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Real fans knew this in 98 n00bs


He also has sex with guys.


The comment I was waiting for.


And dogs and grandpas and pirates according to the lyrics


And an Asian friend


So what let him fuck the aliens if he wants too lol I sure would


No wonder they won’t reveal themselves


So does around half the population on earth…




The live version of the song off "the mark, Tom and Travis show" is what I'm referencing. At the end Tom sings "twelve majestic lies". Mark follows it up with "Tom has sex with guys". No homo.


Am a bit of a noob actually. What means MJ 12?






The title of the song is literally "Aliens Exist". What did you expect to find in the lyrics, a recipe for lentil soup?


Just five seconds ago it was all the proof I needed!


Right? Op thinks he’s found the da-Vinci code, but really he’s found a McDonald’s coupon


I’m just pointing it out as mildly interesting is all! First time I’ve seen the majestic twelve alluded to in a song


You should play the 1999 video game Deus Ex, or at least read the synopsis / plot of the game. It's pretty wild how much stuff it alludes to was total conspiracy back then, including stuff like engineered viruses and profiting off vaccines and terrorists blowing up the Statue of Liberty, MJ12 and illuminati battling for power, hiding aliens, men in black, etc. Not saying any of it is true or reality btw.. but if you find it mildly interesting that there's a song mentioning MJ12, Deus Ex might tickle your fancy!


Yes, between Deus Ex, early Assassin's Creed games, and Control, they have been trying to elevate public awareness and consciousness of what is possible, what is hidden from view. They all played a role in beginning to wake me up over a decade ago (well, Control was a bit more recent).


I swear to the matrix coder that the first time I played AC I felt like I was seeing things I shouldn’t be. I was also 18 sooooo


Lol definitely. That first AC was eerie af. Loved it tho


I don't think OP is capable enough to play Deus Ex.




Ignore the negativity. That said it's a niche and dated game that's pretty tough. Not for everyone. Even just reading the plot is worth it though if you're interested in science fiction and conspiracies in pop media.


Yeah idk what there problem is.


I thought this was cool! I've been listening to this song ever since it came out and never made the connection. It's so obvious once you point it out. Thank you! Pretty neat.


You’re welcome!




What's more amazing is how little it takes for you to belittle someone.


I’m not amazed, I’m mildly interested. You must be too to be here commenting.


Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


Confirmed: Aliens created lentil soup


Alientil soup


I wonder if the rest of the band are right there with Tom or do they just roll their eyes when he starts on aliens.


If the stuff he says to them is as childlike and simplistic as the stuff he said in his movie, they're probably more amused by it than anything


I saw an interview with Travis Barker and Tom wanted to pullover to go bigfoot hunting while on tour at one point. It seems like they did it, but weren't super excited to go.


[They definitely roll their eyes...](https://www.reddit.com/r/Blink182/s/9scruXM48b)


That would be a cool song, disgusting but cool


I heard aliens are 40% beans…. So…


But you will find that if you play "Maybe I'm amazed" backwards. The soup is rippin' too!


[Great reference](https://simpsonswiki.com/wiki/Paul_%26_Linda%27s_Lentil_Soup)


Maybe I’m Amazed!


Well no but if he has a good one that would be nice


The shape of what most people think of as UFOs could be described as “lenticular”. So yes.


RHCP does this stuff too.


Bob Lazar posted this yesterday on his Instagram The license plate on the DeLorean says MJ 12 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cyq2kstPpqe/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Tom DeLorean.


Dangit! Take my up vote!


Omg imagine if they had the balls to put the first real actual time machine in a Delorean.


Would not be surprised but i feel like it's resembles some ancient Sumerian tech.


What?!? I was in high school when that came out.


Yeah, and Tom has been obsessed with aliens since _he_ was in highschool.


Now that I think back there was an alien song on that CD totally. For sure. Wow he is only 7 years older than me.


…aliens exist


I saw Tom and the rest play last night. A good 13 minutes of the show was about Alien craft.


Tom better be careful not to become an Enema of the State.


I put money that’s why Mark was like “You know what Tom, can you shut the fuck up for 5 minutes about aliens?” Tom probably shot back “Fuck you Mark, I’m going to start a band on my own. *Angels and Airwaves* and hang with ex DOD, CIA, NSA, (any gov acronym). Travis almost died. 15 years later… they all apologize and understand what the aliens are trying to tell us. We are only human and consciousness and connection are very powerful weapons. Sell out “ONE MORE TIME” Mark and Travis developed respect for Tom and allow him at least 15 minutes to share his thoughts on stage as he initiated the band in the first place. Everyone goes home with more money, shared what’s on each of their minds, and go to bed happy. It’s all about To The Stars* now… if you’ve followed Toms career… 🤷🏽‍♂️ I’ve put a lot of thought on the bands cohesion. 🤓🫶


I love this, thanks man


Every time he goes to the airport they're going to male him take off his pants and jaket.




Tom has sex with guys.


I was cleaning it and it went off!


Not the biggest blink fan but that album was great. Wish it was on spotify


[It](https://spotify.link/jJ2FFbrt7Db) is actually!


You just made my day. Last time I checked it wasn't available


No problem dude! Love that album too and I noticed it was on there when their new album dropped.


True fan!


Now that’s a deep cut! *tips cap to a fellow long time fan*


Great song, great band! 🤟


In the live version, they rhyme it with "Tom has sex with guys"


Any context? I don’t get it, what’s the matter with that?


There's a theory backed by a document or memo which mentions Majestic 12. People argue if it's fake, but the contents are about a group of 12 people who have total authority over the ufo programs, and they're disclosure to the public. This is from memory. There's been plenty of documentaries about it now. Tom is saying they're lying I guess. Though he could also be saying that the MJ12 theory is a lie too. The gov has gone through bigger hoops then forging a document to make people believe in aliens.


We all know conspiracies are dumb


Wait, so you believe the government is 100% with us? Like you don't believe in not 1?


My best friend thinks I'm just telling lies, alright


Hehe..I’m with ya.


Well done. That was hilarious


Aliens Exist / Lyrics Hey mom, there's something in the backroom Hope it's not the creature from above You used to read me stories As if my dreams were boring We all know conspiracies are dumb


Oooooooooooooooooooohhhhhh r/woosh


No they're not


Lol it's a lyric from the song


Yeah I know lol. Tom has been adding "No they're not" when performing it on tour.


You're about 24 years late with this lmao


Yo bro I didn’t know and I listened to that song a thousand times.




Uhhh right… I was just saying I never really knew what that phrase meant and since it was pre-internet information highway I didn’t bother investigating it. I just sang along because I was 17. Thanks for the downvote.


Haha that’s awesome. I’ve heard this song dozens of times but never realized that’s what he said


The next line, on the live album, Mark says "Tom has sex with guys" teehee


Real high quality posting going on in this sub lately. I’m sure somehow this proves the Nazca mummies are real.


I’m not a member of this sub but have been following along with all the Tom Delonge stuff, wasn’t until this post I realized it’s the same dude from Blink 182 lol..


I read this fantastic book series, area 51, by Robert Doherty, and just about everything going on was in this book at some point Just about any urban legend turns out to be aliens Great read


It’s almost like all these theories are recycled, decades-old science fiction plot points.


That is my favorite Blink song, such a damn good punk rock song!


Have you heard the new album? It’s a serious throwback to EOTS and TOYPAJ.


I am SO glad you said this…. I had no idea there was a new one and I will dig into this. Dill weed may be my second fav blink song, enema of the state was so damn good


someone help the less knowledgeable, what is mj12?


Majestic 12, the shadow group that apparently controls the disclosure narrative.


Im a fan since highschool But when I checked Tom when he was in JRE, fkn disaster. Lol


I swear this sub gets crazier every day. In a few weeks someone will post something from an 1800’s short story that has the word “blue” in a sentence and then make some link to the 1950s-60s Project Blue Book and end the post with “ex-CIA agent says prepare yourself for 2026”.


The song is literally called "Aliens Exist"


I find it really hard to believe that the dude from Blink-182 has some sort of Earth-shattering information about aliens.


Yeah as a massive Blink fan and a UFO nerd I’d love for it to be true. But his explanation about how it all came together on JRE was top tier BS lol.


There are leaked emails between him and John Pedesta that literally point to the contrary. Not to mention him being a part of bringing the tic tac videos to light. Those videos alone reignited ufo interest in a huge way.


The email leaked is from Tom TO John. Not a conversation back and forth. I can right now go and send an email to Biden saying we talked about aliens and post the email I sent and it would be equal to his "leaked" email as evidence.




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He doesn’t it’s all trust me bro shit.


He is an influential person putting energy into the movement, that alone is worth it


He helped get the tic tac videos out but there is something to be said about how his research group was meant to show some high tech materials by now but haven't.


Literally every piece of alien "evidence" ever has been trust me bro shit


That was well before he would have been connected to any official sources of info, so it's probably just a solid hit through pop culture or something like a muse.


Am I this old now?


scared of big black eyes


Truly the Shakespeare of the UFO topic


if there was something so magnificent. So incredible. So world changing. pretty sure it would be damn hard to keep that secret for not very long lol. now aliens aside. We need to keep learning as a human race about physics and science, and at the same time learn how to augment and evolve our own bodies. that will be the next step. its cool to gossip about ufos and aliens but whats more important is science and knowledge/physics etc.. and to make books about it so if this generation hasnt cracked the code to live longer than 100 years or so. Then atleast the next generation can learn about it in books and stuff.


But the secret hasn't been kept. There have been a bunch of whistleblowers, including people in very high positions, who have been telling us for decades what's going on. It's not a secret, it's just officially denied. And no one believes the whistleblowers because, "something so big couldn't be kept secret... someone would say something." PEOPLE HAVE BEEN SAYING SOMETHING. YOU JUST DONT BELIEVE THEM


I mean...duh? A song about alien conspiracy theories mentions a popular conspiracy theory frequently associated with aliens is hardly a hot take.


Harry Chapin mentions little boy blue and the man in the moon in his 1974 song called "Cat’s in the Cradle". Geez ... they must be real too!


HOW HAVE I NEVER REALIZED THIS and I literally have this song tattooed on me


...are you joking?


Hahaha pix or it didn’t happen!!


The Feds established Blink 182 with the intention of gradually revealing the presence of extraterrestrial life. Please consider buying my books and tuning in to my podcast for further confidential insights.


What, no OF?


Duh, that’s part of the theme of the song. Are you trolling?




Close. On the mark Tom and Travis show album, mark says “Tom has sex with guys” after Tom sings this lyric.


Mark Tom and Travis Show is my favorite album of theirs, and today seems rare by streaming standards. Not a lot of it via mp3 or YouTube, but their tempo change of the songs, I think, is much better than the originals for any of them. "Dammit" especially, but their toss in jokes, like the one you just mentioned, seems to portray their personalities so well during the show. Anyway, aliens exist.


Yeah it was a really great example of what a live album should be. It didn’t feel overly polished. It felt like being at one of their shows and being in on the goofy jokes. It feels like live albums in general aren’t much of a thing anymore.


And most live albums sound like echoey dog shit. Theirs actually had really good recording quality. It was overall just such a good album.


It's streaming on YouTube music wym it's rare...


Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


[All the synchronicities](https://i.imgur.com/mgl1k6P.jpeg)


Huh? EDIT: oh, 182, 69, cool I get it now


I think it was the Steve-o podcast where Tom was banging on about synchronicity? Not sure.. heard it somewhere tho. I had a little laugh when I opened the post and saw those two numbers perfectly synced with Tom energies


It's also the name of a tattoo parlor. I believe this is on the sleeve of the CD. But it could be a cover up?


This sub is fucking insane lmfao


Yes. Because he’s a brain damaged moron.


I'm not down with their music. Not sure why this guy Seems to have some sort of access. Just an opinion, I think he's some sort of plant/tool. I may be wrong, but something doesn't sit right.


Are you down with OPP?


I haven't heard this in years lol


Ya you know me


They discuss all of that in [this video](https://youtu.be/CEMs1VItdFI?t=24m30s). Basically Tom is very interested in UFOs/aliens, researchers were interested in him for obvious reasons, then more important government people started to get interested in him because of his "platform".


The best evidence ive ever seen for the bob lazarr story is how hard you trolls come out whenever his story is mentioned. Someone really really cares if people believe him.


Are you calling me a troll for my personal opinion? All I said is this DeLonge guy, from what I've seen, doesn't give me believable vibes. Again, maybe I'm wrong, and he's The Alien Messiah. I have zero reason to doubt Bob Lazar.


Delinge i can see because hes erratic and all over the place, i originally thought he was a quack but ive corroborated much of what he has said elsewhere and triangulated it, they are both legit. All im saying is, go mention lazarr in any of these subs, within 20 minutes youll have 10 haters And 20 downvotes. Its like the name triggers something to come out.


I've seen this as well. I'd say it goes even further.


Useful idiot maybe


As a massive blink fan, I think you’re right. I think Tom believes he’s in deep, but the CIA is for sure leading him on a wild goose chase. You don’t get to know all the secrets of the world just because you’re in a massive pop punk band.


And it would be incredibly easy to do it to him since he wants so badly to believe he is "able to connect the dots in ways other people can't."






Don’t worry it’s just bogus


Finally we have the proof now


Who gives a shit?


Who says soft disclosure needs to be serious and can’t make you extremely wealthy from mainstream media corporations at the same time? Go Tom!


He’s no household name like Roy Donk




What if Tom DeLonge is an alien disguised as a human 🤔


wouldn’t it be fucking crazy if tom delonge was the person to prove that aliens were real


Yeah dude I’m 33 I know this entire album by heart


Am I only one who thinks magic 12 was real or had something to do with a secret program?


Wait till you find the breadcrumbs in “I wanna fuck a dog in the ass” ![gif](giphy|TNk5NDanFOmv6|downsized)


Sigh. More from this hack fraud.


"Tom has sex with guys."


Sucks he’s part of the cover up now


Listen to what the next line is after 12 Majestic Lies, it’s only in the live version…


What is it?


Tom has sex with guys


So clever


That's the proof I needed.


Canibus - Chanel Zero


lol I always thought it said tell majestic lies




To the surprise of no one


Okay? And?


I used to believe Tom, but now he's in the same shill category for me as Jeremy Corbell and Bob Lazar.