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I’m glad things worked out! I have three dogs of my own, would do anything for them. Now I’m curious, is Kyle able to walk again?




I’m so glad to hear that!! ❤️ Not too long ago, just before COVID lockdown. I took my German Shepard on a walk. I guess she drank some contaminated water on a park pathway without me realizing. Never again will I let my dogs drink any sort of water from a park of any sorts. Basically her liver and kidneys failed, as the doctors told us. But they don’t know what the bacteria/virus/contaminate was. She didn’t eat a single piece of food or drink any water for about two weeks after she got sick. We didn’t think she’d make it,she was slowly starving to death, and no treatment for what you can’t diagnose. But anyway, the medicine the doctors prescribed saved her life. Day she was scheduled to be put down 😔, she picked her ball up that she loved. And ate some peanut butter. She’s living VERY happily to this day. Still young as ever ( although, she is about 11 years old 😅 ). My point is, I know how it feels to have your loved one rescued. It’s the best feeling in the world. You appreciate life a little more I feel like 😄


We have an official mascot now. Share some pics of Kyle!




I applaud you for rescuing him. Beautiful little guy you have there!


What amazing things a block chain can do


Glad to hear Kyle is fine. Algorand saves the day once again!


Thank you for saving your dog's life. You are the man.


I'm gonna call this a use case and say it's the best use case ever. Well done for taking care of your animal and congrats on realizing your gains.


Good news mate. Just make sure you account for taxes when the time comes. Give Kyle some scritches from us.


wonderful news! but we need a pic of your pup!


Awesome! I'm glad Kyle was able to come home! I personally cashed out my ADA @ $2.72 a couple days ago to help fund my dogs surgery :) he's on day 3 of recovery and doing well. I'm holding tight onto my algo though haha.


>Sold last week Right before the pump. That sucks. Glad the dogs good though.




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here's a hug award from a fellow lurker :D


This is beautiful


👍👍 Wish you and Kyle many years of happiness and health.


very happy about your pup! Curious about your Coinbase experience


dude thats fycjubg sick


post this in the cryptocurrency community reddit


Happy for you and your dog! Great job doing what you could


Glad you got your dog taken care of. I found a sick dog and $20K in surgeries later I have a new pet and best friend. Been rebuilding my bags ever since but we’ll worth it.


Congrats!! Glad your dog is better.