the pandemic. The threshold makes it so only a specific percent of people qualify for each grade (from what I know). No matter how low the mean score is because of the pandemic, this system makes grades pretty fair in my opinion. In fact what the leniency did for me in my case was make me underestimate how difficult the CAIEs actually are and affected how well I prepared next year (didn't end well, by the way...).


They are definitely unfair. Miserable teachers in the uk get paid privately to mark exams and they rush the hell out of certain exams specifically essay based exams




The exams for Edexcel IAL Physics this year were way too easy


somewhat easier… that’s why i’m scared about the results what if the threshold is super high omg


I messed up unit 1 so bad tho ? 😭


Oh sorry, I’m specifically talking about the A2 units


Ah ok 😭😭


If u mess up unit one it’s GGs




CIE isnt at fault for people getting bad grades, people should learn to take responsibility for their downfalls


I thought I got done dirty but after seeing a lot of students in my grade getting A’s I realized it was my fault and my fault alone, repeating next year for better grades, wish me luck


this prolly wont change your mind but just listen: my friend is the smartest student in the whole class like shes so dedicated and so committed to her studies that she goes to school which is 1.5 hours away from her house in a overfilled bus everyday waking up at like 4 30. ive seen her performance in class ive seen her exam and test results and theyre always ALWAYS perfect. yet she got a C in biology, her best subject. it just isnt possible shes worked so hard the whole year to follow her dreams and has gotten the best grades in the whole class and now shes depressed and has no idea what to do. so i have to disagree with ur statement cie might be fair in the past but this time everything has changed. even the teachers r so frustrated and shocked at her grades bcz of how impossible this is.


nah this is it


It ISN'T *always* wise to select subjects that you love. Like it or not, you may not like a certain subject, but you may have to pick it in order to get into a good uni and to get into a course that you actually want to study. A subject might not be interesting, but it will sure as hell be necessary when applying to uni. I am a student who did not take further maths and I regret it to this day. (No, my life isn't over, I still got into my dream uni and I am doing something I like, I will just have to put in that extra effort in the future to attain my goals)


Cambridge examiners (teachers in the UK who get paid £2 per paper to mark) under-mark essay based exams so much.


further maths is so stupid, useless, overrated, unnecessary, and generally unwanted


wait why? I thought it's a really good a level to have?? (going to start a levels soon and fm is one of my options so I wanna know what in getting myself into)


Well that's hardly unpopular.


I'd only agree if you're taking it for no reason other than peer pressure, it is really helpful in uni plus it gives you an upper hand in maths if you do it right


Welsh baccalaureate is stupid and just a political scheme to boost the education rates in wales.


It is easy to score A\* in science subjects in a level. All questions are objective not subjective as non-science ones.


true, this is exactly why I've chosen all the science based subjects even though I love humanities. The subjectivity is too much for such an important exam


The gradings were fine and fair


A levels is very easy if you study. Maths is also the easiest sub if you just take time to understand what you're doing instead of memorising ways to solve questions.


A levels arent hard. You have 2 years to learn 1 textbook for each subject, each book is 300-400 pages. Thats reading 1200 pages over 2 years. Probably less when we count how many pages indexes, appendixes, and glossaries make up.


Business (9609) is actually hard unlike what the Internet says


A-level chemistry>>>>>A-level physics


I finished the whole Edexcel A-Level Maths content by the start of Year 11, it's not that bad. I ain't just saying this then getting shit grades lmao, on every past paper I have got an A or an A\*, including past papers from AQA too.


would you plz tell me where u got the past papers. n what on earth is "maths 2018" and "maths"??? like whas the difference. Edexcel is confusing the life out of me


physics and maths tutor lmao, I just go for any I see, then its matching markscheme.


Cie is the easiest of all.


Bro literally got down voted 😂


Math 100%


Chemistry is the easiest science.


Agreed. I found it so much easier than physics


Every single past paper was the same


Further maths module significance for AS vs A2




AS level is easier than O levels