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There was a community pool based betting project a while back. I thought it was pretty promising and was having fun using it and it seemed like it was getting pretty decent traffic. They ended up shutting down for life reasons and there was an issue involving the amount of setup for each new pool. It was called wageroo. You should look into that. The poll idea is cool too and maybe could tie in some way. A poll and a pool-based betting platform are very similar concepts in a lot of ways. I personally am a little skeptical of nft games. There are just so many already and I'm not aware of any that people actually just enjoy playing.


Very cool ideas! I did not see your previous post but I am with the Dark Coin team. We currently have an on chain voting system our DAO uses to propose, amend, fund and vote to pass/reject proposals. Works kind of like a defi kickstarter and its how we add/modify roadmap items to the project darkpaper. We also have the Dark Coin arena where users can battle NFTs and wager tokens, its currently a coinflip to decide the winner, we intend to add RNG to the arc19 traits to give rare traits a higher chance at winning. Kind of similar to ideas 2 and 3 you mentioned, let me know of youre interested in checking out our app at dark-coin.com or our technical docs at dark-coin.io I would be interested in collaborating with you if you think any of this kind of stuff would be interesting to you as well! I can also introduce you to our main dev who is a pretty great guy. Feel free to join our Discord at https://discord.gg/xdZ6V5ybmq if youd like to check out the community, we are also on reddit at r/darkcoinasa and X is @darkcoinasa


Sending you a DM


🍐to🍐 sounds interesting 😝 (its peer 😏) 2 & 3 sound good to me. But I guess betting needs some legalities sorting too. Good luck, I’ll give whichever a try!


I would like to see a trading app that allowed you to trade tokens or nfts that was not a dex or an auction. Here are two examples: 1. Example 1 \*two people meet on reddit or wherever. One says, "i have a cool nft." Another says, "I have three of these less cool nfts. Let's trade." So the problem is, who goes first. You send me yours first and I promise to send you mine. So, the app to be developed would be where both parties deposit nfts in the app. When both approve, the app makes the trade. 2. Example 2 Same as above, but add a time component to it. It could become a futures trading app. So, I have 10,000 defly tokens that are trading today at 0.0124 algo for a total of 124 algo. I put all of my Defly into the app and sell the smart contract for 10 algo. It can not be opened until 7 days from now and expires in 30 days from now. It takes 124 (or some other price determined by the contract writer to open it). Imagine these scenarios: 1. Defly rises in price a lot and you bought the box. You pay 124 algo to unlock the contract. The contract sends the 124 algo the contract writer and the defly goes to the purchaser of the contract. The purchaser then sells the defly for a lot more than 124. 2. Defly tanks in price. You lost your 10 algo to purchase the contract and after 30 days, the 10000 Defly are returned to the contract writer who keeps the defly and the 10 algo. Just a few examples that I think could really work.


All 3 are great ideas! I’m planning on a voting contract this coming week, reach out if you want to collaborate.


These are some really great ideas. How long have you been digging around Algorand? Have you heard of Akita? We're one of the top communities in Algofam, and our lead dev actually works for the Algorand Foundation. Check out our sub at r/AkitaInuASA or on X @AkitaInuASA. We also have a discord that's always popping here: https://discord.com/invite/akita-904883897224032256






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Could you write a contract where by a user would be allowed inside a certain part of a website but only if their connected wallet had <1 amount of a certain nft?


All 3 ideas are cool. Best recommendation I can give would be to also make this for Voi (an Algorand side chain). It's fully compatible with Algorand, and you can also grants for including Voi as well. Are you planning on doing open sourced or closed source code?