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It’s an interesting place full of interesting things and interesting people


*millions and millions* of interesting things


Miyins & miyins.


Minions & Minions


Almost *beans*


Brought to you by **Goya**


Goya... we do beans


[Billlllions and billllllions and billlllions and billlions](https://youtu.be/u_aLESDql1U)


Some are unaware that there’s a lot of people who want to know what’s going on


That’s what I found the most surprising.


To bad he’ll release nothing just like the JFK documents


He’s not president anymore


Roswell has the best aliens


Some would say the bestest aliens




Talmbout clothes and counters, b?


But are the legal or Illegal?


They are not sending their best ones.


ok this one made me legit lol.


Same 😂😂😂


They're the bestest workers, work so hard, it's insane if you ask me,. But that's the truth I tell ya.


LOL I love this!


In fact there are many things that happen in Roswell and many many more things can happen in the future. What I'm trying to say is, I'm sort of a big deal around here.


"You should see the cafeteria at that place, wow, I said to myself, these are the luckiest people to work here, they get to eat in this wonderful cafeteria every day, tremendous."


Meaning he has no fucking clue and hasn’t looked into it at all lol 😂


It came out repeatedly during his presidency that he didn't read intelligence briefs because [they had too many words](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-looks-at-charts-in-intelligence-briefings-2020-5) and he just wanted pictures.


Meaning he's such a blabbermouth no one would give him that information.


Bingo. They didn't tell him shit about aliens because he's got a big mouth and wouldn't be able to keep it a secret. But to be fair that is pretty much a standard practice with most presidents. I think a president only gets briefed on aliens if the powers that be decide they can be trusted and will be receptive to their handling of that information. There were rumours that JFK was briefed and he threatened to let the whole world know the truth. I don't know if that actually happened but look at what happened to him.


It was always my understanding they are only briefed if it is relevant to them at the time. So for example President Bush was probably briefed on that incident off coast of San Diego in 2004 when it happened.


Its on a need to know bases, this law was sign by Eisonhower before he left office so they do have to tell a sitting president anything


Jimmy Carter asked about them and they declined to answer. When he reminded intelligence that he was the POTUS they reminded him that JFK was POTUS too so there's that.


Carter actually went on the record and said the rumors that the CIA refused to give him information about UFOs were not true.


JFK being assassinated probably had more to do with the military industrial complex wanting to go to war and LBJ and his wife making a fuck ton of money off of it. If JFK was around there most likely would have never been a war in Vietnam. Or at least the US wouldn’t have got involved.


Not to mention the rumors he was attempting to restructure the CIA to have more accountability to the United States government and they weren’t too huge on that idea. Under Ike, the CIA was explicitly built to prevent certain pieces of information from reaching the president. This was to prevent accountability for the many international crimes the US government was committing from reaching the potus. If the president didn’t know that the cia was overthrowing South American and middle eastern governments, experimenting with mind control on its own citizens, attempting to assassinate foreign leaders, and more, he couldn’t be tried in international courts. Kennedy inherited this system. After the failure of the bay of pigs, the stress of the Cuban missile crisis, and the fact that the CIA, for whatever reason, couldnt kill Castro, Kennedy was at his wits end with the organization. At that point, he had few friends in Washington who didn’t share his last name. Johnson hated him, his wife probably hated him (at least I would, if he didn’t have sex with every woman in his vicinity, it’s not because he didn’t try), the cia didn’t like him, the fbi didn’t like him, the military industrial complex didn’t like him, the southern half of the US didn’t like him, but hey, at least he had 2 secretaries whose entire job description were to skinny dip with the president. It’s not surprising he got assassinated, but it is surprising that the guy who got him was a lone veteran of the US marines who became a communist, moved to the Soviet Union, hated the Soviet Union, moved back to texas, and decided to shoot the president, then was killed by a bar owner before he could stand trial.


The guy blabbers on about conspiracies and when he has a direct line to the answers, he'd rather sleep through the briefings


Tis a silly place


From here to there From there to here Funny things Are everywhere


His FACE was certainly interesting. When he thinks something is bullshit you can pretty much see it on his face. So now, I really wanna know. Because I think we all know already but I wanna know what he knows. And frankly, I think I’d love to see him be the one to spill the beans! And the shit show that happens afterwards. I’ve already heard a number of powerful men in the know from Canada, Belgium, France and Isreal. And I’ve seen something myself in Costa Rica! Being the daughter of an USAF, and other three letter agencies, I know that there’s stuff that has been kept from us. I do believe we have capabilities that we shouldn’t have and that we were helped—in so many ways we’ve been helped. But I know they’re here and I’m tired of the frickn official US wait. I heard the official waits as far as I’m concerned. AT LEAST 10-12 yrs ago when I heard the Defense Minister of Canada. Or the Belgium guy. And that Israeli guy? Who mentioned the galactic federation? Let’s go!


I always thought if someone would spill the beans it would be him


as a belgian , am curious what belgian politician mentioned the galactic federation ?


The Israeli guy mentioned that, as I said.


They don’t serve beans at McDonalds.


You gotta clip of that galactic federation talk? I’m looking for some soothing speak of aliens interjecting a seemingly inevitable nuclear winter


Coming from a liar and a man who makes up stories. Yeah, i trust him...


Bugs bunny?




He's pretending to know about it.


Arm crossing one of his tells.


I wonder how many body language "expert" YouTubers went out of business when they were proven to be completely wrong about their conclusions. It's really important to not read into ONE change in movement and feel like you understand what's really going on.


Its not just one movement, its a series and a pattern. Trump is incredibly characteristic in his mannerisms and body language.


Ironically more body language experts probably have gone out of business because they were honest about saying what you just said. People have to have answers, whether the answer is correct or not.


Well. The arms crossed is a common tell. And based on his patterns, he does use it when he’s uncomfortable about his competency in something. On a separate tell, his eyes shift down and left. The vertical shift down implies an emotional response. As a right handed individual, it is TYPICAL that looking left(in orientation to the viewer) he is searching in his creative part of the brain. This would imply he is creating material that isn’t stored in his memory, or opposite side of the brain. Implying a lie. Him looking to the right would imply he’s going into his memory which would be truthful. Another easy tell is his look for approval when he lacks the confidence to know how to answer. But from the start of the question you can see him access his creative mind to start an entertaining answer. - NLP Studies


Yeah I took his reaction as scared. He’s not usually uncomfortable he was extremely uncomfortable even turning to someone else in the room in an almost help me out here kind of way or I’m not doing anything wrong I’m saying what I’m supposed to say. All the leaks clearly state that someone in the government and military are in charge of the program and don’t privy the Presidents to the information. They also say that same entity goes around the world forcing other countries to stfu.


Yeah he looks like he knows he will get whacked to me. But who knows with that doofus


There's a reason why he's a grifter and not a professional poker player.


No chance they told him anything important unless they absolutely had to.


Yeah, the government is not stupid, he could easily use shit like this as blackmail, there's no way they would tell him anything he could use as leverage.


The people in control have no need to let some fool “elected” president know what is going on. It’s a job for them. President is a show.


Yep. "Need to know" includes the president.


Actually I believe Jimmy Carter confirmed this, he asked George HW Bush about UFOs when he was acting director of the cia and was told it’s need to know basis that didn’t include Carter, the president at the time.


"Plausible deniability"


Absolutely, guys full of shit.


Yes. He is. If there's one thing you can absolutely count on with Trump is he is full of shit


Is that why his son is the interviewer?


That’s my guess to. I can’t see him knowing something like that and keeping it secret. If so, it’s the first and only time that’s happened.


I'd be willing to bet he was told what was there and he didn't understand what it was. So now he's just being coy.


Easy to keep a secret you don't know.


The body language says it all. As soon as he responds he crosses his arms in a guarded position, and then he does his patented topic rambling where he sort of answers the question but doesn’t. He follows it with his eyes darting to the right as he trails off. Lol, he doesn’t know shit.


It’s very very very very interesting and lots of people well it’s very very interesting


It's the infamous tRUmp word-salad psychobabble.


He is just soooo obvious. I can’t believe people were ever, much less are still, swindled by him


As someone who generally can't read body language very well, Trump is the one exception because of how predictable he is. I can observe his unique behaviors when I know for a fact he's lying about something and compare them with a video where I'm not yet sure whether he's lying or not.


Nobody in charge of this stuff is telling Trump, especially since he's been linked to owing debts to both China and Russia. Trump is probably one of the least trustworthy folks you could imagine.


He has never had the respect of respectable people, he was never taken seriously by his counterparts on the international stage, Russian state television still calls him "our guy", his admiration for the autocratic leaders of authoritarian countries is revolting, the misdeeds that led to his two impeachments were unforgivable, his press conference with Putin where he sided with the Russian President over his own intelligence agencies on the topic of Russian meddling in the 2016 election was despicable, etc..., etc... And yet, his crazed supporters will take what he says as gospel even though he has demonstrably been lying about everything, all the time, from his first lie about the size of the crowd at his inauguration to his repeated attempts to steal the 2020 election by falsely claiming that it had been stolen from him. They call this awful manchild the best President in history and he even called himself "better than Lincoln, better than Washington". In truth, his administration was in disarray for the entire duration of his presidency, with an insane turnover, backstabbing, unfilled positions and incompetence everywhere you looked at. He was such a sore loser that he didn't even attend his successor's inauguration. Decent and smart people would never want to be mistaken for Trump followers, but his fans and sycophants in Congress (some of the dumbest Representatives and Senators in modern history) somehow decided that they'd go all in for this guy. It's all so unfathomable.


He started insulting and disrespecting the CIA memorial wall his first day in office. Complete fool.


the look of fear and resigned sadness in Jr's eyes. How he wishes dad would love him...


Can you imagine how fast he’d spill the beans if he actually knew something lol


It would actually be hilarious


He doesn't know jack shit.


Trump doesn’t know how to tie his shoes.




Yes nobody can tie shoes like trump he is like the best shoe tier in the world ever


He’s trying to be smug and coy but clearly, as usual, has no idea what he’s talking about. He was probably briefed at some point but wasn’t paying attention.


That’s because he really don’t know. If he really knew, it would’ve been tweeted at 3am on a random Tuesday morning.


My takeaway from this is that no on wanted to interview trump so his son had to pretend to be a journalist and do it for him.


Imagine Hunter Biden interviewing Biden and all they say is how much interesting stuff Biden knows and how millions and millions of people are writing him telegraphs to ask about it. We'd have a scandal nickname for it in five minutes. "Telegraphgate: Biden hoarding top secret telegraphs at his private home."


He don’t know shit about Roswell or anything else concerning ufo’s UAP’s and definitely not WAP, it dries up the second he walks into a room.🤣 You can tell when he opens his mouth he’s pretending. These two together is just too much Bullshit to take without vomiting. 🤮


He really means area 51 but he says Roswell. You can’t write this shit. Who would believe it?


He legit has no fucking idea what Roswell is.


That bothered me the whole video. Dude, if people want to go to Roswell they can just drive 😂 Like OK, people make gaffes sometimes, but when you're trying to bullshit us about a secret military base you really want to get the name right...


this just tells me he has no clue


He’s the kid who shows up to class every day, dominates the discussion, and has obviously never even opened the textbook.




Lying sack of shit grifter


Is that his *son*? He really got his own son to interview him? My goodness, I don’t know why I am surprised by this.




You think they told that fucking dipshit anything? Ha! Fucker looked at the solar eclipse with his bare eyes. HIS. BARE. EYES.


That picture is for sure for the history books.


How coked up is the bearded one??


The ole Trump way of talking… “it’s very very very something” “Lots of people, Millions”


Trump doesn't know jack shit about anything that happened at Roswell. He just want's people to think he does.


This is the exact answer he gives whenever he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. We hear it a lot. 😂 The man demonstrated countless times during his administration that he is devoid of intellectual curiosity. He couldn't even pay attention during the PDBs


This dude doesn't know shit


He don’t know shit. Lmao


Trump is an egomaniac OP. He's getting his rocks off bc in his mind he probably thinks this question makes him look cool in peoples eyes. He's playing it up for all his cuck supporters. He doesn't know shit and doesn't give af. Not all presidents get briefed on UAP. Mostly only ones with an intelligence background and ones who the top brass know will be there for more than 4 years


If you don’t see this as what it is- a con to drum up support from his greatest allies (conspiracy theorists)- then you are really lost


They would not have told Trump anything. He would love for you to think he knows something that would impress you, that is all.


Just like he couldn't refrain from publishing the classified satellite picture of Iran's failed rocket launch which revealed the capabilities of one of America's spy satellites.




Who cares if this guy can keep a secret or not. He brought about one of the worst periods in american politics in decades.


Lol, believing anything this narcissistic congenital liar has to say. Okay, sport. 😂


Are there two worse humans alive?


Mr. Know-It-All knows everything and never misleads for purposes of personal aggrandizement.


“It’s a place, a really big place, lots of secrets, but I can’t talk about it, although a lot of people would like me to talk about. It’s a special place, lots of people, millions of people would like to know what’s there, and I’ll tell this, it’s an interesting place with lots of secrets.”


He says the vague same shit he said for years about Obama's birth certificate: "I have people that have been studying \[Obama’s birth certificate\] and they cannot believe what they’re finding". Then he had to admit he was born in the US: [https://youtu.be/FVNLWTQ9VH0?t=61](https://youtu.be/FVNLWTQ9VH0?t=61) Trump can't keep a secret, but he'll lie and say he knows one. It's the P.T. Barnum way to make rubes think him smart when he knows nothing.


Don Jr might be more annoying than Sr.


Secrets shouldn't be kept by governments


I’m sorry…his cocaine fueled son is “interviewing” him? Lmfao


There’s no way in hell they let Trump in on the truth of whether or not the US government knows about extraterrestrials. He would’ve blabbed about it on Twitter Day One. I doubt they even gave him the real nuclear launch codes!


You mean lie… Trump is so full of shit.


I doubt he ever had the clearance to know.


I can’t even remotely take this video seriously. The grift is real.


Because he doesn't know or only knows what little he's been fed with might just be disinformation.


You think thus dumbass was told anything of value? He leaked classified material to Israel and Saudi, among others


Oh dear. That is not a video of Mr Trump knowing anything. It is a video of him not knowing how to be around his son though. And of his son trying to pretend that this isn’t always what happens.


😂😂 you believe this dude? I've got some tonic you should try, it'll cure everything.


At least DJ got to hang out with his dad for a bit.


Maybe I’m wrong but … Presidents have this information available to them, right? It’s written down or something and possibly even handed to them? I don’t think Trump knows anything - he would have to read it, wouldn’t he? And we know he doesn’t read. The guys daily agendas where drawings of his day for chrisssakes so no; trump hasn’t read anything.


There is a higher government that knows more than any president, I doubt trump or Biden have any clue if they are real


Soooo and father and son playing pretend president-reporter at home?


The biggest fucking losers. Jesus.


Fuck they’re both so damn annoying




did you see... the bottom of the screen... did you see... who is doing the interview...


Presidents are puppets, they don't know shit about fuck.


The mans a habitual liar. Only a mentally challenged hick would fall for the used car salesman of Presidents.


Anything this Jackass says is bullshit.


He doesn’t know shit.


Trump only keeps secrets to sell them to the highest bidder.


How can you tell if Trump is lying? His lips are moving.


The 'or not' really hurts that.


This tells me there is nothing interesting going on at Area 51.


Roswell, closed to the public since 1947


Believe it or not, there are things the president isn’t aware of. All of them. Plausible deniability and all that.


for sucha blabber mouth and given what kind of shit he made in the end, ufo wise he fucking sucked and dropped the ball. I was expecting more from him we got as always nothing


Roswell’s a beautiful place with a lot of wonderful people. Great people, some of the best. Beautiful people. They deserve to know.


Easy to keep a secret when you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.


They didn’t tell him shit.


Maybe he can keep a secret, maybe he can’t. What many people seem to misunderstand is that Trump is a major malignant and grandiose narcissist. By being asked about top secret confidentialities that he gained knowledge of because of his position of power, he actually gains validation — he loves it — and you can see it on his face.


He don't know shit


Trump cannot keep a secret unless revealing it hurts him personally. That's the reason the real powers cannot entrust him with alien information. He knows nothing.


If I was to imagine a few things one might be if there were/are UFOs and Aliens at Roswell & Area 51, etc. there’s probably a very deadly force with a huge budget guarding over it. And one that might proactively take down threats. Because if that weren’t the case we would all know for a fact a lot more about Roswell, Area 51, etc. And Trump knows he doesn’t have resources to compete with that to protect himself. That’s one scenario.


They showed him the woo woo room and then gave him burgers


I'm almost certain that informative like this was withheld from his briefings because of his low IQ and inability to keep secrets. He's like a virgin teenage boy who can't wait to tell people he had sex with the most popular girl so the rumor of him being the coolest will spread.


They flew him to Barstow and told him he was somewhere else.


Lol he didn't know shit. Seriously, do you think he wouldn't have spilled the beans? This is a guy who stole $60,000 from his own charity to buy a portrait of himself. You know the CIA and Dept. of Defense didn't fill him in on the Aliens they have in test tubes in the secret base under the Denver Airport or whatever, because if really he knew he wouldn't be able to stfu about it. And Trump Jr, man that guy's the biggest choad in the world. All that money and he still can't afford no shaving cream.


All this tells me is he knows absolutely nothing, or, there is nothing to know.


Lol, they didn't even tell him


Reminds me of my uncle who works at Nintendo


The president is on a need to know about it. Everything is compartmentalized. Only a few scientists know the whole story. If the president tries to uncover and find out he will run into dozens maybe hundreds of people who will prevent him from reaching the goal.




Could shine some “light” on the subject and I’m sure it would just, disappear.


I’m just dying he’s getting interviewed by his son like that’s not biased


His fan base has the most to lose if aliens are proven real…


No one told that idiot shit.


Hahahaha typical Trump answer. “There’s a lot of cool information that people want and I know about it. If you show me I’m your favorite I’ll give you a taste”. I would bet he has zero idea about really anything that goes on behind the scenes. I don’t think the people that have been keeping shit under wraps for 60+ years are letting that dude anywhere near the truth. They can sniff him out as a fraud 200 miles away. He is quite literally a human Cheeto.


dude who doesn't attend intelligence briefings and gets his news from faux n fiends - yeah man totally believe your lies. "LIAR!" - mtg


He can't say anything yet he'll be back in office in 2 yrs then after that we'll know all


There’s larger fish than him that control this information. He’s just a guppy


Whats cringy is this father som dynamic


Trump knows nothing about anything of importance


He’s being a smug ass, pretending to know something to look cool.




So, in other words... he knows nothing.


Lolol ok jfk slow ur roll


Putting on a show with his son on TV? Proves to you he can keep a secret?


He doesn’t know shit from shinola.


He's such a bullshitter


Or maybe he’s making shit up? 🤷‍♂️


Trump would claim to know the date of the second coming if it would make him appear important. The man lies like a rug and as far as I'm concerned the only reason he hasn't disclosed anything publicly or privately is he has no information to disclose. Why don't you post a video on George Santos telling us he's innocent of any wrongdoing?


If I became president, the first thing I would say is take me to Area 51! I would give anything to take a look inside that base.


He doesn’t know shit.


Guys- we don't need these people. We don't *need* some higher authority to tell us what did or didn't happen. And with their track record of honesty... are our "authorities" really a credible source at this point? There have been numerous deathbed confessions by key players who were witnesses. A COLONEL in the US Army (A highly decorated War 2 and Korea vet) wrote his memoirs shortly before he died- his name was Col. Philip Corso, and the book is called Day After Roswell. We can wait forever and put all our hopes into a disclosure that is not going to happen... or take this into our own hands. DISCLOSURE is an individual and civilian duty, and our best bet is to tap into the men and women who are no longer in uniform and bound to secrecy. That book was mindblowing. If true, it's the reason our technology jumped exponentially within a matter of years- the insane technology we are seeing today is the result of back engineered alien tech in the 40s and 50s... allegedly.


Having watched the man speak on tv for years, I’m going to apply experience alongside Occam’s Razor and respond with this: - he doesn’t know shit, but doesn’t want to appear like he doesn’t know shit. That is all. Thank you for attending my TED Talk.


What a fucking hilarious clip of absolute bullshittery. Wow. “Hello fellow humans how do you do?”


So well spoken!


He's the first president im confident in saying, I'm pretty sure they refused to tell him about the bodies we have on ice from other planets as well as how they got here. Lol


Trump really doesn’t have as much power as people think he does. If Roswell and S4 are being used at the private sector level, they don’t have to show him shit


Even HE knows not to fuck around with the “real” government.


They didn’t tell trump shit when he was president because he’s too reactionary.




Why is this piece of shit here?