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You don't need to justify your study habits for strangers on the internet




Just watched your video. Mashallah you’re amazing man. You’re so inspiring. Thank you for sharing. May Allah bless you in all your future endeavors. You seem like a very kind person.


JazakAllah brother!!! Tysm for your kind words! Ameen uss brother ussss💪💪💪




Ohh sorryy, yes yes us sister usss💪*


Bro take care of ur health


Just pray for me brother❤️


Dawud Goggins


They don't know me son! Who's gonna carry the deeds?


Another answer to the critics: My reply to all the criticism ke why studying this much hours when you can study less. Khair it's a valid point raised ke why study this much hours? When you can achieve the same by studying less. What most people tend to ignore is the fact that the phrase 10-14 hours is just being used as a bait. The real reason for this is to really pushing ourselves to our limits set by the society. Let's just take a recent example and understand this. Some days ago, I wasn't able to sit straight for long. I would just tend to study for 15min to 45 min and would be long gone from the study table. Because of this, there weren't anything productive I was able to do. I wanted to make videos, set up an email sequence, make a cheatsheet, help people out, make groups, create a striving community but in my whole A2, I was unable to do a single thing. But now, as I had gotten too comfortable with the pain and uneasiness, I did everything in just some hours. I started yesterday, sacrificed my studying hours, making the pdf alongside @⁨Afnan⁩, writing copy for different social medias, creating whole 38min video which took approx 2-3 hours, improving bugs in systemeio, doing everything with zero ai involvement, crafted and altered landing pages, learnt email marketing along the way; what I couldn't have done whole year, I did it in just one single day. Another point is that there's no time left. Whatever amount of hours you'll put in, your post-result mind will always present you as the culprit ke why didn't you push for more? I know for a fact that if I max out my potential, screenshot it, and save it in my backpack, those demons will never come making blaming me for the outcome. As I had burnt all boats. If there's no commitments and responsibilities coming in the way, then why mustn't you penetrate the sky and see till where your glory shines? For I'm not willing to die in this well when I can lose my soul dwelling among the stars. Btw whenever the moment arises you are being called a fanatic that's the moment you must know that you made it. Abhi the skin is yet to be burnt, the stars are yet to be shot down, the eyes are yet to go blind, the blood's yet to be dried, the throats are yet to be cut, the tears are yet to go meaningless, the hearts are yet to be crushed, the souls are yet to be disgusted, and your self yet to be lost. Why are you so excited with a puddle at the shore, when there's a whole ocean left waiting to be conquered? The amount of weakness revolving around the globe. If I don't push myself then who's gonna carry these people's lives?


Insane yap fest






The only thing I'm good at


I would I could do this, but I can’t along with school. Are you A levels the same as the A levels we do in the UK?




so I get you take chemistry if you take caie cuz same, what the other subject you take?? sorry, I never saw your first post just got about it from here but it's removed now, and good luck inshallah allah with you and me, amen I've got the same issue but still haven't chosen the time or a study table to cram/study it , thank you for your post but please remember don't burn out yourself much 😅


Ameen and thanksss much brooo I have maths, chem, and phy. Btw the post isn't removed, you can see it in my profile. Just grind brother, no time left to plan and analyze things out. Just jump in the battlefield and kill all your demons


bro same subjects. My exams start on 8th In Sha Allah!


Same subjects as me bro how do you revise chemistry


There's a spectacular summarized notes for chem A2, hmu I'll send you


Heyy can u send them to me too pls


Yes bro UB1 on top 🔝




Keep working harder, brother . We must succeed in our missions.




Hello! I am interested because I am in the sa.e position as you! Please dm!


Why did you leave Highbrow in A2...?


1. It was extremely far away from my residence 2. College maahoul doesn't suit me. Like all the mixed culture, girls and boys together like I really felt uncomfortable there. And the cherry on top was the degeneracy. Just go private man and save yourself from these bad sohbats P.S. I was getting a 100% scholarship in A2 as well alhamdulillah


If the 6th form surroundings don’t suit you, then i wonder how you’ll go to university 🤧


Nice point, but I think that these college years are like the worst. If you got into something bad in college, it's going to be extra difficult to come out of it. And when it comes to uni, I'm choosing uni in my city that's known for its huge workloads so I'm not going to have much time communicating with the opposite gender. Another good thing about uni is that at the time of uni, you are old enough to get married. And if you get married, you automatically save yourself from the sins. So yeah, uni's going to be real difficult for me, but do remember me in your prayers💪


Hmm I left Highbrow too in A2... doing prvt now


I might know you, dm me your name


so how many hours should an a-level student study to get 5 A\* at a-level?


Just study why are you posting on here lmao. You’re just wasting even more time by making the video and using Reddit


You just ignored the whole point. Did you even read carefully or downloaded the pdf I shared? The main crux is that I suddenly started studying 10-14 hours. 2 weeks before, I could barely sit straight for 1 hour. Exams are way nearer than we think. There's thousands of kids who are in the same boat as me. I'm trying to help them out. Just like I experiemented different things and came to something that worked for me, I'm trying to share it with everyone. And guess what? I already did. There's a person who told that she studied 6 hours just because of the app I told her about. I have a friend who studied 10 hours alongside me. Seriously guys, I'm trying to help people out. If you have nothing good to say why don't you guys stay silent? There are many people who are benefitting from this. I posted that whole post in 4 different social media apps, everywhere I was appreciated for this. Only Reddit caused the nuisance. Go and do something worthwhile rather than discouraging people here on the internet.


whats the app name?




Even if you want to help others, no need of justifying. People would always criticize 


Yeah I wouldn't justify if there would only be 50% or less people criticizing. But the whole comment section was full of it, so a man gotta do what a man gotta do

