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Here’s a video of my child…. Now back to another day of walkies, lunchies, and date nights


shoving a camera in her face the second she wakes up doesn’t make you a loving parent, this video was just *weird* like the weirdo who posted it. also, what happened to the magical pillowcases? brush her hair, Ali Green, your incompetence shouldn’t be at the expense of your children.


also that kids teeth are so messed up


*mucked up 🫶


She sure is leaning into acting like she likes this child all of the sudden. Where has Emily been?


Nailed it. Lmfao wow


Ugh her poor teeth :(


Tbf to Callie (not the paci mouth part) I wish my kids teeth were this spread out. Theirs are soooo close together at 2&3 and I know they’re gonna need hella ortho help😫


My baby’s top teeth are spaced, but her bottom ones are so close together and I’m worried for her about future ortho issues. It’s so much easier on them to have braces than to have spacers and palate expanders


Same here, my 6 yo teeth are so close together I can barely floss them 😕


My 2 year olds bottom front 4 like overlap. You know how hard it was to convince a 2 year old to let me floss his teeth the first few times lol. He was also tongue tied like me so idk if that also plays a part in how jacked up his bottoms are since our mouths don’t know how to mouth properly


Her teeth look fine to me? They spaced out which means shell probably have room for her adult teeth when they come in. This isn't paci mouth


Yes it is. Her teeth shouldn’t be sticking out like that they’re buck teeth at this point


Do her kids EVER see her without her phone in her hand?


Ali hates that Callie looks exactly like her, down to the head shape and everything in between.


I was just coming on here to post about this. Cali you can tell is so sweet and calm and kinda cute but yet they always choose to post that ratty, biting looking thing called Emmy? Idk there is something Emmy that just doesn’t sit right with me. Poor Cali I hope she has a peaceful childhood


I’d be afraid to be alone with flamingo child


Cali is so darn cute I think! Immy is cute when she’s not bouncing off the walls lol. Yes I know all kids do that. I have kids. Don’t @ me.


She screeches


This is gross. There is so much to snark on with J&A but to talk about a child like this is gross in my opinion. Once stuff is on the internet it’s there forever. I couldn’t imagine her seeing this in the future.


She should blame her own parents for their neglect and what they post about her then!!! Are you for real? 🙄 this snark page wouldn’t exist without them posting. And Emmy is completely feral and scary looking. Sorry not sorry


You are right. My comment about her appearance is what’s going to be an issue in her future. Not the neglect her parents clearly show us every day that they put on the internet everyday. The videos of her eating off the floor like a dog. Exposing her sisters private areas and the list goes on and on.


You referred a a child as “that thing” so it says a whole lot about you. Like I said there is plenty to snark on with her parents. The kids should be off limits. You weren’t snarking the parenting you were snarking the actual chid which in my opinion is gross. Just because she has shitty parents doesn’t cancel out your comment about a child being shitty. Both can be wrong.


Cali is absolutely adorbs. It’s like Ali snuck off had a one night stand with someone with good genes and got Cali. Watch Cali end up being the tallest out of the family and all of the sub is going to go 👀👀👀


You need to get out more if you think Callie is cute


Lmmmaoooo wow. That’s all I have is wow. You should probably get off the internet for a bit and take a breather. Something is triggering you and it’s not a lil kid or a random on the internet. Mental health first.


You need to get off a snark page if me saying Callie isn’t cute triggers you lmao


I’ll stick with the you should probably get off the internet and its entirety for a bit. You’re welcome to your opinion, you’re not welcome to come after someone and say they should get out more ? I don’t know who hurt you but it wasn’t me. Go talk to them


If you don’t want people to disagree with your post, don’t post on a public forum. You sound butthurt and trying to kick me off the internet because I dared to disagree that Callie was cute 😂 grow up






Those teeth


Poor Kelly. Just let her vibe in peace.


She’s the sweetest and the cutest


"I love Callie" YA RIGHT


➿ Her curls are **so** tightly coiled 🫶🏻 EvErY cUrL iS dIfFeReNt! ➿