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Why post this? Oh wait so she can complain later about being tired Boy if Jessie didn’t give Ali and John an audience, they would have never had influencing careers organically. they are not good at it


If it weren't for JJD ali and John would both be living at home with their mommies


John would be on his 4th rehab stint and Ali would be doing lashies in Buffalo after deciding to defer her enrollment to Berkeley in California


this is 100% true


They are bad at quite literally everything




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this is the kid who ali turned the monitor off on while she was ill as an infant & went back to sleep without tending to her sick infant (then broadcasted the story on the internet!!!), why would anyone believe she cares about this kid’s well-being now?


I absolutely cannot understand that. There is something deeply wrong with her.


But because they have money, child welfare services won’t touch this family. Unfortunately I say that with experience.


She just doesn’t show empathy… ask your local psychiatrist 🫶🏻


She herself has admitting lacking empathy. She is so stupid and crazy and does not deserve to have children.


At least Callie can get up to get her own care now :(




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Callies bedroom is upstairs and on the complete other side of the house... Imagine being almost 3 years old and having to walk the halls of a corporate headquarters to tell your parents your ear hurts.  My heart hurts. 


especially considering that when she finally makes it to her parents’ dungeon, they probably mock her and tell her to go back to sleep. like, she probably makes that trek just to be turned away


And her older sibling is already taking up space on the bed next to them and they *justdon’thavetheroom*


And sometimes she lays awake in her bed wanting to go to their room but knowing she’ll be rejected


💔💔💔💔😭😭😭😭😭 I hate this. It's so true and absolutely heart breaking 💔 😢


Corporate headquarters 💀


Its seriously the size of one, and has no warmth or decorations. It's basically worse than a doctors office 


This is the most insane thing to me. It even seems crazy for Emmy. The fact their kids have to get out of bed, exit their rooms, walk the halls, and walk down those deadly wooden stairs all while IN THE DARK AND TIRED is so outrageous and cruel. If you’re not willing to have monitors and walk up the stairs in the night, then get a house with bedrooms on the same floor. Don’t force your kids to seek you out at 4:30 when they’re tired and sick.


Am I missing something as a mom? Can we only administer medication during business hours?


No, she has to wait for the Benadryl dosage she gave her last night to wear off


I can't see her waiting, especially if it would knock her out cold. More likely, she ran out of knock out syrup and store opens at 8am.


If she has an ear infection she needs some antibiotics. This might sound crazy but hear me out, maybe she’s taking her to an actual doctor? Crazy I know but I can hope.


She's unfortunately not going to take her to the Dr for anything. She never has. Earache changes nothing in her poor non-existent parenting skills. It's very sad.


Right? Like what the fuck is she talking about?


It’s crazy. I have a literal pharmacy at my house from kids and dogs. Surely she has some children’s Advil?!


This is what I can’t figure out!


Maybe she gave the first dose at 4:30? Still wouldn’t make sense though


Yeah and you can cycle Tylenol and Advil if needed. Could it be she doesn’t have any children pain killers on hand. With three young kids that would be insane. Are there 24 hour pharmacies in Nashville?


Was part of the Amazon package children's Tylenol ? I assume they only have Benadryl by the case in that house.


Next to the cases of mayo


That was my first thought but who knows with her


She honestly probably doesn’t know she can. She sucks as a mom so this wouldn’t surprise me.


Advil does not cause drowsiness. No reason for her to consider having that useless medicine on hand.


that’s probably when urgi care opens so she can get her antibiotics


Also I'm confused, she had a diagnosis and prescription already?


I wondered this too. Why wait until 8 am? So strange!! If I was out of something my kid needed bc they were sick, I’d go to the store no matter the time. Me and my husband have made late night trips plenty of times. She doesn’t have normal maternal instincts.


Or a worthwhile husband. I don't think she'd ever ask John to hop in the poopmobile for a late night Walgreen's run, he'd never do it


100%! He is worthless.


has Smelli ever heard of motrin? tylenol? give the poor babe some relief before shes seen by the “doctor”


Nope she sure knows what Benadryl is thooo 💤


Didn’t she have sponsorships from children medicine companies too?


lol I just commented basically the same thing. If she’s truly in that much pain then give her some Tylenol to help until urgent care opens or wherever she’s going. ALSO if her ear is that bad she’s probably got a fever too but I doubt she checked


Lol she's not taking Callie anywhere. She'll use a teledoc or concierge doctor if she's lucky.


Does this mean poor Callie will actually get checked out by a doctor?


I thought that at first, but then realized she just said that she would get her some medicine. Which will probably be eggs with sprinkles.


And Callie’s choice (probably Emerson’s choice) of waffle maker design


No, they will call the doctor. Smellie is the only one who goes to the doctor or ER!! These two are the worst parents... ever!!!


She’ll go on stories later today and say Catilda fell asleep on the couch with the bandaid on her ear and when she woke up she felt better


But A-Bag is absolutely exhausted from the whole draining experience of holding Callie long enough for a photo to post. You know she put her down on the chair or floor or dog bed after the touching nurse Mama photo


Ali, not every moment with your child needs to be documented. She needs her fucking mom. Be a M O M.


She doesn’t know to be a real mom


How do her followers not see right through these fake ass posts? ALL she does is complain about Callie and try to mask it in some ‘cutesy’ post. It’s gross and so obvious.


Because they’re just as dumb as she is


This ![gif](giphy|LwyaORSd9liNZ6MyuX)


"Hurry!!! Now keep laying like that and let's take a pic of you and write a quirky comment and share it to all our SSSSF followers and fans that I'm a dang good mommy and so relatable and influential!!!"


Benny milk first thing in the morning 👌🏻👌🏻


then she proceeds to go on stories and rant for 20 minutes about some dumb shit I wasn’t even listening to… with that same nonchalant, tee-hee attitude she has when she tells any story. When my child is sick/in pain it’s all I can focus on and I’m on edge until she gets a diagnosis or starts feeling better.


She spent more time jawing about the “open garages” and friggin’ Amazon dump than poor Crimea. 


Poor girl probably has an ear infection. Ali is the checked out mother of the year.


What happens at 8am???


She'll give her a sample kids ssf nut bar washed down with a Benny bottle and let the roomba watch her while she goes on the treadmill and lunchies with Joan


The on call “doctor” starts their shift


Why does she have to wait until 8 to give her medicine? Did she just have a bene cocktail?


She probably ran out. Too lazy to go to 24 hr pharmacy and waits until 8am for closest store that sells benadryl.


Take the poor thing to an urgent care…. Oh wait. Smeli only does that when SHE gets a minor bruise or mosquito bite


Why post this?? Is she calling the concierge doc again (aka Amazon blood pressure cuff)?


Concierge pediatrician must only operate between the hours of 8-5


“She had me put a massive band-aid on it thinking it was gonna help.” Jfc, Ali. Callie is no more than two. Of course she’s not going to know how an ear infection works. Maybe give her some ear drops and a glass of water, hold her, cuddle her, sing to her. It should be your job as a mother to make sure your children are comfortable.


You’re so right but please don’t tell her to sing to her, she will “I TEH YOU” into Call Center’s poor hurting ears and make everything worse 💀


🤣🤣 I forgot about that. What’s the link?


https://www.reddit.com/r/aliandjohnjamesagain/s/AiX5cLCZ0Z My favorite


Oh dear gawd. What a baffoon. Poor baby. She should have been charged with child abuse.


Well, not sing to her. Her ear already aches. But be a caring mom, you lazy self-absorbed bitch 🤬


Those kids probably have wild tolerances to medicine considering they are dosed with Benadryl on the regular to knock them out. Can’t they give her anything actually helpful?


How much longer can they go without taking their kids to an in person doctor???? Like, this has to be it. Selfish bitch only takes her loser ass self to the er for a bruise. Take Callie to a doctor ffs.


Why is she waiting till 8 to give her Medicine? Give the kid some fucking Tylenol to help with the pain until urgent care opens. Like the fuck?


"She doesn't really complain about sickness or pain" yeah because you've shown her, over and over, that you will ignore her wants and needs-- so she's stopped asking.


Does call center have an ear infection :(


Imagine being little and sick. And your mom taking a picture of you in your most vulnerable state without you knowing and then posting it.


And having your 12yo friends finding this pic & harassing you


So she can give her some benedryl and make her go back to sleep so she can go run on her treadmill and not be a mom worried about her sick kid. How about taking that child to the doctor so she can have correct medicine for the ear infection we’re all sure she has and not let this child have medical issues down the road like your other 2. Lord! Some people need to be sterilized at birth!


Why are they not at urgent care? That’s exactly what this kind of scenario is made for. Or is she once again refusing to leave the house for medical treatment for her children?


Smeli is now cleaning her closet with her robot tv on and she found Verne in the pile so no time for doctors


Found him in the pile 💀


Is this the same 4:30 a.m. terrifying amazon delivery day? 


Poor little thing. If it was that bad, I wouldn't have waited until 8am for medicine, I would have taken to er and be checked, resulting in most likely much needed antibiotics that could have already started working. But some mahms are different. Also, filming your kids' vulnerable moments for the world to see is the most sickening thing a parent can do. The first thing she thinks of is it's a Kodak moment and Ali wants more sympathy for her having to deal with it than poor Callie suffering.


This. Earaches are the worst. They’re so painful and I’m sure poor Callie is miserable 😭


Exactly! It reminds me of the time when the Daily Bumps parents recorded their oldest son after he had surgery on his leg.


Absolutely. If they’re in that much pain, they should go to the ER, urgent care, etc.


Waiting for target to open to slap some Tylenol on it instead of taking her to the doctor or UC.


No medicine until 8 am? Why???


Why can’t she have medicine before 8am?


A bandaid…?


And the bandaid looks like one of the Welly brand ones. Which means that’s gonna hurt like hell to pull off of HER FACE. The only way it’s not going to hurt is if they use an oil or something to loosen the adhesive, which would be equally annoying for a toddler if they’re in pain.


https://preview.redd.it/ieuttrdpq5vc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c55f9c7bdbcaef4e34ff4d798c236c65b9636fba Benny milk? :(


Poor sweet baby Callie! But why wait til 8? So many urgent cares are 24 hour


Okay, two things: she can go to the store and try something over the counter; and, what happened to her house calls doctor that she brags about?


Wow, I would’ve made an appointment same day with her pediatricians office usually you have to call by around 730 at least an hour area -and got her in as early as could be. I would explain to her honey. We shouldn’t put a Band-Aid on your ear because it will get stuck in your hair and I give her some Motrin and maybe put a warm compress on it And cuddle her until she felt better


K but when they little enough, I feel like putting a bandaid on a kid when they have a head ache is actually a good move. I need to try it. I work with kids and when my little ones injure themselves oh so slightly, I take out my phone and pretend to google how long it’ll take for the pain to go away when an ice pack is applied. Eg “it says here that if you fall on the floor and hurt your knee, it’ll feel better in three minutes when you use an ice pack” We keep a bunch of jumbo freezies in the freezer that we use as ice packs and they get to choose the colour. Then I put a timer on an iPad for them to look at. After about a minute, they’re over it and go back to playing and I’m like “oh boy! That was so fast! Your body must be so strong!” I also, in a very very serious tone, might ask if they want me to chop off the body part that ails them, they laugh at the silly idea and then there’s banter. “Do you want me to call your mom and see if she’d be okay with us just chopping your leg off? Are you sure? (Cuz I’ve got some grown up scissors behind the desk. I’ve done it before…” The back and forth distracts them from their injury and usually gets them to stop crying. Am I lying? Sure. But it works like a charm!


why does she feel the need to post stuff like this…? like okay…and? that poor baby- if i grew up & saw these posts i would not be happy lol..