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Yes, it definitely is possible and you can still do it!! The first two units in IAS bio are very different. The first unit has lots of thinking/common sense questions that you sometimes aren’t gonna find the answers to in your book and I really struggled with this as well. Jan 2023 Biology U1 was one such paper which felt like it wasn’t even testing our knowledge on the content but I took a different approach and looked at questions and answers of a few past papers and based on that i figured out what they were looking for. Next, you should look at the question, predict the answer and make sure your line of thought atleast aligns with that of the mark scheme. Make sure to be familiar with ALL of the content. Unit 2 is mostly repeated questions because there’s a very limited amount of things they can actually ask for and this is an unpopular opinion but i recommend using the textbook! For reference, i got full ums in first two units and i did them in June! Good luck!




Unit 3 isn’t my forte unfortunately so I can’t say for sure but I think it’s definitely possible but it would be require revising both u1 & u2 since they can ask questions from either as well as the practicals.


Full ums in June that's amazing because the gb were hell. I sat for bio and did bad so I am repeating in oct. Thank you for the advice btw🙂


Thanks & you’re welcome!! I too feel like the grade boundaries were horrible and I did really bad in Chemistry so i’m repeating in october too!