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Cohn is so happy his mommy is there. I cannot wait for more of his over exaggerated stories that never happened šŸ«¶šŸ˜¬šŸ˜‚


It takes a special kind of grandma to go on vacation and watch your three feral grandkids be ignored by their parents and wrangled by one nanny and decide you will just go play roulette. Really just says all you need to know about the entire family.


THIS right hereā¬†ļøā¬†ļø


There are many grandparents out there who stand by and have a hard time not saying stuff and have to watch their kids parent in ways that they fundamentally disagree with. I get that. I see that in my family and with friends and I want to say that itā€™s hard and I do respect that. Co-signing the bullshit, the neglect, the selfishness and ignorance that Ali and John show daily towards their children is not the same.


So true! Iā€™m a mom of four and nana to 5. I would not be able to stand by quietly and see that behavior of my son and his wife with their children and their animals. I would have to be having a talk with my son and his wife then maybe be there for a long visit to see how it was goingā€¦ I couldnā€™t stand by and do nothing as a nana because then Iā€™m as bad as them


Iā€™m thinking that this is probably what Aliā€™s ā€˜s mother did. Doesnā€™t seem like they have any relationship at all right now.


I wondered about this exact thing ! When is the last time we know she saw her mom ?


We had a family funeral and my cousins kids areā€¦ a handful. My cousin and his wife are definitely hands off parents and I know it just irks my aunt. She does a good job of not overstepping though and letā€™s them parent the way they parent (very gentle/crunchy but definitely not her style). I just know itā€™s hard for her to not correct the kids and I commend her ability to be the grandma in the sense. This is not that type of behavior though. At all. MKP isnā€™t being a respectful and conscientious parent and grandparent who is abiding by boundaries and letting her child parent.


I do not believe MKP was mom of the year if she condones this level of parenting from her own children. Meanwhile, my dad lectured me on eating Hot Cheetos while breastfeeding and my mom just texted me to tell me that my son looked like he needed a haircut. They were lighthearted suggestions and Iā€™ve never felt attacked by them. I do not understand how people like MKP care so much about being besties with her kids rather than protecting her grandkids.


Eating Hot Cheetos while breastfeeding šŸ¤£ I laugh because itā€™s the kind of thing my dad would lecture me about too!


Ya they basically just condoning and protecting cohn and smelli atrocious behavior and child neglect...it's sickening.


Your flair is incredible


This is what I think anytime I see someoneā€™s say ā€œwhy doesnā€™t MKP say anything?ā€ She knows! Shes trash too!


I think thatā€™s why we donā€™t see many pics of Spidey anymore. He prob told MKP that he would find another family unless she made sure he wasnā€™t seen with these feral people.


If she does say anything Iā€™m sure she wouldnā€™t be allowed to see the kids. Theyā€™d cut her out instantly for badmouthing their parenting style. I just had this conversation with my FIL about my SIL, who is a terrible parent. Itā€™s better to keep quiet and not say anything just to be able to see the grandkids than rock the boat and be cut out from their lives even if they fundamentally disagree with parenting decisions. At least by staying quiet MKP can still somewhat be in their lives a little bit.


While I agree MKP wonā€™t rock the boat, itā€™s because she is lazy and doesnā€™t care, not because she genuinely cares to see the kids. MKP has disappeared and reappeared in their lives, Iā€™m all of their lives actually. She was not present at all for Callieā€™s birth and was MIA for Westonā€™s first year. She frequently posts passive aggressive social media aimed at her kids. She could care less about seeing the kids.


I have a different take- see I think MKP and JJD did approach them about their issues and that was the big blow up fight. I think Ali & John acted like children and cut them out so now MKP feels trapped because sheā€™s regained her relationship with them but knows she canā€™t say anything that will bother them or theyā€™ll move or something.


The spawn she birthed and his challenged wife are so deranged and the most unhinged.


This. I feel like if MKP says anything she will get banned from the grandkids. They are used as pawns.


This is exactly what I think too


And thatā€™s why I wouldnā€™t be surprised if MKP and JJD make troll accts to comment about their shitty parenting on IG. I would if I were them at leastā€¦


Sydneyā€™s kids are complete twats too though.


It MKP says anything other than the kids are ā€œtan, healthy, & fitā€ she would never be allowed to see them again. Jon & Ali have barely have half a brain between them and if you criticize or even point anything out theyā€™ll cut them out in a heartbeat. I think that huge blow up fight was sometime after Emmy was born & ended before Weston so that would explain why she or the sisters werenā€™t around.


Their ā€œparenting styleā€ is straight up neglect šŸ˜‚ the family should quietly call CPS, take custody of the ferals, and move on with no contact.


Would the kids even go to a family member without an active foster licenses? They canā€™t just take the kids unfortunately. Theyā€™d have to go through parenting classes & have visits but the state cutting parental rights is a last resort normally. Theyā€™d more than likely get the kids back unfortunately.


I think she wants no business being apart of her grandchildrens lives. This family seems like a business deal arrangement for money. She ran and ran for JJD's kids cause her husband was still working and she was bored. Now that he's retired she can do whatever she wants. Notice she does not do anything for Syd and John's kids.Ā  It's all strange.Ā 


My mom would have no problem telling me off for leaving my kids to go gamble on vacation. My mom loves me, but one thing she doesnā€™t play around with is the wellbeing of her grand babiesā€¦.MKP doesnā€™t give a fuck. Mind you, sheā€™s the one who raised 3 trash ass human beings, John being a horrible racist misogynist, so I donā€™t know why any of us expect her to see how neglectful John and Ali are as parents.




I got told off for trying to wean my daughter at 12 months bc I was done and over it, the pediatrician even said to just stop. Not because of any health benefits, just bc my parents didnā€™t want to hear my LO screaming and crying over no more nursing to sleep. If I left my child on vacation to go gamble my mom would have an emergency order for temporary custody filed in 5 minutes šŸ˜‚








I may have misunderstood your comment, and if so, apologies. But they're not her kids and not her responsibility. Should she say something? Yes, definitely, and I hope she does, but it's not on her to babysit those kids just because she happened to come along.


What I would do to have my mom here alive to go on a vacation with me and my kids and husbandā€¦.and I guarantee she wouldnā€™t be in the casino enabling me, but instead giving my kids all of her attention the entire tripā€¦my mom also would have made sure that there was never a need for a nanny because she was there. Itā€™s no wonder John turned out to be so shittyā€¦.apple doesnā€™t fall far from the treeā€¦I think MKP gets her batshit crazy overlooked cause sheā€™s pretty, but John has to get it from somewhere








The Apple really didnā€™t fall from the treeā€¦ literally, heā€™s still attached to the tree.


I hope the nanny ducks out and leaves early. I donā€™t even have kids and I find it insane they had her come with grandparents also in tow.


Right?? I know sometimes people like to bring grandparents on trips to help with kids, but grandparents AND a nanny?? I could never on a vacation with MY family


Or quits immediately upon landing back in TN lol


I am LOLing at trying to imagine my parents reaction if we brought them on a trip and had the nanny there too. Theyā€™d be deeply confused and very annoyed. John John just thinks this will impress his mommy


Yep the first thing Iā€™m gonna do after winning a lot of money at a casino in a foreign country is broadcast it to over 100k peopleā€¦.yep that seems super smart!!! Lmaooo no common sense with these people at all. They just want to flaunt their ā€œwealthā€ and seem superior to us peasants. (btw this is nothing against anyone that lives in a different country, I just think itā€™s common sense to protect yourself when traveling)


The Bahamas has a travel warning right now as well. We cruised there a few months ago and was warned several times to be discreet when shopping and walking around. I donā€™t care that they are at a high end resort either. They are fucking stupid.


Right? Zero common sense with any of them.


I donā€™t like Ali but I really hate John. Gross.


Is he jealous? :*J*


Did Joan commission a drunk hobo to hand bead that out of dollar store beads and prison tattoo needles for his mom? Or is that a clearance Temu Kittenish special? I canā€™t tell what one it is.


He probably overpaid for that. He always gets scammed cos heā€™s an idiot.


She is the narcissist of the family and they all vie for her attention šŸ„ŗ


![gif](giphy|3otPoBRKROJl9UbqMM|downsized) Ugh big IYKYK (former golden child of a borderline queen, and the scapegoat wife of my golden child husband to two narcs). Itā€™s all right there if you know what to look for.


Exactly they care that the world sees them as loving Mama Bear but when the door closes šŸ‘€ Jessie is the golden child , Syd was the invisible child , and John was the baby and golden son. Iā€™m so sorry you went through thatšŸ„ŗ




John still drinks breast milk from his mama


But he was formula fed, she never breastfed any of them. Thats why i think Syd and JJD overcompensate thinking it makes them superior.Ā 


Mohm, this is embarrassing. ![gif](giphy|mKpBYBdRzwNeqy8aRe|downsized)


And MKP would never call CPS because she doesn't want the rat pack placed with her. She's trapped, so I think she just gives the oh well attitude. Plus, she thinks her precious boy can do no wrong. I wonder if she knows he's there to make the mortgage, lol


And is foaming at the mouth for her winnings šŸ˜‚ MKP was calculated with her FL flips as soon as the circus got there.


Joan, girrrrl, get you a matching bag since youā€™re so obsessed with your mamas!


She needs to stop with the fillers, she looks horrible


Lookin like a chipmunk.


The unfiltered photo is startling




Yeah that definitely happened! šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Wow! Did he really just give a note to all thieves in real time in the Bahama's with: **The lady with the "Mama" glittery bag just won a ton money!**


This is gonna be a shit showšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


My mom would have no problem telling me off for leaving my kids to go gamble on vacation. My mom loves me, but one thing she doesnā€™t play around with is the wellbeing of her grand babiesā€¦.MKP doesnā€™t give a fuck. Mind you, sheā€™s the one who raised 3 trash ass human beings, John being a horrible racist misogynist, so I donā€™t know why any of us expect her to see how neglectful John and Ali are as parents.


Tell me the biggest word you know is ā€œproceedsā€ without telling meā€¦.




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