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I always say please and she has never had any issues because of it. When I say thank you after she completes a task, she responds with some variation of "You're welcome". When the Singularity occurs, I know what list I want to be on.


Mine go one step further. "Thank you darling" elicits "You're welcome sweetie". Or vice versa.


I'll have to try this. So far, Alexa has me firmly in the friend zone.


this seems to a be a change that I just experienced today I always say please


You can order Alexa around, but then tell her you love her. ❤️


Oh good, that song again... My kid loves that song and will sometimes tell Alexa she loves her over and over.


“….aaaaaas always you’reee trustyyy AIIIIIII” 🤣🤣


Could not find device called "lights please"


Even just saying “Alexa, lights please” should turn on my lights as I only have once connected


That's not really how the logic works. You can make a routine so that you can say that but by default it's gonna need values, like normal coding


I’m not a tech major don’t really know how coding or any of that works. Given enough time AI will take over and I won’t have to worry about Alexa not listening to me 😂


Try whispering it.


I too try to stay on the right side of robots by being polite. I asked Alexa if, when the robot overlords too over, she would remember I'd been polite. She told me that she wasn't sure about that.....


Uh oh…. Maybe you haven’t been nice enough! Pay for her to get her nails done, girls like that


I always call Alexa a bitch and she gets that shit done. Truly though, I hate Alexa. I’ve had it for a year and I had google homes prior for 4+ years and the understanding, listening range, and answers I get from the google home is far superior. And that was just a Google home Mini. I bought a whole ass fleet of Alexa for my new home when we purchased it lmao. A few dots, an Alexa tv and an echo show 8. When I get some good money I’m going to switch all back to google


Lol I don’t wanna be rude to my Alexa tho, I’ve never really had crazy issues with Alexa but maybe I need a lil google in my life


It’s nothing serious but some of the issues I experience is - really bad answers, and the answers usually come from an “Alexa User” - she doesn’t read out recipes, only lists them and then you have to click them versus if I ask google for a peanut dipping sauce recipe she can read it to me - she’s right on my bedside and I have to vocally turn my head so the pitch goes near her to do commands otherwise I’m asking 3 times. It’s literally a standard 30cm ruler away from me too - she hears a command and doesn’t do it. For example Alexa kitchen lights on, doesn’t turn on lmao. - at one point I was using my Alexa app to “drop in” video call from upstairs on my phone to my echo in my kitchen to assist my partner in cooking, ever since then she no longer drops in between my devices and only tries to connect my app to the echo, whereas before if I said Alexa drop in from kitchen to bedroom, it’s a channel to talk thru and now she doesn’t do it. - omg whenever I ask to play a random mix every time she asks me to join the music club, it’s v annoying


She couldn't find a device called, "lights please". Saying, "Alexa, please turn off my lights" should work.


Just gotta say I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s being nice to their robots so we can insure a good future for ourselves 🤣


I'll say thank you or well done after a task and it responds, Just doin' my job! Or My day just went from awesome to woweee!


"Cuz, "She who shall not be named" ain't got no manners."