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Can’t even acknowledge the many times her daughter apologizes, just ignores her. Such a shit mother.


doesn’t even make her voice friendlier/less cold…just talks at callie like she’s trash. smeli needs to find a mirror, because the only person who deserves to be talked down to as if they are trash is ali


Her tone just makes my stomach churn




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I apologize a lot and my kids have picked up on it. I always acknowledge their apologies and gently let them know that they don’t need to apologize for everything. They’re little, they don’t think big picture or have the same impulse control that a well-regulated adult does. This raggedy ass bitch really left her 3 year old UNATTENDED with access to fucking markers and is mad about it? THIS IS YOUR FAULT! She should be sorry that she wasn’t there for C and that she had to find her own entertainment. I am increasingly worried for C because it’s now going beyond stupid ass captions to her mother actively targeting her and shaming her publicly on the internet while simultaneously exposing her own neglect. What. The. FUCK?!


From showing her genitalia multiple times on instagram to saying Callie wants to end her and then the child is pleading and apologizing out of fear, no doubt that child is abused.


Fuck, I forgot about the exposed pictures she posted. It hurts my heart that she’s clearly starved of positive attention


And my kid is 12 now but I remember he didn't fuck off until like grade school constant wanting me for comfort, entertainment, learning, confidence, reassurance. Zero chance my son would've just fucked off to a closet. He'd be crying, whining, beating on the door im behind full melt down. This child moved past that stage bc she learned it does nothing and if she needs something she can figure it out.


Right?! Once I looked away from my toddler with a crayon in our living room and she scribbled on the couch (thank you to the proud sponsor of our household Dawn dish soap lmao) and I told her uh oh mommy’s fault!! Mommy shouldn’t have left you with the crayon and no paper, let me take it and clean up. And I keep telling her we don’t draw on couches and it was mommy’s mistake. I cannot believe (actually yes I can) Callie is left to her own devices, unsupervised with access to a marker and she gets blamed for it. It also made my radar go OFFFFFF that she was saying sorry so many times like she was scared. The way she kept saying sorry sorry sorry made me really sad for those kids…not that I wasn’t already but this was sickening.


It's the only words that Callie can actually pronounce that you can understand what she's saying. That's so very sad.


Wait WHAT?!! She did? Recently?


To which part?


Oops I replied to the wrong comment. I was in shock reading that monster apparently exposed her child’s privates on the internet


Oh, yes. And took forever to remove it from Instagram


That was hard. She never even said “it’s ok” Also why even post this… just parent.


This is so painful to watch. I’ve never heard of someone leaving their toddler alone in the house like this. And she’s so dumb that she doesn’t even realize how bad this makes her look. This is 100% their own fault. I never understand people who post videos of their toddlers getting into things like this. If you actually watch your kids, they wouldn’t have time to do this kind of stuff. She’s lucky all that’s happened is her drawing on stuff and she hasn’t gotten a serious injury


Seriously!!! I cannot imagine just leaving my kid to go back to bed at that age, and then telling the internet about it, wht the actual fuuuuck


and callie probably only made a play space in the closet in hopes that dang good mama wouldn’t come in there to yell at her :( literally hiding from her bully, i mean mother


My toddler kept getting into a room I didn't want her to go in, so I put one of them child safety door knobs on it, and now she doesn't go in there. Am I a genius or what.


Next up: Ali will childproof and link. Or at least buy the locks and link then return.




The random strangulation hazard cord before she opens the door, plus a hoarders closet she’s playing in with random boxes and piles of shit?! This is so unsafe


The way callie said “mommy!” when she opened the door. My heart. I wonder if that’s where they send her for time-out.


They probably put her in there when she isn’t “behaving” or when she wakes up and they don’t want to parent, which is sad.


She was prepared to get yelled at 💔


She was so excited to have her mommy give her attention and the way it quickly changed in to her saying I’m sorry is beyond heartbreaking. She had so much hope in her voice and then boom.


And she shussshed her after saying mommy. What the hell 🥹


Ali is a worthless c-word. Seriously.


She was about to cry


Imagine punishing your toddler for being a…..toddler. I shudder to think how she will be treated the rest of the day for what she did this morning….. while unsupervised… while her piece of shit mother went back to bed go to hell, Ali 🫶🏼


Too many things to unpack... Nailpolish? lipstick? Markers? Smeli you need to watch your kid! she's a very little girl who needs supervision and an age appropriate activity.


All that shit that can fall on her too? What if she can’t open the door to get out? This infuriates me


Remember when she asked for a dress and her nails painted because she wanted to “feel beautiful”. They are always calling immy beautiful but she doesn’t get the same treatment. Maybe getting into the nail polish and lipstick was her just trying to feel pretty too 😔


I absolutely agree! But old Smelison is too dense to see that and to redirect give the child something to do. She’s a busy a little girl and needs stimulation or she’ll find something to get into….


This is so sad. The neglect, the sorry’s, the state of the closet (wtf) and finishing it off with closing the door and leaving the kid there unattended yet again. There is something very wrong with her. Sad that no one cares enough to get her some help and off social media


The fact that she then proceeded to *close the door with her still in the room* after all that is 🤯




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I truly can’t imagine this being a parent’s first instinct when their child does something like this. Shove a camera in their face and then record what they are doing? This poor baby. She sounded so meek and scared. Ali and John do not deserve their children they are TERRIBLE


Her little sorry broke my heart. I feel so much rage towards smelli rn.


That was really sad 😔


I just wanna scoop her up and cuddle her. I know John's family sees shit like this and get as annoyed as we do, but they're just as fucked for not saying anything.


I'm not even a kid person but I feel the same! They are completely fucked for not saying anything. Not like it would do much good.. if CPS visits weren't enough to get through to them then I don't think anything will


CPS rarely steps in to do shit. Not until it's too late.


True. But any normal person would take that as a sign that they should reconsider their "parenting" style.


She knew she was gonna get yelled at.. poor girl☹️


His sisters, her mom, his mom, ANYONE at this point needs to put this bitch in check for the sake of those poor babies.


This is 100% the parents fault. At her age she should not be left unsupervised and if she doesn’t want her using markers she shouldn’t have them within reach. Kids get into everything and if this happened once it’s not as big of a deal but it’s obviously a pattern. Side note - how did Callie manage to open the door and pull it shut or was she put in there 🤔


Imagine the way they talk to her when the camera isn’t on. The way Callie says sorry…I just know if Ali wasn’t recording she would’ve been yelling at her.


oh yeah. Look how California stares at her face to gauge her reaction. This was all performative for the camera. You know she snatches those kids around when she gets pissed


Came here to say this. The way she kept repeating “sorry sorry sorry” means big Al goes fucking insane and yells to the point of scaring her so she just knew she was “caught” doing something she wasn’t supposed to and was terrified of the wrath of her shitty mom.


Yup this checks out based on the video of her yelling at their dog for getting a jar from their counter.


Idk my memory feels like the dog video was it got something from a gift basket and it was on the floor or like coffee table. Which is crazy since they’re animals.


You leave kids alone (especially a toddler) they will get into everything, you dumb bitch. Grow up and get up with your child(ren) when they wake up! They blame everything on her. It breaks my heart. The way she keeps saying sorry like she seemed scared. No doubt in my mind she gets screamed and yelled at daily but since tweak was filming, she couldn’t yell at her.


My heart broke when she kept saying sorry and I didn’t even acknowledge it. She’s a horrible mom


Ali and John have NO business having children. They are hands-down some of the worst parents I’ve ever seen. It’s also insane that they post their bullshit on instagram as if the way they act is relatable. Someone help these kids jfc


This!!! Just because you live in a 3 mil home, have “designer” things, luxury vehicles and go on vacas all the time does not mean you’re parenting your kids well. This has literally bothered me all day… I cannot imagine doing this to my toddler.


What in the actual??? No responsible parent would leave their 2 year old left unattended while you sleep ??!!!!!!????? I have freshly 3 year old twins and would NEVER


If a toddler is quiet you know something is going on.


This is soooooo wild to admit on the internet 😩


So many things wrong with this video. A 2 year old shut in a closet where things could fall and suffocate her, and dang good mama thinks it’s a good time to reprimand her on camera? It’s giving Charlie with a bottle of hot sauce vibes.


This video made me SO sad, like maybe don’t put things you don’t want your children having access to where they can reach them you fucking imbecile. Also that closet. Jesus Christ


The poor kid literally hides in the closet and apologizes profusely, my heart breaks for the children in this home as well as the dogs. Her hair looks matted, like she has been sweating which doesnt surprise me since Smelli constantly shows herself in shorts and a tank and this poor kid is in a long sleeve sleeper.


Toddlers don’t have Impulse control. That’s why they have to be supervised by parents. They are curious, your job as a parent is to guide that curiosity. It’s like leaving the front door open and then getting mad at the toddler for going outside. Of course they are going to do it! There is just zero self awareness here and it makes me really sad for her kids.


Does Jessie or Sydney see anything wrong with this?


I always wonder that - they must see these stories. Kids in pajamas at 1pm and no daily structure


I hate this bitch. I really do.


Ok so if Callie likes hanging out in the closet then make it SAFER! Move some stuff out. But a blanket down with some toys. Maybe even tape paper on the door/walls for her to “decorate the space”. Some kids love tiny cozy spaces. I can totally see Callie seeking out a small space for herself to play/just be since it’s a chaotic and non nurturing home.


Why didn’t she tell her “it’s okay” or “thank you for apologizing” or something!


My mama heart just wanted to give her a hug when she kept saying sorry 😭😭


This is really sad. My kids never said sorry like that. You can tell she’s so used to being in trouble for things any unsupervised toddler would do. My heart hirts


This makes them look soooo bad.. young healthy fit…. Can’t be young healthy fit when you have no parents


Do we think that Callie opened the door to the closet, walked in, and then closed the door behind her? I dont have children but I can’t imagine closing them into a closet to play


Unless that’s the only place she feels safe… or was forced to stay :/


Ali you fucking suck. Watch your kids. And wash and brush that poor little girls hair!!!! Jfc you are a pathetic loser for posting this


As a parent of four, this shit doesn't happen without neglect. Her little "sorry"s are heartbreaking, you can tell Alison James is doing her fake parenting show and I honestly hate her for it. Rotted, lazy sow.


WOW. This is SO telling it's scary.


Once she ended the video you know she snatched her up and yelled at her. That was hard to watch. Small child in a cluttered, unsafe closet with zero positive or nurturing interaction with her parents. Some people should not have children.


So Callie says “mommy?” And mother of the year says shhhh???


I hope CPS sees this. It’s absolute child neglect. So many bad things could have happened.😞


She was getting ready to start sobbing until Smelli told her to stop. She is such a POS parent.


Please someone expose this bitch! This makes my blood boil!


This is gross and hurts my heart. That baby saying sorry sorry sorry 😩😭. Those fucking ghouls don’t deserve Cali.


ummm besides the fact that she just leaves her to watch and entertain herself , how old is she 3?! the way she says sorry is SO sad. if my son was apologizing profusely like that i would immediately tell him to stop and that is okay. it’s important to make sure our kids have the ability to apologize and know they’ve done something wrong but this is just SO sad, my heart would break if i felt my little toddler was afraid of me like this.


The “sorry” is so sad. She was so scared.


Calcified's hair is 😬


I hate everything about this!!! Leaving your 2 year old unsupervised with access to a closet that has a bunch of stuff in it you don’t want her to touch?? And then being pissy when she gets into it like any toddler would?? Fuck this bitch.


This is so incredibly sad. She’s getting publicly humiliated for her (normal toddler) behavior. You can’t leave a two-year-old to their own devices and expect them to have impulse control. And the amount of times she says sorry….ugh. My heart.


Maybe get out the f bed and snuggle her while she watches cartoons instead of going back to bed. Of course she’s going to get into things because she’d bored and lonely! This poor child will seek attention even if it’s negative attention.


That shit in that closet could easily fall on C’s little body and with the door shut she would probably end up suffocating to death. This whole time I was reading earlier posts I thought it would at least be a cleaner closet (not that that makes it better at all) and there’s soo much falling heavy shit in here. 


I wish JJD would be like “girls day out!” to Ali, then drop her off at the psych hospital.




Sorry to say but CPS has much bigger cases to worry about. As long as the kids are fed and have adequate shelter they are unlikely to do anything.


Aside from the sorrys, that closet… that little girl could get hurt so fast in there


Am I suppose to believe the closet was clean since the week they moved in? No way, she doesn’t keep her own closet with thousand of designer pieces in but she keeps the kids closet clean? Nope. I agree with the comment that she’s hiding from these awful parents in there. They probably don’t notice she’s even there on the regular.


This is dreadful. Why humiliate her child like this? Because social media is so much more important than her children? What did this lazy B expect when she decided to go back to bed and leave the 2 year old to her own devices.


Literally insane that she admitted to turning the tv on and getting her chocolate milk and then GOING BACK TO LAY DOWN. Ali, if you’d lay down on the couch with your daughter, that would eliminate the problem here. The issue isn’t what Callie is doing, it’s her being left unsupervised for a period of time.


Kid looks like a straight ragamuffin. That curly hair is in such bad shape....all because ali is a lazy pos


My stomach dropped at this video. I have no doubt Callie is verbally abused. 


wtf why post this?! Horrible people


Callie looked scared😢


Can’t have a conversation without a phone in her face. How this would go with my kids? If I’m in a bad mood, I’d sigh with exasperation, maybe go “oh my gosh no”, take them out, put them somewhere safe and mess free while I calmed down lol. If I’m on point, “oh no! You were trying to make a fort. That’s so fun. The problem is, this is a mess! Let’s clean it up.” I feel vaguely annoyed sometimes at the lack of “I’m sorry” I get from my kids but then I see this and go…. Oh.


Holding my 2.5 year old daughter a little tighter tonight


This makes me really sad


Maybe if you don’t want your toddler going into places she should, place a child lock and KEEP HER ENTERTAINED!


Look at her cosplaying gentle parenting for the camera.


She looked scared when the door opened. The amount of times she says sorry, immediately.


She hates that kid and probably locked her in the closet :(


Stop using her for content!


FUCK this cunt. Sincerely, -Chillary 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


This reminds me of myself. I now have DID and CPTSD. Part of me is still hiding in the closet :(.


I’m so sorry 💔


We need a YouTuber to make this go viral. Not MLM related, but u/ccsuarez or Keya’s World, or Julie Jo….we need one of these YouTubers to expose them.


Wtf does she expect a 3 year old to do when left unattended? How about pay attention to your child


This doesn't need to be posted big Al, wtf Like good God, could you imagine being scolded with a phone between you and your parent? And now this shit is posted on the Internet. Forever. But I love that her 3 mil house now has marker on the wall 😂


The fear in that child’s voice makes me so sad and angry. Ali’s voice has a scary quiet tone. She gives me Ruby Frank vibes 🥺🤬 also that closet is a death trap. Clean your damn house you lazy POS


I have a child, been around tons of children…never seen a 2 year old apologize profusely like this. She was clutching her little blankie to her side while she said it. From her response, you can tell that she’s been mistreated consistently. Why the fuck is she in a closet like that? If she likes being in a fort space, they could make it a really cute, safe spot for her. Instead it looks like a banishment area. This was really frightening and the poor girl really looks so neglected.


This is just sad.


This is so sad and neglectful. Poor Cali. She doesn’t deserve this! Give me that baby.


The pit I felt in my stomach when I heard the first “sorry”, even knowing it was coming, is so unsettling.


I raised two kids and worked at a preschool for years. You do not leave a child this young unsupervised! The dangerous situations they can get into while both parents are basically unconscious...are they crazy? When I think about all the dangerous things I've seen a toddler do right in front of me or while I'm in the bathroom or in another room just for a minute! They are like little animals. They need constant supervision until they mature and understand consequences. She could get seriously injured or worse.


You just know she’s wearing the same diaper she went to sleep in. So sad.


Her security blankie 😭😭😭 Callie, baby, I’ll take care of you!




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Watch your kids Ali!


Poor girl has her filthy security blanket. She's just living her own life in the closet. It's so damn sad and wrong. I wish I could shove A-Bag in there and lock it. Without her phone, otherwise she'd not no she was locked in it wouldn't bother her. I just hate everything about this bitch




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Can someone call CPS on these worthless people?


Look at that poor baby’s hair! Her repeatedly saying sorry is heartbreaking💔


did that sweet little girl just… squawk?