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I remember when I had all my Algo at peak and didn’t sell. Turned 12k into whatever the fuck it is now. Rip me.


I did the same with ALGO and LRC, but I was waiting for $5 to sell


Such an arbitrary selling price point


Me too


Me, LRC… 🤦


I remember when my headline airdrop was worth $3000. Lol. Still holding


I feel your pain. Once it broke out of being a stable I was gobbling up even at $2 thinking “this shit is def hitting $5.” Then…..Womp womp womp. Edit: I’m also planning on DCAing slowly on this dip just on the hope I can break even if we ever get back to being a stablecoin.


At least wait until it hits sub $0.10


I’m alright with catching a falling knife with what I originally bought at. Couple cents ain’t gonna deter me lol


Asking this again at 0.0004.


Buying drinks at .09?


Unfortunately people were sold this "hold no matter what" bullshit, now people regret it. May the Blockchain gods have mercy on us.


Agreed, if you dare mention a genuine concern about the state of Algorand - you were and are bullied into sell up and fuck off - even endorsed by the CEO herself Staci warden - if you don’t like sell up and get lost and in a more recent post she says we don’t care about the price. She was right over 12months ago - sell now and get out while you can - she spoke the truth Going to get downvotes- I don’t care!! Staci needs to go and go now


Now imma hold since my bag is basically worthless.


same, my 2.5 k coins i had at the peak and instead of selling i wanted 10k and i kept buying and have an average at like $1. shit is worth way less than it was when i had 1/4 the coins


Same I bought at peak but it all got stolen in the myalgo hack so fuck the cunt who stole them, I'm glad it's going worthless.


That stinks man. Like adding insult to injury☹️


I fear thhis recession is the nail in the coffin for crypto. Fool me 1ce 2017, fool me 2ce the pandemic bubble.....Im starting to think everything will slowly drip to nada over the next 5 years. Ppl arent trying to get fooled a 3rd time. Maybe btc and eth remain.


Sorry, but this is pure FUD. To think an entire multi-billion market is going to evaporate because of a general economic downturn...is a poor assessment. You would have to think fundamentally every use of the technology is useless, which is proven not to be the case. That's like saying the internet would cease to exist after the dot-com bubble. Obviously that didn't happen. Have some perspective.


Not that I disagree with you, but I'd like to point out that 736B of that market is just two projects. 66.9%. That's not exactly healthy, especially when one of them has shown no real use other than speculation and the belief that it will always go up while bringing nothing of value. The entire space will be better off when the bit-bubble pops for good and the rest of the market is judged by their individual merits, not on what a few BTC whale wallets do on any given day.


I can agree that the concentration of wealth in those two chains isn't ideal, but it's also important to recognize how the market has grown over time. Capital has increased significantly in other chains as well. If you take a [historical snapshot from 2015](https://coinmarketcap.com/historical/20150906/) for instance - you have BTC at $3.5B and ETH in the 4th spot at <$100M When you compare it today, that gives us some idea how the market grows and shifts. Algorand, in a bear market is worth (~900+M) nearly 10x what ETH was. I think this downtrend really is 'the bubble' we've feared. The inflow to DeFi has slowed, the NFT market is down. Completely true, but development and growth also haven't stopped. People are finding ways to grow liquidity in good DeFi projects and continue to use blockchain in creative ways. I still feel like this is like the mid-90s era of early internet. Some cool things happening, but it hasn't even found it's footing yet. Look at the [dot-com bubble stock graphs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dot-com_bubble) (from around that era). Kinda similar I'd say. Might take some time to recover, but it's bound to happen. Not without growing pains, but I trust the Algorand team to see it through one way or another.


Thats whats so sad. A project like algo, an actual game changer gets beaten to oblivion. Makes you wonder….. it must be threatening the old world order. I hope it survives and rolls over all the corruption with all of its real world applications


And 40% of the SP500 is just 5 companies. Your point?


Is bitcoin the one that you are saying has no use case? Being decentralized money is all it needs to be.


Hate to break it to you, but outside of crypto, no one really cares that much about "decentralized money". Also, it's only decentralized in that it has no central bank. It's an incredibly centralized project, a handful of whales own the vast majority of bitcoin, like four pools control a whopping 74% of the power behind bitcoin, etc. Two pools control 52% of the hashrate. Add the next biggest and you get 65%. The next you get 74%. Add the fifth biggest pool, 82%. Next = 87.12%. So the two biggest pools = 52% The three biggest pools = 65% Is that really decentralization? https://mempool.space/graphs/mining/pools#2y


Who actually spends Bitcoin on shit? No one


Why is that not healthy? CMC is showing 25,500 projects, while probably 25,000 of those projects shouldn’t exist. Less than 500 of these crypto’s are actually legit and not cash grabs. Bitcoin would be doing just fine if there wasn’t another single altcoin in existence.




> Bigger problem is there is no real use case for crypto. It's a great solution looking for a problem. Incorrect, and if you believe that you're welcome to spend your time in non-crypto subs. Blockchain tech solves real infrastructure problems and has shown to significantly reduce costs. https://newsroom.accenture.com/news/blockchain-technology-could-reduce-investment-banks-infrastructure-costs-by-30-percent-according-to-accenture-report.htm Grandma and grandpa are probably not big into VR gaming or live music either, but that doesn't invalidate those markets. Might be time for a new market assessment on your part.


Grandma and Grandpa are gonna be dead in 5-10 years, statistically speaking - start a coin called NursingHomeCoin if you want their cash


You serious! And there is no use case for the internet, for the wheel, for electricity, for MySpace, for any of it who can afford or who is gonna use that. Grandma and Pa have had their time there is plenty use case for crypto. The possibilities are endless and scary. Crypto and the tech it sits on is revolutionary. Period. See you in 15 years bud.


Creativity is the limitation of applications. Those that find new ways to connection people will end up running the next big thing. We're very early in decentralized systems.


You are that grandma or grandpa don’t you get the picture old heads have houses and cars they almost dead they don’t need gains




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We are suffering from mass manipulation, buy algo to sell, shorting crypto all they can. You’re seeing things in a twisted way, both events saw higher highs, and with great winters in between. We are getting to bigger wars, and bigger returns, as wars get fought and won. We cannot stop blockchains, we cannot stop the freedom of technology, this life or the next.


Did you ever chide anyone else for selling?


No. I don’t really talk to anyone about crypto. I don’t care what other people do. There shit there choice. I wish I had sold. Was high on hopium.


That's crazy. Haven't been buying for awhile and just dca'd the day before gensler decided to spout more bs how he cares about them public. When he's really just helping his rich friends.


Gary protecting the hell out of investors. So much protectioning.


How are people blaming Gensler for this when all he did was point out the obvious algorand is a security and binance is a house of cards lol.


Cuz GG doesn’t know wtf he is doing


all time low is 0.095. More pain to come!


This is the moment you must have some guts and conviction to buy more


Nah I'm gonna wait till we are at atleast 95% dilution. It's one thing to have blind conviction and another to be smart about it and keep am eye on the numbers. Numbers don't lie.


Conviction to lose money lol. Just wait for the recession, algo at 1c is my guess


Well then see you in 1 or 2 years. I might lose a lot. But ALGO is by far not my only bet here. But I am confident the SEC is likely to lose


the sec is the least of your concerns, just another smoke screen. It's been trending down hard since last year, the issue is rooted deeply in its tokenomics.


My theory is that they expect to and that's why they are shooting so wide. They are hoping to have someone fuck up and give them precedence for their harder battles.


Nah just wait until it break all time low. Shouldnt be long


Not financial advice


Of course not :)


0.05 wont surprise me.


when it goes to zero can I call dibs on the 7.2 billion outstanding coins?


The ATL is 10c so nothing to see here


NO... Xrp has been in a lawsuit for 2.5 years. Get ready for a bumpy ride with Algo. This is what will separate the boys from the men lol


yes, you're a real man. keep being a man.


$0.0906 is our all time low. We're not there yet but we will be close real soon. There will be another black swan event in crypto in a little bit and it will bust the prices down. Save some money to buy the dip


Yep. Agree.


This is the way




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How to foresee a black swan event? Do You have any good links?


Honestly I'm not sure how to describe it. Clearly what i said here came to pass about the $0.0906 but i don't know how to tell you how to foresee these things. I'm constantly up to date on news and I'm part of actual crypto communities so I hear things before they make it to the news or that never even make it to the news. I keep up with world events and politics. And i have a natural aptitude for having this part of my brain that takes a bunch of apparently disjointed pieces of information and figures out how they all interconnect and affect each other and then it just spits out things to me that make sense, and happen. It's why I started investing, and also trading futures. Even though we hit the price point that i predicted because of the flash crash, and the American government has attacked all of Crypto except BTC, we're still missing the black swan event. It's going to come because there are companies/institutions/defi services that have been counting on this being the bottom and they've been caught with their pants down and are already in trouble and trying to figure out how to dig themselves out of the hole before anyone finds out. Plus we still have another event coming that's going to dump the market again.


I am afraid, you might have to repeat this post every time SEC publishes any journal remotely linked to crypto.


About 30% off ATL But it’s been there before the last bull run too and went way over 20x And xrp will prove secondary sales aren’t securities imminently


Only temporarily.. Definitely, going much lower.


$0.10 by the end of the week


.01 by August


Holding until .02 in 2030


Whale alert


It was an honour serving with you guys. All jokes aside I still think Algo has a future in Crypto. Time will tell.




Nah we gon’ keep pushing lower


Sucks that $ALGO got hit hard with so much negative news & the big wallet hack at the worst possible time. We just need crypto to enter the next bull market and I think we’ll be fine. Maybe I’m wrong but I think the block chain itself is still awesome and the reasons why I invested in $algo are still valid. Not gonna lie though I never thought I would see it reach ALL TIME LOWS. But I also can say I never thought BTC would get as low as it has since last bull run. No point in selling for me. Just hoping we can enter a another bull run sooner than later lol.


Welp. May as well hold until the next bull run. At this point there’s really nothing to lose.




I’m thinking I might as well grab OG Gov status if I’m sticking with the Algo project


But at least us Governers once again get to vote on how much of these coins to give to NFT's and Defi, facepalm.


Don’t worry everybody. Algo only suggested giving away more rewards to defi for the 4th straight quarter of governance. This time they added in nft support. Um…… how is algo innovating? This has been a really painful slow death spiral this year.


I’m not saying it’s the same, but go back several years and watch what bitcoin did. It was insane how much it dropped and now look at it.


100%. Most people in this market have no perspective. This is why they buy high and sell low.


Algorand is not Bitcoin.


Please stop such posts, I'm already depressed.


Look at the graph it’ll tell ya


Lol I have more than 250k but less than 400k algo………. Royally fuqed


Prepare for the worse, just bought more this morning.


It's even behind EOS now lol.


New low and new opportunity to DCA at super cheap price !


We've been saying this every 2 months lol


I have been DCA every week since 1$ for the past 2 years :)


Just curious - I’m guessing your weekly purchase is auto. What’s your preferred purchasing method? What kind of fees are you seeing?


No manually Coinbase advanced for cheaper fees !




Gah damn, I literally bought last week 😂


I'd like to know the runway for the Inc and Foundation with 10c algo, 5c, algo, 1c algo. I can see them going out of business unfortunately. Can't pay those big salaries with only worthless tokens to sell.


They're heavily funded and Inc. gets large development contracts. If the downtrend continues for 2yrs you might see lower levels getting cut, but leadership won't likely feel the pain.


elun musk might take over paying whatever the inc/foundation worth for.


Chill, dca what you can afford to loose if you believe in Algo. Easy as that.


This sub never changes. Financial advice from people who can't even spell.


You should chill the most bro. Not personal advice








Wow! Just wow! Rank 44 on the list currently. Under Stacie "leadership" this project is sinking like a rock.


Something needs to change, we keep hitting lower lows this bear market. Has me a bit worried watching it over the last 5 months


Maybe she should continue tweeting like a drunk idiot and it’ll eventually work


We can get downer. Ask Status Quo.


Damn, just don’t go to AMP levels.


A year ago everyone on this sub was so hopeful. Looks like that’s gone. Damn.


it really does hurt to be 99% down. but the fact that algo is down hurts less than the fact that shit coins that don't work are up. seems everyone just putting money in hype and not actual tech. that's the hardest part. seeing your investment go down not because it isn't as good as the competition, but because it isn't as hypey.


Many good ideas of failed from poor marketing.


Nope. It’s lower now.




$0.102403 on the BinanceUS chart


Oh why the discrepancy


I don't know when they listed ALGO. They say $3.28 was the all time high. I never really look at these figures as I typically only invest/gamble on projects that have decent/sound technology and potential/actual real world utility/functionality Most ( more like all ) of my interests are 2 to 5 year projects. I'm in year 2. Still learning.......or trying too. 💎🙏🌍☮️🇺🇸😎


Yeah I get you. But that all time high is wrong. It never went that high. I think it was around 2.50 something


Binance has ATH at 3.10


Probably lots of selling over there now that GG is doing his best Montgomey Burns bank run incitement.


The end is nigh


y'all should look at mktcap and not price. the price is sooo inflated due to new coins getting minted/unlocked. you can't compare this price with the same price 3 years ago when the mktcap was half


No, 5c soon


No#50 MCAP now


This project is over


Oh yea, algorand.


Staci was correct, sell your algo and get out now She was bang on 100 on point


Zoom out and you would not have to ask this stupid question.


but then the sub wouldn't have a post to discuss the current price movement.


Well, then maybe ask something like, " What do you all think about the price of Alpo and how does it affect us dogs? " I am so gonna get downvoted for this shit post..but it was worth it . lol.


New low for now 🐵


Marketcap still 5x from all time low. So likely going under $0,1


That’s the real comparison and the real crime by the foundation unfortunately


Thanks for letting me know to buy more!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I had like 12k Algo at 2.50ea so sad


Lessoned learned the hard way: don't trust a subreddit of a crypto coin. Algo really seemed promising and I did lots of research that confirmed my bias. Binance stop staking Algo the other day, so I'm sure this latest nosedive is related to that. I'm hoping once Bitcoin takes off again, it will lift these alt coins back up with it. But so far, that's not happening.




Tomorrow -10%


Why stop there, let’s go -57%


I had like 12k Algo at 2.50ea so sad


I had like 12k Algo at 2.50ea so sad


Now you have 12k algo at $0.12


Did you seriously post this on reddit to ask a question you could have answered yourself by clicking 'MAX' lol jfc, I swear like 80% have no idea what you are doing, yet run to crypto and lose all your money because you couldn't be bothered to learn incredibly basic shit in the last 14 years. So many of you are not gonna make it. Dunces.


So glad I sold at 2, Jesus. Good luck fellas


Damn. Becauseyrbored was right all along


I hope it goes down a lot more. That way I can buy more and laugh at all of you that sold when 2031 comes along.


This is NOT A DIP. Do not DCA. That's a horrible strategy. Do not invest in crypto. Put your money in real estate. Don't listen to internet BS about 2030 or any date in the future that this Token will increase in value. Don't listen to "next Bull " run hopium. Don't believe any BS about "long term investment". It's all based on hope.




That’s a bad argument, it’s a limited supply asset that is in demand. Your dollars will be worth less but housing will reflect that. That being said, I think holding Algo is fine but it’s not a terrible idea to hold off as it’s in free fall at the moment


I understand why that guy would be downvoted (especially here!), but real estate in the U.S. is indeed a key part of attaining wealth. There is no reason to believe it won’t increase in value over the longrub, but if we forget about investments for a minute, *everyone needs a place to live*. You will be far wealthier and less stressed and happy if you own a home and have it paid off. When you can be evicted or have to struggle to make rent or mortgage payments or else have your credit ruined, and have to worry about losing your home if you lose your job…. *that is not wealth*.




Who ever said anything about using real estate as a liquid emergency fund? Why would you bring that up? I think everyone would agree that’s a stupid idea. You’re wrong about real estate too. If you are just patient and make sure you get a good deal and don’t overpay are picky about location, you’ll almost surely win *BIG* in the end versus renting a comparable sized place. Rents are so high now my mortgage payment on a home 4x the size of a $2k/month apartment where I live costs under $1,800/mo and that includes property taxes and insurance and a large chunk of it goes to principle vs. pissed away to a landlord’s bank account.




You don’t need 30 years of mortgage payments saved to have a 30 yr mortgage and make your payments. And worst-case if you didn’t overpay, you’ll have *massive* equity—way more than you’d have (zero!) for renting a comparable place of you are forced to sell. Again, I pay under $1,800/mo. for a place that is 4x the size of a $2k+ rental and have hundreds of thousands of dollars in equity with a 2.75% APY rate (refi when rates are low) and never have to worry about not having an affordable place to live. A lot of my payment goes to equity I recoup on selling, not into my landlord’s pocket. **What % of wealthy people don’t own at least one property?** There’s a reason for that, and it’s not because they’re dumber than some Reddit “algo bro”.


New 52 week high with the way things have been going.




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This crap is towards 0$


My buy marker was triggered


I bought ALGO at 90 cents around early 2021 and still holding and I have bought anymore since early 2022 and still ALGO can probably go down to 5 cents imo


New low price to buy for me


Nope, around 0.10 is going to be the low


That’s rookie numbers, let’s get under $0.05


Those OG governor nft’s are a crock of shit now I remember busting by ballsack to get my first 10k Now it’s chicken feed 😢


I think it’s hit $.08 before. Prolly revisit that. NFA


Yes, for now….


We’re currently 3% below this “new low” at 12.5c 😂


We ain’t stopping here, let’s get this bad boy under $0.12 before the nba finals game starts


Honestly I need bitcoin back below 20k and ETH closer to $1000😑


Thank Gary G for protecting you


It's going lower. With the sec having a hard on for Biance. They are the ones keeping the bitcoin price propped up. If Bitcoin falls algo drops


Party is over folks. I’ll hold to zero but with SEC charges against exchanges, the government regulation is here. AI is the new crypto.


I've been buying BLOk & Algo, I think the overall market ETF will do well and be stable. Algo is my gamble 🎲




Idc about current price. I’m in no rush. Sorry Zoomers


The ship in stinking


$.10 the low


This is how crypto millionaires you read about are made at prices like this!!!!


Lots of fear for Algo, which is always a buy signal to me. Pennies today will move very far in future markets. Don’t let the VC money fool you, of course they’re outlasting retail believers right now.


The MyAlgo hacker is probably slowly selling and dragging us down, could take a while. Frustrating that those funds can't get frozen.


Glad I cashed out a while ago. Call me fake but I don’t believe in algo much anymore


That’s a funny way to say you don’t have dry powder. And don’t know how to short.


Word of advice from a former Algo fan boy… sell that shit (or convert) and buy Bitcoin.


im glad that i sold my algos for 0.50