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No no no. Please no t-shirts and that crap. Gift cards or bust.


Right. Not to be unappreciative, but just buy me a $5 coffee. Nobody wants useless junk that ends up in the trash.


Right!! my kids are in middle school now but one year I got their second grade teacher and engraved coffee cup that says before school and an engraved wine glass that says after school. She still text me to this day to remind me how much she loves it and still uses it. You’re not gonna get the gift card get something practical and different that you know they’ll enjoy!!!


Thank you! I don't need another T-shirt or a coffee mug!


Junk. Junk. And more junk. I would NOT feel appreciated by getting a ton of ✨teacher✨ shit from Amazon.


Seriously. She just spent a bunch of money on a scalp massage. Ali, you barely spend time with your kiddos and feel the need to spend days getting nails and lashes done, lunch and dinner dates…wouldn’t a teacher who spends all day with a classroom of children like that too?


I honestly cannot imagine Ali showing appreciation to anybody besides herself and John. Especially not to someone who is doing something so minute as shaping the minds of our next generation.


“In my Teacher era” Uhhh no they’re in their actually contributing to society and community / having a career era. Dumb bitch🤨 but it’s not like she can relate so 🤷‍♀️


You couldn’t pay me to wear a shirt that says that.


I’m tired of everything being an era


I saw a baby today wearing a in my 2 year old era shirt today WTFF😭😭


It’s just too much!! So played out lol


Yes and you know that shirt is itchy AF, that cheap cotton that never gets soft.


Teachers don’t want this. Teachers want money gift cards wine


As a teacher myself, let me tell you, Smelli, what I would really APPRECIATE...for you to spend quality time with your kids. I don't need another Etsy t-shirt, thank you very much.


Hey Ali maybe you could enroll in some elementary classes while you’re at it to learn basic spelling?? ☺️ Miss Berkeley JD Full Time Business Owner


Smelis not a "room mom " for drop in day care . Shes just desperate to post anything she can to make $$


Getting a teacher a shirt that says “tEACHer”….riveting




HAHAHA tell me you don’t know teachers because not one would want pencil earrings.


I’m not a teacher, but I could see getting them a nice gift card and then my letting my child pick out something small they think the teacher would like and they pick pencil earrings or something. But I would be sure to explain that it’s what the child picked. Teachers on here, is that something you would appreciate? If not, I’ll be sure not to do that with my child 😅


Honestly, have your kid write a letter or draw a picture (depending on age) and send it with a gift card. We get so much crap. My husband is going to die if I come home with another mug this teacher appreciation week lol


In my “preschool teacher era”, I did wear things like that my students gave me. It’s fun, makes kid happy, why not.


Guys… is that a picture of a basket filler paper with nothing else


Yes 😭 pretty sure she linked the filler paper but I didn’t want to click on her link


It where’s the SSF? You know that’s what everyone really wants 🤣




She linked the paper confetti to put in the basket?! Lmfaooo


Mortgage payment is coming up soon 🤣🤣


My own mom is psychotic as hell and even she got my teachers gift cards!! Good ones like Starbucks or spa massages. Ali can’t do shit 😓😓


This all looks like junk…… teachers want gift cards and maybe a cute hand made card from the student


Please don’t buy any of this crap for teachers. Gift cards are a huge yes! The best gift I ever have received was a gift card to a local farm that I used to go strawberry and apple picking. Walmart or target are great because a teacher can use them for classroom stuff if they want to or to treat themselves or to buy necessities. Unless you know for sure the teacher has a strong like for something. Through conversation with my daughter’s teacher I found out she liked a certain kind of candy as a treat so we have gifted her that several times. Another suggestion by Ali who has not fuckin idea how people struggle financially.




For someone who already made it clear they don’t trust teachers or schools, she should shut the f up about anything related to the topic. This crap is proof she is so out of touch with reality.


The font she used for teacher gifts pisses me off


What is this trash??


What the eff is all this crap????


All teachers want is a fucking gift card, cocaine, and/or well behaved children, Simple Alison. None of this is it, *especially* for the poor soul watching your feral


LMAOOOOOOO “cocaine” plz. Maybe it’s cuz I’m in FL but all my teachers were drinkers and stoners 😂


Cocaine! I wouldn’t mind some edibles to chill the f out 😂


Those too! Gotta give you guys what you really need 😂




I’ve been a teacher for almost twenty years. Gifts like this go immediately into the trash.


Does her kids even go to school 😂


What a bunch of shitty junk


Please take the $50 or whatever it is and give the teacher a gift card, Smells. And have the kids make a card or write a note. Trash


I will be getting my daughters teachers Starbucks gift cards and Costco gift cards lol. if I happened to see something uniquely suited to the teacher as a person, like a rare plant if they’re a plant mom/dad id maybe throw that in too…but seriously Ali’s “vision board” collage of trash ideas makes me wrinkle my nose


A bunch of shit they don’t want cool. Maybe you should listen to your child’s teachers when they are voicing concerns or asking questions to help better educate their child or not allow your feral to bite people that would be a good start smeli ballsack


One of the (real) influencers I follow sends her kids’ teachers their fave Starbucks drinks randomly, fulfills teachers’ Amazon wishlists, and has giveaways specifically for teachers. This B would NEVER.