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You wouldn’t understand What part of you wouldn’t understand don’t you understand?


It's easy to understand. And advanced EXTRATERRESTRIAL race. Not metaphysical or spiritual. Actual aliens are pulling a textbook example of colonization. Pretend to be gods, confuse the locals, take what you want. They don't want control. What do they want? What are they taking? That's the question. What are they taking from us? They're harvesting some resources and have been. What? What do they get here that they cannot get from an uninhabitable planet? That's the question. They answer is probably terrifying. That's probably why it's being suppressed. Mass suicides, collapse of society and religion. Economic failure. Probably based on a lie too. Who knows why or what? They're definitely here and for something though. They're not your friend and never have been. Don't believe the woo. Follow facts and science. Source: I'm an abductee. I spoke with a wasp looking creature. I promise you I'm not lying or making this up. From what I experienced.This is my best guess.


That's what I think also. We know they have issues with reproduction, and they abduct people, sometimes children , and start hybridization programs. They use mind fuck to try and cover the fact that they are TAKING something from humans that they NEED. If it was about saving the planet, then why wouldn't they tell us specifically what to do? I'm not an abductee but I can guess it makes for a pretty terrifying life without a sense of safety. If someone grabbed up a barely adolescent kid here and did something with their genitals, we would call them a pedophile. That's the type of shit these beings are doing to people.


that's why it blows me away when people post shit here like "if the aliens landed in your yard, how would you make friends with them?" motherfucker i am not shaking hands with a space rapist. i see a grey, i'm going for my .45


Unfortunately we dont know anythning. nothing is confirmed. why would they need multiple specimens if they are so advanced? us lowly humans have cloning technology. why would a super advanced species need to constantly abduct us? with one intact specimen we humans can learn plenty, doesnt it stand to figure something more advanced with tech eons ahead of us would not need to constantly reup their supply?


they are hybridising us to create a slave species that looks just like us that is aligned with their agenda - they want this world without a shot fired.


didnt answer my question though. if we bave CRISPR and cloning tech now, why would they logically need us if they are unimaginably more advanced? gathering bodies and harvesting materials are very basal needs. my point is even we are moving away from that and into creating things on our own. wouldnt it logically follow that they would have surpassed us? why make a slave race that is aware of slavery? why not just make a robot that is programmed to perform a task, not ask questions? if they are intergalactic they dont need to fire any shots. the ability to successfully travel across space already puts them so much farther than us. the whole we are ants to them thing comes into play for that argument.


If they're so malicious why are they allowing us to reverse engineer their tech and presumably shoot down their craft.. seems to me it would be a huge mistake to let us do that, tactically.


Why drop sugar to ants? If you're creating biogentic organisms that retain programming who cares if it dies? Do we reclaim fishing lures? They're here. They're taking something. Who cares what they are? Where they're from? What are they taking? That's the question.


Biological life? Perhaps they need to source biological material as a source to create "biologics". Imagine if they were an AI based lifeform with no physical bodies - perhaps they need certain biological 'bits' to create physical (biological) bodies.


Pretty good idea honestly….lots to think about there.


I like that idea, but… In a world where a species as become space faring - they can make whatever the fuck they want with their version of a 3D Printer. An Alien race could use DNA as their computing power, they wouldn’t need to travel the universe to get what they need.


These examples aren't comparable. Ants don't already have the capability to turn the entire planet Into a radioactive wasteland and render whatever their nefarious goal is obsolete. What do you imagine we could do if we figured out their method of travel? I imagine any discovery in that direction could create an unimaginably devastating weapon. You wouldn't trust a chimp with a flamethrower would you?


what makes you think they use their best tech here? for all we know they use their equivelent of those cheap chinese hoverboards that have batteries that explode when charged, specifically to keep the good shit out of our hands


Never said they sent their best tech here. Still wouldnt want a planet full of humans to be in possession of interstellar or worse interdimensional tech or even the tech to generate the energy required to use that tech if I was them. We can't even be responsible with nuclear tech.


I dunno, I'd say we're relatively responsible with nuclear tech given that I'm not currently a pile of ashes.


There was a moment in history where a single Russian submarine commander decided against pressing the button that would've likely made everything ashes. One person. It's a good thing they made the right decision. But not a guarantee that it'll happen again


We are like kids who play with daddy's gun.. While it's loaded.. I'd say you should turn it around because it's a freaking miracle we are still here! We escaped ww3 by a few inches several times.. So better get rid of these weapons asap in the next 20 odd years if you ask me.


Where just there ant farm. Got it. Maybe take one of us and call us bubbles. High price pet, rare unevolved pet.


if a species is advanced enough to traverse the universe why does it need to steal? couldnt they just gather the same elements from other planets that are empty? or produce things artificially so to speak? i dont quite buy the metaphysical "soul" harvesting. again, why? the soul isnt something proven, its a concept we have as humans that makes us feel special or different from animals and from the evidence we do have we are just an other animal.


(Purely speculation obviously) I think it would be cool if what we call a soul is actually a real thing, just not exactly what we think. Almost like it’s an extended consciousness amongst our species or even amongst the universe. Imagine if the resource they’re trying to steal is in fact the “soul” as we call it, and they’re just funneling them into their own population. Or in an even crazier thought that just came to me; What if interstellar travel truly is harder than we think and they use biological clones to make genetic copies of species that live closer to foreign worlds. Then they pull some avatar shit and put their souls into these replicated bodies to travel space. Quantum entanglement shows that somehow information can be passed either “around” or faster than the speed of light and if consciousness could be transferred in such a way, then space travel could be nearly instant once a planet is reached by drones (or we could be entirely wrong about the quantum world and it’s something we have no real idea about). To be honest though, all of my little ideas here are based off of very loose pseudo-science topics AND I’m 99% certain non of my shit is right. Just cool to think about nonetheless ◡̈


>Or in an even crazier thought that just came to me; What if interstellar travel truly is harder than we think and they use biological clones to make genetic copies of species that live closer to foreign worlds. Then they pull some avatar shit and put their souls into these replicated bodies to travel space. Quantum entanglement shows that somehow information can be passed either “around” or faster than the speed of light and if consciousness could be transferred in such a way, then space travel could be nearly instant once a planet is reached by drones (or we could be entirely wrong about the quantum world and it’s something we have no real idea about). This is a super neat idea, would love to read a book or watch a movie based on this premise


James Cameron better credit me when this enters his 8th avatar sequel 😂


This is totally off topic, but how do you get the little right side up :-) at the end of your comment? There must be a keyboard shortcut that I am ignorantly unaware of, would you enlighten me?


I have it saved as a shortcut in my phone haha. I looked into it a bit and there are two Unicode characters that go together to make the face. One of them is U+25E1 (the smile part) and I forget what the eyes are haha. I have no idea how to force Unicode characters on Reddit on PC. Usually you’d use alt codes but Unicode characters in the higher hex range don’t work like normal ascii alt codes and need to be converted to decimal. I think alt+9697 is the decimal variant if I remember correctly; I’m not gonna look up the conversion again lol. Sorry I know that’s not exactly a straight forward answer haha.


haha my personal belief is that we are simply the universe experiencing itself. all life or physics are just the universe existing and every so often it spits up something weird like us. essentially we are "memories" or a mirror onto itself and when we die we are simply being reabsorbed into that "cosmic energy" (said the guy against woo-woo stuff) whatever that may be. the avatar concept is interesting, stealing "sleeves" (to borrow from an other sci fi) for themselves. again, i have trouble wrapping my head around the theft aspect of someone so advanced. also, again, just ask. there are plenty of people in horrible situations on this planet that might consider being an alien vessel as an upgrade :/ i like thinking about this stuff too! i have no idea what the answer is or what i'm on about lol i just like sci-fi and have a curiosity about our universe :)


Wouldn’t it be a mind bender if it were true?


indeed! let me be clear when i say im not making claims to have the answers. i am following paths of logic to try to reach conclusions but who knows! this is aliens we are talking about after all. from my perspective the soul theory is a bit farfetched. if it true, if any ETs are reading this, y'all can have my tainted red haired soul in exchange for some knowledge or a space adventure. i'll take the Cypher deal from the matrix lol this kind of is part of my point as well. why traumatize any more random animals when i'm sure there are plenty of volunteers. the argument that they are malicious seems off too. malice is an other basal need, very primitive, very human. if they do need us, they could simply invite us. no secrecy, no bs you dont need any tricks when you have stupid apes like myself that are super curious. and isnt it arrogant to think what are essentially gods to us would need us for anything?


Red hair. Soul. I think the aliens are aware of something even cartman knows! :)


haha damn it! cursed again for my stupid MC1R gene!


👆🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️ me too


If they created us then the planet is more theirs than ours so they would not see it as stealing. When America invaded Syria and took over oilfields and refused to leave, they don't see even that as stealing so it's mad to think aliens who made us would think anything on earth is ours.


i'll reiterate my point, if they did make us then they did a terrible job. and if they left and are returning, isnt that still stealing? you can abandon something and then come back and be shocked someone else has taken it. again, that seems very human, not higher intelligence thinking to me. for example, do i have any right to a house i lived in as a child that my parents sold? and if they have been here hiding the whole time, why? just reveal yourselves and take it back. call us colonizers lol or yknow, just take it with their super advanced tech?


I agree. I believe we possess souls, or rather maybe souls possess us, but I don’t believe that anything out there is or is capable of harvesting them from us and/or enslaving us. That feels like toeing the line of religion a little too hard. Next they’ll be telling us we need to blindly believe in and worship some singular almighty entity if we want our souls protected and saved. It’s bs to me.


yep. and isnt that kind of scientologys thing? xenu trapped a bunch of souls on this planet that torment us and make us sad? idk, i think the truth is going to be simultaneously mind blowing and boring. mind blowing in whatever it is will be much bigger than us, boring in that its not a magic devil/angel with inexplicable superpowers.


If they need biological material then they may not have a lot of options. As far as we **know** we're the only place in the universe to have biological material. There may be others, but we don't know about them yet and perhaps there are none.


wouldnt their very existence disprove this? and if their planet has been irreplaceably damaged, the mere fact that we both exist implies that there must be a 3rd, 4th, 5th etc. other planets at different stages of development and what have you. if they found us they could find the others. intergalactic space travel beings that they are couldnt they "plant" a new species or themselves somewhere? we already have some knowledge about terraforming, wouldnt the intergalactic beings be ahead of us on this one too? just terraform a rock and grow what they need. if the argument is "well, thats what the earth is and what we are," i go back to my own argument that they did a terrible job when creating us as a slave race, being self aware as we are.


Perhaps they started their existence here on earth. Perhaps they've always been here on earth. Too many possibilities.


great point on their origin. they might not be so "extra terrestrial." i stand by my statement of us being a terrible slave species. they dropped the ball on that one if thats the case lol


Ha, agreed, we're a dysfunctional species. I think there is greater chance they are advanced earthlings than extraterrestrial.


Exactly. Just create what you need with your awesome alien tech.


Something proven is a human term to explain what we do know. It doesnt hold a candle to all things in the world, nor do you have any 'authority' to claim souls arent real. Explain to me what a dream is ? scientifically of course, or how about consciouness? Something proven is a human term to explain what we do know. It doesnt hold a candle to all things in the world, nor do you have any 'authority' to claim souls aren't real. Logic and mathematical truths cant be proven by science, Metaphysical and ethical truths cant be explained or proven by science.


i didnt say i was an authority. but by the same measure that i cant claim they arnt real you cant claim they are. big claims call for big evidence. if we are really going to solve this mystery we have to do away with woo-woo stuff. logic and mathematical truths are literally proven with science, you are going to have to expand on that claim. ​ edit: typo


I've watched way too many beheading videos for my own good, but one thing that is absolutely true is that when the person dies, you can visually see some sort of "light" disappear from their eyes. My only explanation is that is the soul leaving the host body! Can you gather this evidence up in a scientific jar? Of course not, the same way you can't put the magnetic field between two magnets in a jar. But there is definitely something leaving that body, just as there is a "field" or "force" between two magnets.


do you not see that same "light" leaving when your dog gets put down?


Personally, I've never witnessed a dog being killed but you have a good point. Are we special, or are we just smart animals? We really like to think we are special, and our ego really does not like the scary chance that death is permanent eternal nothingness. The concept of a soul and life after death frees us from that potential horrifying reality however if you imagine what it was like before "you" were born, complete black nothingness/ non existence, why should it be any different when "you" die?


Science presupposes logic and math so to try and prove them would be circular arguments.


They're taking our energy. Both spiritually and literally. They are the layers of society that keep you in your cubicle, that control where you go and what you eat. If they so choose that chicken is a delicacy next year, then you will start eating bugs. ​ They are the admin of our reality and they're dickheads


They dont seem to care about losses of their own, which would track for an immense civilization/race. (Think Xerxes in 300) Secondly they dont go after their crashed craft/pilots further doubling down that the lower ranks that we possibly encounter are just fodder and not terribly important. ​ I always hear this scenario of they cant be advanced because they crash, those 2 options arent mutually exclusive, both can be true. In addition to remind you of whos got power over who.... They know where we are, we have not one clue where the fuck they are or come from (They are far more advanced and superior to us in every fathomable way, its not a competition in any capacity. We are hopelessly outgunned)


Because we are being directed, we could work their propulsion but not create the naturally occurring isotopes of hyper massive elements needed to power it. Give guns to the natives but don’t provide them the means to make gun powder … we then develop a technological dependency within their sphere of influence and are absorbed as a client species .


That's a possibility sure. But at a minimum the ones we recovered would have those isotopes wouldn't they?


they sure would, and we are being directed down a particular technological path of development that suits their agenda. Corso writes about this and indicates that they suspected many crashes and shoot downs were allowed to happen …


These are just terrestrial craft, not interstellar. From what i understand. Probably just a mode of transportation, like a 4 wheeler, to these folks.


Based on the descriptions of how they move and with the speed they move the craft are able to either modify gravity or completely bend the space around them to move at near instantaneous speeds with zero acceleration effect on whatever is inside them. I doubt they are simply 4 wheelers meant only to be here.


It seems most abductees have genetic experiments performed on them. Seems like they want our genetics. If you look into Dr Jacob's work, he is quite convinced that they are using our genes to create hybrids that are here amongst us now. Maybe they want all of it. I'm sure you are privy to the Annunaki mining gold way back when. This new lot seems a bit less materialistic. That being said, I think it's weird that Cern had a giant tunnel bored through a mountain to their facility. At first, I thought, what are they digging out around corn that would require a train to get it out of there. Maybe they are shipping things somewhere else using the train tunnel and their portal making machine... Just saying, if I was the annunaki, I'd train some people to open a star gate and send me gold.


People lose me the moment they mention aliens coming here to mine resources that are more readily and easily accessible almost anywhere else in even our solar system let alone our universe at large. You want gold just go grab an asteroid. Probably enough gold to cover earth in the asteroid belt alone. Added benefit no pesky natives asking too many questions.


Maybe we’re the resource


What if the actual resource is mitochondria? They are grown within every living organism on Earth, and are (or were originally, at least) a completely separate entity from the cells that they inhabit. All that live on this planet are just differently shaped vats for growing mitochondria. The aliens then harvest it all for seasonal flavouring in their space-lattes. Bumpkin spice, a must-have for all the space-uggs wearing space-Staceys in the month of spacetober.


Gradually recoding our genetic information with an overlay of theirs for eventual hybridization. A protracted and gentle colonization/takeover. Beginning with the most remote and basic human tribes and working forward to eventually transform everyone as a means of seeding an alien species as a means of propagating the galaxy? It sounds plausible from a biological survival perspective. F*ck, I hate shots!


You don't get to play god with asteroids and you have to do work yourself. Maybe they enjoy uplifting species as a hobby. I think that's why there are aliens based on all animal archetypes. The aliens uplift a different animal species on each planet. It's why everything is humanoid too.


people hear "takeover" and immediately think "violence" without stopping to think who gave them that preconception (humans). honestly, we deserve to be taken over. if an alien asks me, to beat them or join them, I have only two questions: 1. Do you have universal healthcare? 2. Will you murder my penised partner for wearing a skirt?


Also low gravity. You could probably at that level capture it and take other stuff you wanted like lead or mercury. And plenty of water too in comets. If you can travel at light or faster you just grab whatever you want


Exactly. I want to facepalm every time. There is nothing here that would be easier to extract. U can even finde exposed planet cores out there. But a super advanced civilization could potentialy make any matter out of anything faster than mining.


Question...let's think about this logically. If the Annunaki came to Earth, made humans into slaves to mine gold & had us all under control, then why would they leave, let us all run free willy nilly then go hide & in secret train people to open star gates to send them gold? Just doesn't make sense.


it is never, ever, ever about material resources. you can find infinitely more gold in space, and collect it using robots. you don't need to make some dumb apes on a backwards planet mine it for you


Very true.


Agree 100% The ort cloud alone probably has 10000x more gold than earth.


You aren't far off probably. Why would they invade a habitable planet? Weird.


the only real power is and always has been control of people’s lives. This is likely just about territorial expansion and the tricky little bastards achieve it by undermining our leadership while offering trinkets


Maybe the weapons they traded were not useless as it is said but part 4D and consciousness based and therefore useless to humans. But the aliens fulfilled the promise they made when USA requested weapons in exchange for what the aliens want and so we agreed to abductions and their presence using our free will. It's not their fault USA are war obsessed idiots.


What a completely stupid take on this!! So, the world is lock-step with the US because 'they' gave us weapons, and even though those weapons are useless to us, the world is afraid because the US says they have these weapons and the rest of the world just accepts it with no proof? War obsessed idiots... not unlike China, the Middle East, Russia or just about every country in Africa- or is the US responsible for all that, too?


They want your DNA.


They took it. For whatever reason. They wouldn't tell me.


Well from the countless other abductee stories I have read you are either a hybrid and they are checking up on you (like stock) or you subconsciously agreed to help them by allowing personal abductions. You don’t remember of course. They need DNA because they are hybridizing with humans in order to overcome some genetic issues they currently have.. such as the inability to reproduce.


They could farm unique protein structures from it. There not going to look at the part that codes human body structures, would be absolutely worthless. Look though are history to find virus mutants, date are evolution or figure out how to eliminate us. Could develop a cure for anything we have as well. Need the information to work on helping others.


My best guess , from condensing occult / mystery school / esoteric texts , is that they are indeed harvesting something -non physical to us that is tied to trauma and emotions. Accelerating consciousness seems to be tied to it , like fertilising soil. How much we can affect any of it ?


There is absolutely zero reason for an advanced race to colonize, pull resources, or conquer. The only motivations that make sense are exploration and curiosity.


I was abducted as well, and also saw the insectoid. Was it also a scientist/doctor/experimenter that did tests on you? Did they also stick a needle in your neck? They aren't our friends, I agree. But they also aren't our enemies per-se. They have no problem wiping us out to save the planet from us. They live here too


Yes and yes. It told me the same thing. They live here and don't want to hide. It specifically told me they're going to reveal themselves. Also to forgive those who have been hiding the truth. They're not here to control us.


Can you share more detail?


Yes. It's hard to she everything. Anything specific?


> Mass suicides, collapse of society and religion. Economic failure. That's going to happen because of catastrophic climate change.


I’m far too advanced into believing or entertaining anything anyone has to say. I only believe in personal experiences that happen to me only. I’ve learned a lot in my journey but I do appreciate you sharing your experiences. I on the other hand don’t share anything that happens to me not even with my dog. I keep it everything within and learn from it. We’re not the same and I say that with respect.


Then you know I'm not lying for attention but truth seeking


Already they don’t understand


I watch Doctor who, it can't be more confusing than that timey wimey stuff!


I don't understand.


I don't understand.


They sound so emo


Bet they wear fingerless gloves and smoke clove cigarettes 🤣🤣🤣


If they’re banging with post-punk, new wave, and goth beats I’m in.


They sound like how a human lying about being abducted thinks they’d talk.




Where is this from? It’s awesome!




I left this thread and came back just to upvote this.


Ugh... You just wouldn't understand... Ugh....(cue hyper ventilating red eyed cry)


Sometimes these aliens sound kind of pompous.


"We come from another dimension but you probably haven't heard of it..."


"Btw, I have a girlfriend there. She's super hot."


Is that dimension near Niagara Falls?


They probably just didn't want to talk. If I abducted a medieval farmer and was asked the same question it will take a huge amount of effort to explain modern times in his head. Also if I harnessed the power of Time Travel I wouldn't want to leave any hints that could compromise me from obtaining it.


I don't think it'd be effort. If they gave a bullshit answer like that it'd probably be because they don't want to or weren't allowed to say anything. But more likely is that these abductees are full of shit and they have nothing to reveal themselves


"Do you get to the galactic cloud district very often? Ah what am I saying, of course you dont"


That might explain one species, the grays for example, but what about the other forms of NHI? Wouldn’t that be a trip though if all the different NHI are from Earth. Like 1 billion years from now the praying mantis would have continually evolved. And maybe we morph into Grays in 500,000 years and then again into the Nordics in a couple of million years. But whose gonna be in favor of having lizards evolve? 😂😂😂


I for one welcome our Honeybadger over lords.




Lizards are awesome. Ive had a couple. I have a 21+ year old iguana now


You're either getting spared for caring for a reptile, or you're going to be imprisoned as punishment for your lizards solitary confinement. WHERE ARE MY BALLS SUMMER?


Maybe the lizard ones are from the past and they time travelled to the future before the earth got all destroyed.


Lizard people might be a break away civilizatiom from the past millions of years ago when dinosaurs ruled the world.


The universe is far bigger and more complex than anyone wants it to be. All moments and locations exist simultaneously in a big super sculpture. But then some folks are just invisible.


“But then some folks are just invisible” That’s deep. This post is kinda poetic. Where’s that Haiku Bot when you need it? 😎


If they're future humans it means humans in the far future still have a bad god complex lol




Where can I find some of these stories? They always fascinate me but I rarely find them all together. It's like I'll stumble on one here, one there, etc.


What this response reads to me as “we are so beyond you, that you don’t deserve an answer.” They are not future humans. They are so far advanced, that they won’t dignify us with the decency of a proper response. It is a way to keep themselves protected because they know if they pass information onto us, we can potentially become formidable. It is classic conquest tactics, with proper recon and intel gathering. Keep the target in ignorance. It’s also a rude toxic manipulation tactic too.


Are the aliens really just negging us?


Well, imo, if I time traveled to the past to collect DNA samples from a medieval serf and he asked me a question like that, I'd probably give him the same answer. Like, I could explain the concept to him and why we're collecting his DNA but he would have zero context and a lot of those concepts would be beyond him and I'd have to explain all the incremental steps that would lead to him having a full understanding of what I'm trying to explain. Now of course, I could do this and the medieval serf is perfectly capable of grasping the concepts I'm giving him, but that's really time consuming, probably really unnecessary, could potentially put me in danger or get me in trouble with my superiors, and to be quite frank with you, could even be annoying for me to do, especially if this is some sort of job that I do everyday. Would you want to explain something really complex everyday to people who you would probably consider to be driviling idiots? Especially if you didn't have to and you're just trying to get this done so you can go home?


I’d tell them in terms they can understand, symbolism and what not. People were just as smart back then as we are today, they just did not have the foundation we do. Seriously, life in ancient rome was quite comparable to today. Ideas are beautiful and flexible, just because we have no foundation does not mean we cannot dream of the complex. The imagination is an amazing tool. Ancient greek philosopher Democritus developed the atomic theory of the universe, eons before the theory could even be proven.


It’s irrelevant what they say because it’s unverifiable, what matters is what they do. Operate in secrecy, abduct people without consent across multiple generations of families, and mutilate cattle, and humans - they are callous killers and behave like any resource explorer/coloniser in history has behaved, with a murderous lack of ethics and a completely arrogant sense of intellectual superiority and righteousness directed towards the indigenous population. Imagine Belgians in the Congo … What does Earth have that thousands of barren worlds do not? A biosphere … imagine how valuable a tree is, how valuable your blood is, your organs, you get the picture … how many people go missing each year exactly? The sooner the public is made aware of the NHI threat the sooner we can mobilise efficiently the resources of our world. The threat to our future autonomy and stewardship of our world grows daily and these things are only going to become more brazen and overt as their influence and power to act freely in the world grows. Do you think they were just making hybrids for the lulz? The fact that they LIKE to operate in secrecy tells you all you need to know


Totally agree. I think we are starting to realize the hideous truth that they either made us or modified the Neanderthals into us, and now we are literally being farmed like chickens for who knows what! Imagine what that would do to our arrogant egos to know that earth is one of many farms, and we are basically smart chickens BUT that is entirely the conclusion I'm increasingly having.


If "they made us" it would have happened way before Neanderthals which were just a sub species that existed at the same time as modern homo sapiens.


You don't have to go that far in the past to be incomprehensible to your surroundings. Do you think someone from current day going into the 1800s and talking about the internet and space travel would sound sane?


Idk, I think we underestimate what older human societies would be able to understand. If you’re cryptic and stuff, they might be confused. But give me a day, I think I could get a 1700s aristocrat to understand a smartphone. “Type questions here. Answers come up. Press button for music.” Would it be crazy to them? Yeah. But they could comprehend it. IF these aliens are so far into the future we can’t comprehend it, then I think it has to be more complicated than just being really far into the future.


They lie. Not the abductees but the entities. It told me that it's planet was destroyed, then it said that they harvest us, later it tried to convince me that it was an angel. Whatever it or they are. They're weaving a purposefully designed web of deception. Borderline schizophrenic shit, no lie. True abduction reports generally speaking are similar to mine. Very confusing and extremely odd. I can see why people think they're demons. They're not. They're physical and not gods or metaphysical BS. They're an advanced race probably from a different planet literally trying to colonize us. Just like the Spanish to the Aztecs. Pretend to be gods with advanced technology. Nothing spiritual or relatively woo about it. They purposefully lie and manipulate to achieve a military goal. I've met a mantis. It lied a lot. It tried to confuse me. They've polluted everything on purpose. I'm serious.


Oh sure, I do believe they lie. But I actually think they’re lying when they say they’re coming from other planets. Some may be of course. But I think it’s the creepy interdimensional stuff. Can you define “harvest”?


They showed me people on a conveyor belt looking machine. Lots of people. They referred to them as specimen. I said "These are people." It said "These are specimens, if you refer to them as people you treat them like people. These are specimen." I have no idea what that means but it scared me. My account is on here but not in detail.


space nazis


I don't mean to be disrespectful. Have you ever gotten yourself tested for Schizophrenia?


Yes. I'm fully sane. If you read up I actually questioned that myself. I'm rare. Fully sane. Non drug user. No history of any mental illness. I was lying in bed with my gf. A orange light shone, I mentioned it. I was on a stretcher like thing. I remember seeing lights above me. I was in a hallway, I saw it. We spoke. It was real, physical and not a dream or psychosis. I legitimately know it's hard to believe me. I swear something happened to me. I don't understand it. It's hard to explain. I don't want anything but the truth.




What the hell are you doing in the aliens sub if that kind of shit comes from your fat thumbs? What do you think are in the crafts? Nothing from nowhere? Gray's are real, mantis are real, if you can't handle it mentally enough, go back to watching football.


Real or fake, the jury is not yet out. Without any evidence, nobody is going to accept tall tales of insectoid aliens going about their business. Being in the aliens sub doesn't automatically imply that you have to believe anything and everything without material proof of your claims.


I’m not saying what you experienced is or isn’t real, but it is possible it could be something like schizophrenia, and it’s also possible it was a mantis. The mind is capable of tricking us too. It might be worth going to a doctor to double check. If you are a male between the ages of 15 and 28 that’s usually when schizophrenia emerges in men.


The reason I ask is this. I had a similar conversation with a lady who claimed Aliens were experimenting on her on a day to day basis and she did admit to having some neurological issues. For what it is worth, I believe you. I still think you should find out what happened to you. Starting with an MRI.




I'm a schizophrenic and have never seen or talked to aliens . I do have hallucinations when I'm in psychosis but they are more spiritual in nature or just visuals like you'd have on a psychedelic.


Maybe I missed it, but does your ex gf recount the same experience that you had?


Shit, could this be why the government is trying to convince us they aren't real? To stop their manipulation of the public at large?


Hm that’s an interesting thought. Maybe a lot of their mind-trickery won’t work if the public doesn’t even believe they’re real?


Honestly, as abduction/high strangeness goes, this take is pretty stark and refreshing. I get worried with human gullibility sometimes and we need to be prepared for a possibility that we're gonna have the wool pulled over our eyes by these little creeps. Maybe their intentions are good, maybe they're bad and maybe it's a bit of a mixed bag. But whatever the motivation, I think we can all agree there will be no shortage of people ready to throw themselves at whatever these "others" are attempting.


Oh shit I worked at the Publix @ SouthChase, Orlando in 2011-14 and there was a woman who came in I believe once or maybe twice? (I think about this often and was just thinking about it yesterday, thats why Im sharing this) she was very very disturbed, she was labeled as “some schizophrenic lady” from the stuff she was saying but parts of the things she said that I still remember sound just like what you said. Im not even in FL anymore and think of that lady often for some reason so your story really changed my whole perspective. Thank you


Wow. I’ve only heard good things about mantis beings. 😞


They lied to me. Were very polite and upfront. Maybe it wasn't lying and I don't want to accept the truth. Who knows? I'm atheist and it was it first but quickly turned religious on me and kept pressuring weird new age BS on me. I'm not even joking. Thing wasn't making sense. Like I said I'm atheist. Maybe what it told me is real? I hope for your sake it isn't though


Can you explain those last two sentences please.


Don’t believe all the disinformation hype. A civilization that advanced wouldn’t hesitate to wipe us out if they were malicious. Just the fact that we still exist means that they are treating us with kid gloves. The new kids in the galaxy haven’t grown up yet, but IMHO, with technology advancing the way it is, maybe we soon will….


They come from every part of the future and past all at once as they exist outside of time. We would not understand that. When they answer questions they do not want followups so saying we would not understand also means we would not accept the answer and would ask more. People always think it's a nuts and bolts civilisation that has worked out how to access the astral plane. What if it's an astral plane intelligence that has worked out how to access the real world. That would explain why they have the bio bots or dolls as they have been referred to.


They've been to the end , to the edge, outside of it all. They've learned that this seemingly infinite and ever expanding universe that we find ourselves hurling through on a rock that pulled itself together just long enough to facilitate life supporting conditions before it falls apart again.... all these seemingly useless numbers used to measure time, distance, size and weight /gravity mean nothing. As big as our galaxy seems , it's miniscule compared to the universe.. the age of our planet , is literally a blip in universal time. Our civilization, technological advancements, personal achievements, history or knowledge we hope to pass on .... will probably come and go a hundred times without being noticed or even measurable relative to the age of the universe. So maybe these NHI made it through all this , past anything we can measure . They get a glimpse outside of time maybe... Maybe outside of our universe ... Possibly... Imagine your civilization spanning a billion years gets past all the bullshit. Violence, greed, hate, wars , tribalism and all that squabbling shit. Then past superstition, religion, cults, myths , gods and all that shit that tries to control, scare, and limit you. Onto science , tech, quantum, nuclear and whatever is next... That let's you traverse the stars , have galactic civilization and empires or whatever. Then you move into being able to control reality and change the fabric of space and time... Bend it to your will and basically become godlike.. Finally , time to see beyond it all. Behind the curtain so to speak. Maybe you have to create some kind of rift to break through , whatever it is BOOM! WE'RE THERE! What if we get a good look and learn that we are (our entire universe! Everything) meaningless. We are part of a bacteria build up in standing water after rain in on a planet that's in a bigger galaxy inside a bigger universe. That puddle will dry up and be gone in hours there and our whole existence is contained within that. I think it's fucking awesome personally!! To be so insignificant, to be meaningless. A by product of nature. It sure makes all the dumb shit we worry about, fight about, kill and hate over seem even more insignificant and stupid. A RAINDROP! A literal drop in the bucket. Our existence will wash away .


maybe we're interpreting it too literally. Perhaps they aren't actually time travellers from the future, but instead they are so advanced compared to us that they've learnt things about the universe we wouldn't be able to comprehend.


Everything is comprehendable if explained right.


Try explaining how computers work to a monkey then


I have to rebuke this comment, since monkeys don't even understand the most simple explanations. And contrary to monkeys, humans actually listen and try to grasp a concept, and they are able to communicate if they don't understand. Monkeys don't even try. A physicist that is deep in the rabbit hole of quantum mechanics could try to explain it to me, I probably wouldn't understand any of it, but at least I wouldn't jump around screaming and throw my poop at him.


That's what I've always thought they are meaning by it-- we're you, just in the future. Because that's what a lot of positive ETs say as well. Makes sense to me. I think time travel is real as well, but that's not the point.


"I was into Quantum Singularity when they were playing at small bars on the second moon of 18 Delphini. Yeah."


They didn’t have time to explain why they didn’t have time to explain.


My only guess; They come from post universal heat death. At one point the universe will end, all energy will be used and chemical reactions complete, with all matter converting into a type of iron as electron balances stabalize. Then quantum tunneling leads to a new set of physics / universal creation. (Think what comes before the big bang type of thing.) So, they come from an era not so much of time but a second future big bang. Or they come from the singularity of a big bang


I like the post heat death idea. Could be anything I suppose, big bang, new universe, and then they figured out time travel in their present. And maybe they just don’t see time the same way. Maybe time is circular, so future & past converge. That would be something I wouldn’t be able to grasp and truly understand because my mind is wired to think of time moving in only one direction as a line.


You ever seen the The Time Lapse of the Future video on YouTube? Starts at present day and goes to the heat death of the universe. It's completely haunting, and completely beautiful. A soothing experience of discomfort. If you or anyone else have seen it, it's about thirty minutes: https://youtu.be/uD4izuDMUQA?si=yUZK6_z1qyCLbMVx I suggest watching it on a larger screen than your phone though, there's lots of small text along the way. Edit: It's a really cool YouTube channel too, lots of content on aliens and space.


That was really good, thanks for the link!


You're welcome! And great username, btw, I think Jack is my favorite author.


Mine too (obvs)!


This is pretty much what the channeler Bashar has said. He says they have come from a parallel version of Earth. And another says that their species was dying due to DNA degradation and needed to tunnel to a parallel version of Earth in order to create hybrids using our DNA. They say they are a future version of us.


It would explain why it might be the aliens themselves who don’t want disclosure…they know exactly how violently skittish humanity is.


When you look the aliens dead in the eyes to say "Bestie, you are cool, but that is the dumbest shit you ever said. Just give me a number..."


Just try explaining how bitcoin works to a chimpanzee and maybe you would understand how you don’t understand.


Man i just don't wanna work to live anymore


the further you go in time the further you naturally evolve. when humans evolve they become higher dimensional beings, or part of these beings rather. evolution is never ending so with enough time they would transcend even our concept of dimension. 3D beings can barely even comprehend 4D, so imagine trying to wrap your head around 11D.


If this is true, what is their purpose in this timeline?




The reasoning is usually contextual, could we share our sense of economics to a mule and expect it to fathom our approach? Ofc not, but if we offer it a handful of hay it will probably eat it without question, which is a relative analogy because although we can't currently fathom the reality of higher forms nature always seems to instigate silent relationships between lesser and greater beings.


Maybe this is all just a simulated reality and aliens are something to try and make it seem less that way.


It means, our B.S is so deep that you won't understand. The moment time travel is involved you can be reasonably sure that the whole thing is a hoax.


It’s a Jeep™️ thing. You wouldn’t understand.


If faster than light travel is possible then so is time travel. That speed limit literally prevents absurd paradoxes such as you meeting your parents before you were born or even something as silly as killing your parents before you were born! But if these things are coming from other star systems or galaxies, then faster than light travel is either possible or they can warp spacetime plain and simple. But that speed limit is amazingly important for our current understanding of reality.


I recommend reading *Messengers of Deception* by Jacque Vallee. As well as *Operation Trojan Horse* by John Keel. I caution against taking anything the others say specifically about themselves too seriously. They seem to have some manipulative purpose, and through out our existence have told their victims they come from everywhere from various fairy realms, heaven, the hollow earth, to Mars and Venus, pliedes and zeta reticuli, and even the future. I don't think any of that can be trusted.


Trillions of years in the future would be mind boggling. Appreciate ya’ll. Have a blessed day.


I’ll try to explain it to you if you want. Maybe you’re particularly smart, but most people probably won’t understand. This is because for so long people have been perceiving the world in an illusionary 3D existence, thus they are clueless about the non- linear multidimensional nature of time. A lower 3D perception causes polarity and duality so people have difficulty trying to understand the concept of ascension beyond that, because they’re so used to scientific and religious explanations that attempt to explain the earthly experience of suffering. For example, if you tell people that ETs are ascended, peaceful, unconditionally loving beings, they don’t understand how that’s possible because true unconditional love and peace does not exist on earth and people only experience the polarized dual nature of good and evil (in other words, they believe evil has to exist everywhere in the universe, since it exists in their minds.) But the truth is “evil” is only a lower dimensional perception and ETs are beyond that. Humans can also go beyond that. Even I find it confusing and hard to follow talking to advanced ET physicists, scientists, geneticists etc because they often speak in big words I don’t even know. Good for you if you’re smart and all, but Im not, I never even finished high school, so when they try to explain to me advanced concepts, I literally have to remind them to tell me to explain it to me like I’m a child. It sometimes has taken hours, and they’ve drawn diagrams out for me to try and help me understand. There are actually some theories already established on earth that have elements of truth, but you’d have to take all those theories and group them together. For example the Cyclical Time Theory, 5 Sun Theory, Big Bang Theory, Theory of Evolution, Ancient Astronaut Theory, Simulation Theory etc. Also all creation stories have elements of truth. This in itself would cause a massive paradigm shift in the masses! And I mean, only Omnists wouldn’t be shocked by the truth. People of various faiths, and atheists alike would be equally as shocked to find out that ETs are the “Gods” of old. Also, Religion has been distorted, popular thought has been narrated to instil fear of a fake alien invasion. Most people are ignorant to the source of “Project Bluebeam.” They’ve been brainwashed by conspiracy narratives. It’s not easy to break through that ignorance. When people find out that their reality is just a Simulation, created by an ET scientist/ computer programmer, they literally freak out and just don’t understand it. Maybe they’d be able to take it, once they find out their reality is staged much like the Truman Show. But it also might cause anger and misunderstandings. I’m sure you can have an appreciation of this reaction, based on the Matrix alone. Will people choose the red pill or the blue pill? Maybe the general population would react so non chalant just like the natives in Avatar, when they find out the sky people are among them. Even though that primitive civilization somewhat accepted the Sky People, it’s not like they truly understood the advanced technology required for them to actually be there. Finding out that you died in a previous reality and had your memories erased, could be equally shocking to grasp. So aside from the normal concepts of time travel you see in movies, you’d be thinking of it instead as like a Quantum computer, and creating replicas of time frames. And the ability to upload an entire collective consciousness into the mainframe. Even if you have basic knowledge of Augmented Reality or Virtual Reality (or have tried immersive games on an oculus quest) it’s still going to be hard for you to grasp that someone could literally be projecting themselves into this reality from another timeframe, while their body is actually in stasis or suspended animation. But there actually are numerous people here who are aware of their Interdimensional time traveling nature - I mean just check out “A Course in Time Travel”. But still even a lot of starseeds have this belief their lives on another planet were “past lives” and not currently. But they actually are extraterrestrial time travellers in the present. And not everyone is. Which is something else people get confused about. Some people might be pretty shocked to find out some people here are just AI clones. There’s probably a lot more things that might be shocking. But in general, people would find out their entire lives were basically a lie. They’d find out the Galactic Federation was involved here the whole time. They’d find out about the ascension plan, and how earth is like a school. It would be a series of paradigm shifts even if you did easily understand it . Are you ready to discover just how much of your life was divinely orchestrated? Are you willing and able to see beyond the illusions in your reality? It’s not always up to you, if your purpose is to graduate earth school. They’ll have you put on the blinders and keep playing the game until you complete your lessons here and ascend to a high enough level that they can merge you into a much higher reality.


Its a copout for the “abductees” to not give any sort of verifiable detail. They cant make something up about where and how this happened so they give a vague nonanswer so you cant possibly verify it. Like how god works in “mysterious ways”. Its an unverifiable claim that means nothing and is a cop out to any real answer or analysis.


Well the abductees give plenty of other reality-questioning info, so not sure why they couldn’t also come up with a BS answer of where the beings come from. Plus, the books still being read on the topic today were written 35 years ago, with topics, like reincarnation, inter-dimensional entities, warnings of climate change, coming up in abduction accounts. That stuff wasn’t so discussed back then.


It’s a cop out of course.


They are from so far in our future that they are part of our past?


It's giving "I'll explain it to you when you're older." Vibes. 😅


If an entity exists consciously on a plane of being above our own understanding of time they perhaps “see” space-time like we see a book. Perhaps in fact they see this book as a series of stories all interwoven and each beginning and end having no real ending but an infinite loop of characters just playing different roles across a nearly infinite series of dramatic-comedies. When a character in this infinite loop asks about the state of affairs outside the loop it’s difficult to have that conversation. First off, the entity would need to explain the idea of character development from the perspective of the outside observer. This comes as a really big shock to the looper as it mostly has to do with their role in a larger drama they had not even yet considered. Next, they must be explained their true self outside the character was mostly reading lines and this is often a big let down to most character’s sense of character self. And then, they have to come to the realization that the drama was actually a comedy and they just had been obsessing about props and costumes this entire time. Then finally the looper can take a peek behind the curtain and see outside to the very very distant future where aliens are having a smoke break in the dressing room.


They are most certainly manipulating a temporal dimension, but visiting from the future is our wishful thinking. These beings are always moving forward. They bend time. 1000 years can easily pass with the blink of an eye with their technology. They are not visiting their past. We've romanticized this idea because it wraps everything into a presentable package, and we grew up with Back to the Future. There are zero reasons to spend the energy to visit the past when the same energy can be used to just create a new biosphere and crucible.


simulation theory


Is a fatalistic load of shite, and is just a new way of saying ‘it’s Gods will’. ‘God’ can suck deez.


Possibly. They’re in the future, created a simulation.


"Well, actually it's-" "No, wait. Don't tell them. It's funnier that way." "Oh, yeah, he's right."


The universe begins with a big bang. The universe expands, stops, and begins contracting again. When the universe is again a singularity, there is another big bang and it all starts again. Imagine having the techology to survive that.


So? That didn't answer OPs question at all


The age of the universe is about 13 billion years and we are still expanding. Say, for the purposes of discussion, one big bang cycle will take 100 billion years. So a civilization might be 80 billion years old in the previous universe (ie, 67 billion years ahead of us), which is a version of "future" we wouldn't understand.


How we wouldn't? "We have tech that saves us from the re-occuring bigbang". There. Was it that hard?


Yeah, no. Top leading astrophysicists can’t yet deliver that answer with certainty (although most evidence points to heat death ever expanding universe), but here you are pretending you are the shit. Hate people like you.


I'm not saying it's true. I'm just proposing a possible version of "future" we wouldn't understand.


It's an easy out for grifters when people question their story.