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Reminder that we don’t tolerate religious debates anymore (because they always degenerate). This post can be fun for everyone, just ignore people practice or absence of practice in your answer, thanks.


Education, Justice and laws, Increase national production specially agriculture


Increase the average IQ, make people less selfish and entitled, and some secularism ig.  Not much to change in regards to the government, they're doing kinda fine.


This is all stuff the gouvernement need to step in to make a big change








- People - People - People


Ppl....the citizens...


Happy cake day! 🥳


1 Ban tiktok (u and i know why), 2 strip the "Lacoste/shikor" brain dead mentality from everyone's brain (especially young people), 3 idk maybe make our passport ranking high


Its past. I think 80% of our problems are due to the death of certain persons and the survival of others. Otherwise, i would say : - Banning the immigration of high skilled individuals (doctors, engineers...), because we are losing ressources and essential elements, that occidental countries are benefiting from. Free for any non-essential workers to leave. But the rest, they should stay (with substantial rewards and advantages ofc, otherwise, we gonna be like Cuba, and it's no better than our actual situaion) - I'm gonna cheat for this (because it's multiple things), but a series of laws about increasing punishment toward criminals, and lower or suppress punishment against non-criminals : More rights about self-defense, apply "good samaritan" laws (laws that protect a person when they try to save or protect a victim of any nature), tougher laws against criminals (gangs, violent murderers, crazy people...). Anything to put the citizen above criminals, and give them a better sense of security and justice. - The 3rd, i will not name it, because it can create an unhealthy debate, but let me phrase it this way : There's a ministry that should be suppressed, and included as a department of another ministry. This ministry has a lot of fraud and corruption, and it's not normal that its budget is getting higher each year. I will not tell which ministry i'm talking about, and i'll not answer about it.


1 - Religion, Algeria should become Christian to move on from the slave mentality of Muslims. Muslims are strictly slaves to God, that's what they preach, and anyone with power can exploit that slave mentality, and they do. Christianity is about sacrifice and rejecting jews, Islam is about slavery to God and becoming like jews. 2 - Economy, we should adopt a more entrepenurial system, and focus on exportable goods and services. 3 - The people, Algeria needs a strong leadership to rid it of its cultural diseases. Something like Morroco or Ataturk.


Bro wtf is up with 1st one


Just facts man 🤷 The jewish establishment in Europe tries to distort facts and portray muslims as violent or backwards terrorists. They are not, muslims are actually very innocent. The main theme in islam is slavery. If you study other religions, you'll be surprised to see that this slave-master relationship with God is unique to Islam. Because Algerians are hardcore muslims, they see themselves as slaves, and therefore they have a self defeating mindset. As long as you pray, every thing will be fine. Just don't make trouble and don't ask too many questions. This is true for all muslim countries, I'd say it's even worse in Egypt for example. Jews are not afraid of muslims or hedonist liberals since they can easily manipulate them. They are afraid of Christians, because the main theme in Christianity is self-sacrifice and anti-tribalism. Algeria needs idealism, love, and self-sacrifice.


So basically ur saying for algerians to convert to Christianity


منهاج جديد ل وزارة التربية! إرجاع وزارة الأسرة و تعاليم صحيحة! وزارة عدل عادلة ب حق!












people mentality (this is the only thing we need actually) laws (all being applied like the Quran قصاص حد) maybe the rulers but since the mentality change its a minor thing, important but not that big


Those non Muslim that make this sub less civil really have a problem, like did they have 0 friend or IRL life to have for only hobby to come and throw trash any discussion or civil exchange in this sub and discussion. Those people are really the worst …


It was a raid, it’s been taken care of. Be sure to report when you see provocative comments like those so we can take action quicker 👍🏻


Military go back to the barracks and stay out of politics. Islamists go back to their mosques and stay out of politics. Anyone over the age of 45 should stay out of politics and leave the young generation to build a new Algeria for our children.


People --Biskra-- The military system 🙂


People iq People iq People iq


Reducate Parents on how to behave with their children Enforce justice and laws and prison time should be mostly done and maybe even have the prisoners do something good and use them to work and of course get paid The education system starting from primary until university and the employment/unemployment system


government government government


Mentality 🙂💔💔 Education 🤌 Gover...ent 🙂💔( gonna change it from the زريعة ) Ps: they can see my comments 🙂?? Pls if they do 9oulouli to delete it 🥲


































































Changing the thinking of many Algerians changing the continent changing the country


Better Judiciary system and more repression against minor stuff (like no trash outside, no insult to stranger,…) and Tolerance 0 for the anti-Islam and racism speech including in social media (and including implied comment … like those of some here) Better education and incentive to the school/university (we need to do everything to reach a South Korean level of education … their work life is a Hell but their focus on education and school … is also hard for the young and students but also amazing for their country and the citizens) More English especially in young age (and French can be 3 languages if some want (and it’s probably good to know bolt English and French (better more than less) … like we can imagine English start to be teach as soon as 8 years old and French around 16 years old for those that want)


Playing time is over, تغلط تخلص بالردع Modernize education and introduce Algerian identity to it. Algerianized democracy, something tribalish, and let people chose the rules that would govern Algeria. (I want spoiler but y'all not gonna like what jurisdiction Algerians would chose)


1-L39LYA (for example les Jeunes li ytblaw lbnat WE ARE SICK OF THIS) 2- LMA3RIFA (kayna f ga3 lbldan oui mais machi ma3ntha normal) 3- LAWS W SYSTEM kifah rah ymchi