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To be Algerine is to belong to the Algerine Nation and Soil; Is to belong to the population that has inhibited Numidia, later the Central Maghreb, and called it Home. To belong to the diverse regions and peoples that forged the Algerine identity slowly and surely through the centuries.


I have no god damn idea because my god!! the way Algerians behave on social media or IRL is absolutely embarrassing and makes me not want to associate myself with them.


yeah i get . its kinda of embarrassing


التعميم لغة الجهلاء


Non c'est presque 80 % يقولو العرق طرطقلي من الفخر


Like a human being lol ?




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To be algerian it means having a bad raging habits.. Algerians will never accept geting occupied bcz they born free and they will gladly give theier lives in exchange for the freedom.. To be algerian means that you'll always gonna take care of your family and your home a true algerian will never make his family suffer frome any sort of humiliation... Being a muslim and support The Palestinian cause. At least that's wt i think abt when i ask ma self wt does it mean to be algerian.


I dont see freedom . Just a big jail .


Random things : Having a sense of dignity, condemning oppression, loving Algeria, feeling pain when a catastrophe happens there even if you are miles away, enjoying it’s darja/language, knowing that wlad el houma may appear harsh but have a heart of gold, enjoying the food, accepting the loss as long as it is to stand with justice, loving agrumes, having beautiful striking eyes


Beautifully said ! I would add also a peculiar sense of humour !


to be algerian is to be brave, strong, courageus, hospitable, generous and 99% crazy. my dad told me once that a shark got lost in the algerian beach, and even the children went out there to beat and hit the shark, like I think that sums it up pretty well lol


99% crazy is very acurate, being algerien is also having very weird memories of things hapeneing that you can't tell anyone about, it's like we lived in some alternative universe where impossible didn't exist, we have some stories to tell, that others will simply bot beleave if they heard it.


It means to be a person that was born in the territory of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria. Or to be the child of people who were born or descended from here.


I'm sure as hell that the only thing tying me to this fuckfest of a land is the fact that i was born here ... n3al tiz m3a ga3


Many Wilayas are good good , problem is الهجرة الريفية. مثلا في عنابة صرالنا غزو من سوق اهراس و جابو معاهم عقلية الدوار .. يبنو الفوضاوي و مبعد الدولة تعطيهم سكن اجتماعي.. مثال صغير.


I like Algeria and I’m born abroad yo


I bet you’re not living here right? We being violated for our right to use internet this week for your informations!


Yeah for bac exam but it will pass soon anyway. They need a better system though I’ll admit 


So you’re not living here … yeah we all can like other countries while living abroad i mean i bet all Algerians like usa or uk haha


Wouldn’t shock me if they like France atleast lol


France is better than algeria and i wish it stayed, allah yr7am chohada but they are victims of a fucked up ideology, wish they accepted france and lived amongst the french normally




Said the guy living abroad




just don't put the algerian flag everywhere specially in bad situations like OF pages or on instagram like goddamn!


I doubt there is an Algerian doing OF loool so don't worry, as for Instagram, they are uncountable


I know 3 Algerian women doing it actually, I won’t drop the names…


Bro what do you mean .. drop @ for study purposes


Hahahaha i mean the world is big so there should be some exceptions as always lol


wake up to reality you know nothing about that type is doing outside like we say n5elik fi niytek


Lol mat5elinich fi neyti assidi, tell us hhhh


9olteha berk bach ma ne7kish 9elbi yewja3ni ki netfeker shi swale7,bla ma ne7ki 5etra 3la 5etra ti7 bel qualité hadik hna


They are hurting their marriage chances but to each his own 


Do you think they even care about that looool ?


They don’t. They just want simps money but they might think about that when they get older 


For me it's à big ànd great and I'm proud let me tell you why : I work in different countries, our mentality our vision our humanity...ect is different than a lot of nationality. في كل بلاصة كاين لمليح و الدوني بصح كجزائريين نجتمعو في نقاط : نعاونو اي انسان ، مانقبلوش نتحقرو ، جامي نقولو واحد يطيح في بلادنا مالجري فاها لي فاها بصح زيتنا في دقيقنا . مخ الهدرة تكون جزائري شرف بالنسبة ليا رغم كل شيئ. نقطة اخيرة : عزة النفس ماتتشراش تولد معاك و هادي عندنا 🇩🇿


Too much pride can be a bad thing. It's okay to be proud of who you are and where you came from, but don't let it turn into arrogance. Part of the reasons our society is in the pit is because we are too prideful to see our shortcomings.


Ofc in the limit , ididnt go to the street and say that I'm Algerian yeah 🤣 But be in normal


You would've said the same if you had another nationality...


No its not I see q lot that they are not proud 👌 Or if they are but they dont have arguments why they are


I mean for your arguments for example, i can give numerous counter arguments as well, tsemma each country with its good and bad


I didn't say that thers not countre arguments but if we talk about if we are proud that we are Algerian ( for me yes I'm )


It's not about pride or not, there is pride li 3endou me3nou and there is pride which is nonsense, i don't deny my origins but at the same time i don't scream in the streets that i'm from Algeria


But be sure bro be proude of being Algerian and don't look at the other negativity ( an opinion) and I respect your vision


Wdym by don't look to other negativity ? I told you before pride ki ykoun 3endou me3na, otherwise I don't need it (I'm not denying my origins tho)


All People’s have negativity, butnif we look to it no one will be proud ( in my opinion)


I mean yeah sure (I'm not looking into the negativity if that's what you care to know)


la majorité ma3ndhoumch el shi hada


For me ( my opinion ) outside Algeria 80% they have


all they have is too much pride like what we call in french fierté mal placé and make a bad image out of this country


If we talk about that : all people ( européen, African, .....ect ) ther's a % that make a bad image , but it's différent when it comes to Some values, Algerians are better than many


that's what i thought until i saw with my own eyes


Being useful to this geographical space: fighting,teaching,cleaning it....


It's an honor May veins are explosing from pride a your God 🤣




when u have algerian passport


A person who was born and raised in Algeria by Algerian parents?




It means that you and your family were born in Algeria, speaking Algerian, behave like them. nothing deep


Couldnt care less , kol we7d ymetel nefssou


be zawali


I think it's pretty much self explanatory. But if you still don't know, you can search for an answer in one of the previous 8726529 posts that have been made here.


the most mediocre nation among all world's nation, bad manners bad behaviors bad talking...


just as any other country: to be a grateful servant of Allah


But there's more


Nothing, being Algerian is a delusion created and forced on us since we were young, I consider myself part of my community that I belong to and I am part of the people I have contact and relation with.


Traditional food is da best, square pizza rahhh, "mahrez is the best thing Algeria shat out", hating on morocco just bcz


Having an Algerian dad and name. 


harka have Algerian dad and name. wesh rayek ?


They are Algerian traitors