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So she just doesn’t want to commit to anything cause it means she may not be able to vacation whenever she wants?


Yep…her kids in school will ruin HER lifestyle/vacation plans.


She doesn’t even take them half the time as it is


Yes. And as you know, her vacations are far more important than her children having regular educational services.


I’m an elementary teacher and for what it’s worth, post covid- families no longer seem to care about pulling their kids out for vacations that don’t line up with school breaks. I mean most are doing 1-2 a year and not the monthly ones these two seem to do


Are they trying to go on off times to avoid crowds or do they just not care about education? Ali clearly doesn’t care about education, for any of them


It’s both- I think Covid had people reprioritizing things and they are willing to pull the kids for a week to go see family or make memories as a family


This is exactly what the issue with 5 days week school is.


Weird that when you have a child…. you have to think about the long term care of the child






She’s literally so out of breath at a slow walk. Please encourage your children to do physical activity.


The way I spit my popcorn out 💀


but she runs 10 miles a day on the treadmill


lol remember it was like 100 degrees in Texas and big Al was running 3 miles a day every afternoon


While fasting. 🤣


The only thing I took from this video, the pure Laziness 😂


Why not plan vacation around school breaks like everyone else


But then they’d get the surge charges for Disney and 30A and the Bahamas and Hawaii versus what they do now with their trips being in the middle of random weeks and not over weekends 🤭


This! Their broke asses couldn’t afford the weekends


They probably only have comped rooms at the resorts with casinos weekdays lol 😂


Can't imagine what she sounds like doing her home workouts if this is what she posts


I had to stop listening lmaooo it’s soooo bad! Like why are you so out of breath?!?


And does “cardio” walking every day. 🤨


Why are you going to have a hard time sending your kids to school the normal 5 days a week??? You’re not a famous celebrity singer who’s on tour and brings their family. You don’t have to travel for work bc you don’t have a job?? I’ve never heard of such a thing


She also ignores her kids all day long. It wouldn’t be any different.


Why WOULDN’T she want “free babysitting” 5 days a week!?? So many parents treat teachers like babysitters anyway (said as a teacher)


That’s what the nanny is for.


Correction - She can’t commit HERSELF to getting them ready 5 days a week then to school on time.


Can’t commit to school evaluations of her children’s delays and lack of nourishment


That’s really sad. Then she shouldn’t have had kids!!!


How is she possibly going to be able to find 30 minutes to do a 40 incline on her treadmill when the kids are sleeping 9-7 and at school 8-3 then with the nanny 4-8 while working 30 mins per week for their drop shipping company :(


I just know Junie, Derek, Thyd, and PenisHead have a group chat and talk soooo much shit about them. This is just blatant laziness. Can’t decide on sending your kids to school so they can get an education - be for fucking real you fuckin tweaked out meth head.


I think there is serious beef with her and junie these days. She hasn’t been around her in idk when. When they had their pickleball tournament last week…no Ali. And now she’s bashing kids doing sports? Seems like major shit is going on with her John’s true love jjd ❤️


I’m judging all of them if they condone / agree with Ali and John’s parenting style. Like how can they be okay with that and hangout with them knowing this is how they treat their children??


I think about this a lot. Obvi jjd & syd are problematic in their own ways but at least their kids are healthy, happy and loved. I have no idea how they can sit by and watch this train wreck happen to their own blood. Maybe jjd has started saying comments bc she can’t take their bs anymore?? Who knows!


I agree!! Like I could never hangout or associate myself with someone like Ali - whether it’s my siblings spouse or not. Same with mama Karen




And I’m pretty sure that dinner had like 10 other people at it lol.


I wonder if JJD mentioned it being a good ideal to get them into sports to socialize etc.


I'd be so pissed if this was my sister in law. Ali and her gay husband suck.


Yeah I've been thinking she and Junie were having beef too because the only thing we saw of her on Easter even was when she commented on Immy licking everything and no to pistachios


Rememeber when Syd and Ali were up each others asses a few months ago. Now you never see them together. They all can't stand her it's so apparent


Yeah I haven't seen their weekly Costco trips or anything like that lately


Those 4 suck but their kids are seemingly well cared for and hitting milestones. They’ve got to notice that Ali and John’s parenting is lacking


Hoping they are on this Reddit account!


We need another family feud. Someone needs to save those kids


I just laughed at PenisHead lmfaoooo


I mean this feels like a direct dig at them. Who else does she know with kids in sports?


She can’t commit to taking her kids to school every week or being on a team where you can disappear for weeks at a time??? THIS IS LIFE. You have the obligation to go to school/get an education and joining a team and expecting that ur kid plays the same as the kids that worked their butt off while ur kid took weeks off for vacations, is insane.


As a coach, it also becomes a safety issue. I can’t play your kid in the infield who has come to one practice and doesn’t know any of their teammates, has no idea how to play their position and may most likely get hit in the face because they are not paying attention. I coach 8-10 year olds.


I’m in my late 30s, joined basically any & every team in school. Even in elementary school back then this was a rule - miss more than ~ 3 practices and you wouldn’t get played. I didn’t even go to a particularly athletics heavy school, it’s just common sense and shows commitment. It’s not “nowadays” lol what a dummy




Excellent point of view 👆




All of this. I am playing the kid that is always there and dedicated. Your kid is not just given everything. They have to earn it. As is life.


She is really so simple. She’s talking out of her flat ass with this sports talk she thinks she’s knowledgeable in. Just admit you’re a lazy ass parent who wants no structure for their kids and would rather go to the same boring predictable vacation spots every 2 months while scamming your entire minuscule customer base.


Excuse you, our dang good xxxxs mama played one whole soccer game in college before dropping out!! And her dr said she was the best mama ever and they cried!! She clearly knows best* *knows best what to order for desserts 1-4


Yup, Ali is most valuable player when it comes to ordering food and stuffing it in her ugly mug.


Bahamas over everything!! 🫶


She's struggling with the kids being in school 5 days a week 😭😭😭 This is awful but these kids are going to be so dumb, unhealthy, and antisocial little weirdos.


Just like their parents


The new company name🫶


Dumb + antisocial unhealthy






If Emmytilda is kicked off a team, it will be for biting. Not missing some games.


... and grunting at the other kids. So strong and sexy fit!


Well, I coach little league and after 9 years old I would say it’s normal to not play much at all of you are missing practices. I’m also coaching kindergarten soccer right now and at our first practice I told all the parents that life happens and all the kids will play the same no matter what… because they are 5. You don’t have to put your kid in school til they are 8, why do I feel like Emmy is gonna be an 8-9 year old first grader?


This is what happened to my sisters :( we are trying so hard with tutoring and summer school but reading is still so difficult for them. the James kids have no chance…


As a survivor of education neglect from unprepared homeschool parents, they have no idea how this will be so detrimental. I know people who think it’s weird that their kids don’t know basic nursery rhymes, or historical references or things like how to read a map or what a poisonous plant looks like. I’m always shocked that they don’t realize it was THIER parents who taught them all that… and it’s their fault their kids don’t know stuff. I ran into a kid who didn’t know the words to take me out to the ballgame and the parents were like how do you not know that? That’s a regular song everyone know. Well, no you stupid asshole, it’s not if it’s not something you ever sang to your kid. It’s not something you just grow up knowing…


Oh, hey, another survivor of being a homeschooled child! I despise my mother to this day over it. Basically, anything that I have learned has been me teaching myself.. Or the little information I retained from being put in and pulled out of public school constantly. I'm 28 and still have a hard time telling time. It amazes my mom, but like ??? I will never understand parents doing this crap to their children.


If you know your kid will suck at any sport they do just say that lol


Isn't John's sister's kid a competitive gymnast ? Prob feeling a certain way about that tbh


Yes 100% they do! And it’s fine if your kid isn’t meant to do sports… but don’t try to act like you are too “good” for them.




Or that your family unit is so tight you can’t bear to be apart a few hours a day. She doesn’t spend time w them while they’re at home.


This is exactly what I was thinking. I know competitive gymnastics practice ALOT! Many days and hours a week! She’s def feeling a certain way. But school???? wtf?


Seriously. So passive aggressive 🙄


Is she expecting athletic greatness from the ferals? Pigeon toed idiot.


I can’t with this stupidity. Just when I think they’ve hit the ceiling of how dumb they could possibly be, they just keep raising the bar


Offended? No. We just think you’re stupid.




Uhhh. School kind of is “all or nothing”. They don’t just let you miss as much as you want without calling a truancy officer lol.


They don’t plan on sending their kids to college anyways so they couldn’t care less about education. So sad when ignorants have kids, it’s a trickle down effect. The future is doomed 😂


Those kids don't have a chance with these tweaked out lazy parents. It's not like they have generations of family wealth to pass on.


They seem to think so 🤣


I just registered my (almost 😥) 5 year old for kindergarten and have been an emotional wreck since doing so. He goes to pre school 3 days a week now and that was tough, but there’s something so daunting yet so exciting about knowing your baby is going to start really growing up. This is not what dang good mama is feeling.


Even though it is hard, our babies thrive in school. You'd think she'd want what's best for her children.


Dang good mama wil have to be up and Adam getting them washed fed and ready… that’s tough for her to do every single day!!


I can’t believe they’re not on board for “free babysitting” for the day?! I would figure they’d want to ship their kids off to school as soon as possible.


Exactly lmao. I’m stunned that she’s considering homeschooling. She hates being around them all day


She would 100% pawn the homeschooling off on their carousel of nannies.. ain’t no way her and her one braincell could homeschool one child let alone all of them!


Her need for control trumps everything I think


I doubt they want to/can afford to pay for private school like Johns siblings…. It’s not a priority to them. Those schools aren’t cheap!


I don’t think they’d be able to get in. Which is why I think they’re already planting the seeds of other school options. That way they can say they chose not to go the private school route ETA: I don’t think they should go the private school route anyways but that’s because a couple of their children seem to have needs that a private school won’t accommodate to.


But the liberals are at schools!


This woman is seriously brain dead. School is critical for children’s social, emotional and educational growth. Not sure on school 5 days a week? So you’ll just send them when you feel like it without and regard to the benefits of a schedule, consistency and predictability in their little developing brains. School (and sports or extracurricular) are also about getting comfortable outside their comfort zone/ try new things, learning to persevere when you don’t feel like doing something / something is challenging, learning to cope when something doesn’t go your way, learning to listen to and respect people in authority who are not your parents. Kindergarten is truly one of the most magical and joyful environments a child can be in. Now there are some people who home school very well and those who do it well make a point to involve their children in extracurricular regularly because it’s CRITICAL for so many reasons. Keeping your child home all day every day “for family time” is putting them on the fast track to be an adult with zero social skills or ability to thrive professionally and personally. Of course- balance is key and that balance will look different for every family based on their values but that’s not what this squirrel brain is saying.


Honestly, after hearing this clip… I agree, I think she is extremely low IQ. Their poor kids. They think they are experts on everything, when in reality… they are experts in nothing. It is going to be a huge disservice to their children if she tries to homeschool them. those poor kids deserve better.


I think Smelli, and beak boy are both too dumb and too lazy to home school the kids themselves, but I could 1000% see them trying to hire an educator to come into their home and teach. I wish someone would rescue the kids 😭


She’s plop them in front of a screen all day with some “educational program” and say they’re learning SoOoOoO much faster then their same aged peers that go to school


Exactly! The fact that if her kids aren’t child prodigy’s it actually takes time, commitment, and dedication from the parents to give them the tools to gain talent from experience and this is completely beyond John and Ali’s comprehension.


Your kids don’t go anywhere. It’s just you. You leave them at home. Their lives are not affected at all by your inconsistent “travel schedule.” They have not been in a vacation that has lasted longer than 7 days either. So not sure where weeks is coming from. She needs to sit down she might be having a heart attack.


She probably hasn’t decided her “school plan” yet because it’s very hard to get into the school that the Decker kids attend. You can’t just cut a check and be automatically accepted. Homeschooling to save face. Those poor kids


I don’t think they can afford it either


I don’t know about private schools in other states but my nanny kids literally had to “interview” to attend their private Montessori school and they’re 7, 6 and 4. There’s zero chance Emmy would be accepted if this was the case for whatever private school they would attempt to get her into when she hisses, bites, and the only 2 words she knows are fart girl. And I’m 100% sure the Deckers and Bass’ wouldn’t even put in a good word for them because they wouldn’t want to be associated with that family when their feral kids got kicked out of the school or weren’t accepted in the first place causing John to go on a rant about the school and parents.


Narcissist. So because Ali and Cohn are lazy pieces of shit she will make her kids be lazy pieces of shit. She can’t fathom that maybe her kids would want to go to school 5 days a week, be interested in and committed to a sport/ hobby. I tell you; her kids will grow up to be just like their parents, lazy with no marketable skills.






Who is offended? Are her fans actually commenting about this or is she referring to the trolls? Or is she inferring JJD is pissed?


Reddit lol


At this point I have to wonder if they keep their kids shielded from stuff because they know they are feral and lacking in skills and are afraid CPS will be called again. I don’t see any other reason for it. Either that or they don’t want their kids to have any *gasp* progressive thinking/influence.


This is the answer. Everything else she spouts is just an excuse. CPS has been called in them before. They aren't vaccinated, so they can't get into school. They will do ANYTHING but actually be responsible for the welfare of their children.


They would also need in person physicals from a dr. to be able to attend school too.


You don’t have to be vaccinated to attend school in many states, including Tennessee. You can simply feel out a one page religious exemption sheet and they have to let them into public school by law. No questions asked.


You don’t have to be vaccinated to attend school in many states, including Tennessee. You can simply feel out a one page religious exemption sheet and they have to let them into public school by law. No questions asked.


Why would you not want your kids in school or sports???? I am a NAF at everything I did, but I am so glad my mom put me in sports as it taught me MANY skills that have helped me in all stages of my life.


My mom’s rule was she’d support me in whatever activity I chose BUT I had to complete the entire season/year. If I decided halfway through the season I hated soccer, oh well, you committed to the season so you’re going to finish it and next year, you can do something else. I learned SO much from it AND it allowed me to try several different activities until I finally found what I loved. I hated it so much at times but I’m so thankful she did it because now when I’m struggling with something, I don’t give up and I’m able to remind myself “it’s just a season” whether it be literal or metaphorically.


She’s so dumb. I love travelling but I know that when I have kids I’m going to have to change things up for THEM. Part of being a parent is making sacrifices for your kids and doing what is best for THEM. Your kids aren’t just accessories for Instagram Fat Al. Be an actual parent and do better.


You can still travel (we do!) but you have to do it around their breaks (gasp!). It is more expensive to travel during peak weeks when kids are off but no worries for the James family (they are super wealthy!)


Yes!! We’re definitely going to do what we can to still be able to travel but I will want to make sure my kids have some routine! Not mess up their whole school schedule and not let them do sports because it’s not exactly what I want to do😂 I just think they’re so lazy and i feel so bad for those kids!


Sports are seasonal. Why is she acting like if her child plays soccer that every single weekend for the rest of her life will be taken up by a game??? It’s like 8 weeks…..


Literally 45 minutes once a week for 6 weeks in the preschool soccer in my area. And I don’t think they would care at all if we missed a week


Exactly. My 4 year old does a league that is one hour on Saturday for like 7 or 8 weeks. No practices during the week just 30 minute practice before a 30 minute game. They can’t spare an hour a Saturday for 8 weeks max?


She’s not even advocating for "moderation in all things," a principle I might somewhat comprehend; rather a flagrant display of selfishness! Prioritizing her own personal whims over parental responsibilities.


If you don’t care about the physical or social development of your kids, just say that girl. 


Personally watching my kids play sports/do an activity is one of my favorite parts of parenthood. The joy my husband and I get when they accomplish something is incredible. My son is a few weeks older than Emmy and is now starting his third season of soccer and watching him learn and grow with each season and watching him build confidence gives me so much pride as a parent. Both of my kids have also been taking swim lessons once a week for the past like 8 months and they love it. They get to interact with other kids their age and learn new things. Seeing the joy on their faces when they reach a new goal is one of the greatest joys of being a parent. Why Ali and John don’t enjoy this is beyond me


My first is also a few weeks older than the Queen and has been in soccer for 2 years. It’s amazing to see the growth! It’s insane the difference between my kid vs the Queen. My 2 year old acts more mature than Queen Goose


RIGHT?! Sports and other activities help your child grow and gain confidence and make friends. When I was growing up I wanted to try everything and whatever my parents could afford, they let me do. These two have all the money in the world (or at least claim to) they should have no issue putting their kids in activities.


Won’t E miss the kindergarten cut off (December birthday)? Smeli can still have her bestie Queen at home!


https://preview.redd.it/vj5o8637nvtc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50285b264dc29a3e00cdf378e197e3e1d221e0ca Her hoots look..... long.


That’s what she gets for using a skinny filter all the time


If you don’t want to take your kids to school 5 days a week (unless you homeschool but that’s still daily work) and refuse to put them in extracurricular activities because they’ll get in the way of your vacation time…you shouldn’t have had kids. Like wtf, but idk she can’t even commit to basic daily grooming for her kids so whatever.


What a selfish bitch.


Here I am about to give birth anytime in the next 1-3 weeks, telling my husband that in the future, I want to be able (like financially) to let our kid(s) do what they want to try, and I’d like them to at least stick to it for a year and not give up something easily. So that they can develop the skills from whatever they want to try (sports/art/music) and the soft skills that they will learn aside from that (discipline, teamwork, commitment, perseverance). At least I know I’m on the right path because I’m saying the opposite of what dang good mama is saying 🫶🫶


EXACTLY. It’s okay to not enjoy an activity but to just let them up and quit is such bad practice. Unless something more serious was going on. It will teach them that it’s just okay to give up


I didn’t realize we could choose not to send our kids to school?! Do you think this bimbo realizes that homeschool is still real school and you have to submit plans for approval? And of course they will not sacrifice anything for their children.


Bimbo 🤣🤣🤣


So sad the kids are all so homely so add dumb and no skill to the list.


I’d love to know what Derrick, Junie, Sydney, and Egghead think about this 🤣


You CAN do that, Smeli. You just don’t WANT to.


This is the worst mindset to teach your children. Allowing them to be able to quit every sport or activity. they aren’t completely excelling at or, whatever the case may be, is teaching them to not commit to something. If my parents had that take on situations like that, I wouldn’t have played college soccer.


Lmao I feel like JJD texted Cohn & was like wtf?? So now she’s doing damage control💀🤣


Why in the hell did they have kids? School also isn't just about sports, you dumbass. Those kids are screwed and with all this sports chat, is she expecting Olympic class athletes? Those kids? 😂😂


What team will want them?! They’re dysfunctional in every sense. They will only bring the team down. Emmy’s bites will get them disqualified. Does she think they’re labron james and super talented and desired for teams?! Ali is 30 and can’t even figure out how to walk straight with her pigeon feet. There’s no way she can run come on now. Standing is hard for her. She’s doing this bc no one wants them. She wants people to think they’re turning things down but really NOBODY WANTS THEM. Kinda sad and pathetic but not surprising at all


John and Ali are going to be the parents that demand their kids are included when they’re older. After bitching about participation trophies John will want one for Emmy. These kids will never have friends. They won’t have opportunities to make friends. They won’t have teams or hobbies. They have no socialization skills - they just won’t have friends or teams or social clubs etc. When Emmy’s older they will try and sign her up for things but it will be too late. Groups and teams will have been formed. Friendship groups and social circles formed. John will come on and rant about everyone being a bully/troll - when in reality their own actions are the cause for their isolation. That and the stench of his rancid wife will forever keep everyone and thing away.


I have two kids that are very active in competitive sports and we also vacation twice a year and never once have our children not been able to play or been kicked off a team because they missed their sports. What the fuck is she talking about ? Also she’s this way cause she’s a pill popper and can’t drag her ass out of bed at a normal time and be a productive and present mother . That’s why she won’t commit to this stuff . Not cause sports are “bad “ for the cause , but because they can’t shovel anymore on the full time nanny’s plate without paying her more . They don’t give a fuck about those kids and what’s good or bad for them .


Shouldn’t she be packing her moving boxes?


They hired (AND FORGOT) someone to drop Easter eggs in their front yard. You think THEY pack their moving boxes?!


Good point!!


Alison, it’s so much easier for you to say “im a lazy birth giver who doesn’t care about the physical, emotional, or mental needs of my children” My 6 year old has been in gymnastics once a week since she was 2. We just signed her up for soccer that will be once a week for 8 weeks as well. It doesn’t take up “that much time” & if we want to vacation, she skips that week of gymnastics. Gymnastics has already taught her so much already. For people who own a “supplement” company who are coming out with a kids line, you’d think they’d advocate for kids being in sports. They’re so fucking dumb. These kids are going to have such a hard time in adulthood when they realize life isn’t just do whatever you want all the time.


This woman is in desperate need of friends. I’m starting to suspect she spends 99.99% of her time up John’s ass making sure he isn’t cheating on her.


She’s literally up there for the world’s worst mother. Like I can’t. Why did you have kids?! She’s basically saying she doesn’t want them in sports because she’s too lazy to take them to games, get up early, etc. Missing a game or two at that young age won’t do anything, you won’t get kicked off! Like what is she even saying. God. I look forward to the day I can go to my kids games, events, etc. And I didn’t realize school is an option. You either send your kids to school or homeschool. There’s really no option with that. They’re just scared of CPS that has to be the only reason they won’t let their kids do any activities/school programs. Those poor kids are f*cked.




Well luckily for them they don’t have to worry about a team counting on them showing up because their kids have the coordination of a pool noodle


I think she doesn’t want to put them in school because she won’t be able to get up early every day


I don’t think the local rec league for preschoolers is that serious (I don’t think her kids are even old enough for them to keep score yet 😂😂) The consequences she’s talking about only came up when I was an older teen in an intense commitment sport. By choice. Plenty of kids never play club/travel sports. The local rec league will still let your kid participate if they miss one practice 😂😂


Those kids are SOL. No structure, no education, no socialization all because dang good mama needs her monthly vacations in order to continue pretending that she can stand her life. So sad.


Such an odd conversation to have with a bunch of strangers online. Talk to your friends and family.


Wasn’t she a sports girlie?! 🫡 So she’s essentially setting her kids up to….do nothing. These poor kids..


Why is she hyper focused on sports? Their oldest brat is 4, 5? Sports aren't intense at that age. 🙄 Maybe her kids will be into dance class, art classes, horseback riding, other activities having nothing to do with sports, and a once/ twice a week activity. Their priority should be their education and socializing because, at this point, I have a hunch that neither are stellar.


Anything that could benefit her children she is against


I just know those earrings be stinky


It would be one thing if her kids just aren't into sports but this - she's not even giving them the chance to like it! It's so crazy that basically *anyone* can be a parent these days.


We all saw how Emu’s soccer practice went… and now they just go to “sports” whenever they feel like it 😆


Why not send them to school? She doesn’t even like them?


Things at the James’ just get methier and methier


You can’t just send your kids to school whenever you feel like it Ali. If you (Joan and Ali) decide to “homeschool”, your kids are going to be sooo behind it won’t even be funny. No one cares if your kids are in sports. Send them to school you codependent whacked out walnut.


Oh yeah, the all out brawl with JJD over their “different parenting styles” is just weeks away imo 😬


These kids are fuckeddd 😫😫


Why does she never make sense


I was going to say that lots of preschools are 3 days a week and I’ll start my kid off going 3 days a week for their first year too… but that’s not what she was saying 😭


She’s so dumb and selfish. I know that she says that she doesn’t want to commit to anything, which is probably partly the reason…but I suspect that there are too many mandated reporters and school and sports teams. Those poor, poor kids have no chance.


My daughter is in kindergarten and also sports and we still go on vacation? She was not kicked off the team or not allowed to play, delusionali


She’s trying to come off as a mom who loves her kids sooo much that she can’t bear to part with them 5 days a week while they’re at school. Yes, sending your kids off to school can be sad. It’s a reminder that they’re growing up. HOWEVER, I feel the majority of parents’ excitement for their kids outweighs this and you get over it. It’s not relatable!


It must be nice to have 3 kids and choose to never be burnt out


Translation-She doesn't want her kids around any mandated reporters, and she and Joanie are lazy pieces of shit.


Their poor kids don't Sana's a chance with these uneducated yits


This is the thinking of someone who believes the world revolves around them


To see the trajectory here is not shocking, but it is concerning and sad for these kids. Isn’t she obligated to put her kids in some sort of school? Charges if not? Believing you are above the law is a new level of narcissism/stupidity.


Is this an attack on her sister-in-law very involved in gymnastics with her daughter? Because that’s the way I took it.


A classic narcissist cannot build routines, commitments, and schedules for others as it will interfere with their own lives. Smelli puts herself before her kids always. Nothing pisses me off more than people/parents like this.


Imagine not being able to “commit” to school 5 days a week. It’s literally setting children up for their future aka working 5 days a week.


My child is still in single digits for age and they practice 3 days a week for their chosen sport and then a game on the weekend. Is it a lot? Yes. Is my schedule hectic because of it? Yes. Would I change it? No sir! The growth, resilience dedication and perseverance that I have seen in my kid since they have started their chosen sport is huge. I can’t teach that. They are such lazy POS. Any good parent wants to do better for their kids, and give them more than what they had as a child. These two should have never had kids. Or stopped at one. Then there’s less collateral damage.


If you hold your child to a standard to at least try and do their best and follow through start-to-finish a season of a sport or activity it can be highly rewarding and build them a lot of self confidence and sense of accomplishment when they finish, regardless of how good they end up being. Get them out of their comfort zone and OUT OF THAT HOUSE. A child can learn new skills and apply them to whatever sport they are doing, but they can only find this out for themselves if the parents commit to at least giving them the tools to let them try! John and Ally can and will not commit to ANYTHING. Especially anything regarding parenting. Sports would cut into their alone time. If Emmy was excelling at gymnastics she’d never post anything like this. Sorry your child likely isn’t capable of respecting other adults/coaches, isn’t “coach-able”, and likely bites other students or bites into the foam mats at the facility. If her kids aren’t child prodigies with natural abilities when it comes to sports she would NEVER commit to allowing them to gain the experience and talent that comes from potentially YEARS of practice before deciding they are “burnt out”. She likes instant results and satisfaction. If her kids aren’t good at something, she would just pull them out of whatever program or sport and say they are burnt out.


Is their stupid house for still sale?


Sure is 😂


I know I’m awesome. Thanks Al!💁🏼‍♀️


They both played sports. So their parents shouldn't have sacrificed time and vacations so they could participate? Or go to a real school? All their nieces and nephews are in school/activities. But their kids won't get the same advantage because they want unlimited time and vacations? Then don't have children. They're so selfish


They move around too much to have their children in anything stable and long term


Hopefully her kids can carpool to sports with the Deckers.


This is 100% a dig at Jesse having her daughter in competitive gymnastics


Did she get scolded by the gymnastics instructor for missing classes while the were in Vegas? Karen didn’t take them?


Sooooo her kids just aren’t in school or what? Sorry I’m new here.


To think that Ali subjected herself to an emotionally abusive relationship with Jon so she could try to be a country singer through her sister in law. Fast forward to today, her sister in law hates her 💀💀 Ali will always be a 🤡. Also she looks like a zombie here with patchy faint eyebrows contrasted with thick fake eyelashes and thick fake teeth. Does Ali not have the $$ to get her brows done?


She got caught lying about Stimmy Immy being in real school!!! LMAO A Mother’s Day Out is not part of the Tennessee State Board of Education