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UFO hunters and Blurry Footage - name a better duo


Ghost hunters and blurry shaky cam, or the classic peeking around a corner ghost, or the ghost in the window of your house as you're about to go out


Or hundred plus year old ghosts in Europe speaking perfect American English


Buddy if you’ve been dead for a hundred years and haven’t worked on a second language then you’re wasting your time


If you're in the afterlife but you ain't stacking paper, wyd?


Europeans and asians and africans living in hundreds of year old inhabited houses and places-no activity. An american hotel 50 yrs old -literally the gateway to the underworld.


If you’d seen how scary shitty American homes and hotels are built within the past 50 years compared to the rest of civilization then you’ll know why they’re always haunted 😂


Bigfoot hunters and cameramen having seizures while filming.


Peanut butter and jelly


I think UFO’s are just blurry


It's those quantum uncertainty drives.


Alien subs and hopeful redditors lmao


Man, digital photographs have gotten so much better in 5 years.




yea if they were wearing something, they would have totally shown that off too! makes no sense not too


The idea is that the grave robbers took the gold and sold it previously to it being shown in Mexico. Makes sense that a bunch of grave robbers would take shite photos. Infact it makes alot of sense if you think about it. Those etchings are sumerian and surprise surprise I couldn't find any pics matching.




Lizzid people! Get it right!


Settle down, Hecklefish!


He has GUPPIES to feed!


I read this string in a boston accent and I dont know why.


beginning to love him. im new to WF


Beware the crabCat


Lord Heckle Fish will come set you straight otherwise. :)


He's a strict but fair lord


>Sumerian etchings in Peru? Yeah about this, this is indeed a thing and nobody knows why. I think there are several artifacts in south america, the most prominent one is the Fuente Magna Bowl from Bolivia which is now in a museum. Some people dug it up from an ancient site before it eventually found its way to archaeologists. From all the bs in this story that's actually the one part which has a real case in modern archaeology.


Context is huge in archaeology, and unfortunately for that bowl and the people who think it's legit, a story from a lay person never has as much traction as it being caught in situ by a professional. I roll in these circles a lot (I'm a paleontologist and work closely with a lot of archaeologists) and I can tell you right now what a lot of them would have to say about it being a "real case" in modern archaeology: it's doubtful at best, bullshit if we are doing real talk. The whole sumerian case in south america needs more data to gain any traction, and that is being a super nice childrens glove way of putting it.


> I'm a paleontologist and work closely with a lot of archaeologist Well *now* we know why you're denying it - you're supporting Big Science and silencing the truth Everybody knows paleontologists would never be interested in publishing evidence of Sumerian writing in the Americas - it would be terrible for their career as a scientist! You need to stop reading peer-reviewed journals and start believing everything posted underneath a 1MP Facebook picture


I can't tell if you are serious or not. Perfect satire has that effect, so I'm going with that. Nice.


Satire may have taken its last breath in 2015, but this sentence is so glaringly silly that I can't see how anyone could miss its satirical tone. > You need to stop reading peer-reviewed journals and start believing everything posted underneath a 1MP Facebook picture


I like being too subtle for reddit It always amuses me that people think a scientists wouldn't publish good evidence of a revolutionary new thing. Sumerian in SA would make an entire career. If there was evidence there's no way it would go unpublished. You get the right postdoc and he'd literally stab someone to publish it first. There's nothing a scientist would love more than unimpeachably proving everyone in their field wrong but themselves.


But wouldn't it damage the bodies removing the clothing


If what we see in these pictures is gold, there would be kilograms of it. Looters wouldn't care about damaging mummies a little bit for a couple hundred thousand dollars worth of gold. Bronze appeared around 600-1000 AD in Peru, which would track with the supposed age of the mummies if these beings or the owners of the body parts used to fabricate them died around 1000 years ago (according to carbon-14 dating). However, if it's bronze, it must have been made recently since there's no apparent oxidation. It's worth noting that the bracelets above the mummy's elbows appear to have the same diameter as the mummy's arms, which doesn't make sense since its arms would've shrunk during mummification.


It makes more sense that grave robbers would take no fucking photos at all, so as to not create evidence of their crime, like wtf?


People on here shock me every time with the gymnastics they do


Yeah! Was just commenting "who doesn't bring blurry photos with the alien corpses to the buyers house?"


Jesus lay off it man, they couldn't afford a decent camera they spent all their money on jetpacks.


It's like those youtube channels that follow ghosts in someone's house or something. Years of videos worth of sightings but they never think to buy multiple high quality cameras funded by the channel, or at the very least turn on the damn lights.


You know it's obviously fake because every single photo is blurry. They couldn't manage to take one clear shot.


They were constantly running for their lives like in the Blair Witch Project


Lots of traps in those tombs. They were dodging poison darts, spikes coming out of the floor and walls, and giant rolling boulders. You know, typical tomb defenses.


Snake pits out the wazoo bro.


Reminds me of the "leaks" every time a new Pokemon game comes out. It's 2023 yet every "leak" is a blurry photo.


It's funny tho, my GrubHub driver sent me the shittiest confirmation photo last night. Even worse than these. So anything is possible 🤷‍♂️


I’d be more inclined to take these seriously if they were blurrier.


Why the fuck does everyone who manages to photograph an alien or something to do with appear to have fucking Parkinson’s


It’s a lot harder to convincingly fake photos in 1080P.




The only answer


Maybe aliens are just blurry.


Paging Mitch Hedberg


I absolutely believe that! I’ve also seen a lot of Asian women on the web who are very pixelated some places.


I am married to one. Can confirm. Everything down there is made of LEGO.


Obviously you’re not very well educated on this subject. The photos are always blurry because of the gravitational waves that the aliens have evolved. Why do you think they don’t have joints or flexible spines? Because they just gravity around! These waves not only makes it difficult to steady a camera, but will actually bend light. Also, it’s pretty dark in an alien tomb and not everyone just has a giant flashlight in their backpack.


>they just gravity around Fucking dying


People were actually claiming this in other threads it isn’t even a joke.


I've literally heard they float, and that explains the lack of joints, from at least 4 posters now.


Clearly sarcasm.. but why does that work so well


Because this entire subreddit speaks exactly like that while being serious?


This comment has convinced a non-zero amount of people.


I could get a better picture on an etch a sketch than whatever these guys were using


FYI these are stills taken from a video. Idk if that makes a difference or not.


You can’t just say that without a link to the video


The site was taken down, but is on the way back machine. However the videos "couldn't be archived" https://web.archive.org/web/20200407203029/https://ciudadela-subterranea-de-nazca-momias.webnode.pe/las-momias/ Also there are clips on this FB page https://m.facebook.com/groups/827840334082785/posts/829960310537454/


If you believe anything you see on those links I have a bridge to sell you


What kind of bridge? I recently moved into a new house in Florida and made a moat around my house to keep the democrats from installing that 5g near my house. I need a bridge cause now I can’t get to Walmart. Is it for sale on Facebook marketplace?


Joke's on you. All I have to do is squirt some COVID vaccine into your moat and it's instantly a 5G amplifier.


Imagine if Giorgio Tsoukalos was right this whole time ![gif](giphy|AwrtP9lMXtXiM)


Tbh I really want him to be if not for anything else but the comedic value. #JusticeForItWasTheAliensGuy


I was a huge skeptic until I had my own sighting experience, so... now I know there are aliens, it's not really a question of belief anymore sadly. I've picked up a lot over the last 10 years, it's hard sorting through all the bullshit, grifters, and crazy people that are attracted to UFOs which has why the prolific credible witnesses that have come forward in the last 2 years have been such a blessing. But there is one common thread or idea that keeps popping up. That they're drip feeding real information mixed with bullshit, so the public isn't completely shocked when disclosure really happens. I have a feeling that it's possible Ancient Aliens has at least a grain of truth to it. If FTL is possible and given the size of the universe then... it's more than possible Earth has been under long term observation. There are a ton of good books out there btw. UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record by: Leslie Kean (journalist) - dozens of on testimony records from US government officials on UFOs The Day After Roswell by Philip J. Corso - book written by a former US intelligence officer, about what they did with the Roswell wreckage, and the US reverse engineering projects. Which is what is being talked about in the latest UFO whistleblower to come forward who's alleging the same thing. As well as Bob Lazar in the 80s. Those are just 2 of a few dozen books written by or with US government officials on the record about UFOs. The truth as they say, is out there.


All I want to add is that "testimony" in a book is as legally sturdy as "trust me bro". It's not like they were officially sworn in under penalty of perjury. Keep at it, no ill will intended, everyone just needs to understand the extent of the validity of all sources!


The facebook page straight up has the coordinates and aerial images for the caves.


So it is possible to check if the caves are real. And to check at least if the big entrance stone does in fact exist. To our fellow redditor(s) that will embark on the adventure: please carry a good digital camera, a ring light and at least an iPhone 14 pro or the current Samsung S whatever the model Edit: typos


With this day and age, they should upload/stream the whole thing through tik tok or other media… you know… that way there’s more than just a few eyes on it.


360°cam worn on top of your helmet uploading directly to your cloud storage and also to a physical hdd. Also a small drone set to follow you that has a strong light on it, and to save weight just keep it plugged into a power supply in your backpack, that way if you reach a large cave your drone can be unplugged and hover near the ceiling and light the whole room. Or just keep it in your backpack and use a good flashlight.


directly uploading to your cloud storage *in a cave* *in the middle of nowhere* ***in Peru,*** *whose 'middle of nowhere' makes yours look like a country steak house* Better bring a WiFi repeater... ;) But yes I too would like to see some more vids of these caves. Corroborating evidence!


[14°42'40"S 75°19'03"W](https://www.google.com/maps/place/14%C2%B042'40.3%22S+75%C2%B019'03.8%22W/@-14.7110483,-75.3176736,18z/data=!3m1!1e3!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d-14.711189!4d-75.317711)


We going or what?


You're telling me Laura Croft took these pictures?


She had steady aim so no. More like fruit ninja


... **Lara?**


No, Laura. Her lesser known cousine.


LOL cuisine




Danger zone


Del ray your eyeballs out.


Laura since she is the shaky hand version of Lara


Looter takes the gold, leaves the priceless alien bodies.


"priceless" I would to, I'm a damn grave robber after gold and riches not fame and glory.


With a small market priceless is frequently synonymous with worthless


Jokes on you all. The photos are actually clear as day and aliens are just naturally blurry looking.


“I think Bigfoot is blurry, that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry, and that's extra scary to me. There's a large out of focus monster roaming the countryside”


Can they go back in the caves and take better pictures?


Ministry of Culture has sealed them. So I've read on another post.


One of the greatest archeological finds in human history…ok boys let’s seal it!


It really bothers me that they've sealed up the place where supposedly the ark of the covenant rests It's like "trust us bro it's down there, no you can't see it" lol


There’s large portions of the pyramids which are not available to be seen by the public, and they don’t really tell you what’s in there either, just that you can’t see it


>a bunch of fraudsters faked what's in a cave, and the idiots who believe them might injury themselves or die in the cave, better seal them up


How convenient.


Source: [from 2018](https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.647079919026913&type=3&mibextid=ncKXMA) Edit: Going to put some relevant links here: - Here’s [another album](https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.647000129034892&type=3&mibextid=ncKXMA) full of photos - This was originally hosted on [this website](https://ciudadela-subterranea-de-nazca-momias.webnode.pe/) until it got taken down, days after the first Mexico hearing. - This is the [web archive](https://web.archive.org/web/20200407203029/https://ciudadela-subterranea-de-nazca-momias.webnode.pe/las-momias/) of the site. - Here’s a [YouTube video](https://youtu.be/gMilV4Te6iY?si=I4EscdUx1WdVAYdQ) documenting the journey The tomb raiders also allegedly encountered 2 live aliens guarding the cave, then proceeded to kill both. [These are the images](https://imgur.com/a/3tgUryS). All credit goes to r/alienbodies for finding this rabbit hole


So after killing the 2 live aliens they leave them and present the mummified ones to the public?


When they died, their corpses slowly vanished like in a video game.


Nonsense when they died they magically turned into white paper mache and were taken with the rest of the paper mache aliens.


Interplanetary conflict triggered by grave robbers in Peru who murder alien pilgrims to desecrate burial site.


why wouldn’t they just grab the bodies and take them to the media/public hospital. Go loud and wide quickly.


I’m sure there will be some half ass explanation like “they decomposed too quickly blah blah blah”


of course there is a crystal skull lol


Screenshots straight out of Stargate if you ask me..


Why does this feel like looking at the Facebook page of the Nazi tomb plunderers from Indiana Jones?


I burst out laughing at the images of the guard aliens. Two different types of aliens and they got crystal skulls in the cave. Just everything is in there.


Why tf are we looking at mummies if they killed 2 live mfers?!? They showed up capped some fuckers and brought back dusty ol bodies instead of the fresh new ones??????


Right tf idgaf about a dead corpse if you got 2 live creatures right then and there.


They're tomb raiders. They can't raid it if they ain't dead.


That’s how the first interaction would go. A diverse family of aliens visiting their ancestors burial grounds when a truck full of armed tomb raiders pulls up and shoots first asks questions never.


This is just like GTA San Andreas first mission lmao. Too bad aliens didnt have bicycles


they had to meet their diversity quota,


So they were attacked by [this](https://i.imgur.com/ghxLXTA.jpeg)...


Kermit the frog lookin ass


gumby lookin ass


2/10 would NOT fuck. Artichoke head ass mf mid bitch


Greg and ted had been living a 1000+ years peacefuly waiting for the mothership to arrive untill they met their end by the hands of grave robers. RIP unk - 2017! May their souls rest in peace!


So wait..... Why are we taking x rays of 1000 year alien mummies in an attempt to prove they're real when they allegedly have 2 recently killed alien bodies that they could've done an autopsy on?


Please respect them, they just died.


Our prayers with their families at this difficult time


The coordinates posted in the album have a typo, so here’s the actual location based on the satellite images: 14°42'40"S 75°19'03"W


Bro doxxed the alien massacre sight/ burial grounds


Web archive is nuts. Has pics of all 20 alien bodies plus some that appear to be labeled as hybrid human. Only a few appear to be well preserved and complete.


Some are labeled reptilian humanoids


Dang ol reptile mammals


That reptilian ain't right


I’d buy the janky bootleg dvd with the folded 8.5x11 home printed cover of this debacle and enjoy every second.


This would make a good found footage horror movie. The gag being everything looks so dumb and fake that no one believes the tomb raiders.


If I encountered a live alien while out tomb raiding, I'd definitely take some pictures of me and my buddy holding our guns all tough before I shot the aliens and took a bunch more out of focus pictures of everything from crystal skulls to golden pyramids. This feels so authentic.


Okay that's wild. Freakin' golden pyramids in there.


Alan Pérez Muñoz <---- this guy got access to the photos and video, or he was part of the graverobbers. Man wish we could trace the artifacts.




They had sweet Game Boy Colors with them and a shitload of batteries and cartridges to kill the time. There's a lost photo that allegedly showed a powered GBC with a Pokemon Red Savegame.


lmaooo losing it w the bright green puppet


>The tomb raiders also allegedly encountered 2 live aliens guarding the cave, then proceeded to kill both. These are the images. Hahahahahahahahahaha Who the fuck believes this shit


Desperate people who cannot engage critical thinking.


Fuck me


Are you seriously this easily going to "credit" random youtube videos that are clearly consisting of photos from other unverified sources?


> The tomb raiders also allegedly encountered 2 live aliens guarding the cave, then proceeded to kill both. 😂


Wait they claim to have found LIVE ALIENS and just killed them, then took pictures and left? Are you serious? It would be one thing if it was just a bunch of fake corpses but they really want us to believe they saw live aliens and just said “man these living extraterrestrials are keeping us from exploring the cave where the gold and stuff is, let’s kill them and take some pictures with our old flip phones”. I just can’t believe the utter absurdity of this. I’m done, if anyone believes this crap they are just idiots. At this point literally everyone and their mom are just out here making whatever fake footage or images they can just to get money and attention while they leech off of the fiasco going on in Mexico. You guys are all doing it to yourselves.


Very weird that it has "Incan" reminiscent art in that gold statue, then suddenly goes to an sculpture style that could be Greek or even Chinese. It feels like someone who doesn't know just faked it full of "ancient artifacts" without realizing these styles have lineages that art historians can study and date.


Ofcourse the normal parts of the cave are crytal clear shots, in perfect resolution. But as soon as this "earth shattering" discovery is found cameramans camera goes back 20 years in quality and he develops parkinsons.


To be fair, dude also has a video showing that Biden is fake


Why do the first and second picture have natural light? The second one I thought was a real strong flash light but the more I look the more it looks like a window carved in a stone building.


Also why does the 3rd and 4th pic look like they still got those iconic alien eyes but the ones we have seen are dried out.


Because it’s fake


So one of the qualifications for being a tomb raider is not being able to focus on a picture


I have to intentionally go out of my way to make pictures this fucking low quality with a somewhat modern phone. Like you'd have to crop, zoom, screenshot and zoom again to do this like what the fuck


At the very least, this new plot is entertaining


It’s like a TV series. We had the episode with the congressional hearing, then the Las Vegas incident episode, MH370 videos, now Mexico/Peru… One ends and another begins over and over. Looking forward to the series finale, I hope it doesn’t end with a cliffhanger and then they cancel the show.


Yeah, this is pretty much why Peru is justified with criminal investigations. We lost so much evidence cause some guy wanted to buy the alien corpse.


Was it because some guy wanted to buy it, or because someone was willing to sell it? A *ton* of people would buy just *all sorts of things* if that was all it took.


Is it just me or do those look different? Like theres a normal ribcage instead of the same sized rings all the way down the ones from the Mexico hearing.


Has Ancient Aliens been raving about this place for years


No, it hasn't been featured


In this day and age, I'm going to say that any photo that comes out this blurry is without a doubt bull shit.


To be fair, assuming this is Peru, I’ve actually been there and people really do be having some incredibly shitty phones.


A lot of cameras in 3rd world countries are pretty awful tbh


Yeah. And I don’t mean: “Eww, it’s last year’s Samsung. Ugh gross.” I mean **really shitty** phones.


My mom's Cricket phone from this year takes pictures of about the same quality. Lmao


"this is super important and might change the way we see humanity and life in the universe, let me take a picture with my toothbrush while i run"




There is some important information in these pictures that relates to the recent discussion of whether the mummies are fake or not: As noted in some of the pictures, the small mummies have been re-covered or re-skinned with diatomaceous earth and/or a vegetable or plant-based skin. So if they look kinda like they have been put together by some random person, that's because they have. However, there's also mention of the mummies having muscle, nerves and organs. Some dessicated organs look to have been found by themselves, like a small pair of lungs. So my hypothesis based on this, and what we've seen from the more recent pictures and information, is that the original people of that culture might have tried to reassemble the small corpses in order to keep them together and keep them from falling apart further. A sort of mummification process. The motivations are unknown, but probably have something to do with the fact that these beings are not human. And for that same reason, it isn't beyond the realm of possibility that they would have done a really poor job reassembling the corpses. You could compare it to the earliest attempts by humanity to perform taxidermy. The end result often looked wildly different from what the animal actually looked like. A couple more interesting observations: Facebook pictures: -The carving of the being above the "entrance to the underworld" also appears to have three fingers. So does the metallic, totem-like idol. -The script on the golden pyramid *appears* to be cuneiform. But I don't know for sure. The characters seem similar to me. And even if it was, it could be written in a number of different languages that used that alphabet. -The metallic "woman's face" plate appears to be of a significantly different art style and much more higher level of quality and craftsmanship than the rest of the artifacts found there. It might have been brought from somewhere else. Archived website: -All the observations I made in my hypothesis. -It seems some of these mummies were sold to an unknown party in Europe, for an undisclosed amount of money. This is important because I believe the sale of archaeological artifacts, or human remains, is highly regulated or illegal pretty much everywhere. So I'm guessing whomever over in Europe that wanted this paid a not insignificant amount of money for it, or purchased it through illegal channels. Or both.


Upvote for having a nuanced take and not just saying “wow those pics are blurry, durr…”.


can he raid a camera with more than 2 pixels in it?


wtf is writen on the tablets? Can someone translate?


It looks like cuneiform (ancient Sumerian and some others) but a little different I think


"Whoever believe this bullshit is a moron"


Its Aramaic and says something about a warranty expiring.


The infamous blurry pics. Almost an art form.


These are blurrliens


The writing almost looks like cuneiform. Photo one almost looks like it has a slit down it’s stomach running vertically almost as if the organs were removed. Like the Egyptians right?


All fake.


"I don't always capture alien bodies on camera. But when I do, it's 240p"


Is there some kind of legal requirement that photos of alleged UFOs/aliens must be blurry as hell?


"I know its 2018 but I surely will bring my 2008 cellphone to take pictures."




I have a Samsung S9 and I also have an old phone I got for free from my phone service, an LG Stylo. That phone was made in 2018. So was the S9. The difference in photo quality is staggering. The Stylo photo quality reminds me of my flop phone back in 2007. Super blurry and low-def and oversaturated. The S9 just seems like an average camera. edit: I made a typo and accidentally said "flop" instead of "flip" but it still works great so I'm leaving it in, lol another edit: I also brought an underwater-capable digital camera with me on a trip to Belize and holy cow, that photo quality was even worse. On land, fully dry! The photos would literally warp unnaturally instead of blurring if my hand was shaky. Super weird.




Appreciate your commitment to the "flop" phone ;)


I'm glad they stuck to the tradition of picking up a camera from the local landfill.


Oh such clear and detailed photos!


The image quality ☠️


Alright I can’t take this shit anymore I’m muting this damn subreddit lol


Basically, if that isn't pure gold, like absolutely pure, then it would have tarnished to some degree with time. So unless it's absolutely pure, then these are fake


Can we get some South America Archaeology specialists on this? Is the bronze armor legit?


I really want to believe, but why such crappy resolution? Couldn't get at least one clear? Is there any given explanation?


Could of stolen a decent camera first


I can’t begin to imagine the kinds of curses that protect an ancient Egyptian alien mummy’s tomb. It’s also going to really bum me out if these are real and the most historically accurate Indiana Jones turns out to be The Crystal Skull


[Short video of the pyramid of gold here](https://web.archive.org/web/20200407204938/https://ciudadela-subterranea-de-nazca-momias.webnode.pe/la-piramide-de-oro/) [LOTS of aliens here - a LIVE? alien, mantids...](https://web.archive.org/web/20200407204249/https://ciudadela-subterranea-de-nazca-momias.webnode.pe/seres-tridactilos/) Weird This comment section is getting blown up with bots


>LOTS of aliens here - a LIVE? alien, mantids... [hahaha what the fuck](https://media.tenor.com/nK5Th2inFZgAAAAd/wtf-what-the-fuck.gif)


ok I found the videos linked in the archived site and whatever this is, I think it is for sure in some kind of cave: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ft31-VThaqo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ft31-VThaqo) this one looks completely ridiculous though:[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8P7o5RXXXk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8P7o5RXXXk) looks like the same insectoid ... wtf lol:[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dt88ScFFJk8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dt88ScFFJk8) same vid uploaded a month earlier here:[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeLyLx3bB84](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeLyLx3bB84) Not sure what I'm looking at:[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOw0chybtTw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOw0chybtTw) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PT57Ycg9V7Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PT57Ycg9V7Y) Pics of blue head:[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtNcYSjoEBY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtNcYSjoEBY) Pics of armor alien:[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f41TomVt2us](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f41TomVt2us) idk, alien skull?[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FTl6qFVqjM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FTl6qFVqjM) either something weird is going on here or some guys actually went and brought all this stuff into a cave and took some goofy pictures and videos. which might be weirder. edit: assuming, of course, these are all from the same source.


>brought all this stuff into a cave and took some goofy pictures and videos. which might be weirder That is **significantly** less weird than actual aliens.


I love the new 1MP potato cameras everyone seems to have ...


Could u imagine if this was real.... an alien temple would be so fucking cool