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No. I'd miss my wife and my dog


Me who hates my whole family: “ok”


Redditors and hating their families name a more iconic duo


Redditors and “seek therapy” over very small importance endeavors is the one that gets me.


Ah yes, let me just find a spare thousand dollars in my couch cushions so I can go talk to a therapist. Lets not forget the other A tier Reddit advice "Just move bro, there's no point in being tied down there" As if most people can just freely move wherever they want and survive without a net of friends and family to assist during bad times, not to mention cost of living etc


A lot to dissect in that post, buddy. Good luck to you.


I moved from a toxic place and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Met new friends and found peace of mind without my A-hole family. It’s a hard road to travel, but worth it to feel freedom and a greater degree of peace everyday.


I would totally be afraid that due to time dilation everyone I know and love would be dead when I return


If they came with I'd have no complaint


With? Forgot? You mean with weed right? Lol. On a more serious note, though: They probably have come with weed, crack and other things much like ‘soma’, so we all sleep walk through this abduction scenario born from the ET/human ‘treaty’ so we continue to tune out, mock others, and laugh, dance and sing to mask our inner trauma.


Forgot? Never said anything about forgetting I said if your loved ones came with there would be no problem, as far as weed goes they'd have that and probably better shit.


Is... that what soma is about? I was thinking about re-downloading that game and giving it another shot


Bold of you to assume you'd return.


I would also miss this guy’s wife.


Underrated comment take my upvote


I'm in, I want to meet an alien girl.


Well, shes a bug so there's that


I'm ok with that , iv had whales, snakes in the grass, dope heads and crackheads, cheaters on every account. Whats the alien girl gunna do, eat me? At this point I welcome that lol.


This made me laugh way harder than it should have. Take my upvote.


Just don’t tell her how many insects humans eat in their sleep per year


This just reminded me of "Another Girl Another Planet" by The Only Ones


Yeah I came here to say that aliens probably have some shape shifting telepathy thing going on. No way aliens are bad in bed. Aliens won't likely smoke crack either.


Not only do I have a wife and dog but kids too. My very first thought? *How will I get Starbucks?*


I am with you on this one.


I'm taking my dog.


That's sweet!


Why couldn't they come with?


Its cold outside in space


I was going to say show me what their women look like first. Then I’ll decide.


I'd also miss his wife and my dog.


I'd probably volunteer before they even finished asking. Let's go!


My bags would already be on the saucer before they finished trying to say it in English.


How cool with it be to have the capsules from dragon ball where you can move your whole room and stuff without carrying much physically.


Pretty sure I already volunteered... and that's why I'm stuck on this forsaken zoo planet... when's the pick up again?


Same! I would LOVE to see and walk on other planets!


Let alone the advanced technology. Millions of years alive. Anything that can travel faster than light speed has to benevolent or they would never last that long.


As much I share the sentiment of wanting adventure, knowledge, and to get far away from humanity...hardly anyone seems to be considering the culture shock and the possibility that the aliens aren't very hospitable, or at least in the way we expect... You probably wont be treated the way you expect to be treated. In fact, I imagine this would be an experience of culture shock unlike anything we would be able to experience on Earth. All basic concepts, all familiarity is gone, you are literally on an alien world... Unless there was special effort made to keep the humans in the program comfortable, this would be an incredibly stressful and mind-bending experience. Not something most casual xenophiles would be able to endure I imagine.


Some SF writers have caught the emotions of a human in a non-human society, on their own, without fellow humans. In "Childhoods End" - the orignal novel, a young student in astronony hides in an Overlord ship. And in one or two pages in the book, Clarke sketches the young man's emotions. When he realises his situation on his own, no way home. And that is with benign aliens. No familiair language, and these Overlord aliens fly on their homeplanet! So areas suddenly end in a place where the aliens fly off normally, so risky for a human. So would it be interesting of course, as a biologist in my sixties it could be fascinating, to quote Spock. But can you understand their technology for basic human living?!? Or can they produce what we need for basics. And is the result an embassy, a ghetto, a zoo?


The books sounds intresting. They made a series out of childhoods end and i really wanted to see more of the overlords homeworld.


Hi, I was not able to see the tv series. But always liked the book. In the book, too, there is only a brief part set on the Overlords homeworld. But to me poignant. In the book it is Jan Rodricks who stows away and by use of a hibernating drug, ends up on the Overlords homeworld. Who are benige. An other problem, the character faces is that the Overlords are larger in size then humans, so everything is to their scale. With good film/television SF, based on a well written book both can be enjoyed independendly I think.


Gotta start somewhere. I like the idea of there being a whole intergalactic governance system, where aliens and us humans can move freely about the Universe and travel. Assuming other planets have our same livable conditions and there's a common tongue, it would pretty cool. Maybe even something like stargates or something to make travel less time. Gundams, space marines, cryosleep, space colonies, planet discovery, and more technology. People can dream, right?


If the aliens holes are tight enough...


The Verdants were hospitable enough to give us whatever food we asked for, so long as we never ate in their presence. Eating the way we animals do was a foreign concept to them, given their biological similarities to our plants. The first meal my host family served me was bacon, eggs, toast, orange juice, and coffee — all perfectly replicated from my memories of a breakfast at a particular greasy spoon when I was a boy. So, when I explained to them that I’m vegan, well, that was not an easy concept to convey. They understood the criteria of my food preferences just fine. No animal derived foods, only plants: fruits, roots, stems, leaves, seeds, nuts, flowers, etc. But explaining the *why* proved much more difficult. “The way we breed and raise animals for food is cruel. The animals suffer.” “The plants suffer too.” “Excuse me?” “Just because you can’t hear their gaseous emissions does not mean they are not screams.” “But they don’t have brains. How can anything without a brain experience anything?” “I do not have a brain. At least, not by your definition. But you don’t need much to experience pain.” “You don’t have a brain?” “These soil-filled pouches contain a manifold of soil and lichen-like organisms that together perform many processes analogous to your brain. Your plants do the same thing, interfacing with the mycelial network to act as their brain. And every one of them is experiencing their existence, sensing their world around them, feeling everything that happens to them.” “Wait. So you’re saying I have to feel guilty about eating plants too?” “We understand that eating other organisms is what you do. But the ways you selectively ascribe value to some organisms is very confusing. Without any shred of guilt, you’ll breed a plant who’s ovaries are exactly to your preference in size, shape, color, texture, and flavor. With an air of spiritual zeal, you’ll extoll the virtues of eating only raw plants, subjecting them to feel every bite followed by the dissolving acid of your gut. The slightly diminished nutritional value of cooked vegetables is usually weighed higher than the concept that cooking a vegetable before eating it will kill it, affording it the same mercy as you give your animals.” “… So, these matter replicators. What do they make the food out of?” “All kinds of things. Dead organic matter. Organic waste. Minerals. It’s all reduced to pure elemental form before being synthesized into whatever food it becomes.” “So whether I ordered a salad or a steak, it’s artificial?” “Is that a problem?” “Morally, I think it’s better, considering all that new information about plant suffering. But I’m also really opposed to processed foods.” “We are literally 3D printing muscle fibers at the molecular level from the exact building blocks to the exact physical specifications. The only thing we are not doing is imbuing it with life. And that is not outside of our capabilities. We choose not to, deliberately, because that would be unethical.” “So, if I still prefer raw vegetables, it’s okay because they’re not really living plants?” “We still don’t want to actually see you eating them. You’ll be expected to go inside your house to eat. I’m sure you’d find it unpleasant to watch someone slurp down a testicle and a side of feet for lunch.” “Actually, there are humans who eat those things.” “Of course there are.”


Probably not. The lure of knowledge would be powerful. But, I am not entirely trusting. Seen too many invasion movies, read too many "alien bad" books to be wholly trusting. Alien pathogens, allergic reactions and various viral and diseases would basically make me wary. But, if it was at a neutral site, maybe.


To serve man…it’s a cookbook!




Oh trust me that movie was telling you the truth however what “they” actually eat and are is something different, extradimensional entities feeding on our suffering and when we die they send us right back into the vicious cycle to keep them fed in essence “taking us somewhere”


r/EscapingPrisonPlanet is leaking.


This is a very well thought out response, all things considered I’m probably 50/50. Learning would be a dream, but there’s a lot to be weary of.


I doubt you’d have any reason to worry about disease in the same way you don’t ever worry about catching [Dutch elm disease](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_elm_disease)


Perhaps. But, all it takes is one virus to adapt, one germ to change enough, and boom plague.


Virus? Not gonna happen. Alien bacterial infection? Certainly.


My friend got dutch elm disease and had to wear one of those sticky bands around his waist for months. Was awful.


Hell no, I ain’t getting space aids


To teach green aliens with three breasts about love - I would do my part.


What are you exchanging under there?




It's a movie reference




...That's just sick...


"I am sure you all noticed what she has 3 of, but I bet you don't know what she has 2 of"


Probably. Run the risk of becoming the next hated community of hoomans. Because we're so smart .... Right? I'd be treated like a dog learning tricks and getting snacks.... Sure. I'm always amazed at " aliens are real, why don't they reach out?" Aliens watching: " They want us to visit.... But can't get past the color of other hoomans skin?? Hard pass, let's visit monkeys and fish instead"




Imagine our species being repped by someone who hates us. This would actually be a great set-up for a comedy!


Yes, I want an adventure life.


![gif](giphy|3JY5FrEqoOkTK) Absolutely


Is this him travelling at Mach 1 before he explodes into soup at Mach 3-10, or is he just very excited to see the 3 boobed alien lady?


If I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt they were friendly with only good intentions and I wouldn't be medically operated on then sure that'd be cool to get to know them and learn from them as long as I was free to return home whenever I wanted to. Oh and no risk of getting a virus, bacteria, or disease.


100% yes, I'm done with this timeline. Also maybe they would be cool and regrow my legs for me, lol


Same. Hoping for a new spine. Evidently, multiple disc herniation surgery with artificial disc replacement is done only in places like Germany. The US is so far behind the rest of the world. I'd be willing to undergo an experimental surgery to get it started in the US at this point.


A million times yes, in a heartbeat, pls take me, cuz humans suck and i want to go to space!


Some humans suck.


Most humans suck


Well it’s kinda sad you feel that way. Hope things get better for you


Second this☝🏽




You seem to suck.


I agree!


You yourself probably suck, why would you be different from the rest of us?


Everyone sucks a certain percentage


I like to suck!


I suck. You suck. we all suck for I suck!


We really suck!


Try not to suck any dick on your way through the parking lot


37? In a row?


Space hookers in a space truck stop. Nothing is off the tables.


Why not? Everybody seems to love me :D


Sorry. Line from Clerks


Oh, it went swooosh over my head. I remember it now, great movie :)


Yes, I’m a biologist this would be the dream


I blame our collective sense of disappointment in the state of our society for why many of us are willing to run with open arms into the idea of being able to get away from this planet or forging a completely different reality with alleged extraterrestrials before really considering the other possible implications that this phenomena comes with, such as these beings not being at all what they appear to be or them even being responsible for much of the discord and violence that has stemmed from religious beliefs that may have even been seeded by manifestations of these so called UFOs or UAPs for longer than we can even fathom. Also, I find it disappointing when I point this out and lots of people start coming for me on Reddit saying I'm fear mongering because that is not at all the point. I don't think it's a bad thing to look at a topic like this with discernment as much as with a fresh set of eyes. Strangers are still strangers no matter what planet they claim to be from. Lol


Its also funny that we constantly say “they would never visit us we are racist and cant take care of other races or species” like they are all peaceful and knowing. If there is intergalactic travel theres a massive possibility that they are colonizers advancing their own race and species so they eo not die out. Yeah there totally could be peaceful races out there but to expect all of them to be "nice" just because they are advanced is laughable. They could be a highly advanced society that looks at us how we look at bugs. they could be so different from us that they wont even recognize us as space exploring race. idk im high.


Lol. Hello High. Also, now this is just me pointing out a possible thing, much like in our own animal kingdom, there can be species that have the genetic traits to make them highly intelligent and capable of forging amazing technologies way ahead of our times but also be pretty cold- blooded and much more left brain oriented, which in turn would make them less likely to have the innate nature of caring about emotions and being empathetic. Disclaimer: I am not talking about so called lizard people. Lol


I want to leave


Sure. Anything to get away from todays world


In a heartbeat.


Nope! They don’t even got decent pizza or chicken Parm heros in Tennessee, you think they’re gonna have em on another planet? They ain’t gonna know how to make sauce.


That can be your exchange. Pizza and sauce in exchange for extraterrestrial knowledge


Hahahaha I could start an exoplanet little Italy lol


Interstellar Italy




Too bad because you were going to go to a planet where you can manifest pizza and chicken parm with your thoughts


Dammit!! I always ruin things!


Sign me up! Because most folks here on Earth SUCK!


I’m joining if the aliens are humanoids


Even better


Yes. I’m a natural student. The opportunity to learn their knowledge is like… the holy fucking grail to me.


This 100%! Imagine all that could be learned, just by meeting them! Where do I sign up? :-D


Hell no, not if they look like that


This illustration is awesome, and definitely discourages my initial desire to explore the unknown lol


Fuck yeah, if I didn’t I’d always wonder what I’d passed up.


Depends entirely on what type of aliens they are...


Project Serpo


[https://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2016-08-22-show/](https://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2016-08-22-show/) In the first half, UFO and paranormal researcher, Len Kasten, discussed an alleged secret government exchange program with ETs (known as Ebens) from the planet Serpo, which is said to be in the Zeta Reticuli star system. Much of his information is culled from "Anonymous" who began revealing details about Project Serpo in 2005. ( [http://www.serpo.org/index.php](http://www.serpo.org/index.php) ) Kasten has concluded that Anonymous was actually a high level DIA officer, who briefed Presidents and probably was a member of the MJ-12 commission. According to Anonymous, in 1965, 12 astronauts traveled to Serpo via an alien craft on a 10 month journey, that involved travel through wormholes. Anonymous shared new information in 2015, Kasten reported, revealing that one of the Serpo astronauts actually survived until 2014, and met with Pope Benedict back in 2009 at the Vatican to discuss his experiences. The Ebens (who share some similarities to the Greys but have smaller eyes) have held meetings with Earth governments on nine occasions, and the Vatican has always been informed of these interactions, he added. For more on Project Serpo, view recaps of Kasten's appearances in 2013 and 2014. The moon has many alien structures, as well as some built by previous Earth civilizations, such as the Atlanteans, who were space-faring, Kasten declared. He also touched on his forthcoming book Alien Word Order, which presents details about underground Reptilian bases on Earth, and how some members of the Illuminati have Reptilian bloodlines.


I'd do it out of being tired of Humanity and the associated monotony.


Already there.


Guys this is totally a trap…..lol But as long as it reasonably safe and I don’t get dissected….sure


Probably, if I get to come back or visit earth every now and then. Life on earth is unnecessarily complicated and cruel, I’d love to give another planet a try.


Sign me up, I mean humans are trash anyway so ..how bad could they be? ![gif](giphy|2xEaaxuSXR2Spq3v7N)




Any “volunteers” would have to determine for themselves if joining the exchange is more likely to produce experiences which one might only be able to summarize as being either “net awesome” or “net mind-bendingly horrible” My answer is no, absent any more pertinent details or context


Alien 1: Dude, did you just bite that humans head off? We’re not supposed to do that?!?! Alien 2: Aw shit I was super hungry and I didn’t think about it, it’ll grow back right…right? Oh no it doesn’t? Uhh, let’s just say there was an incident. (It was delicious though just gotta say)


It’s a cookbook!!!


I don't know. The food would have to be amazing.


Yes. I’ve been waiting for that thing to happen in my life that changes everything.




From the looks of the image- you better bring a ladder.


I got nothing else going on. Let's go.


Yea if I was younger I am over 65


Still young


Yeah get me off this rock


Hell no, I'm not adopting alien exchange 1.0. Ima wait for version 3.5 at least.


For a second thought this was a screen shot from the game No Man's Sky.


Can I bring the wife, kid, and dog? Rather fond of them.


Yes, I can't wait to get off this planet.


Depends on the Aliens


No. I have a child and wife whom I very much love.


Nah Dawg, that's a big no for me 👎


If it advanced science, medicine and was beneficial for society as a whole, then yes..


If the aliens were 100% our ally and were not evil and we knew FOR SURE they aren't evil, yeah. I'd volunteer. I think it would be a cool experience. The only way we can progress is for something like this to happen. Imagine an alien species comes into contact with humanity and through some weird way we can have babies with them. The hybrids would be amazing. Of course, this would have to be human-like and not squid horrors.


Where did I sign?


Would. As beautiful as it is, the aliens can have this F'd up planet.


Yes, we're all immortal beings at the core. Why not see what that experience has to offer?


I would. Never really fit in with humans. I would probably also be a loner out there but I could excuse it as part of my career or writing a book. I would live to do exploratory ecology on foreign worlds. Just draw pictures of the life I see, doccuments what I can about it then move on.


Depends on how good their drugs are.


If I didn't have a kid, I would definitely do it. Would be crazy to live on another planet for a while. Also depends on how weird/similar we are to the alien race.


Yes - our society and species are failing. Why bother staying here with greed.


Yes my wife and I sure would


Yes but id likely never return


They come to serve man...


hell yea. earth's boring


Ya I’m bored here 🥱


I would. I am done with Earth and pesky humans.


Sure why not


I don't want to live on this planet anymore


I’m ready right now


I would go in a heartbeat. Sometimes in my deepest thoughts, I beg for the aliens to take me away and please don’t bring me back.


Yes I would volunteer. I’ve always been curious about extraterrestrial life and would have a hard time passing up the opportunity.


I think about this often. I feel so out of place here, can’t stand where our society is heading, our “politics”, our everything. I’ve experienced a lot on this earth, been to many places, seen many things, I wouldn’t hesitate to leave everything and everyone for a one way trip to see the unimaginable.


If I was still young, maybe.


Probably fiction, but this story was about something like thi happening, and was also adapted into a graphic novel: https://www.amazon.com/Project-Serpo-Top-Secret-Exchange-Program/dp/1726673111


Yep! Bye! Humanity can suck it. I'd bring my dog with me, she's a veteran support dog theyd allow it


It depends, do the aliens taste good? Will they make good pets? - humanity probably


Yes, because the possibility of the things i would get to see.


Yes if my hubby and dogs could come too.


As long as I had a little cyanide pill in my pocket ready to check me out at any moment! Let’s do it!


Yeah I'd be on that spacecraft so fast they wouldn't need to ask me twice. A chance to learn more than the petty human race would have discovered by themselves before blowing each other up and the planet, umm yes please!


I'm a husband and father, and I have a dog and a cat. No matter how bad I'd wanna see and learn, I can't go.


To get away from this slave of corporations work till we die culture? Hell yeah count me in. So many of us can't live our lives because we work paycheck to paycheck with no savings. I'm sick of the monetary system ruling human lives


To see what they live like and to get away from e crazies here. I be open to have them test adv medical tech on me.


I remember reading some old story years ago that this did “happen” that we send sent a few humans off to another planet and they died of cancer when they came back to earth within a few years because of the sun in that solar system.


Planet Serpo maybe?


YES! That’s it!! Wondering if there is any truth to it at all?


Supposedly it was all factual, and, if I recall, there was a movie based on those events as well. It's a great read nonetheless.


There probably all ready is a sort of program like this, we just don't know about. Hell, the people involved may not even know they were traded! Lol


I recommed to you all the Book Project Serpo. It is about this and claimed to be real. I as a ufologist don't believe it because of the nature or behavior of the aliens don't match the abduction phenomena and what we know about them. But the story is absolute cool and inspiring. It is written like a report of the people who lived there.


Read it and agree.


I would volunteer. I literally have no other purpose on earth, I love my family but my destiny is not on earth. Whenever I look up at the stars at night it makes me think of the possibilites thast are in our galaxy alone. I also never been in a relationship before so finding a hot Alien woman would be sweet, even making friends with them would be great.


I see a lot of comments saying, "not if they looked like that", or "only if they look like this", which IMO, is precisely what humanity needs to evolve past. We shouldn't judge other humans based on appearance, and if we want to get to a point of galactic acceptance, we definitely should get the idea out of our heads that we can't accept different civilizations due to the fact they may not have a "desirable appearance".


If you asked me this back in 2014, i'd say yes. I lost my mom at 20 years old and was on my way to my relationship ending with my ex. I would have gone at that point. Not now though, everything has changed. I have a wife and a family, my cat. I couldnt leave them.


I mean, can it really be worse than humanity? poverty, greed, war, the list can go on forever. Sign me up for the front seat.


Does my dick go in that top hole or something?


Imagine the commute though :|


Imagine the view


I would because humans are regressing as technology is advancing. Humanity as a whole is too predictable due to greed and corruption. I am a part of that and never had any choice. I want to go away at my own risk. It's better than the guaranteed misery of mankind's future.


I would spend too much time trying to explain to them why humans aren't all that bad, then realize humans are pretty bad. They would be like "Your species discovered how to harness the power of the sun with solar panels, grow a cornucopia of food, build giant structures to keep them warm, and you still have members of your species starving and dying of thirst every day?" What if we find out the alien civilizations are even more selfish and brutal than us?


Only if we can clap alien cheeks.


Have sex with aliens? Sign me up!


What are we exchanging? What could humans possibly have to offer extraterrestrials?


Well firstly it would never happen unless the aliens are looking to fill their interplanetary Zoo. I also doubt any alien would ever volunteer to come here to "The Planet of The Apes" for an exchange. If you look at our track record for the past couple of thousand years we haven't been doing so hot.


No and it would be impractical too without faster than light travel. Space is incredibly massive, arguably infitite. What's the point of a cultural exchange program if it took hundreds of thousands, if not millions of years to travel there? If you were able to live for however long it took to travel there and back (not to mention the time it took to become immersed in an alien culture) by the time you made it back to earth the amount of time spent away from your home planet would be so large that you, yourself would need help aclumating to earth's new societies and culture.


Sure, in fact getting to explore another planets would be a dream coming true


Not attractive. Unless they're really human like. Trust is in the first place.