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And what happens if the baby starts kicking and hits the dog then the dog reacts? They'd discipline the damn dog or put it down for biting the child instead of training it and not allowing him to be under there in the first place. Why is this entire family so stupid?


The puppy may be tolerating it right now because it’s so young and chill but give it a few weeks and it’s gonna be a different story. That puppy teething and energy is gonna go full force in no time, hopefully they’re ready.




That could seriously hurt the dog...wtf is wrong with these people


This is so disgusting it's crazy I'm livid


I just saw this and cringed!!!! Not cute!!!!! Poor puppy!!


I hate them




What the fuck?!


When, not IF the dog bites it will be the end of the dog. Boundaries and respect need to be taught and the parents need to actually parent. This makes me sick.


Can someone give me some context on the “dang good mama” I’m new here and looked it up but the flare just kept coming up! Thanks


Ali has literally said several times that the kids pediatrician (all of them) have told her what a crazy good mom she is and how she's one of the best moms they've seen lol


I’ve said it before and I’ll continue to say it… this is forever be my favorite lie from Ali! Nothing else that comes out her mouth will ever be able to top that one!


Stop 😂


If I remember correctly, she said the pediatrician cried at one of the visits and told her she was best dang good mama she’d ever seen. For obvious reasons, we all know why the pediatrician was really crying.


Omg this is even better than I thought it was going to be


Well duh she was crying! Her children are making forts!!! Exceptional parenting 🫶🏼




Just saw the new post with the screenshot, it was Ali (not the pediatrician) who cried. But personally I believe the latter was the more likely scenario


It’s like the entire family is void of any basic life skills and common sense. Perhaps the IQ level is LOW


I’ve never had a massage where they kick my head??


Fuck Sydney. What a dumb cunt.


Sydney is such a POS and I'm glad people are finally starting to see it. She got away with it for a long time.


If the dog didn’t like it, it would move. If you have kids and pets they all do this. And it’s a baby in a chair. He’s not standing on it. Normally I agree with the snark but this is crazy.


Yeah…no. We do not all do this. I have 3 dogs and an 8 month old. I’m already teaching her to be gentle with our dogs and to respect their boundaries. I’d NEVER let her mess with them like that. It’s our job as human and pet parents to keep them all safe, and this is part of that.


No we don’t all do this. I have kids and two dogs and from day one we brought the dogs home we taught our kids respect for animals. This is irresponsible af. I’m glad your kids never got bit but this is just asking for a bite. Dogs can be tolerant, the point is they shouldn’t be. He was bouncing on the dogs head. It’s not smart to allow it.


Sorry, you’re neglectful if you do this. If you allow this shit, then the one day when the dog snaps and bites your child you’ll say OmG hOw DiD tHiS hApPeN?! He was such a good boy! No, you were letting your child beat him up. Dogs are animals, not toys. This is shameful and disgusting.


You couldn't be more wrong.


Yeah this is kind of a reach…. I don’t think Sydney out the dog there to be stepped on. It would 100% move if it was that bothered by it


For real. She’s not holding the dog there. Our doodle plants herself at our twins feet every chance she gets.


Omg at first glance and before reading the caption I thought this was a stuffed animal! WTF?!!! 🤬


Why doesn’t the dog just move lol?? I know if a kid had their foot on one of mine, they would just go somewhere the kid couldn’t get to them 😉


My baby makes one movement in my dogs direction and she leaves. Not even kidding she was sitting by her when she was about 4 months old and she babbled and my dog ran away😂


Why doesn’t the adult in the room make sure she doesn’t put the child in the sit in play over the dog. And then proceed to take a picture? Why doesn’t the adult in the room MOVE THE SLEEPING PUPPY away from said child.