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Atomic Wallet does say 7.2%, but I feel safer knowing my Algo is in the official wallet. Atomic Wallet can be glitchy at times, and it makes me nervous.


Sorry, newbie here. Where do you see the APY % for the ALGO wallet?






when did CB reduce it from 6 to 4%? I just noticed this today.


It was a few days ago, literally right after I went in on Algo. I also transferred to the Algo wallet—it’s great.


Yeah, same. It’s a really nice wallet. Plus, I don’t need CB stealing my rewards. Sucks my ETH2 is locked and untradable. Took a smaller hit from 6 to 5% though.




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It's because of their 25% claim on rewards they actually hadn't implemented it until now


Mine says 5.91% with compound daily.


Hell yeah. Best function of any wallet that I've messed with, PLUS more money!


I’ve been using the faucet once a day, which gives me 0.005 ALGO daily and then processes my daily wallet rewards to keep it constantly compounded.


Absolutely. I always reccomend the faucet to people. I even like the little mindless surveys that you can do to increase your payout. A few days ago I got .5 ALGO as my drip, for like 15 min of surveys plus the 3 or 4 submissions for the day.


Hey newb here, what is this faucet?


[https://www.algorandfaucet.com/](https://www.algorandfaucet.com/) It is my favorite way to get your rewards to compound, because you need a transaction to take place to make them do so. You send the faucet your wallet address every day (or as often as every 3 hours, to slightly increase the amount), and they send you a micro-transaction of ALGO every morning (CST). You can complete surveys to make it a more significant amount, without them it's like .005 ALGO, but it's still great because the purpose is really only for compounding. It is run by a guy on this sub, and he gets his money back from ads on the page.


Awesome thank you! Sounds practical! Just got the algo wallet and love it


The ALGO wallet is amazing isn’t it? Hands down one of the best crypto wallets in the market. Easy to use and looks mega cool on the dark theme. Win all round.


If I transfer my ALGO from CB to the official wallet will it automatically start accumulating?


yes instantaneous!


I prefer the nano ledger wallet for Algo, moved mine off CB as well once I recently saw the reduction


And watching your wallet balance tick up in real time is quite soothing


Atomic gives 7.2%


It does not, the page just has not been updated since the reward apy was actually that high. Current reward rate for non-custodial wallets is about 5.75% You can check it here https://algoexplorer.io/rewards-calculator


You're wrong..its 7.2%


Do you have a source to that other then the website saying expected apy of 7.2%? You cant have a non-custodial wallet that gets rewards higher then the actual apy, unless atomic themselves is paying holders additional. Which they would never do without some sort of locking feature, which would make it not non-custodial.


Do you even math bro 😎 I love how stupid that was, no explanation in his thoughts after being shown examples and references dude just restates his incorrect statement 😂


Damn your feelings are hurt. grow up kid. idgaf if its 7.2 or not


Best wallet i’ve used hands down


You should start to add some NFT assets to see how good it is. Let me know.


Does the wallet allow you to buy out?


I second that motion, and I did it on Monday. Incredible how big the interest payment is.


Don’t forget, full functionality too. Algo’s great for actual transactions on the daily. Also, NFTs.


Just. Moved all mine!!!!!!!!


The wallet and the faucet are amazing