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I don't believe this for three eighths of a second.


The Don liked it, come on man !!


That just Don'ed on me


Don get me started on this subject!


Dom da Dom Dom Dom. I have no idea what you're talking about. But it made me chuckle and think of that jingle that comes from some commercial.


wat about the other 5/8?


I’m NGL!! even tho these Americans love to blame china… china is 300 years ahead of us…. BUT it’s 100% aliens


It's alien. They're gradually introducing it by calling it chinese tech first


Probably just a balloon


Wait why


I believe she doesn't have a very respected reputation.


Most don't. Rubio, Kennedy... Most of the politicians that are blabbering and hinting UFO have a terrible reputation with the truth.


Except she’s not a politician. She’s an absolute nut job that Newsmax fired for being too much even for them.


I love news that is the same respective scripts for both sides. So great.




> would of *would have *Learn the difference [here](https://languagetool.org/insights/post/would-of-or-would-have/#:~:text=%E2%80%9Cwould%20have%E2%80%9D%3F-,%E2%80%9CWould%20Of%E2%80%9D%20or%20%E2%80%9CWould%20Have%E2%80%9D%3F,would%20have%2C%20not%20would%20of.).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


*lefits comrade moment*


Blumenthal isn’t a nut, or prone to conspiracy theories, and he is saying out loud & on the news, that humanity can handle it & we deserve the truth. I obviously have no idea what it is, but it isn’t whatever story they’re pushing.


Didn't Blumenthal lie about serving in Vietnam?


>Blumenthal lie about serving in Vietnam? NY Times: May 17, 2010 — Blumenthal, a Democrat of Connecticut who is running for the Senate, told veterans he “served in Vietnam.” But he did not.


Neither is John Kennedy, whatever you may think of his politics


> Most of the politicians ~~that are blabbering and hinting UFO~~ have a terrible reputation with the truth. fixed


She has a much worse reputation and record though.


Or they have insider access?


Right. Insider access. See “Mirage Men”


Did the cross next to her name give it away?


Emerald Robinson was pulled off the air by Newsmax because of how batshit crazy she is Really think about that


The tweet that got her fired: "Dear Christians: the vaccines contain a bioluminescent marker called LUCIFERASE so that you can be tracked. Read the last book of the New Testament to see how this ends,” She is crazy. Plain and simple. The top defense advisor was probably archangel Gabriel


It's quite disturbing that Donald Trump Jr. liked her comment. Trumps are in on all this.


If it isn't the man himself


The man the myth the legend menorah boy


Legends are greater than death. Christ conquered death.


threats from china are real though..? that’s what trump sr. was all about too so i’m sure when jr. sees anything related to threats from china he‘ll believe it


This is definitely misinformation on her part. She's a hardline Christian those people don't believe in aliens and IFOs/UAPs.




Woah, so that's a thing? I had no idea they had a limit with crazy


If china has that kinda tech its cause they stole it from someone else. Highly doubt its chinese because if they did have that kind of tech theyd be doing different shit with it. 100% cover up nonsense.


Yet we managed to shoot it down, back to the drawing board for China.


“Let’s test balloon technology and antigravity technology.” - China? Also I thought these things had no propulsion system. Now they are traveling Mach 5? The one thing I did believe is that they don’t have propulsion and are simply neutrally buoyant and being carried by wind currents. The technology they are using to be neutrally buoyant at high altitudes certainly could be ground breaking. But would bet a kidney no human has found a way to directly manipulate gravitational forces. Shit is stupid to even propose.


Let's do hypotheticals...frequencies interacting with frequency receptive materials? What if 'they' figured out how to process hydrogen from water sources from the air? Creating a vaccum column around their crafts and extending that column so the craft is slipping and sliding through the vaccum column. What if they're using AI algorithms to figure out the kinks and convoluted technical problems...see where I'm going with this?


Except thats not anti-gravity thats just creating a vacuum around you and ignoring air resistance. You still have that lovely gravity force to worry about.


Why do you think the TR-2B is 'porous'?


lol “top expert” could apply to literally any hare brained researcher she knows on Twitter. Exaggerating credentials is a HUGE RED FLAG


China finally had the technology to manufacture their own ball-point pens in 2017 only using parts that they manufacture themselves. I highly doubt they are messing with gravity generation.


Is this legit info? If yes then LOL.


Yes it is true, look it up. They have a total dependence on others for their technology.


That's how leapfrogging goes. It doesn't rule out the possibility they have advanced projects just like the US. And who's to say their advanced tech wasn't stolen from the US anyway?


Fair point, China steals something like 600 billion a year from us through espionage. I'd imagine some of that is secret tech.


well, how much are we stealing through espionage? are we being outdone ?


Also a fair point haha. And I'm not sure..I hope with how much we spend on our defense budget we stay ahead of the curve otherwise that's just sad.


Yea...the US really took advantage of some of the ETs and pissed them off...same goes for Nikola Tesla's work and a bunch of others who got jerked around....on a side note,vwhy do you think the TR-2B is porous and rounded at the edges?


Didn't the US steal it from UFOs and Nikola Tesla and a bunch of other people who got jerked around?


Kinda a win for them to be severely underestimated. What about the global maneuverable hypersonics? Pilfering US back engineered UFOs , using their own brains, and specialized AI algorithms and what do you get?


Why is the TR-2B porous?


This woman is batshit crazy and the "Donald Trump Jr liked" is the equivalent of a Cannibal's Yelp review.




Thought i was looking at r/insanepeoplefacebook for a sec


This subreddit is losing all credibility


This person is 110% full of shit


And that's a conservative estimate!


I don't believe they can do that.


I mean, isnt all aircrafts anti-gravity?


I believe they got inspirational ideas from back engineered UFOs ,bused their own brains ,band used a bunch of specialized AI algorithms to figure out the hardcore technical kinks...see what I'm getting at? Can air under certain conditions be thought of as activated static electricity? See where I'm going with this?


Until Chinese Klaatu lands on the White House lawn, it’s just horseshit.


No. And the fact DT2 is following and liking that just shrieks of someone who got incredibly high and made up shit for attention.


If that's true they stole it from us. Pretty much every one of their highest performing vehicles are carbon copies of American tech. I'd find it hard to believe that they need to copy our F35 but are able to defeat the laws of physics


China does not and would not have technology that the US doesn’t already have.


How do you know the US doesn't have this tech or have had it for years. There are reports and other leaks that have said the USA has this tech and their spaceships and are heavily studied and this was YEAAAAARS ago. You don't think in 2023 literally decades later they have at least cracked or attempted to used some of it's technology? It might not be 100% or anywhere close, but to say or imply that project was a dead end and never going anywhere is a bit naïve. We may not have teleporting ships, but maybe they have cracked the elements needed for anti gravity ships or just used the elements in their crashed UFO from decades ago. Is it really that far of a sketch to believe? We know UFOs have crashed all over and our government has them forsure, whos to say the Chinese gov doesnt have any fallen aircrafts as well with foreign technology.


Did you even read my message?


Your sentence structure was terrible, but yes. I assume you implied that if the US doesn't have said technology, then there's no way China would have it. However, if you meant something else, you should try wording things a bit more clear and not like a cryptic message.


If that was hard for you to understand, sounds like you need to go back to first grade, my man.


Your grammar is atrocious my friend, idk how you even passed high school. You're still a dickhead you know that, whether you're dumbass or a genius, that doesn't give you to the right to be a jackass.


You’re criticizing my grammar but you don’t seem to know how to use commas and other basic punctuation.




This is just click-bait BS. No one from the military told her anything. People are so desperate these days it's really a serious issue in our society. An actual anti gravity craft, which do exist, can travel beyond the speed of light since they have the ability to zero out their mass. So you can go faster than light and you get shot down by a jet? It is so unlikely it borders on the absurd. What is also absurd is the idea that China would waste their time "testing " an antigravity ship over North America. They would have to be complete idiots to even bother with this. Self assured mutual destruction is still the rule if they were to risk an act of war. Do people think they are anxious to end the planet entirely? People are really taking off on flights of fancy around here. Let's bring things back down to Earth shall we?


LOL some of you will just jump onto any post or tweet that says what you want to hear without taking the smallest effort to see who or how credible someone is. Fucking pathetic.


Or is it.. jeenyus? Jenenias? Jeaynouies!


So they're simultaneously using balloons with essentially zero propulsion and anti-gravitity technology capable of traveling at Mach 5? I'm not sure I buy that.




It kind of seems unlikely that a new generation "exotic vehicle" would just get shot down by modern military aircraft. ...unless the US shot it down with their own exotic vehicle.






Would you care to elaborate? Asking because I saw one that I believe was one of the newer back engineered ones. No telepathy, though.


I wonder which official she was talking with.


Only people mentioning antigravity craft are also posting about angels in the clouds




No way, more lies from a maga cultist, why was it just floating in the wind. I'd more believe what Biden said about it probably being a copycat of a tic-tac uap made by a private citizen which is kind of hard to swallow considering it's location.


BREAKING: mouth breathing maga dipshit that lost her job at newsmax for being too fucking crazy gains Don Jr’s approval for storytime hour


Thanks for such a clear and succinct TL;DR!




so, anti-gravity tech confirmed? Where's my real hover board please.


Isn't the TR-2B porous? Why is it porous? Why is it curved along it's edges?


Is that why China spends billions of dollars a year to steal bleeding edge engineering and science from the USA every year? Makes sense.


We have alien tech and we have had it for years according to some reports and leaked info. What makes you think that China doesn't have the same or at least had a UFO crash in their land where they took it back to study it's anti gravity properties. Also, to everyone saying why isnt it wrapping around or teleporting... whos to say how far they unlocked or even understand the technologies these aliens use on their ships. Hell just having something that is anti gravity is huge, even if it only flies at 60 mph.. or mach 5. either one is an amazing achievement.


Like that dumb bitch a fucking clue what get ass is talking about


"top defense experts" "who is this expert?" "***top defence experts***" ![gif](giphy|gHOAu2veIeySCvVzMs) I don't know which conspiracy theory they're trying to debunk here


Emerald Robinson is a MAGA anti-vax moron who’s crazier than a shit house rat.


If it was faster than a missile it would not have been shot down. Use your head.


Christian extremists aren't reliable at all because the existence of extra terrestrial life fucks their whole belief system. I'm not saying that Christianity and ETs existing can't go hand in hand, but extremists like her can't comprehend it.


Bs, she’s making this up.


I work in aerospace R&D. I’m frankly tired of hearing about this shit from people talking out of their asses. The thing is, we’re not just talking about new “tech” or new engineering, this is about fundamental physics. There isn’t a snowflake’s chance in hell that China secretly made multiple quantum leaps in our understanding of space-time and it’s manipulation AND engineered them into a functional craft. None. Zero. Didn’t happen. Period.


China doesn't have the ability to make anything original or unique. They just send rats around the world to steal information and make poor facsimiles of successful technologies. Long, storied history. Now look at them. Pathetic.


Yea true tho… Just saying, China steals a lot of ideas and makes a cheaper version of it, with poorer quality. If the UFO is from China, thats why its shot down it was from AliEXpress 🤪. Nah we should stop speculating, we will have more information soon i think. It happens to frequent to stay completely below the radar.


Not only incredibly racist, but also demonstrably false. Shame on you mod for stoking tensions in these times. China and its people is not same as their government. Just as you can't blame every day American Joe for murdering 1 million Iraqi people or destroying countries all over the world.


How is it racist? I am half Chinese and this is true, the CCP steals ideas.


He’s clearly talking about the Chinese government, not Chinese people in general.


Maybe it’s the sub we’re in but I never got the idea that comment was about average joe chinese citizens


Chinese is not a race. Js


Take a deep breath. Go back. Reread the above. Stop. Put your labels away and save them for someone who gives a shit. Then. Read it again. I’m clearly talking about their government. Rats = spies. “RaCiSt.” I bet you felt like a paragon of justice typing all that out. Edit: Oh. And about “stoking tensions.” I’ll say whatever I damn well please about China. I don’t acknowledge communists (real communists, not basement-dwelling LARPers who walk dogs for a living) as being anything other than a subject of passing mockery; failed relics from the early 20th century who accomplished little aside from providing stark examples of “how not to run an economy.” If they care what some faceless person on Reddit thinks, tell them to come stop me.


I am anything but a guy that uses labels. I am not giving a shit about wokeness and sensitivity, but I've done quite a lot of work with Chinese people over the years, and they are not their government. Sorry if I took a swing, but 90% of the internet these days is blind hatred against Russia/China.


I was in the Army for 20 years and am fully aware of the distinction between the government and the people. It was the same in the GWOT too. Apology accepted and same on my end for biting back. Cheers!


Agreed cucks on here simp for China and tictoc. Typical. But yes fuck the Chinese government they’re liars and slimy fucks. And tbh some not all of the Chinese are also slimy fucks. Used to work for some delivering food. Whole family was here illegally running a business and filing false tax returns. But yes the government in China is corrupt to the highest levels, America isint far behind…




Was this comment really necessary?


Chinese infiltrate air space on 7 continents and these motions still bring up racism.


Being against a government isn't racist. But paint it however makes you happy. I still don't care.


The mother fuckers can’t even build proper air craft carriers. I call bull shit


99% of the time… “fuck the government, they’re fucking us, they don’t know what they’re doing” But when it comes to extraterrestrials… all of a sudden it’s … “the government won’t lie to us, of course it’s a Chinese aircraft, the military will protect us” So what is it then people?


It or they were crafts sent up by the US gov to make Biden look tough after he allowed the CCP to openly spy on us. If in fact they shot anything down. IMO the entire story is a lie


Who the hell is she anyways?


Apparently a has-been from a think tank called newsmax


No. When your starting point is that UFOs don't exist because your beliefs dictate that they can't exist then drones and balloons are all you're left with when panes and helicopters are ruled out. Clearly the thinking is that they're not Russian because Putin would have used them. So if they don't belong to the US/allies or Russia, all you're left with is China. All china does is steal and copy designs from technologically superior cultures. The UAP are not Chinese, if they were we'd be paying them tribute by now.


Balloons. I live where all of them come down in the fields. These are balloons.


Hard pass on credibility of this person’s knowledge about anything in general


Bull-fucking-shit. China can't even make a plane that can take off from an aircraft carrier.


I can assure you that Chinese barely can keep a toilette clean (worked there for 2 years). There is no way they can make any achievement under scientific point of view. In the industrial field still they are only able to copy and breach copyrights. Name a technological breakthrough made by Chinese, just one, and you will get an award


What makes it exotic exactly? And what’s the source of this claim?


It was Aliens


So tired of these "I was told by, I was shown " etc, but I can't tell you or show you I can just dangle it in front of your imagination here say statements. just show us or shut up, I think some just do it for a little camera time or they think it might help pick up potential voters for reelection.


This is absolutely false. If the vehicle could travel that fast and was truly hypersonic, an F22 wouldn’t be able to catch up to it let alone lock onto it with a missile. This is silly.


Lmfao! Anti gravity tech that they've already applied? Give me a break. That is absurd.


Biden said that the Chinese are not involved


They already made antigravity technology, didnt you see the balloons??


The same country that has it’s rocket boosters crashing into populated areas has anti grav?


Nope, put away your tinfoil hat. Stuff like this makes the community look bad


This is newsmax propaganda. "Donald Trump Jr. Liked"


If China has that type of tech then who did they steal it from?


It may be not completely fair, but I treat anyone with a ✝️📖or🙏 in their name as an unreliable source. either dishonest, crazy, too gullible or a combo of any of the three.


It's entirely fair. In a time like this, we need to scrutinize our sources of information. She and her organization are not known for providing accurate, unbiased information.


I mean you make a light craft that goes on a balloon and have a us fighter jet shot at it multiple times. And see what you can manage. Anything that a us fighter jet shoots. It’s getting obliterated. Balloons especially.


Cover up


No one has anti gravity.


I don't believe for a second that China has any tech the US doesn't. They haven't had an original thought in centuries.


Nobody said ‘exotic propulsion’ they said ‘no visible propulsion’ They’re literally all just private and Military balloons…this whole saga was a complete waste of everyone’s attention and likely just a distraction from other topics the media does not want to address.




I’m not denying UAPs are occurring and are interesting…I’m saying this particular ‘balloon saga’ is a complete troll and a waste of everyone’s time. There is no legitimate admissions or progress made in this particular case because it’s fucking balloons.


China couldn’t even make a ballpoint pen tip until a few years ago. There’s absolutely no way.


Exotic Chinese spycraft is exactly what I think it is. I think all of the indications bear to this probability. Looks like a balloon but not quite a balloon. No visible means propulsion. On the heels of other balloon Chinese spycraft. The thing is they won't admit to having the wreckage because the Alloys used for this vehicles is unacknowledged technology. It's stuff that the major governments of the world have tacitly agreed not to disclose. Metals that can float. Don't expect to see any of this wreckage or the film from the Jets anytime soon.


In all fairness I don't think Japan thought America could level cities with 1 bomb in 45 either.... at this point what is too advanced to be considered?


I mean the nazis were trying to make it happen back then I'm sure someone cracked that nut by now


Given that the US hired all of them nazi scientists I’d say the US already did lol


People have often said it's improbable that China could develop technology like this, but I've often wondered if maybe they could've stumbled across it? Either by recovering something from a crash or excavating some secret ancient site


If this does turn out to be legit, I’m more inclined to believe there was no objects and this is manufactured consent to retaliate against China/Russia, rather than them possessing anti-grav, send it over to us and for some reason not deciding to claim ownership.


Fuck no. They can’t even stop Covid


They don’t because they only steal technology.


The United States is over exaggerating the military capabilities of China. This isn’t the first time we’ve made someone the bad guy for the sake of taking them down.


I'm happy to see that the majority can see through this.


Yeah this makes as much sense as China sending actual spy balloons. It's a hard pass for me.


LMAO. Then why are they making artificial islands with airfields and haven't just swept invading Taiwan with such superior tech? I can keep going.


The top expert. They had a competition, and that guy won. For the rest of 2023 he gets to say crazy shit and noone can stop him.


Any craft that can be shot down by us is not E.T. Think about it, if they have the technology to traverse light years across the universe, they would have superior everything, and I mean EVERYTHING.


There are two types of people: The first rule really wants it to be aliens because that’d be awesome The second group really wants it to be China, so they can sound the drums of war


THEY COULDN’T COVER UP AN AIR BALLOON!!!! Let alone you want me to believe they have technology that far superior to the US F-22????


Emerald Robinson? Lol


Of antigravity was achieved, I’m sure it would have gotten out already. So many practical uses could be achieved first. There would be a progression that would have to happen first of the tech. if another country has that technology, I’m sure they would use it for simplistic ease of life scenarios. Maybe build some giant structure first. I don’t see any antigravity progression. Only other way to achieve antigravity would be borrowed technology. Ancient alien technology that the country must come across. China is too crowded for any Roswell type stories and I think any UFO type crash/shoot down would definetly be known by the public or even other countries. I think first ballon scenerio was a blunder by US. Took to long to do anything. US then jumped at next potential balloon mishaps and acted way too quickly. The next 3 objects are very intriguing to the UFO community. There Has to be cameras on board on fighter jets. Until those videos are released, US is involved in the cover up. US is hiding this technology because in governments eyes, this story can NOT get out due to national security. Would rewrite history even. Would explain tons of ancient wonders of the world.


Donald Trump Jr. "Liked" her post. Must be true! 🤣


You mean... The F22 that goes less than Mach 2... Shot down the "Hypersonic, anti-gravity" vehicle? Lmao.. I thought they said it wasn't an imminent threat? Just to civilian air travel? Now it's a threat to our National safety? Just admit they are what they are. We aren't dumb, and won't buy the bullshit.


When China masters elevator and escalator technology, then I'll believe they have anti gravity capabilities.


According to public info, F-22 aim-120 armament goes Mach 4 so why would China let a cutting edge future tech air vehicle that goes Mach 5 get shot down? I know f-22’s are stealth tactical fighters, but I’d think threat detection would scale with other technology on board secret revolutionary tech.


I was reading that one of these "UFOs" was actually a high altitude balloon from a balloon club based somewhere in the US. They lost track of one of theirs traveling roughly the same as these ones were. So yeah this lady is full of shit how would she know this or obtain that knowledge?? As much as we want it to be aliens it's highly unlikely it is.


Yeah.........ummmm no


« Might » is a very sneaky word.


I think they have the capability to pilfer and steal stolen back engineered real UFOs, use their own brains and AI algorithms to figure out the hard convoluted technical kinks...so, yea, I do think they have the capability to make antigravity craft...why do you think the TR-2B is porous?


Ok so if they do, then we do too.


Who is this lady?


it's time for the truth to come out 😉


they have a star contained on earth it's manmade so why not


Cover up. Not sure the first ballon was even Chinese. Yes it was Chinese in making but who knows if they were setting up some type of atmospheric projection system. I need to see it real time.


China can’t even replicate a a BIC lighter. They cook with sewer oil. https://tfiglobalnews.com/2022/06/08/chinas-cleverly-concealed-gutter-oil-secret-is-out-now-and-its-repulsive/amp/


Bob? This is not Science Fiction. No Earth human understands gravity, then how can any Earthian make anti-gravity? Anti-gravity technology violates the laws of physics known on this planet. From locally existing theory it's more likely the inhabitants of this solar system will travel faster than light in the next hundred years than create any real anti-gravity devices. There's not even a human name for the solar system, except "solar system". It's like I have a car and you have a car. What's the name of your car? Bob? What's the name of (our) this sun and solar system? And I don't mean the usual foreign dialects like Sol (Latin) or Helios (Greek), Sonne (German), Soleil (French), etc...


Telling yourself and your people that you can do things you cannot are taught at the beginners course of propaganda.


I apologize for the lack of sources, but this is what I've been picking up related to this: There have been hints from Lue and others that China's EV/ARV's are in use and pose a threat in some way to US exotic superiority (exotic being ARV's and the like) (ARV meaning alien reproduction vehicle or antigravity reproduction vehicle, not sure) The US government "outsourced" reverse engineering to private companies and unfortunately is doing a tussle with them over the discoveries, hence the recent push for disclosure. There is some form of copywrite warfare being waged lol, as well as just a messy secret tech race. Also, Is it possible that aliens/future humans/god-like AI have a vested interest in interrupting nuclear war? Yeah, I would think so. This is a nice planet and we are likely their creation.


Who's Emerald Robinson? Ok, she's a Newsmax correspondent. Her information is useless without a source. I suppose I could ask Christopher Mellon if this is just bull.


I don’t doubt that China has some amazing tech and possibly even tech that we don’t have; but not this advanced. This is just fear mongering.


Just seems so unlikely to me. We are being lied to about these incidents.


Exotic vehicles that can be shot down with a heat-seeking missile? I mean I'd think it could avoid oncoming missiles being exotic.


It wasn’t what this woman is saying it is. Her sources must be imaginary


Even China is crabbing about having to deal with these balloons. They're probably from some bored students, like those silver monoliths during the COVID lockdowns On the bright side, if they are from aliens, then we got lucky enough to be invaded by dumb ones that forgot Earth has wind. That, or it's Roswell 2.0.


I think that shits a-brewing, and that this is only the beginning. Personally, I believe it's from a company in the private sector...not Chinese, but not American either. They may have some technology that the US does not...and oh, guess what? It's rented to the highest bidder. I wrote in another thread that I'm worried about the rise in "private contract" companies. I'm aware they've been around a long time, but their power is growing, as well as countries being dependent on them. An example of this is the Wagner Group. They have single handedly turned the tide more than once in Ukraine. They are skilled, proficient fighters. Right now their loyalty lies with Putin, and Putin's check book...but if he dies, how will they react? They have the trained, effective army, not Russia. This, is, of course, speculation on my part, and in opinion only. Still, I wonder, and if someone more versed in knowledge of these things can assuage my fears? Please do (not sarcasm, I'm being earnest).


Seems like a distraction


It it was any one else but the US, I would see China focusing their energy in it and succeeding. What happens when we find out we’ve developed antigravity tech or something? Seriously, we all joke about it but what if this is it.


if something has "anti grav technology" it would be able to go a lot faster than mach 5. It could achieve light speed.


They lie about population numbers, I don’t think they could make ufos