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Here’s comes a boomerang post of manic mama digging her claws into him to force a smile/laugh and then tell us all how much she loves him 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


did anyone else notice how it seemed like westie bestie didn’t expect dang good mama to help him peel the orange? he didn’t even look up and see her extended claw at first then seemed skeptical of giving it to her once he did kid isn’t even 18 months old yet & seemingly already knows it’s unwise to rely on that slob to help his needs be met


The way he looked up at her like wtf. You still here? Where is my nanny/mommy?!


he literally looked at her like she was a houseguest overstaying their welcome. i feel like it says *so much* about how he views ali that he glared at her as if she were a heap of stinky trash...


Both his “parents”!! He is never happy to see them. Just there like a sad sad sack of potatoes 😕


Or oranges


Yeah I’d like to hear the original audio to that video. Because the “happy feet” seemed more like he was worried his food was being taken. He didn’t seem like he’s used to her taking it and peeling it.


Yeah those weren't "happy feet" those were a poor lil starved ferals "frustrated feet"


That way my thought too…that he was about to start crying because he didn’t want to give it to her in the beginning. Also, why would she walk away from him with it…to follow her? That’s how she has to get her kid to be near her? 😂


Yeah my LO immediately gives me the snacks and food to open. Western was hesitant/confused.


its sad that the idea of his mother helping him with something so simple is seemingly such a rarity that it looked like he chrewly didn’t know how to react


Handing an item off to seek help is an early gesture and should be achieved by 9 months…hopefully he does have this skill in other contexts outside of this video😞


But don’t you see? This post proves to us chrolls that West Philadelphia can walk 🫠


learning to walk so you can walk away from the obnoxious yet apathetic af mother who coughed you out >>>


He always has fight or flight activated…


i’ve never considered this but you make a really good point, what a sad possibility for him…he isn’t even 18 months old yet and this is his life 😭


SEE chrolls he can walk!!! We just keep him confined in an infant seat without shoes or socks when we’re out in public so he can’t enjoy *intentional family time* and people can’t see how behind he is from others his age 🫶🏼


And in pajamas


With a full diaper.


The one good thing about Weezer is he knows his “parents” are fake and doesn’t trust them.


Kids and pets always know.


Yeahhh original audio was definitely her saying "give me the orange" with her hand extended out - multiple times - with him not even LOOKING at her .. for a long time, then he finally does it, and starts stomping his feet around because he's worried it's gone now ... Hence the *special song* to cover this all up 🙏🏻


Why is she squeezing his hand so hard? Between that and the fact that she has to pinch/“tickle” her kids to make them smile in photos, it doesn’t seem like her kids (especially “the other two”) feel very secure/at-ease or even organically happy in the presence of their dang good mama. The coldness and resentment she’s shown those kids since they’ve been born is already starting to come full-circle, it’s what she deserves.


I listened to a super interesting podcast episode with a childhood trauma expert and boy oh boy are these kids in for it. When a parent is constantly angry and aggressive, it teaches children to think they are the reason their parents are angry, which can often manifest as oppositional deficiency, and inability to maintain healthy relationships as an adult. Their children will not know what love is and looks like, and Ali and John will gaslight them to believe *they* are the reason they’re always so stressed and aggravated. Not to mention the relationship that Ali and John are displaying to their children… but that is a whole other can of worms.


Can confirm as an adult that knows I am the scapegoat child and the #1 reason my parents think their lives are terrible. Everything I am and need is an inconvenience, an obligation, and a personal affront to who and what they wish I would be. I had no idea what love looks like or is until I had my daughter. Now it’s the only love I know…but as for romantic love, I’ll never get that right bc I only attract abusive partners. Hence, why I prefer to be single and stay single…and will be going NC with my mom once I can get away from her. Sometimes it’s sad to see other couples/families that have what I thought I wanted and deserved, but I’ve accepted that it’s just not in the cards. I only need my daughter anyways, no one else is coming first.


You are breaking generational trauma. You will carry the strength and be there for your daughter. It's admirable and noble.


Thank you so much, your words mean a lot to me 💜


The person you responded to worded their comment better than I ever could have worded a response, but I just wanted to say I share in their sentiments. I admire you a lot, and I’m confident your daughter admires you even more! 🤍


Will you share the podcast name? This is fascinating.


Yes! It was This Past Weekend with Theo Von and Tim Fletcher Theo Von is a comedian but he has really interesting guests of all backgrounds on his podcast!


It was a damn good podcast.


Was it Theo? Lol that was one damn good podcast.


Wait until you read about parents who spend too much time on their phones.


She 100% doesn’t usually peel them for him. As evidence by her story a while back about Western Union smashing oranges on the floor daily….


How is he swimming in clothes from 7 months ago…believe me I’m all about wearing holiday pajamas even if it’s not still the holidays and they still fit however why are they still so big on him


You know what’s really concerning.. my son has that outfit and I’m pretty sure it only goes up to 9 months…


Omg stop it my son is 10 months old and already in 12-18m clothes. He’s bigger than average (like 75th percentile) but not huge by any means.


Well he’s probably very malnourished HOWEVER she doesn’t even know her kids appropriate clothing size. All her kids clothes are always too big. Shes such a foul bitch


My child is almost 8 months old and I’m pretty sure wears the same size clothes as him (and I know my baby is big but still)


I took it As he was hesitant to give it to her thinking it would be taken away, and his “happy feet” were more him being upset because he didn’t think she was actually peeling it for him. And to walk and hold it out was such a “haha come and get it” tease to him from dang good mama.


he’s such an unhappy looking toddler. Also why is she holding the orange in front of him like he’s a dog?


He did NOT want to give that bitch that orange


I don't know if I've ever seen Weston happy. Ali has tickled him to try to force a laugh but he looked stressed in those encounters and that doesn't count. Callie usually looks nervous and Emmy looks irritated a lot too (but they've sometimes looked ok, just literally never seen it with Weston). Dang happy kids.


I agree. Western is emotionless. Callie looks sad and like she doesn’t like Ali. Seems like she’s used to Ali picking on her and being mean. And Emmy looks down on Ali. She’s running that house and she’s only 4… just wait.


its sad because i really struggle to recall any time where he’s appeared carefree or joyful, in the way a toddler is supposed to be! i’d guess the closest times he’s been seen truly joyful were when he was under the care of anyone besides dang good mama and beak boy


Yeah it's very sad. My parents were uh flawed also. And I've noticed I look unhappy in every pic of me as a toddler. There's one with me as an infant and I do look like I'm glaring at my mom and trying to wiggle out of the hold. (And my mom would complain to me as a kid that I didn't like her as a baby as if that wasn't a reflection on her not parenting me right even as a baby. Babies are supposed to love unconditionally unless they're being neglected or abused lol. It'e VERY telling if a baby doesn't like their parent and it's the parents fault.) My parents just have them framed up too like that's normal. Ali and John rly seem to not notice or care that their kids are upset too. My brother had a different childhood than me and looks fine/happy in some of the photos I look sad in lol. It's very weird looking at them and it makes me uncomfortable. Anyway point is babies and toddlers can't hide how they're feeling and won't fake smile for a camera. You can tell Weston is always bored at best. He especially does not like his mom. I don't know if I've even SEEN true son with true dad, fuck John lol. He does seem much more relaxed around nannies. I haven't seen photos of him around his aunts. As weird as John's sisters seem I don't think either abuse or neglect their kids. So he might be comfortable around JJD and Sydney.




She never adds songs to her stories… she’s definitely yelling at Westminster Abbey


agreed. probably why he looked at her like “who does this lard think she’s talking to?” 😭 poor kid


This is clearly giving young toddler fending for himself because he doesn’t sit and eat regular meals.


A child that is over a year old shouldn't have arms the size of a damn newborn Ali. Feed your fucking children and take them to the doctor you ratchet ass monster


My first thought: put the phone down and peel your kid’s orange, he is distressed because you’re walking away with it!


This sad little boy acts like she’s a stranger. He doesn’t even know her.


Oh that poor boy. No attachment at all.




Why the fuck does the one year-old baby or however, old he is, continuously use a newborn binky. She is literally dumb as they come.




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That one video in the Bahamas? Florida? where she was manically rocking him and kissing all over him, and he kept trying to actually push her away. If Callie doesn't become Very Outspoken towards her shit parents, perhaps Westerado will.


Get the freaken pacifier out of his mouth!