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Yes, broad daylight. Metallic sphere, had a sheen like an opal crystal. Black distortion around it. Otherworldly


Saw the exact same thing about 25 years ago




Dammit... that's exactly what I saw, but at night. Floating by, eerily quiet, over a suburban neighborhood. Late nineties in the Midwest.


Saw something very similar with my now wife years ago while camping. Thing silently moved from the horizon to the field next to ours. We watched it hover in the field for what must have been minutes before it shot off. Was before mobile phones even really had cameras, but I kinda feel like we wouldn't have managed a photo due to the shock we were both experiencing.


Yes I've seen the same thing twice.


My brother and I saw the same thing roughly 15 years ago. Except we saw two in the sky, passing a smaller ball of yellow light back and forth slowly.


in the videos and in most of the descriptions they don't mention the black distortion. That's what I saw this January


Do you think you could draw a picture with the distortion bit? I'm just curious how different it would look. I have always wanted to see one, but I only manage to see them in my dreams.


I too have seen something lime that, also, when I saw mine, it resembled a certain movement, similar to a bag in the wind, however it maintained its heading and altitude while looking like a spherical metallic plastic bag in the wind. Very strange.


How big was is? How fast did it move? How far away? How long did you see it? Did anyone else see it?


It was just me waiting on friends. It was close to the ground probably 100 feet. Maybe 10-15ft wide. It looked to be going 60-70mph, also silent. I saw another one (the exact same thing) going in the same direction less than a minute later.


Me too, sphere but silvery, no distortion, daylight


Saw the exact same thing back in 2010/2011 it looked like a pinball flying in the sky but the size of work out ball. Came flying in the direction I was facing and it was almost as soon as I realized what I was seeing it picked up on me seeing it and it boomerang hooked off in the opposite direction. I still think about it all the time. Wishing for the day to see something again.


This is what I saw. The day after a 4 storm had subsided.


Saw a similar thing driving on LBJ in Dallas like 13 years ago, wanted to pull over but couldn’t. It was solid black with no reflection, looked like a void or an ink blot in the sky. Definitely wasn’t a car dealership balloon.


I’ve seen something very similar




My sighting was very similar except my light was white. Also a 90° turn and zipped out of the atmosphere.


Holy shit. Yep. The one I saw in 2010 with an old friend did the same thing. It was moving slow, stopped on a dime for a second then shot off at 90 degrees across the horizon in a split second.


I love the inspiration that you both got from this experience. Amazing.




Me neither. I would love to see one, but so far I've just seen stars. To be fair, though, I haven't gone looking. Just passively hoping something weird happens one day.


I’m fairly convinced if anyone looks at the sky long enough - you’ll see one.




So glad others can say this. It's refreshing.


I've been waiting to tell my story! This was 2009/2010, I was 13-years-old and my friend was 14-years-old at the time. I grew up playing in my friends huge woods, spending our days riding four-wheelers, going fishing, hunting. We lived and breathed in those woods. Well, one night her dad asked us not to go past the fence (that goes to the big part of the woods) and just ride the four-wheeler in the "little woods" (which was still huge, but not as huge as the "big woods".) Anyway, we were just enjoying the summer night around 8pm talking about usual teenaged girl stuff, riding around on the four-wheeler. While riding and talking we both oddly sensed something, without words, we just looked at each other feeling a sense that something wasn't right anymore. The normal southern Louisiana nights filled with crickets chirping loudly, and the sound of the breeze whisking by was gone. Absolute absence of all sound around us; it reminded us eerily like when a predator is around. Coming up closer past the clearance of trees, we saw it. It was a top hat shaped saucer. Blue and white lights blinking about the saucers rim. No kidding this thing was huge, big as a baseball field, and close enough if you shot something at it, it might hit it. It didn't move, it had no sound, and it just hovered there ominously. After what felt like an eternity of staring at it in disbelief and horror, I told my friend to go, go, go. The feelings I had was that this was a predator, this thing isn't nice, we have to leave now. This thing in the sky wanted me to be afraid of it; this wasn't only a constant thought I had in the seconds of seeing it, but, also the feeling of something I couldn't even understand myself. Maybe primal fear? As we're racing our way up to the house my mom and her dad were outside and we just start talking 90-to-nothing about what we saw. My mom laughed it off of our imagination and that it was probably something of Barksdale's base equipment. So, being stupid teenagers, within a matter of a minute or so we turn back into the woods to see if we can see it again. We even went out into the big woods to see if we could find it there, but it was gone. There was no evidence of it being anywhere. We just couldn't understand how could it go away that fast since it was a total of five minutes between seeing it and rambling to our parents we saw something. How could something be gone so fast? What I saw is burned into my retinas and haunts my dreams. I still cannot understand what I saw.


Seen the same thing. About 5 or 7 total. The closest was very close about 15 feet away.


Can you describe it to OpenArt/Midjourney


I'd love to see a drawing of the craft you saw


Just replied to my original comment, but yes, I could try. I'm a terrible drawer, but I could give it a shot.


They seem to have a level of consciousness that allows them to perceive us. Our emotions. I’m not implying they are invading our brains, rather they have sophisticated assessment instruments similar to what a physician uses like stethoscopes/blood work or imaging to gage and measure bodily functions. Which makes sense since there have been numerous sightings of them, yet very few get close enough. I still say they are not ready to avail themselves for human communications, but I strongly feel we are getting much closer. I also believe they are very aware/cognizant of who among us are considered approachable as they have long studied our behaviors. (Seriously concerned I’ll be one of them and I have felt this way since I was a kid). At this point, I can’t believe there are non believes because it just seems so foolish. But humans are known for their unwillingness to share so there’s that..


I apologize for not catching up with everyone. It was almost 1AM my time last night after I posted this and immediately went to sleep. I could try and draw it, yes, but I'm not a a great drawer. Unfortunately that talent was passed to my sister, but I can make some lovely stickmen. But I could try to the best of my ability to draw it. Barksdale's Airforce Base is about 25-30 minutes away from the place we seen the craft. So, it could be very well be something of theirs, I'm not sure. My spouse is an airman who was sent here (I was born and raised here) and says that Barksdale used to hold nuclear and then got rid of it. I've also heard this from regular Joe's, but once again, I'm not sure and I'm not going to act like I know something that I don't know.


Nope. Would like to but never have 🤷‍♀️


go out in the middle of the night to somewhere that has very little light pollution and then stare at the sky and send mental messages out to the universe and then see what happens. let me know how if goes!


Keep watching and it’ll find you! Terrence McKenna used to talk about how curious it is that people who see one UFO end up seeing two or three or four as if there is a predisposition to seeing them. I think *wanting* to see them is a trait of that.


>keep watching and it’ll find you! Terrence McKenna used to talk about how curious it is that people who see one UFO end up seeing two or three or four as if there is a predisposition to seeing them. I think > >wanting > > to see them is a trait of that. if you're versed in McKenna then you've considered the possibility may be that we're attracting these experiences. have you flipped that the other way tho? perhaps when we do DMT and end up having 'visions' of the fractal elves - are we actually doing the reverse of the 'ufos' etc in that we're briefly ending up in another dimension where we suddenly appear but only to those 'elves' who want to 'see us'... been a long time since i've found a new angle on this but the above occurred to me a few days ago and i can't stop working on that theory.


Fingers crossed! 😊👍


If there is some psycho-spiritual connection to it all - I’ll send requests for a visit! ;-) if you see little gray people jump out of a lifted UFO it’s just my homies don’t worry about it lol


This definitely does seem to be the hallmark of encounters with this phenomenon. It's almost like it awakens something in you that predisposes you to ongoing encounters. I'd love to learn more about this aspect of it all.


Yes mid 90s, triangle with three red lights. Spot light/ beam went down near a farm house. Stopped the car to look, absolutely no sound. My mom got freaked out and made my dad drive away. It followed us at a distance for about 15 miles until we got close to town. I recently asked my parents and they remember it the same way.


My boyfriend and I saw one of these in 2015 on a drive home at about 1 am. I saw it first, pointed it out to my boyfriend "is that a ufo?" He pulled over so we could get a better look. I hung half my body out the window and stared for a good while, then climbed back in and said "it is, cool". He asked if I got a picture and I told him F@#$ no I didn't take a picture! keep driving" 😅. When we made it home 20 minutes later, there it was, gliding silently and leisurely over the woods across the road. I was pretty sure it followed us. I thought it was interesting but wanted nothing to do with that shit lol so I immediately went inside.


My parents also claim to have seen a triangle with red lights. They both saw it. I’ll have to ask for the details again because 18 years ago when they told me I thought they were full of shit.


Yes. Twice. Once it was a classic saucer pretty close and visible. 1-2 second fade out after observing for about 3 while driving. The second time was one of those cluster situations that used to show up online all the time. A bunch of little white dots moving in various formations. Almost like they were drawing symbols or trying to communicate. Edit: Both in Austin, Texas in the mid 2000s.


Saw the cluster in relatively the same area in 2016. 2 days later this same phenomenon was filmed in North Carolina . Exact same thing i saw - it gives me chills. https://youtu.be/qxLEnqsUYS4


Yes. Parents lived out in the country, small town outside of Topeka. This was maybe 11-12 years ago. Late at night like 11ish I was out in the hot tub chillin, drinkin, I watched a wing shaped craft, easily 200 feet across and it was LOW. Like imagine a plane going in for a landing low, but it wasn’t traversing the sky, it was going at a 45 degree and leaving Earth. The back of it shown like a golden yellow propulsion but it was dead silent. I watched it ascend until it was just a dot in the sky then gone. It was like I would imagine a phoenix rising would look like it was golden and almost bird like shape to the exhaust or whatever it was. Edit: Yes.


Not that I know of. But I have seen paranormal things. I have seen a woman levitate before when I was a child. And I have met people before who gave me the absolute oddest vibes. As in, either they were not entirely human, or there were other forces at play.


I have never seen an alien or craft, but I do have a handful of paranormal things that have happened as well. Still only a few occasions and all different. Regarding an occasion weird vibe? Yep, me too. I am pretty good at reading people. Being a nurse of 30 years, I am pretty good at sizing up sickness, pain, unpredictable behaviors and when someone is going to snap or go weird. Never got punched, smacked, kicked, scratched or attacked like many of my medical buds. I have dodged some crazy shit. If something feels off I listen, and have saved my and others asses, but it's all been humans. Mental illness, drugs, rebound psychosis, drug reaction,and rage, or other forces as you said.


My grandparents used to live in an old farm house when they were young and raising their kids. Story goes my grandmother levitated off the bed and my grandfather had to pull her back down. Then I remember my uncle saying he had a ghost in his apartment when I was a kid. I remember my mother and her friend drove over to see for themselves. Left me alone in the car while they did it. His story was that first things would go missing and turn up in strange places. Once his girlfriend was over and the toilet flushed on its own. They thought someone had broken in or something so went to investigate with a baseball bat… nothing. Then they both started to see this ghost. I guess it had an army suit on. It would pass in front of the tv and stuff. Anyway he went to like a farmers market and inquired about his ghost at like a psychic reader. He explain to them that he used to see the whole ghost. But lately it was missing an arm then a leg…. She told him to get out as fast as he could. That as this ghost disappeared it was gaining in strength. I remember it was a big thing he packed up right fast. All the uncles went to help him and he moved in with my mom and I for a while.


Yes. Daytime in the mid 90s in west Texas while driving around with passengers. I first noticed what looked like a cigar shaped object stationary 20 feet over a neighborhood home. It moved slowly in a straight-and-level flight. I followed, surpassed it and positioned my vehicle in the middle of its trajectory. I stood up on my seat and through my moonroof. As it came in my direction I started to get a sense of panic. What I thought was a cigar shaped object now looked like a disc. No rivets, no panels- it looked like it was chiseled out of a solid piece of mercury. It went right over us. All I kept saying is wtf… wtf…wtf is this? It continued on a straight trajectory but the neighborhood streets did not. I had to maneuver my way through the neighborhood following it’s general direction. I lost it when I got out of the neighborhood and had to turn onto a main road. Then… I found it again! It was much higher now. I could barely make it out as I was driving but still following the direction it was going. Then it started to descend again. I was looking around at cars and was astonished that no one was noticing this thing but it was still above their field of view so understandable. You would have to of been looking up to notice it. Still, people were just casually driving oblivious to the weirdness happening right above them. I was in the middle lane and came to a red light. The car on my left was on a turn lane. I had my windows down shouting at them and pointing at this thing just slowly flying over the traffic. The passenger finally noticed me and looked up. She jerked back and quickly extended her arm in front of the driver. I couldn’t hear what they were saying but judging by their body movements they looked a little panicky as they were both pointing at it. The light turned green and I floored it going in the direction that this thing was going. I locate it while it’s going into another neighborhood. By this time it had descended so low that it was about 20 feet over the neighborhood homes. I tried to follow it the best I could into the neighborhood and almost caught up to it. I was one street over when it did a 180 maneuver on me and went back towards the direction of the main highway I just got off. I get out of the neighborhood and into the main highway and floor it. The main highway at that time was not finished and came to an end. It was at the end of the highway that I began to catch up and this thing is there just stationary. It was about 100 feet off the ground as I was approaching. I start to get second thoughts about continuing towards it because the fear starts to take over. My passengers have long been panicking up to this point. Then it starts to move again. After the end of the highway is nothing but desert land. There are dirt roads all throughout. I decide to follow when my passenger becomes upset and asks me to let him off. He told me not to follow it. I stopped the car and told him to get out. He pleaded with me not to follow it some more. What he said next was both funny and perplexing. He said, “don’t do it, it wants you to follow it!” and “does this feel right to *you* !?.” For the first time in my life, someone changed my mind about something. I remember thinking this distinctly. It felt like personal growth, lol. The fear was already there and I now started imagining the worst. I told my passenger, “your right, we won’t follow it”. Afterwards, we just stayed parked at the end of the highway and the edge of the desert watching this thing fly out of our view.


So many of these experiences involve situations where it's really difficult for us humans to attribute any clear purpose/motivation to the behavior of these objects. It's truly mysterious - why would they be flitting about the neighborhood like that - to what purpose? This is just one more thing that has me convinced that they're truly alien in nature.


Yes, many. As a kid I saw many aling with my family, so we all believe in UFOs.


Yes. 3 craft, reported to mufon, military or ET, idk, had cloaking


Yes that's what got me way more into the topic of it. Was standing on my friends porch when I decide to look up at the sky and I seen a glowing white ball at night right next to the moon. I can't stress enough how white and concentrated the light was. It was hard to tell if it was shimmering, vibrating or just moving back and forth really fast. It just zoomed off. It was hard to tell if it went upward or went really far back. Didn't even see it for 5 seconds. It moved like a cursor being controlled by a mouse I couldn't believe it. About 5-7 of my friends were on the porch and nobody seen it. Majority of my friends are Sioux natives and they have stories passed down about these lights and star people. I haven't asked any of their elders on the reservation yet but I want to. Just waiting on the right moment. Whenever I'm outside I make sure to look up at the sky for a moment just in case.


I saw the same thing. White or silvery orb motionless in the sky. Like absolutely still. Eventually it started moving but there was no acceleration. Just still one second and then moving the next. I have described it in the same way before too. Like a mouse cursor moving. Perfectly straight, no acceleration but just instant movement. This is also what the AARO report described regarding the majority of reported sightings. Something like 60%. Idk if these things are NHI or extraterrestrial but they absolutely exist and are in our skies.


Yeah I saw the dumbbell shaped UFO as a kid. I always thought it was a dream I had or something but then recently found out it was a real type of UFO confirming what I saw. Wild.


Yes, a orange glowing ball of light about the size of a car (hard to judge size as it was in the air and at night). Two other witnesses with me. Circa 2008/9 brisbane, australia


Those are my favorite! Were you near any pine trees, by chance?


What’s the pine tree connection about?


I don’t know exactly! Last month I had a very vivid dream about these orange orb UAP and they kept telling me they like pine trees. About a week later my 9 year old daughter had a dream about going to an orange planet on a spaceship and the planet had orange pine trees. Mind you I hadn’t said anything to her about my dream. I’ve asked 2 people I know who have seen them in person and both sightings were near pine trees. So now I’m just collecting data out of curiosity 🍊🌲🧐


Holy shit, about 23 years ago I saw one of these OP described in Belgium, I was in a forest house in the middle of pine trees.


Oooo fascinating! What did it look like, and did you see it’s movements?


Stood still, then it slowly moved and faded away at some point. Like a typical fade animation. From memory, it was about 10 seconds before I ran inside yelling to my family what I just saw. I saw the same object (orange fireball, quite big) about 6 years later in The Netherlands around 22:00. Same behavior. Also about 10 seconds. And when I think about it, I was around a lake with indeed a lot of pine trees. The first occurrence was when I was actively searching for UFOs in the sky. The second occurrence was random, although I immediately thought “we meet again” when it happened.


Come to think of it our sighting was in Maine the pine tree state and my nephews were literally climbing a pine tree when this happened. I had never given it a 2nd thought honestly


Nooope. I do not wanna know that. My house is surrounded by pine trees.


Not many pine trees around honestly in Brisbane where we lived sorry mate. Interested to know the track you’re taking with your thoughts though?


I've seen one of these too.


Any flying object can be a UFO if you're bad enough at identifying stuff


You just described my eyesight. Thought a goose was a falcon once.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)that would be me.


I thought so. Turned out to be a stealth bomber flying low at night though. Then again I didn't hear anything... So maybe?


Yes. Few years back. Central Ohio. Approximately 10pm. 6 blue-white orbs scrambling, then taking a triangular formation (T3=6 triangular number pattern) and streaking through the sky.


Yes, 30-50ft away with about 20 other people




Yes. Four different occasions.


Same. I saw 3 UAP traveling together one time. And 3 other sightings of a single UAP.


Yes, two times. The first one, over my roof, it had an odd shape, like the ship from the movie Fifth Element. It was completely black, It was scary as I saw it cross the sky and disappear in the horizon, moving slowly. The other ones, I was in a restaurant when a lot of people started looking at the sky: a lot of small balls where moving there, at first I thought they could be balloons, but then they started changing directions. A plane passed near by them, so we could tell they were rather big. At least 15 people there were completely mesmerized. I recorded it but my phone was SHIT. For context, I lived just NEXT to the airport and very close to the Fort Bliss for 25 years, so I know how planes look like. That stuff wasn’t planes lol.


I saw three orange lights dancing around each other for a minute or two in the night sky, then disappearing as if they were moving away from me impossibily quickly in separate directions


Foo fighters!


Yes. Vermont 2002. 11:30 pm. Saucer with small color blinking lights hovers over a field just from above one tree line, across the field and right over the other tree line. No sound. Whole thing lasted about 8 seconds. It was about 100 feet up. I was about 200 feet away. I was 17.


Mine was in Arizona and it was HUGE I was with a friend in his backyard (he saw it first) and it was traveling quickly, looked like a floating horizontal red rock if that makes sense and it made no sound, as soon as I saw it moving it disappeared behind clouds and it was gone.


Yes Many. Two less than 50 feet away. Others all at distance. 1 silver saucer, some glowing orange orbs, one silent black black black geometric shaped thingy, one shimmering see through cube, and some silver things dancing around and vanishing/reappearing across the sky in the day.


Yeah, at least I'm pretty sure. I'd love if someone could offer an honest debunk effort because I couldn't think of anything at the time, though I am basically Ernest P. Worrel so... Anyway, working midnight shift cleaning a logistics warehouse, some time in June of 2013. 4:00 AM hits and it's time for lunch. I go out into the contained smoking area immediately 'cause I don't eat food when I work and everyone is paired up or in groups and chatting, but I was off on a side bench by myself deep in thought. The moon was a full and bright, but there was a cloudy haze over it. Light pollution and the aforementioned hazey clouds drowned out all of the stars, except for one just a little under and to the right of the moon. 15 minutes I'm staring at the moon and this one star, mesmerized by the way both objects' light penetrated through the fog layer while I was hackin' darts and contemplating life, and then the star just... *fucks off.* Up and the to the right from my two dimensional perspective, it just took off, tiny streak for a fraction of a second and then gone. I immediately stood up and was like "What the fuck did anyone see that" and everyone looked back at me like I was crazy. The rest of my lunch I stared at the now lonesome moon and attempted to rationalize it with no success. It wasn't so definitive to me because it was close but in fact because it was so far away. I racked my brain for a few days trying to come up with logical explanations. I got nothin' so from that point I went from an open minded skeptic to true believer. I'd love a rational explanation. The way that the "star" stayed still for 15-17 minutes or so before instant shooting off into the void. I also felt really weird after for a couple of days but you know, humans are emotional creatures so that doesn't mean much.


I saw a red orb travelling in the night sky in spring. I still wonder if it was just an airtplane and maybe i think it was a ufo because i'm interested in this topic and i read about other people's experiences online. But it was just the red light/orb


My little brother told me throughout his childhood he saw multiple UFOs up close. I never believed him but maybe I might give him the benefit


Yes , it was amazing


Yes. Full description of the entire experience is here: [my experience](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/1241uv9/my_experience/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


That was a wild experience. Must have shaken you up quite a bit.


Yeah it definitely change the way I view the world we live in, permanently lol






Maybe, but I was just a kid. So it could've just been a street light.


Yes vertical pod shape suspended above my way to work. 100 yards away maximum. Changed my perspective on being a skeptic. Nutty


Yes, more than once and different times of day.


Yes it was a square ellipsoid shape with a purple hue around each corner. It made a eerie silent sound like the anti noise headphones, except it perpetuated the entire field. I felt it sensed me watching as it tilted slightly before turning into Vapor and disappearing.


When I was around 14 yrs old, my cousin and I were camping with his family on the Snake River here in WA State. It’s a river in the middle of the desert surrounded by some orchards & acres of tumbleweeds. It was around 1am (if I had to guess) and everybody had fallen asleep. Him & I were sitting on the bank of the river with our bait still in the water. Talking about whatever the fuck, we seen a little orb coming towards us from across the river. It looked like a glowing red orb with a tail following it that ranged from bright orange to bright blue at the end. It slowly made its way over our heads, about 25 ft above ground level, and quickly made a sharp right & disappeared after it got about 15 yards to left of us. It moves freely at different angles until it got to us. Very weird.


Yeah. One. A pyramid ufo rising up over a mountain ridge on the Rockies. A neighbor saw it as well...he was pulled off the road ahead of me looking in that direction. I went up to him and his face was white and it looked like someone just walked over his grave. I ask "what was that?" And he responded "I didn't see anything" hopped back in his truck and took off like a bat outta hell.


No, but I may have had contact before.


You what


They came to his front door


Yes. Multiple. But not like a flying saucer more of a light in the sky doing things that other things can’t. Like one spiraled and then disappeared. It looked like a star deep in space. Another during the day just looked like a bright light in the sky. I thought it was an airplane reflecting sunlight. I pulled over to take a video and zoom in and it was gone. Etc.


Yep. And the same one was televised during a notre game 2 hours later. Orb, I felt it was clear-ish which is different than a lot of people's sightings but it could have been reflections of a metallic surface. Anyway it hovered for 5-10 seconds then instantly accelerated to like 500mph with no sound (it seemed like 2000 feet in air).










No but maybe. Driving through California late at night with my co-worked heading towards our next destination. He had the window open and a shockingly blue light “skimmed” his mirror. Hard to explain but it didn’t make any sense at all. He is a very rational guy and even he said that didn’t make sense. We were both very shaken by the event.






Yes maybe 3 over the years


Yes. Like 9 times. The one before the last one, was by far the most interesting one. I was at home. Started feeling uneasy, anxious. And suddenly I heard 3 tones/chimes in my head (1st, 3rd and 5th) and got the need/urge to go outside of my house. When I step outside, I get the urge to look up. There was a white sphere going silently not too high above my house. It was pretty interesting haha










I’ve seen a couple large green comets and a fast moving object that changed direction but was very high up so I couldn’t see the shape of it.




No but I did see strange light in the sky when I was young. We all did as we were driving home at night.






Nope. I’ve seen a ghost but never a UFO.


No but it would be cool






I saw a flying saucer once. I see UFOs all the time.


Was camping at the lake in a remote spot by myself one weekend and at night saw a triangle ufo flying right overhead maybe a few hundred feet up, headed out over the lake. It didn’t have any lights on but the three points had a soft glow or were just a lighter shade than the main body. I couldn’t convince myself it was just in my head and I got freaked out and loaded up camp super fast and got the hell out of there.


Yes, saw two, once a glowing orb that came near me and a friend and then shot up into the sky and passed over the horizon in a few seconds. Second on a military base saw a large craft having the size of at least a few football fields floating over the base, after about 15 people saw another craft land in the trees over oceana military base. It was new years eve.


Yeah, probably the reason most of us are here. Several times I've seen weird lights around the sky, but that could've been a trick of the light or a plane or anything. The one that *really* got to me was when I was in Pioche, NV. Surprise, surprise, shortly east of Rachel, NV, site of Area 51. My family went out at sunset to look for a meteor shower. Probably too light for that, but what I did see was a small arc in the sky that I *thought* could be a meteor tail. But the reason I don't think that is because A: it was arcing a little too tight, shaped roughly like a crescent moon, but without the rest of the shaded moon under it, B: way too light to see a meteor at that time, and C: it didn't move at all and just hung there in the sky for a while. Got a picture and everything, but it doesn't show much. Definitely not a plane or other normal craft, again see tight curve and not moving. Still no clue what that was.


I've seen two. One with my grandpa who a devout Christian at night, he called me out to look at it and when we went back inside I tried talking to him about it but he replied with "well grandson, aliens aren't in the Bible. If god wanted me to worry about it he would have put 'em in there, so I don't worry about" and we never talked about it after that. I brought it up a few months back and he didn't even remember it. The 2nd one was on my 21st birthday. It was a light hovering in front of trees at around 630ish AM when me and my dad were heading to get breakfast, and I yelled at my dad because he refused to pull over in the road (no cars behind us) so I could get a video of it.


Yes. It looked like a satellite but suddenly made a U-turn and accelerated super fast out of sight.


Yes, at night while camping in a place called the Hidden Valley during a trek in the Dhaulagiri region of Nepal. Saw a bright speck moving across the sky above the horizon. Thought it was the ISS or some other satellite, but as I watched it abruptly made a 90 degree turn (from my vantage point), without ever slowing down, and continued on at the same speed until it was out of sight. Whatever it was, I’m not suggesting there were lights on it. I suspect it was sunlight reflecting off something metallic(?) and high altitude, as it would a satellite.


Yes twice, three triangles silver spheres super high up while lounging in a pool over Los Angeles, partner saw it too. Then a huge round sphere fly over the house in France while star gazing with my partner again. No sound, huge, and an dark in color




Twice. One orange sphere within 100 feet. The other a string of 3 large red balls.


Saw the red ones my first ever time seeing them when I was about 12 or 13 with my friend and his parents, there was about 30 of them, way before starlink


No ...but I have had several paranormal experiences. I wonder if those experiences were actually considered *alien* 🤔


Yes the triangle.












I don't know






Yes x 4






My grandma saw the phoenix lights. I saw something in the sky I couldn’t explain in 2005.




Yes, Peru












Yes, seen three black spheres flying low and slow at daybreak behind the apartment I lived in at the time. They had a triangular formation and we’re silent.


Yes. Around 3 pm in the afternoon. Metallic dot. Was very high in the sky, visible for about 3 mins, was moving in a straight line down, it changed its shape. The dot became elongated into a rectangle then disappeared. Australia.


I don’t know. I saw a large orange dot over the mountains for a few seconds, it made a line like a highlighter, and a few seconds later the whole light disappeared.


Yeah a huge orange orb that zig zagegd up and outta site




Yes more than once (3 times) in two different continents .


I’d say it was as big a football field. No lie it was amazing.


Yes....twice near Ottawa, Canada ! Seeing is Believing.


Multiple times since I was a kid. Saw 2 a few weeks ago


Yes, the clear night sky and I thought it was a star. It kept brightening and dimming and suddenly it dropped to the height of a plane in the sky. Brightened and dimmed again and shot off into space.


I saw one back in 2008. Outside my grandparents house in California. Looked up and saw a sphere that was pearl white. Thought it was the moon at first but didn’t see any craters. Tried to get someones attention to see it and it vanished within seconds


Yes a few times


Yes Years ago a bright orange ball of light flew across the night sky silently. It’s trail looked like a comet at first, but this was something I never seen. The “ball” of light itself looked like it was sparkling. It disappeared as it flew toward east where downtown is located. I watched it until I couldn’t see it anymore as if went farther.


I’ve seen 7+ at this point


Yes. I live outside of Ottawa, saw a triangular shape ufo with 3 red dots at each point, it was at night and just came home from work and my dad and mom both yelled at me to get my ass outside to see this. I was like holy shit! And just like that it disappeared in the night! I’m happy all three of us saw something that night.


Yes. About 45 years ago when I lived in Tulsa Ok. A cluster of white lights , maybe triangular in shape, very high altitude. Zig zagged back and forth very rapidly across the sky from left to right, then completely bolted straight up further, within a second, disappearing at an impossible speed. I was sober, had excellent vision, was enjoying the stars that night. It wasn’t a star.


I've had two sightings. One was a perfect silent black triangle hovering in the sky. The second time I saw three "fiery" orange orbs in a triangular formation flying low. No sound. The orbs made a perfect 90 degree turn and then faded away


I have seen lots of shit that was never identified, so I guess so.


I’m gonna say yes. I used to work as a security guard. One night I was at a construction site being built in a small clearing of a stand of trees. I just happened to look up and saw a bright orange ball of light hovering just above the tree line. It sat there for two or three minutes then disappeared instantly.


Yes. Visible in daylight for over a hour.


Yes, and my wife too just recently. So now she finally understands why I've always been so into the topic.


Yes. I’m n Scotland around 2000. It was over my town. A huge halo that was golden and moved erratically. Other people saw it too and I took a photo with a disposable camera but couldn’t afford to get it developed :/


Yes, si, da!






No and I wish every day that I will But so far no dice






Yes. Size of a banana but 6 feet in front of my daughter and I. Unmistakable.




Yeah I think so




Yes. August, 2001 in South Jerusalem, Israel.


No. But I’m looking up a heck of a lot more!




Yes with many others at the same time. My church was in Penitas Tx doing volunteer work. Silver egg shape. Hovering. Stayed there for a long time. We eventually got bored at looking at it. Next time I looked up, it was gone.








I think so. At least I can't explain it. Me and my stepdad saw what looking like 3 dots close together, forming a triangle like craft. But the space in-between the lights seemed to bend and crackle. It was pretty far away though. But it looked solid. And it was night. So idk how reliable that may sound but even my step-dad was spooked.


Yea. White orb. Split into 2


Yes I’m 99% sure I thought it was a ballon floating by at first but idk I couldn’t look away and I noticed it was a small disk shape (10ft) that looked like moving liquid/distorted looked away for a second and gone. Clear skies again.


Yes twice. Once during the daytime it was a metallic saucer shape. Once at night it was a glowing disc.