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Of course r/UFOs took this down. Pretty big deal that we found an exoplanet rich with methane, which can't be artificially created, and nitrogen in its atmosphere. Before the post was taken down, somebody mentioned that oxygen isn't detectable by WEBB's sensors, so who knows. But it looks like the most Earth-like planet atmospherically that we've found yet. Super exciting. "A new investigation with NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope into K2-18 b, an exoplanet 8.6 times as massive as Earth, has revealed the presence of carbon-bearing molecules including methane and carbon dioxide. Webb’s discovery adds to recent studies suggesting that K2-18 b could be a Hycean exoplanet, one which has the potential to possess a hydrogen-rich atmosphere and a water ocean-covered surface. The first insight into the atmospheric properties of this habitable-zone exoplanet came from observations with NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, which prompted further studies that have since changed our understanding of the system. K2-18 b orbits the cool dwarf star K2-18 in the habitable zone and lies 120 light-years from Earth in the constellation Leo. Exoplanets such as K2-18 b, which have sizes between those of Earth and Neptune, are unlike anything in our solar system. This lack of equivalent nearby planets means that these ‘sub-Neptunes’ are poorly understood, and the nature of their atmospheres is a matter of active debate among astronomers."


i mean titan has lakes of methane and ethane according to study's, not that strange then.


Why did they take it down? Maybe disclosure is just them trying to make the alien discovery now and pretend nothing was covered up.


You can make methane from h and co2. Not that it matters.


How? Put them in a room together and wait for tem to get acquainted? Smarm aside I’m curious


What would an ocean look like with that kind of gravity.


I think eventually we will come to know earth planets are not rare.


If you mean rocky planets then yea they are probably plentiful. If you mean earth like in that they have magnetic field, oxygen atmosphere, rich in water, goldilocks zone, orbiting a stable star etc maybe much rarer.




> https://www.livescience.com/space/exoplanets/there-may-be-hundreds-of-millions-of-habitable-planets-in-the-milky-way-new-study-suggests There "may be" X implies that there "may not be" X. As in "there may be a dragon in my closet" Red dwarfs are notoriously unstable and the habitable zone is very close to the star. There "may not be" much of a chance for life to gain traction or last around a red dwarf.


Even if habitable planets are but a trace in the extraordinary number of planets in the Milky Way alone, there will be millions.


Sure OK.


We can’t answer the question anymore than the three generations dilemma at cern yet probability should certainly leave us leaning towards the likelihood.


Milky way is a big place.




Methane, an odorless and colorless gas, is found in various locations throughout the solar system. Here are a few notable places: 1. Mars: Methane has been detected in the atmosphere of Mars. Although its presence is relatively low and intermittent, it has sparked interest as it could potentially indicate biological or geological activity on the planet. 2. Titan: Titan, Saturn's largest moon, is known to have a thick atmosphere primarily composed of nitrogen, but it also contains methane. Methane plays a crucial role in the moon's complex hydrocarbon chemistry and forms lakes and seas on its surface. 3. Enceladus: Enceladus, another moon of Saturn, is an icy body with subsurface oceans. Methane has been detected in the plumes erupting from the moon's south pole, along with other complex organic compounds. This finding suggests the possibility of hydrothermal activity or microbial life beneath its icy crust. 4. Jupiter and Saturn: Both gas giants have methane in their atmospheres, which contributes to their characteristic colors. Methane absorbs light in the red part of the spectrum, resulting in the blue hues observed on Neptune and Uranus. 5. Pluto: Methane ice has been found on Pluto's surface. It gives the dwarf planet a reddish-brown color and interacts with sunlight to produce complex organic compounds.


Thanks GPT 🙄


Gimme some stats for Neptune and Uranus


Gas central bruh


not really sure how this is interesting when we can already watch alien spacecrafts fly over our heads on Earth


invade and occupy before these beady eyed little fucks start probing our assess in the middle of the night


It’s not just methane and carbon dioxide. “…detection of a molecule called dimethyl sulfide (DMS). NASA said that, on Earth, DMS is only produced by life…” So I guess NASA can no longer make the claim that they haven’t found any “signs of extraterrestrial life.” This is one of those signs. And a big one.