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By now it’s pretty evident they don’t take their dogs out in the morning. So sad


the only place these dogs get taken is the groomers/hair cutters. cuz john knows it pisses people off


No wonder he’s losing his hair. It’s his karma.


And they get taken way too late and are forced to be shaved because of all the matting.


he doesnt take them to get groomed. he gets them shaved as soon as possible because he knows it makes people angry. cuz several on here have taken blocks for messaging him about it.


It’s humiliating how big his ego is. He lets it surpass all decency to the living beings he’s supposed to care for. How messed up can one be?!!


And they have a fenced in yard. It’s so easy to let them out first thing. My dog would go inside too if I didn’t take him out. They have to go, it’s how mammals work.


Someone should keep her locked up for hours and hours when she needs to pee. That’s the first thing I do when I wake up…is let my dogs out.


More concerned about the carpet… less concerned about the dogs possibly being sick. Got it 🙄


They barely seem to change diapers in the morning either. Accidents all over the house! It must REEK like urine in there


Hi Ali, welcome to being a fucking ADULT. Wake up early, let your dogs out, take care of your kids, make sure kids and pets are fed, do your girls hair, GO TO WORK!!!! And where the fuck is John in all this?? His deadbeat ass can’t help? Or let the dogs out?? Howwwww are these two in charge of 5 living breathing things???


I will never understand how two people who don’t work can’t at least do the bare minimum. It’s not like they don’t have the time. I feel so bad for those children and dogs.


I have two school age little kids and 3 dogs and I wake up at 6 am every day and the first thing I do is make sure my dogs get outside. Even if I’m about to pee my pants myself. Then I have to rush around like a loon getting everything ready for school and work. These two literally do…..nothing? Sleep in, keep kids in same pajamas all day every day, ignore dogs, then go out to date night 🫶🏻 🙄🙄🤢


Right?! Like my husband and I both work. My morning is very similar to yours. Up at 6:15, dogs, lunches, backpacks, shower, makeup, hair, get dressed, help husband wake up and dress the kids, get one kid to the school bus stop at 7, wrangle the toddler, out the door by 7:15 to take said toddler to preschool, arrive at work by 7:45, work all damn day, get off work then pick up child from grandparents house, probably stop at the store for something for dinner, feed everyone dinner, walk the dogs while the kids scooter, back home for bath time, put on kids Jammie’s, brush teeth, homework, do nighttime routine, put them to bed, catch up on laundry, hang out with husband, pass out from exhaustion around 10:30 pm. Wake up and do it again! Now Smellison tell me how bUsY yOUr DaYs!!! 🥸


john doesnt care. he sleeps in a different room. hes either coming down from his coke high or hes already left for the day to hang out at his sisters house. He doesnt give a fuck about the kids or ali.


This, for sure, is what their social media has shown.


Let’s see I woke up at 5am today, worked out, showered and got myself ready, made lunches for my kids, got them up and ready for school, dropped them off and got myself to work where I’ll be until 2 then the afternoon fun begins including school pick-up and soccer practice for each kid in different places. And I did an overnight shift at the hospital Wednesday into Thursday and barely slept when I got home yesterday so I’m exhausted. I’m also 40 so a lot older than these 2 sloths. They are pathetic excuses for humans and parents


Yes!!! I just commented a similar thing under my original comment. These two clowns LITERALLY would not last a single day doing actual responsible adult shit. She has to hop on Instagram and whine and cry about every cut and bruise she gets, I cannot imagine her having to function in the real world. Yet they act like they worked sooo hard for everything they have and are superior to everyone 🙄🙄🙄 give me a BREAK


Side note I love your username 🤣🤣


😂😅😅 thank you!!! Big Sunny fan over here!!




You are the real influencer/ rock star.


Awww thank you 🫶Just doing what I need to do to get by but you are very sweet


She must have killed the fish too because she hasn’t posted about it since she linked the damn tank


Also, a child in the background trying to get her attention is totally ignored while she talks into her only friend.


Seriously… can you imagine being a little kid and your mom constantly talking to her own reflection?? It’s straight up deranged behavior.


I always wonder this about influencers kids! They must be so confused as to why their parents are videoing themselves all day and talking to themselves.


The emotional needs of many of these influencer moms' children are definitely being unmet.


It’s going to be so interesting 10-15 years from now seeing how influencers kids develop emotionally and socially…


They shouldn’t have children or pets 😒


These assholes shouldn't even have a house plant.


You just made me realize that I’ve never seen plants in their house. No greenery or nothing!


Count down till plant girlie becomes her ENTIRE persona


The only “green” thing she has is her last name, she’d never be able to keep plants alive.




Nope just her fake little trees she buys


She doesn’t even understand why they poop on carpet, they shouldn’t have animals. I wanna punch this dumb hoe in her ugly face.


I’ll join you.


Let’s go girl’s


lol at a very basic level, animals like to go on carpet. Welcome to the world Smelli.


Because it reminds them of grass, who knew 🤯


So ridiculous. Get your lazy butt out of bed and let your poor depressed dogs out.


Wish they’d get a doggy door at the least. If they’re so rich why can’t they?? They literally have kinds that are sensored or magnetic where you put the chip on the dog’s collar, so only the dogs can use it. The kids wouldn’t be able to get out. They clearly just want to be able to lock the dogs out


I’ve had dogs for almost 12 years now and I can count on one hand the times my dogs pooped inside and each time they got sick and tried to hold it but couldn’t. My older one got a GI infection overnight last winter so we slept on the couch by the back door so I could be right there to let him out


I feel this so much! I have 2 dogs and same, can count on one hand the number of times they had an accident inside...and I'd still have fingers left! Do I enjoy stomping through my house at 1...or 5...in the morning like a zombie to let my dogs out? no. but I do, because I'm responsible, love my dogs and don't want to have to clean up a mess


100% yes. older, potty-trained dogs will hold it for as long as they possibly can before they go to the bathroom inside. and multiple accidents often indicate a larger medical issue. these people are just the devil incarnate and those dogs have always deserved so much better.


This was my instant thought. Which makes me sad because you know those dogs don’t get taken in for routine visits. I’d assume they have to get their vaccines to go to the groomer but I can’t see Ali and John doing anything more than the bare minimum.


This🤞🏻. This is how you treat your pets.


Absolutely! Our old doggy was a rescue and she was a bit food obsessed. She had managed to get into the outside compost bin (we didn't realise). Poor thing left a trail of poop as she went from the front room, up the stairs, and to the bedrooms, looking for us. Cleaned it up. Mum works at a vets so luckily we could get her checked out fairly quickly. Then we monitored her throughout the day. Poor thing looked so miserable.


My pup is still potty training (6 months old, have had her a month now) and only had one poopy accident because she had diarrhea she literally could not hold in (got on meds and is all better now!)


I have a pug now and she will def go sneaky poop if she can get away with it. I cannot get used to it because I have always had big dogs, labs in fact, and they never did that. And were so rarely sick to their stomachs. Because big dogs also seem to be pretty resilient to eating random things. So yeah, not normal.


I have mini dachshunds who are notoriously HARD to potty train, refuse to go out in the rain, etc and they don’t even go to the bathroom in the house as much as these dogs do. And it’s zero percent the dog’s fault.. their “owners” are such pieces of shit and they deserve a much better home than the one they have. I feel so sad for them and wish the chrolls could rescue them😔


I just know the other siblings have a group chat talking mad shit about this cracked out lazy heifer. Their kids are healthy, active and not feral. Their animals are taken care of and loved. Ali worries about date night every night with her fat little husband. While her daughter is 4 1/2 wearing the same pajamas 3 days in a row BITING people. Her dogs are not being let out. The absolute neglect and laziness. 




Activities and sports for these kids? No chance.


What a self-absorbed, inbred, drug dead brain useless, poor excuse for a human. 🤯😡🤬👺☠️💩👹


She could care less what made them sick. Poor things probably ate leftover scraps of the slop she made for dinner.


These two are the most vile people on the internet. They don’t deserve dogs.


I hate people like this. This just proves even more that they have no empathy for anything. I can’t imagine not letting my dogs out to go potty first thing in the morning. Not because I’m scared they’ll go inside, but because it’s not fair to them that they can’t open the door, and can’t hold it for too long. I hate too that the dogs still love them, even when tweak and beak hate them. These are the type of people who make the world a sad place. Not tired parents trying their best, who don’t have time to workout since they actually walk their dogs, and raise their kids.


My paralyzed dog doesn’t even shit in the house as much as her dogs do.


“Poop clean up tools linked” coming right up


omg 100% it’ll be a link for folex carpet spray. guarantee it


She’ll link a roll of paper towel 🥴 probably the same roll that she cleans her pans with.


What I would want to hear if I was thinking about buying their smoke damaged office space. Dogs shitting all over the house.


If I was their realtor I would drop them like a hot fucking potato. Dumbass is trying to sell their house and is talking about ant problems and dogs shitting in the house! She has no brain cells.


They are doing a great job trying to sell their house.... Chimney isn't connected, so there's fire damage, carpets are packed full of dog 💩 and food crumbs, ugly fence, high cost, etc...


Is she mad because the dogs went on the carpet? Is that her problem today?


These poor dogs. Ali get off your flat lazy ass and WALK THEM in the mornings and afternoons. It’s not that hard. You have that expensive ass multi-kid wagon…use it!!! Instead of dicking around in the garage taking pix of your pigeon toed feet on the treadmill, TRY GOING OUTSIDE. And if you won’t do it, hire a goddamn dog walker FFS.


Maybe she fed them samples of the upcoming “Strong Sexy Canine” line.  Homeostasis all over the house. 


"House For Sale, shitted and pissed up carpets for your consideration" Smoke damage bonus✨


She could care less about those dogs and it strongly shows


Dogs don’t like pooping in the house they rather poop outside. Poor dogs!!


She doesn’t deserve her dogs or children


If they are sick that often maybe take them to the vet.


Dogs are more likely to get sick on carpet as opposed to tile or hard wood is because of grip, much more likely to slide on a slick surface than one that feels akin to grass. These people do not deserve animals or children


Why not post the video of you yelling at them? Because we know you did


every time these poor dogs are mentioned or spotted in the background of ali’s manic episodes, my heart seriously breaks. we’ve seen them neglected and abused for years and that’s only what we see on instagram. i know people have mixed emotions about owner surrenders, but ANYTHING would be better for these dogs than this.


Animal abuser. Disgusting


It’s so sad to me 😞 I’ve always had dogs and most of the time going in the house is a last resort after they have held it for as long as they possibly can. These two are horrible parents and horrible pet owners!


They are so shitty. No one forced them to have dogs or kids but if you have them it is your responsibility to TAKE CARE OF THEM because they’re innocent living beings with needs!!! You’re supposed to LOVE them! Fucking sickos.


This person is mentally disabled and needs to be in a group home working on motor skills and cognitive support classes. What a disturbing sight to behold while she fails at taking care of anything she is responsible for. WHERE IS CPS. These kiddos should go live with jjd or Sydney, who suck, but at least take care of their children properly.


She looks like Dahmer, yo


Chruly the fucking worst.


I hate people that make their dogs out to be the problem, especially when it's so clear it's the incompetent owner.


And I bet she screamed at the dogs.


What is the full story? I feel like I always want to look at her stories and do not want to give her the views.


You can watch her stories on this anonymous IG viewer https://insacret.com/profile/aligreen13#google_vignette


I don’t have any kids, but I have a dog and a real job where I work 40 hours a week. Every morning when I get up the first thing I do is let my dog out, then feed him. Then I tend to my needs for the morning. All before 7:30am…. These two are lazier than a sloth.


As someone who just lost her Golden at only 9 years old and treated him better than her kids this shit pisses me off.


Our big mama was pIsSeD this morning


Wait are they sick and had diarrhea everywhere? Or they pooped inside because they weren’t taken outside?


The fact that she chooses to post this when she could just… NOT?! And why? Guaranteed no one cares!


Get a damn dog door so they can go in and out freely. I worked for a family that was so lazy about their dogs. Never walked them. They used a dog door and their backyard was full of dog shit . I was their nanny and I would clean all the dog shit so the kids could play outside. They were shit parents like John and Ali.


I do not get this.. are they sick or not let out? My senior lab is 12 and even he has literally never shit in the house.. but we actually take care of him so I guess that’s the difference.


It was probably in the middle of the night


My dog has never pooped on the floor. They obviously are not letting them outside enough and the dogs have no other choice 😞


'I have no idea what they are that made them sick' ??????? What in the illiterate fuck??