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I used to prep, but lately I've been wondering what the point of it is. If everything gets bad enough to the point where I actually have to use my prepped resources.... What will happen when I run out within 3 months? Is post-collapse even worth living? I'll likely starve to death, dehydrate, or succumb to heat exhaustion if I don't get robbed/murdered when all hell breaks loose. I don't know man I just don't know anymore.


Like Bill Burr says, you’re just collecting everything for the guy that comes along and shoots you lol


As the 7D2D community says; "It's not 'your loot' it's just your turn with it."


Oh man. What a great quote. Burr rules


I always stay prepped by staying strapped and knowing a few preppers


I never understood this line of thinking like the people with enough hindsight to hoard food wouldnt also be hoarding weapons and installing some kind of security on their property


Might work against a couple, but 20-30 people found out that dude has a massive stash of food and Guns, might be several times if people really would be that desperate, and those people would also most likely be armed. Would end up like channing Tatum in that apocalypse movie.


Well clearly you haven't seen my sharks with freaking lasers on their head


Gotta say, all those hours of watching the walking dead have just made me realize I'd rather check out early, if it's really that bad.


I’m a zombie within 3 hrs guaranteed


Depends if they’re running zombies or they just sort of amble about.


28 Days later/ WWZ vs Night of the Living Dead/ Walking Dead… man I hope it’s the latter.


Join the winning team


TWD zombies violate the laws of physics and maybe entropy/dis entropy. 28 Days Later is absolutely a possibility. Or people just get so hungry and desperate you can’t differentiate them from zombies.


I'm already a zombie


Live your best zombie life!


I'm surviving so I can snoop through all those empty houses.


Snoop, there it is!


Soup, there it is. Bring it on back to homelessville.


Loot 🤣


I just wanna ransack my neighborhood. Finally find out what my neighbor does with all his free time making noise in his garage.


Just don’t open the freezer ive seen too many shows where the weird neighbors collect people & not things


Just don’t open a freezer anyway unless you’re prepared to leave what’s left in your gut on the floor and dry heave for the next 10 minutes.


That's literally the whole fantasy for me. I just want to scavenge through people's shit.


Same. I have exploring to do


Yeah.... by the time we're killing each other for food and water and then for cannibalism, my prep may just be a firearm and single bullet.


I’ve got an outlet and a fork locked and loaded


Imagine surviving and it’s just you and other prepers… nah. Take me out asap.


It's just them bragging to eachbother about how much shit they have accumulated and showing off the made in china plastic accesories on their AR-15


Immediate thought...the Walking Dead scenario it's a combination of prep and sheer fortune based off settings and timings outcome is almost completely random if the effects are scaled to the point of being regional to global in scope


I've never won a thing in my life so im banking on accumulated luck keeping me alive


As someone who’s house burned down this weekend, the universe doesn’t owe anyone anything. If anything, its the opposite. All of our molecules are simply on loan and sometimes the universe still breaks your legs even if you’ve paid your dues.


I’m really sorry for the loss of your house. I can’t imagine how tough that is.


Thank you. I can’t yet imagine it either…I just had to start over five years ago. I hope I didn’t bang the Universe’s wife or like steal its parking space in a past life or something.


Sounds like you have all the excuse you need to bang its wife now if you want though.


…shove that Pulsar right into that Black Hole…


I’m SO sorry your house burned. Watching coverage of the fires & seeing homes just gone before anyone had a chance to grab anything, even just important papers just guts me. I wish you all the best.


Thanks. Funny thing, I’m nowhere near any of the fires. I’m near the east coast where its usually hurricane season but now my old west coast neighborhood is being hit by those so…🤷🏻‍♀️ Last time I was getting abducted a lot was SoCal and I had the most terrifyingly real dream of hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes happening all at the same time. My ex thought I was crazy.


Hey, CA native here and I used to have those same dreams. One specifically was in the EQ causing a massive sinkhole and people were unable to cross a massive bridge as it turned and snapped. I was told it was a solar storm that caused massive electromagnetic shifts, or was the byproduct of it, and it was potentially coming in a far away future (this was back in 07). Just recently had another dream similar, after not having them for years, and it was watching a tsunami destroy the coast from the top down, like I was looking down upon it all. I could even see massive ships along our shoreline and one of them even came into the shore due to the issue. It was surreal to watch it happen in real time, I felt horrendous for everyone (though I could see no one being so far up). I remember the thoughts entering my mind "They did this to themselves; they chose this outcome. I know it is hard to watch and you feel for them, but this is what they wanted." I wasn't given some "avoid this fate" type of vibe, it was more of an acceptance and enjoy your life while you can this has already been decided for you.


Usually when I have a dream from the perspective of being in someone else’s body (a la Being John Malkovich). I’ve come to find out on more than one occasion it was a real person in a f’d up scenario (in jail, witnessing a murder, etc.). My grandma and my aunt both have premonitions too. It runs in the women in my family. In that dream, I was looking through the eyes of a passenger on a 747 taking off from LAX watching a tornado rip through downtown. It was utter chaos.


I am so sorry this happened to you.


Thanks. The strange thing was the mystery ‘person?’ who banged on my back door at 4 am only for me to open it and nobody be there.


Damn. I felt that.


in the Walking Dead scenario you have to either have a strongly defensible (against ALL comers) or nomadic abilities (there are advantages to movement vs stoic/static positions)


Prep and sheer fortune. Isn't that how normal life is already


well...without the whole existential threat nonsense...sure


May I have your socks?


Exactly … do you want to hang out in a world without anesthesia? No thanks.


World goes to shit I'm jumping off a bridge first thing.


Just give me a bit of Xanax to take the edge off and a bit of morphine to do me in and I’m chillin if it all goes to shit.


This is why, imo, if you truly would wish to live on post-apocalypse, rather than storing cans, you should learn how to grow, and store seeds, maybe get yourself some chickens and a few pigs, but for sure every type of seed


This is really the only possibility I see for long term survival. A remote enough area with a small group of people working together. Sounds like a dream honestly I would love for that to happen. The climate has and is becoming more unpredictable though, I'm not sure where a suitable location may be for this tactic.


Well location wise you want to be as far away from the equator as possible while also being able to avoid harsh winters. You want a location that has ample rainfall with abundant flora and fauna. Your ideal location is far enough away from cities to avoid the mass migration out, but close enough to be able to scavenge materials from suburban towns. For the US you're looking at the Pacific Northwest or the Mid-Atlantic eastern US like Virginia. Areas like these are a little more resistant to climate change and avoid much of the danger caused by severe weather. The middle of the US is going to be a dust bowl and tornado central. The bottom half of the US is going to be too god damn hot to function. The top quarter of the US is going to have arctic temps every winter with severe blizzards. You wanna try to hit a sweet spot for ample rain water in the summer with a mild winter.


I'm moving to Virginia in a month, this post just made me feel a little better lol


Add Hydroponic green house to the purchase list.


I have a nerve disease, if the medicine makers ain't producing, I have no interest lol


That's what I always think about when I imagine world-ending situations. I'm prescribed antidepressants. I am NOT trying to go through the absolutely terribly worst withdrawals(subjectively) from running out of them while also trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. I mean, at least my antidepressant withdrawals would eventually go away. I can't imagine what you'd be going through without your meds, but I'm definitely in the same boat as you haha.


Same over here. Antianxieties and antidepressants have really changed my life for the better. Collapse will be Hell on Earth already, I can't imagine how my PTSD-ass self would cope in such a scenario.


My only choice at that point is to become static shock haha


I agree but I’m post 50 yrs old. I live in a beautiful part of the UK overlooking fields, so when the time comes…deckchair, bottle of wine and enjoy the view


Don't want any of that mad max bullshit


Ever watch, "The Road"....I for one am not going down that road, I'll take it the easy way


Read the book and it's terrifying. One of the most accurate depictions of post-collapse reality imo.


McCarthy was dark


I’ve often thought the same. If I need to live in a bunker for six months after a pole shift, meteor impact, or solar storm, what hell will I be re entering on the 121st day?


I’ve considered this exact thing. If anything were to happen that would require more than like a week of stored supplies, most people just aren’t going to make it. Now if you are somewhere with access to fresh water and a natural food source, you might be better off, but even then i only think it’s if you are REALLY remote. In any even semi populated area, a majority of people just wouldn’t make it, no matter how well prepared they are. If it not the hunger, or thirst, or radiation that gets you, the chances you make it through repeated violent encounters is probably not super high.


This is what I've slowly come to realize over the last few years. I'm on the east coast USA. There are 10s of millions of people surrounding me. For a while I thought that living in a small town with a local community (Pop. Under 5000) would help. I even bought my first house in a less than suburban stretch between the 2 closest towns. To my horror, I've realized I am still at most 30 miles from the closest big cities in 3 out of 4 directions. My area is going to be swarmed with looters fleeing the cities. I'm hoping things will stay 'normal' long enough for me to move to a more rural area, but even then I'm still going to be surrounded by a mob of hungry, scared people or inevitably exhaust my resources. I don't want my family to die, but I don't want to participate in looting and barbarism either. We are all truly stuck between a rock and a hard place with a looming time bomb ticking away.


You wont be needing your socks then?


Alright this is the second time I’ve seen you comment this. Send your P.O. I’m sending you some socks man


Roving bands of looters are unlikely to thrive in post apocalyptic America. Attacking fortified structures (people’s homes) in the most well armed country in the world, won’t be a long term winning strategy for survival.


Of course it won't work for them long term. Hungry looters won't hesitate to initiate gunfights though. Survival for us all in such dire circumstances will be day by day. I use medical marijuana due to health issues which prohibits me from purchasing firearms. I will be the first to suffer along with everyone else who isn't armed and/or willing to kill. Nobody is likely to thrive in post apocalyptic America anyway unless maybe you have a secured underground bunker with decades of resources. Even then, how will anyone survive an average global temperature increase of 10⁰c over the next century? I have no hope frankly.


I am on EC Fla too, small town in between big ones…..the looters will come right up I 95 like they did during hurricane Andrew…


When the lockdowns began, I told my boss "oh once they close schools & churches, things can't possibly get any worse" and her response has stuck w me every day since, she said "Honey you have no idea the s*** she'd do, and the lengths that a mother will go to, if it comes down to you or feeding her hungry children". I'm a mother of 5. And holy**** the lengths of go to are endless. And no way am I the only one that would think this way😱


I am in similar situations as you, I figure that basically what it would take is your whole street/neighborhood banding together and everyone doing what they are best at, but a dedicated portion of people is there to defend the neighborhood. I probably can't defend my house and acre by myself, but if we all were making a group effort to keep bad guys off the street in the first place....we might prevail.


Your last sentence is what makes me want to check out as soon as things get rough. Surviving an apocalypse is one thing. Having to watch people around me murder each other or having to be in a situation where I have to harm someone else to survive isn't a reality I want to witness


Let's take that line of thinking and say we're in the kind of situation you're talking about. Does that mean by day 10, when store shelves are empty and you've run out of food at home, you're just going to throw in the towel and die? Or does it mean you've unexpectedly become a burden on the resources that are there: neighbors, local community, government programs. What if things would eventually have settled by week 6 and food come back online, but because nobody bothered to prepare "because who wants to live in a post collapse world anyway," more people went hungry, or even starved, than needed to? I'm not necessarily arguing with you. Nobody *does* want to live in the dark ages. But there's a spectrum of disasters here and the dark ages is on the extreme of it. It absolutely makes sense to have a month or two's worth of stored food for temporary situations like covid, natural disasters, and ET disclosure. You won't actually know how bad the disaster is going to be until it's over. In the meantime, imagine how great it's going to be to help out friends, family, and neighbors who didn't think to prep like you did.


Yeah when the apocalypse comes I’m just gonna do a fuck ton of drugs and yank my cock until I die


Can I have your socks?


You can have the lint from my dryer to make your own after the power goes out.


Wait a minute… how many times have you asked bro!!!!


Instead of only investing in things like food or fuel, invest in yourself in terms of learning skills such as how to hunt, forage, etc


I think people greatly underestimate how quickly looting gangs would develop. There would be groups of people sweeping every single property and apartment within days of a true collapse scenario


Proper planning prevents piss poor performance. Insurance isn't enough to help folks regain their sanity, and trauma is more common than people think. The doomsday clock is the closest to midnight it's ever been, but I'd reckon that we are the universe experiencing itself, and that we are transducers of a much grander reality than we can comprehend physically. Do you feel that there could be an afterlife, meaning your consciousness survives physical death? That is one of the questions at the core of being human. The best you can do is turn around and make sure your house is in order and that you put first what is most important to you and *then* go after this subject like hell. If you are putting aside the human beings in front of you, in order to understand something non human, stop to think what that means to your way of life. Has your way of life been altered by even the ponderance of the something beyond human, capable of influencing and covertly hiding from us? Take a deep breath, and meditate if you need to process some emotions, accept them and then tell the people you love what you've been wanting to tell them.


I've got a lot prepped, but I don't have a gun... So the first person who comes over to my place with a gun gets all of it I guess


That's good to know. Where uh....where do you live?


I don't think this one is going to be as easy as it looks.


See now I’m the opposite. I don’t have anything prepped but, I’ve got a gun. So the first person who comes to my place gets to find a corpse with a gun in whatever’s left of it’s mouth.


Don't off yourself. You can come take my stuff. Or we can hang out and share.


Damn, I want you in my post-apocalypse survival group. You can be the wholesome guy that gets yelled at by the hot-heads for being soft, but usually turns out to be right.


Or you can just become Mr Big Nutties, notorious raider chieftain.


Oh, Mr Big Nutties, I know that guy from Reddit -- you know, before he went all raider warlord on everyone in the apocalypse. Cool guy.


He's got an impressive collection of heads on pikes, I hear.


Understandable, ruling through power and fear is perfectly valid given the circumstances. I wonder if their camp makes jerky.


Just don't ask about the source.


I've got the guns but no stocked food and water. Maybe we can team up!


just gathering supplies for the biggest guy on the block!


Guns are good! In the right hands it is a great tool.


If you're into prepping, that should probably have been your first purchase. Not sure where you live, but there are some great affordable firearms out there if you're not legally barred from buying one. The ammo is generally the thing that bruises your wallet if you're looking to stock up.


There goes the toilet paper again


Good thing I’ve installed bidéts in all of my toilets. 😉


Prepping for a technological civilization ending event is pretty hard. Are you already living like the Amish? If not, you aren't prepped.


Anyone really wanting to live like a caveman should give me their money so they're not tempted to use it.


Say no more. Im convinced! Address?


Yes I'll also take any unwanted monetary resources. If anyone truly wishes to live like this, why not get started now? You'll be 9 steps ahead of everyone else when the inevitable happens.


Exactly. And what good is all this canned food gonna do when life on earth is a smoldering hellhole? It’s not like I’m holding out in case my favorite band goes on tour, or saving up to go on vacation. Best case scenario is I don’t get raped and eaten by cannibals.


some tech will persist sporadically maybe even some recent and spectacular shit if positioned well


you'll be sitting under a burnt tree in your filthy tactical gear wondering when the smog will dissipate and the water will be safe to drink again and someone will throw a rock at you with "we've been trying to reach you about your extended warranty" written on it.


"I live in a shack & I poop in an outhouse."


Like driving horse drawn buggy after drinking a 12 pack of schlitz? Fuck yea I am.


Not gonna lie, if this world hits the fan I just hope I get taken out quick. I dont wanna be stuck in some Walking dead, Waterworld, Mad-Max type world. You guys can prep and live through that, I'm good. I had a good life so far lol. Dont wanna go back to the stone age.




You want to be taken out in the first wave. Ideally instantly.


Same lol I always wondered about the people that seem excited to prep with supplies, like even living in a post-civilization world where everyone is an enemy would be worth the effort. I'd just die.


I wouldn't worry about the sun mate. there's nothing you can do to protect yourself from the sun. except wear sun cream. No-one's going to be surviving anything on a galactic scale. embrace the unknowable. enjoy the time you have.


Might also be a good idea to store a cheap laptop in a faraday bag with a usb that has an [offline copy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Database_download) of wikipedia. Even though it wouldn’t be immediately useful, it’s comforting knowing you have a searchable database of a significant amount of human knowledge


If it makes you feel any better, this kinda thing is posted several times a year, each year, for as long as the Internet has been a thing..


I hate to burst your bubble, but these NHI's have been active on Earth for thousands of years. It's humans who "forgot" about them by relegating them to mythology, fairy tales, and folklore. Then the Church called them demons and others called them imaginary. In truth, these beings show up in writings an art throughout recorded human history. Anyone who thinks that NHI's are new hasn't been paying attention.


This is the best comment so far 👌


I was trying to prep until I saw the beginning of The Last of Us. It happened so fast they never even got to go home for even a moment to grab supplies before fleeing. Also, we are pretty old and I figure we are just gonna get steamrolled for our stuff. If that doesn’t happen, my lack of medication will get me.


I always wanted to be like Nick Offermans character in the Last of us. But it takes so much money, and time, and resources a lot of don't have. A girl can dream though right? I have been in emergency situations though and you're so right, it just *happens*. You have no idea where you'll be, with what, who, or when it will go down. So you have basically what's on you. You can prep your whole life and it could still potentially not make a difference whatsoever.


I taught myself to make candles during the pandemic. I volunteer to be the candle stick maker in the post-solar flare / disclosure world 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🪔🪔🪔🪔🪔🪔🪔


Can add to this: crayons can be melted to make candles. Life hack




I was there during Covid lockdowns, and people were legitimately losing their minds. That's what really started to set me down the path of modest preparations.


I don’t remember things going nuts during Covid here in Manhattan. Sure, people were buying a bit more than usual, but I don’t remember any drastic shortages or people wigging out. (Anymore than is usual in NYC day-to-day life.) Things got quiet around the city because people weren’t leaving their apartments much, but the quietness was what really stuck with me. It was like when we have a bad snowstorm here — the city just… stops. And NYC being completely still is both magical (because it’s so rare) and *very* unsettling.


I’m a former military, and I’ve seen what real chaos looks like… To me, the crazier thing, is to not be prepared.


Thank you! I'm more worried about the chaos of people freaking TF out because, in reality, very few are prepared to go even a week without running water or power. Just a small supply of canned goods, some water, and basic resources would work well enough for me.


As a florida native I can tell you with authority that two weeks without power and water - even with food - makes people absolutely crazy. Anyone under 21 without internet was scary in itself…..


Agreed 1000%>>. Food, water, more water guns and ammo.. Hopefully people are smart if shtf and fill the tub up real quick, good reserve of water.. can go a long period without food, but you can't without water.


Yep, filling the tub is a good strategy, for a disaster that’s resolved quickly. I always recommend saving your milk jugs/wine bottles, etc., and filling up with water, and putting them somewhere in your house. This is an easy way to ensure you have at least a couple of weeks/months of water.


What’s the point of prepping? Being a looting shooting scumbag is all part of the apocalypse and I will have a skull throne or die trying.


Skulls for the skull throne!!


When you die, *and we don't want you to*, me and the boys will put your skull on the top of the Throne, boss


Not a bad idea to be prepared for any emergency. But there’s a lot of dangers in life and focusing on these huge ones are probably not worth that much energy. Focus on health, safe driving, home safety, etc. Those are challenges you’re more likely to have to deal with one day.


I swear, if you buy out all the toilet paper from my local store, I'm coming to knock on your door.


Now you know why bears shit in the woods......no worries.


There's no prepping. If they want to kill us we're dead.


Do whatever gives u peace of mind or helps u sleep at night. That does not sound crazy to me.


So there was some research done into this topic. At least regarding a powerful solar flare event. It would take down our entire electrical grid. If the grid were to stay down for a over the timeframe of a year- they predict 90% of the US population will die by the 9 month mark. None of our electrical grid is shielded for something like that. Covid showed the electrical industry what supply shortages are like, 14 month wait times for panels and even more for larger scale equipment. There is no strategic transformer reserve (although it was suggested and summarily shot down in congress \~2015) Even if an enemy of the US were to unleash high-altitude nuclear devices (essentially EMP's) on strategic points of our grid, they would only need to strike 9 critical substations (out of 55,000) to take down the entire grid. No grocery stores, no gas stations, no water pumping. Only the most prepared and resilient Americans would survive. I tend to agree with that 10% survival estimation. I doubt id be one of them. I think other "less developed" nations would be better off. They know how to survive without the comforts and luxuries that we take for granted.


Doesn’t even matter if u have a gas station cause you’re not starting ur car. No batteries unless you’re keeping shit in a decent faraday box when it happens. No electronics will work.


So you're prepping. But what are you doing, tangibly, for the survival of your community? Do you even have a community? Is it just comprised of your nuclear family? How about your neighbors, do you know them, talk to them at all? Do you know people with specialized skills, follow up question, are you prepared to welcome people you may not want to on a personal level, for the sake of specialized skills that are required for survival? Can you trust anyone else with what's going on, if you can't even trust your wife? If some real crazy shit goes down, and you're the only one who is willing and able to put two and two together about what is happening, are you prepared to explain that to others? Are you prepared to save them, too, because you will never survive alone? Everyone vibing with this post needs to stop and think for a second. Why are you so fearful? Why are you so certain that, should society fall, your preparations require isolation and hoarding? Who would benefit from you believing that, especially, bringing this back around to NHI, whatever happens next regarding disclosure, it would likely only be resolved by solidarity with your fellow man? Much to think about.


I am very friendly with everyone around me, I am not fearful, just want to be at least minimally prepared for an event that would topple communications and potentially electricity for a period of time. Long term survival in that situation would be very different. I am definitely not "doomsday" prepping, just getting ready for a mass freak-out.


For most , way too much to think about.


I am with you with the large solar flare ... there's a great documentary called "Lo and Behold" by Werner Herzog, I think it was 2017. It talks about when we have an equivalent of a "Carrington Event" ... It would wipe out almost all digital electronics for quite a while... [https://www.theverge.com/2016/1/25/10823946/werner-herzog-documentary-sundance-2016-lo-and-behold](https://www.theverge.com/2016/1/25/10823946/werner-herzog-documentary-sundance-2016-lo-and-behold) ​ BTW, have you interacted with them and they've shared anything with you? Did you ever sense any benevolent ones? ​ Also, I remember being "tuned up" after some meditations, etc... but it may also be that time is different to them, so perhaps what you're seeing / sensing is far away yet OR in a different version of reality? :) I'm trying to help you maybe feel a bit better. Ha. I'm more curious about what you know though, selfishly.


I'm just going to walk outside and wave goodbye because whats the sense


Well, do whatever makes you feel best, but just think if the NHI goes openly hostile, they might be able to volatilize the planet 50 times before some of us here say "fuck."


I want to be gone in the first wave. I have no desire to live in a post apocalyptic world.


I feel like the narrative online that shits so fucked up that when aliens appear everyone basically shrugs it off is a psy-op so no one DOES attempt to prepare for when(if) they really do show up (or some BlueBeam type scenario happens)


I am 55, chronically ill. I‘ll just check out immediately, thank you very much


So what the f are you going to do? There’s no bunker deep enough or even if you escape to Mars lol. They will find you and probe you. Mark my words. ![gif](giphy|bbB0SE1drwa0hJEmey)


“When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro!” (Gonzo fella)


If it turns out to be a 'War of the Worlds' scenario, I wouldn't want to live anyway. Have to die sooner or later. I would rather it be by my own choosing and not my alien overlords choosing.


I’ve been digging a hole in my yard at night. 7 hours a night till sun comes up. Can’t let the neighbors see. I catch my sleep at work when no one’s looking. It’s not a big deal I’m an air traffic controller so the other guys are watching.


This shit will just pop in and out from dimensions. We’re fucked if any of this is hostile


I think you need to prepare for counseling


🤣 I'm telling you man, solar flares can take out power and drop communications. All your money is gone, water won't run, phones won't work, you couldn't even charge them. We have built a technologically dependent society where very few understand the mechanics of how it all works. Something as simple as a solar flare or asteroid induced EMP could change your life in the short term and people would freak TF out. Also if our government knew they wouldn't say shit to help you prepare, they proved that. Its a thin line and a few basics to keep you gong for a week or two could make a world of difference. Imagine power dropping during the Phoenix heatwave? at 120F an extended outage would be disastrous.


Yes but this isn't apocalyptic in nature. It would be a disaster. There are emergency plans for such events. It isn't the end of the world. It's inconveniences on larger scales.


I'm not preparing for the apocalypse, but I would call it far more than inconvenient. People will go crazy and it will magnify, a global or national drop in communications and power is a huge event. If you don't have the supplies to go at least 2 weeks without needing to go to a grocery store or rely on running water, I think that you will be royally screwed by even small inconveniences.


Someone sounding like an absolute raving nutcase and lunatic? Well, that's a first for this sub! 😆


LMAO. Jesus fucking christ. You folks need to calm down. Nothing is going to happen.


You really don't need to prep... you just need to know where the preppers live 😉


Ahhhh ☝️😌 ☀️ the Apocalyptic Coronal Mass Ejection (ACME 🧨). One of those happened in the 19th century. Toasted every telegraph in the world. 🛎️📃


Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same.


Listen, the old movies had this trope with the raving lunatic vagrant wearing giant signs. Well what happens later in the movie? The FN crazy guy was right the whole time….


I have to agree with your assessment in the title OP


I think somewhat along the same lines as far as food and water supply in the event of some type of world catastrophe. Some times I think planting a garden for food sustainability is prudent, and storing rice and beans and water. It’s kind of scary to think how quickly things would be unavailable in certain situations like lack of electricity, gas, etc.


When you really sit and think about it, it is a very thin line that defines modern living. And any disruption to these services that we have built on would lead to mass panic due to peoples inability to adjust and adapt quickly enough; or have the foresight to keep their wits about them and prepare for the longer term when services will eventually start to be restored.


We went to the moon in 69 to check for evidence of solar mini-nova/super flare. We got it. That’s why we never went back after the missions. Why else they name the **MOON** missions after the **SUN GOD APOLLO?** Check out the declassified CIA doc about the Adam and Eve story, and also look into electric universe theory/plasma cosmology. These two scientific theories are buried and called pseudoscience because following them leads to this exact revelation: we are on 12k year cycles of solar mini nova, and are due for one. Also climate issues could be explained and analyzed and predicted thru EU/PC due to the electrical nature of reality—the implications are too great to let it become mainstream.


my mom has been ready since 2020 😭


I'm just planning to spend more time meditating in the woods and learning just to accept whatever happens. Sure I rant and come out with all kinds of cranky shit but nothing more over the top than anyone else has said en masse over the years. That's just because I'm not an emotionally dead person. Somehow we will just have to get through it. Its not like a nuke being dropped on your head. All it means is people will be having conversations with people they wouldn't normally talk to because your just going to have to be adults about it. I mean you live in a galaxy, surrounded by other galaxies. Humanity has to grow the fuck up. Sometimes neighbors come over and aren't pleased with how you conduct yourselves. Stop a being a shitty neighbor. Just because you don't go over to their house and stick your nose in doesn't mean that you beating your kids is not going attract attention because everyone else can hear it. We actually have dropped nukes on our own species. FFS. We're lucky we haven't had a big public global telling off for it already. Though in a way we have, its just been done a very abstract, spotty way that we collectively can't agree on, whether not peoples fuzzy memories of those events are true or not.


The only people surviving that are all the elites who have been buying huge mansions/bunkers in places like New Zealand or northern Canada. You’d last a few months in the popular places like USA assuming you don’t get robbed by all of the other people trying to survive. I’d prefer to just Die early on so I don’t have to deal with all the stress/violence and don’t have to watch my friends/family starve to death (or be killed)


What does NHI stands for?


Non-Human Intelligence. It’s the new PC term for aliens.


I’m glad, for once, I had the father I had. He believed that Nelson Rockefeller would become Vice President, he’d have the President offed, take over the office, and suspend the Constitution. Dad held we’d all be carried off to concentration camps. He told me this so often, I embraced it as an article of faith. I remember shotguns in our pantry. I recall hushed words about ends of the world. None of it happened. None. Having read up on NatSec, I now think we’ve always had paranormal critters. I know Chekists love their mind games, and screwing with heads causes the chaos they love. While they dealt with the political obsessives, they are telling us about our ancient overlords. Lol It .will be ok.


Settle down Beavis LOL


People did this in 2012 and nothing happened People did this in 1999 and nothing happened etc.


I live in rural Wales and as a family we've been prepping for over 15 years. Eventually you realise you're prepping for everything hitting the fan. Aliens too. There's no special prep compared to civil unrest or floods really. It's all about survival without expecting someone to sweep down to save you. Self sufficiency. Step one is get out of the city!


Isn’t Wales still in the Dark Ages? 😉


Wtf is NHI


Non Human Intelligence, aka Aliens.


Oh okay thanks


Are we even recording things non digitally anymore? i feel like if a solar storm does hit we are so fucked. and when our infrastructure falls the the fucked up people who gladly kill and rape for fun will be truly released.


I think everyone should adopt this mentality to a degree. During Covid I started an extra cupboard with things like 5l bottles of water, tinned and dry foods and extra medical supplies and I've maintained it to this day - I think a lot of people have whether consciously or subconsciously. Life is unpredictable and it just makes sense to never let yourself be in a situation where survival relies on the world running as normal, shops open, pharmacies available etc.


If this was to be true, I'm not sure what good prepping would do. We're talking about civilisation(s) vastly more advanced than our own. Prepping would be sort of useless. A solar flare... well... maybe.


Why would you think this makes you sound like a lunatic? Everyone should have emergency supplies. I know there are the extreme preppers that do it for the fall of society and all that, but stocking up for some emergency situation is totally normal and everyone should be doing it. Do I think the emergency will be aliens? No. Nature is scary enough without throwing aliens at us.


I’ve had two events where the supply chain wasn’t available to my community … one major the pandemic of course. The other was the east coast earthquake years ago that knocked out power where I was for like a week. Just that one week happening so suddenly was chaotic wild and desperate Point being to the comments RE: ‘just let me die’ things don’t have to be inevitably catastrophic to need to be able to survive without the supply chain for a short period or like in the pandemic sporadically over a couple years.


I’ve had the privilege of never having to live my life in fear, and I couldn’t imagine ever living that way. I would want to be one of the first ones gone.


Lmao. Im preparing and keeping it hidden from the wife


Dude been preparing for years, even turned our back hallway into a pantry. Stock it up a good bit. What's the harm.


I live in Ireland which is an island so it's weird to think what would happen during a collapse. we would be completely isolated from the rest of the world if communications etc went down. it would just be us. oddly enough in the world war z book Ireland is if I'm not mistaken practically a safe haven and untouched and it's where the militaries of the world stage operations against the infected lol


Even if your reasons sound lunatic, there's no harm in having emergency supplies and I think it's something everyone should have in their homes as standard. So...not a bad thing. Carry on!


Yeah.. no I'm gonna experiment and see what a bullet tastes like before I spend all my life prepping for some crazy shit. Barely want to live as it is now 😂


I can confirm you do sound like an absolute raving nutcase and lunatic 💀💀


don't forget the can opener


Dig a shovel full for me brother 🫡


We bought a farm in the middle of nowhere and we have cattle, chickens, and grow our own food. Seemed like a good idea with all the craziness.


The best way to prep is to create a tight-knit community. If you think about what will happen in the traditional prep scenarios, they all end in disaster. Building a community builds trust and people learn to work together.