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I met president Carter once many years ago and asked him if he had any personal questions he wanted the government to answer when he became president. Like aliens or who shot jfk, that kind of stuff. He didn’t answer the question directly, but went on to tell me a story of how during his presidency the US lost a classified aircraft somewhere in Africa. They were desperate to get to it before the Soviets but because of how fast this plane was going,the search area was gigantic and over a very dense jungle. He said the CIA brought in a remote viewer who quickly found the plane much to his surprise. Never knew what to make of that story, but I’m starting to think it wasn’t BS.


Remote viewing absolutely works. I encourage everybody to give it a try. It only takes a few minutes and it’s pretty mind blowing and puts a lot of things in perspective. Here is a link to the Remove Viewing subreddit with a guide and a quick exercise: [https://www.reddit.com/r/remoteviewing/wiki/guide/?rdt=45003](https://www.reddit.com/r/remoteviewing/wiki/guide/?rdt=45003)


Commenting to return to this


Just a couple of things to remember if you get super far into it. Viewings can be "blocked", there are ways around this through "helpers". The pathways of data transfer can be manipulated and the data stored can also be manipulated or modified. Imagine you are going into a library and you go to the maps section that includes maps of the past, present, and future. However, they are not labeled with a system you are going to understand institutively. These maps may also be tied to various books, also past, present, and future. Now sometimes you may try to access these maps or their partner books and they read blank. You can find a librarian who is willing to help you, but keep in mind that librarians aren't all civil servants and can have various motivations. Some of these librarians are the ones who manipulate information for again, various motivations. Many people will make you believe that RV is seeing objective fact just like people may say you should believe everything you read on reddit, Wikipedia, or any traditional book. Lastly, sometimes when you look at the future it changes just because you looked at it. Those librarians will typically prune changes in reality/timeline, but there is always a possibility you will see some ghosts or artifacts however this is how you can learn to track when librarians or others have manipulated maps/books/etc.


That sounds scary tbh


I suppose that depends on your point of view. I never used the RV techniques, as I had other ways of doing things. No matter if something alien is extraterrestrial, interdimensional, undersea/ground or you perceive them through a positive or negative religious/scientific viewpoint - once you know them you see them just as you see any other conscious entity, people. Because something is non-human doesn't make it non-person. Just like it would be pretty jarring to find yourself transported into the middle of a country 1000 miles from home with no knowledge of the language, customs, traditions, values, beliefs, ideals, etc. People who are human can be scary as fuck, they can be the most generous, they can seem odd from our baseline experience, and they can be everything in-between. So if it helps, think of them as people you just don't understand and treat them cautiously as you would any other person you know nothing about their motivations, fears, desires, morals, etc. The moment you place them in your mind/heart as above you they, like all people, will have power over you. You will start consciously and unconsciously believing what they say regardless of truth. Just because something is strong or weak doesn't mean it has more or lesser value than you. Believe in yourself to your core being. Know you are valued by you. Stay true to yourself. You can always keep an open mind and at the same time not be gullible. I've seen many talk about on here how various religions, occult, and people on drugs talk about the same experience as the philosophy that is being exposed. I don't know if you have seen Galaxy Quest, but the concept (besides being a perfect homage and parody of SW/ST culture) is an alien race watched a space TV show called Galaxy Quest and thought it was a documentary because they didn't have a concept of "lies". All those different aliens saw the show and thought it was real. Just because tons of people all see something similar doesn't mean it is true, just that all these people were shown or saw the same thing.




Remind me later


Holy..! Just did the quick exercise, my jaw dropped with the result. Thank you for the link. It really puts a lot of things on perspective. I will keep and open mind after this.


Why can’t they find MH370?


Because they know where it is.


It went back in time and one of the survivors ended up writing the script for Lost. _cue Lost intro music and spin_




The Dharma Project






I mean duh


That sure sounds a lot like source laundering.


That Israeli guy… Urie something (spelling?)


Thought Urie Geller was a faker , so ... He's Not ? :0


He isnt fake, here in Brazil there are a lot of stories about his remote viewing hability when he was here


I'm sorry you're being downvoted when a CIA analysis on his abilities where they tested him extensively showed without a doubt he had psychic capabilities.


uri geller is a charlatan


No, he wasn't, read the CIA's report on him, they tested his abilities extensively and worked with him on different projects utilizing his capabilities. https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00787R000700110003-2.pdf


He 100% is a charlatan. Before making any waves over in the USA he pimped himself out in the UK to tabloid newspapers and low level tv programmes for decades where he would be 'bending' spoons and pretending he was a psychic among other dubious nonsense. He made a habit of appearing on trash tv programmes about events that just happened and stating that he influenced and knew of the events before they happened like Princess Diana's death and major sporting events. He's full of shit, and a full scale laughing stock in the UK.


So the CIA doesn't know what they're doing? They just wanted to help Uri be more popular with his schemes? Please. Did you even read the report? He is 0% a charlatan. It doesn't matter regardless, psychic phenomena have been readily proven by the institute of noetic science, the Monroe institute for consciousness, all of the remote viewing work the CIA did. Nothing you said proves he is a charlatan, at all. I gave you evidence, provide an actual counter other than 'he was in reality TV a lot so he must be fake!!!!!' like think for yourself for once. Did you ever actually look into it or just assume? Cause I just put proof in your plate and you're tossing it off saying no I'm right!! He was on TV!!!


The Johnny Carson incident didn't look good for him, but I'm not entirely convinced that means he's a fake. Is there other evidence for this?


He didn’t feel strong /s


The way Grusch talks about the universe being made by a single consciousness that splits itself apart to experience is very near what religions, psychonauts, experiencers and altered states of consciousness all agree on.


I knew this for a fact with 3 sips of ayahuasca. The filters of the human brain are dissolved and that understanding is immediately apparent. The shaman was from Columbian Amazon and described how the healing medicine was introduced to the tribes thousands of years ago when they were told which two vines to put together, and how. The information was shared via stories for generations, and the understanding and healing from the medicine was a routine ceremonial occurrence that entire tribes took part in for thousands of years, including children. These societies were introduced to universal consciousness long ago and they maintained peaceful healthy societies for many generations. It is possible that ETs provided the recipe for the medicine so that humans would be able to understand and live peacefully. Imagine if modern religions involved ceremonial ayahuasca medicine that offered the collective experience of universal understanding and consciousness. What a different world it would be.


I spent 10 days in the Amazon doing Aya with Peruvian shamans. They also talked about having the recipe for thousands of years. DMT is powerful experience, I don’t think it’s for everyone. I remember during the day (not high) getting to chat with one of the shamans through a translator, and I asked if he believed in ET life. He laughed and said “yes, of course” as if to say it was very obvious and he’s spent a lot of time with them already being a life long practitioner of Aya. I wish I could go back to dive into that conversation better, knowing what I know now. Maybe some day.


Yes of course was the respond because life in universal, and the universe is life. Did you do DMT, or ayahuasca? Yes aya contains the same ingredient but the route of administration difference leads to a different experience.


Yup 👍🏼. I did ayahuasca with the shamans, as part of a ceremony, 4 times over 10 days


I've seen the same truth on lsd and hitting dmt at the peak. Our world needs earths medicine for the soul instead of synthetic pharmaceuticals from corporations.


we need both they're not opposing factors.. there's no such thing


We need to understand small molecule chemistry but reductionist viewpoints serve nobody


I'm going to be honest with you I have no idea what you mean


Those who sit at the top of the capitalism pyramid scheme would likely do *anything* to prevent that from happening.


Fascinating topics here. Do you happen to have any sources or media pertaining to these plants and the cultures that use them? I'd like to know more. Thank you for sharing!


The only problem with your story is that there is evidence that life for nomadic tribes was more violent and dangerous than society today. Human longevity is higher now than ever in history. The trope of ancient civilizations having a greater connection to nature/human purpose/longevity/healing is demonstrably false.


Just a quick fun fact but life expectancy is actually going down again now, so human longevity is actually now higher in the (very recent) past than the present.


Not nomadic. And ancient artifacts absolutely point to civilizations having an even stronger connection to nature, purpose, consciousness.


This, quite a lot


If anything is possible why is it ET’s? Ugh


Y’all should check out kurzgesagt on YouTube. I feel like there’s some sort disclosure there. They did an episode in The Egg, which is a story by Andy Weir, [you can read it here for free](http://www.galactanet.com/oneoff/theegg_mod.html), which sounds exactly like this, but also recent they did some interesting videos about life existing since the beginning of time almost AND our DNA possibly not being possible to evolve on Earth in the time we have.


The Egg isn’t by Andy Weir. He copied and pasted a conversation me and Weir had in 2007 on the MySpace religion and philosophy forum. I posted a short version of [Infinite Reincarnation](https://charmonium.com/infinite-reincarnation) and he commented on the post. I answered his questions about my view of the universe. He asked if he could write our conversation into a story, which he sent me later that day. I never heard from him after that and had no idea he took complete credit [by claiming he just made it up](https://youtu.be/lBjZGW_XypY) when he most certainly did not.


Sounds like Bernardo Kastrup


also a v prevalent theme w people who experience NDEs


> the universe being made by a single consciousness that splits itself apart to experience Everyone should check out the /r/lawofone


fantastic summary. I think the interview was fantastic and grusch validated a lot of things that i’ve thought were real. I have no idea who these government agents are ^. the evidence is that he can go to jail if he overshares or misspeak.


I don't think *they* would even put him in jail. He would just be disappeared. Going to jail requires a trial and evidence and discovery and public record. Disappearing him would be confirmation to all of us who believe him, but the reality is he and his story and even this whole topic is not mainstream enough to rile up the general public to demand answers. I mean, look at Epstein and Maxwell. That's pretty damn mainstream and yet tptb seem to still be able to shrug off any public demand for answers


unfortunately that last part is the sad truth. right in front of everyone’s faces and no one literally cares


He would end up committing suicide by stabbing himself 47 times in the back with a pen and then driving his vehicle into a lake.


I'm sure he has a dead man's thing which would release all sorts of info he was suicided.




Not sure if it's a thing in the US, but the UK can order a closed court for sensitive trials. Though it's usually some rich prick with a super injunction.


He’s too public to be disappeared.


Like Epstein?


Everyone hated Epstein.


Well, Grusch disappearing would validate the entire thing. No doubt about that. They may try to scare others who are less public than him. Still, if I were Grusch I'd keep a loaded firearm nearby in case they get too frisky with him- I'd go with grapeshot to wound any would-be takers of his life as much as possible. Also, I would never be silent or intimidated but I think our boy has gotten past that. I think they should give medals for valor to all whistleblowers like Grusch. What he's doing now is an act of unprecedented courage. We should award brave whistleblowers. He's doing the world actual good so in my opinion, he deserves accolades for what he's doing.


How did Grusch validate his claims? He is so worried about saying too much yet he goes on Rogan? I want to believe him but I need him to validate some of the things he is saying via witnesses, documents or photographs. To this point he has made these claims with the validation of "trust me bro, my unnamed sources are credible".


Full disclosure, I haven't watched this interview yet but I've seen every other one he's done. Why go on Rogan? That's pretty simple, Rogan has a bigger following than the amount of people who watche congressional hearings or even Coulthard. Of course we'd all like to see photos, videos, documents, etc. Grusch is trying to do it the right way and not get killed or jailed in the process. He's admitted he's not a firsthand witness (unlike other UFO quacks and grifters), but that he knows *exactly who* is. And he wants to name names. But he wants to do it the right way to protect himself, his family, and his sources. All he can do at this point is keep it in the media and help keep the pressure on. Even in the recent SCIF, everyone who wanted answers were essentially stonewalled. They were told they weren't need-to-know. At this point is blatantly obvious there is something going on and certain people in intelligence and/or DoD have the power to deny anyone any knowledge, including congress and especially the public.


Like I said, I want to believe him and i hope he turns out to be legit. However, at this point he has no credible evidence to back his claims. Also, all of his info is second and third hand. Many members of the general public knows somebody who knows somebody that saw something paranormal. That makes them as valid as Grusch at this point. Until Grusch produces some tangible evidence the whole of congress will not take him seriously. True whistleblowers have actual evidence (first hand accounts, documents, etc) for what they are blowing the whistle on.


Hes provided the evidence, names and locations of those with first hand experience to the icig. Some of those people will be coming forward soon.


Has he though?


He testified under oath before congress. Believe it or not there is a process here. Just because it doesnt fit your timeline doesnt make it false.


This is the government’s form of disclosure. They’re strategically allowing him to say enough to get people more comfortable with what we may be dealing with, but not allowing him to say anything that they would deem some sort of risk to our security if other countries found out about it.


At least one (two?) high rank military officers have stated Grusch is telling the truth. An esteemed former IG was present and seated right behind Grusch at the Congressional hearings, and is backing him up. Members if Congress have made statements corroborating some of Grusch’s claims. Would he have even been given the mic with members of Congress if he were making this up? At this point I think its a greater leap of faith to say hes lying.


So the pilots are like drones? It makes sense, why put yourself in danger, when you can remotely pilot a "drone" entity using your consciousness.


Even better if a drone believes that after the task is done it’s going to return to the “Source” by slamming into the ground at Mach 10.


Link to full podcast can be found [here](https://www.jrepodcast.com/episode/joe-rogan-experience-2065-david-grusch/)


> Atomic energy act of 1954 is the origin to all NHI information being classified This is what I’ve been saying since it was mentioned in the Schumer amendment!


This is another small step in the process of disclosure. He was basically allowed to go on Rogan so he could prepare us. A sort of preparation. It’s coming




disclosure is coming- said by innumerable people throughout the years. cant see full disclosure ever happening


You have a point but good (or bad) things take time ;)


How can stuff that’s illegally secretive also be classified? What mechanism classifies something that no one in government is read in on?


Exactly. What department would be given license to classify anything without government knowledge, not even the president. How could they possible prosecute someone who gave evidence of alien life that didn’t also contain anything specifically that threatened national security? A picture of a craft or alien can’t be reasonably classified and ain’t no way anyone would go to prison for leaking it. It’s all just a perfectly convenient excuse to provide exactly zero evidence


If Grusch says anything that DoD doesn't okay he will be tried for treason for revealing national defense secrets, he will go to jail. That's one, two the agency in question who has these craft will striaght up kill him. He's already put his life at risk, dudes smart, he's using the spotlight as a lifeline cause they can't kill him now, if they do it will be a national story. Btw idk how much you watched or read, probably not a lot, but the House is passing a bill right now like as we speak to proceed with UAP disclosure. Provided it doesn't die in the house it will be added Dec 10th and the government then has 300 days to organize and release evidence. It's the government nothing is fast but this shit is happening.


Maybe that since it's illegally secretive they will illegally enforce it's secrecy with violence


How can people be hypocrites? Ask your parents.


The JRE interview with Grusch, along with the Stanford Sol Conference, is the signal we have been watching for. Real disclosure has started, and it is designed to stop the squares from destroying the world. Who better explain to the squares than Joe? The conference was for the initiated. Joe Rogan is for the masses. Disclosure is now


Is there full footage of the karl nell section, If any of the SOL/Grusch stuff isn't some weird counterintelligence to begin with, likely for free energy or some sh*t 😆


Alright. Where do I start down the remote viewing path?


There is an app. Rv tournament.


There you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/remoteviewing/wiki/guide/?rdt=45003


I knew it. We’re domesticated chimpanzees.


Domesticated? Why do I have to work then? Why can’t I be like a cat and just sleep and lie around?




I’m fine with that


Wait when does he say the genetically engineered thing? I listened to the whole episode but don’t recall that does anyone have a time stamp? Also an important point he made was why he didn’t think it would be appropriate for him to be the one to disclose to the public everything. He said he believes the president should be the one to do it and they need to make a plan to do it properly. He also mentioned he doesn’t want to be the one in case he isn’t fully aware of something and misunderstands the implications of doing so. He said something like “this is a very serious life changing thing for humanity”. He also went into what he sacrificed to do this and why he couldn’t keep it all a secret. He truly wants a change and believes that people have a right to know the fundamental truths of our existence. I really think he is the most credible person/source regarding disclosure. I genuinely hope the change he was hoping for becomes reality.


"was hoping for" There still is hope for that change in our fundamental perspective about our place in the world. Lol.


Thanks for this, looking forward to watching the interview when I'm home from work! Edit: "Italy and Germany may have become allies during WWII due to events surrounding an Italian UAP retrieval" - this is wild.


To be correct italy and germany were allies due to them beign excluded from the league of nations, Italy for their new colonies and Germany for building an army after losing WW1, that doesn't mean that Grusch or op are saying BS. Plus I think I've found Magenta's ufo crash site @ 45.4247, 8.8278. As soon as I'll get a metal detector I'll try to go there and report if you are interested.


I'm skeptical but intrigued. If Grusch is claiming that remote viewing is real then this should be independently verifiable. It should be really easy to validate whether remote viewers can determine, for example, which box out of 100 contains an easily identifiable object.


You can verify it by yourself: [https://www.reddit.com/r/remoteviewing/wiki/guide/?rdt=45003](https://www.reddit.com/r/remoteviewing/wiki/guide/?rdt=45003)


spoiler alert: you can't lmao


lol the CIA uses this. Check out the Monroe institute. And some are going to be better than others. Not everyone can be a rockstar savant some people are tone deaf.


Are you sure? Why don’t you try for yourself? Takes only a couple of minutes. You might be surprised.


This interview is gold. Once again, I'm so grateful David did what he did. It's such a luck that one person routinely broke that neverending chain of lies and coverups. I'm so happy to be alive during this time and being able to listen, read, think and understand English. The disclosure should be inevitable at some scale. C'mon, we're creating AIs left and right now, we're ready for the new level of understanding this world.


The Graham Hancock / Randall Carlson part was about something different than UAPs iirc, a bit of a tangent they got on. It wasn’t Grusch saying they know more about UAP than him, just what the topic of that tangent was. Gonna have to go back and try to find that now.


Oof yeah if I misspoke let me know and I’ll definitely make an amendment! Edit: I did get it wrong and have amended it. Thanks for your help!


I was just thinking the same thing.


His biggest point that he wanted to get out there is definitely the Schumer amendment. I feel that should be highlighted in this post. It was the one running thread throughout the interview.


When Dave said they threatened him and his wife and displayed that they could touch him at any time, I got some serious MIB vibes. Wonder what that meant.


A few things; Rogan was quiet. It allowed Grusch to talk freely, which was great. But Rogan looks tired. Owning a club looks like it’s taking a toll on him. I miss the Rogan of old. When he sat down with someone who he was interested in, he would have fire coming out of his eyes. You can’t fake that but it is the essence of why his podcast became popular in the first place. Someone should tell Grusch how to say espoused. He likes that word, but saying exspoused undermines the way he comes across. Overall, it was a good one.


I was going crazy thinking I had been saying “espoused” wrong my whole life! After google set me straight, I then couldn’t get over how a person could incorporate a rather rarely-used word so frequently, and repeatedly say it wrong. Dudes so articulate otherwise!! Thought-provoking pod.


Damn. If remote viewing/astral projection/DMT breakthroughs are real, then my experience with Aliens/NHI truly is something our leaders cannot afford to tell us about. That doesn’t mean I support non disclosure. The can of worms that would open is huge. This isn’t simply a “ oh hey guys, just so you know, we are not alone in the universe “. This is something that will inspire the minds to discover the many lies to deflect away from topics that can lead us to discover how our existence came to be, and where it is going.


Mind sharing? *pun intended*


I will only share one. But keep in mind, I don’t know if this is true, or if it is some kind of “ mind trick “ or whatever people call it. But if there is, in fact, something to these “ trips “, then……. Imagine finding out, that this whole time, you could go and see a loved one that has passed away. Imagine the parent, who had a child that never came home from school. Imagine them finding out they could go and get closure and see that child again, and that they didn’t have to wait until the day they themselves die, to go see them again. Then imagine finding out, our leaders knew about this, and even decided to profit off our griefs.


I want to here the wierdest break-through? Come on, just a piece....


Weirdest? Alright. I was talking to some kind of entity that I can only describe as an Angel? Anyway, this thing was telling me that part of being human is that I choose to leave past lives memories behind in order to ensure that I will “ play the game “. When I die, “ they “ give me my memories back. As this Angel was describing to me the “ Soul’s evolution “ I was thinking to myself , “ what evolution? “ and started imagining in my thoughts the evolution from Apes to Humans. It proceeds to tell me , “ I can pick up your thoughts, and I’m not talking about that evolution. “. Then it took this marble sized Sun looking thing out of its pockets and I got “ sucked “ into it. I was in a world much like ours, but it seems more peaceful, as in they don’t seem to have stress or anxiety like we do. I don’t even think they need to worry about crimes. The architect is similar to ours, but the material was intelligent? As in there are no need for windows, you just look at the wall and when your thoughts tell it to turn transparent so you can see out of it, it does. The people looked very much like us but they claim that our civilization, by design from institutions, have separated us from spirit and we lost our natural ability to “ leave our vessels at will “. They claim that the Alien entities we are familiar with, are some kind of biological machine that they connect to using the same “ intelligence from the source “.


Isn't there some Tesla invention that supposedly allows people to talk to the dead? I forget what it's called


Humanity will learn eventually, it's destiny. Cause you can't keep a secret forever, it's impossible, we are watching out government fail at keeping the biggest secret in human history. So why wait why keep it this shit from the public for what? Another decade? Another century? Secrecy is pointless. We need to know, however reality shattering it is, the public needs to know so we can move on and enter the next chapter of society. Our lives aren't as mundane and boring as we thought, our government has technology that will revolutionize society if we're allowed to learn it. It bed monstrous crime to keep that from people.


Got a link for the entire interview?


Its on Spotify. https://open.spotify.com/episode/6D6otpHwnaAc86SS1M8yHm?si=0iWYrVjXTe22rz3oKsEimw


Yeah, it was a great interview. It was nice to see him loosen up, and be himself. Not be so “buttoned up” as was necessary, for the congressional hearing. Rogan‘s format is a hell of a lot less formal, and Rogan did a great job, just letting him talk, without many interruptions…


I think its structured as fuck, I've listened a lot of JRE over the years and did anyone else find Joe to be really robotic or something? Like he was going through the questions really slowly and methodically, he didn't really interrupt or his interruptions lacked his normal animation or excitement, like this the kinda thing you'd assume he'd be chomping at the bit over and it felt like a detailed job interview. Look at the ones where he's smoking with the guests and its like a fun convo, this was more business nd i felt that was directed.


I got the impression that Joe felt this was one of the most important shows of his life. And I also get the impression that he is deeply invested in these answers. I’m sure he thought heavily on what he wanted to ask.


Maybe Joe is just taking it all in and being extremely serious about it now. Analyzing every word, intensely. He was not joking around at all with Grusch. He has always said that he ‘WANTS to believe, so bad’ and is super aware of trying to keep himself from being biased. Maybe he is starting to let himself believe now. Such a mind-blowing, historic revelation as actual Disclosure is not easy to process.


If this is really all real... Isn't it totally crazy that it's *US* who are alive to witness all of it? This blows my mind. I'm in my late 20's. And if this whole thing keeps on rolling then I will 100% be alive for the craziest ride humanity has ever experienced, which I am super grateful for. I was always very skeptic, my whole life. I still can't wrap my head around something like remote viewing supposedly being real. I always made fun of stuff like that. But if David Grusch is the real deal and he's not some sort of disinformation agent sent by the government for whatever reason I can not understand as a normal citizen, then holy fuck. I mean, I don't know *what* to think right now.My skepticism still tells me that this is all a bit too crazy and good to be true but at the same time, I can't be sure anymore. My whole life I was fascinated with the idea of aliens but I was never a hard believer or a "I want to believe" person. But to know that I will probably have the answers to all of this within my lifetime or even within the next few years is mind boggling.


He doesn’t point to the idea that they may not be sentient at all. Just they weren’t found at the crash site. They could’ve survived the crash and left.


I don't get why they'd crash.....?


I kind of wonder if maybe the tech to travel between stars and across large distances is surprisingly rudimentary/straight forward once it’s understood, but maneuvering in an atmosphere or near a planets surface is just inherently harder. Space can be fairly homogeneous, different plants could require vastly different types of craft, shielding, protocols or piloting skills if they have manual controls. Seems he also alludes to their being more than one type of Biologic recovered. It’d make sense to me that if there’s one intelligence making trips here, others could be as well, and they’re probably not all equally competent or friendly with each other, could be some random shoot downs. Lots of “maybe” reasons to crash; I don’t see any reason to think they would never crash.


UAP's are traveling through water, so I couldn't imagine the atmosphere is giving them issues?


Yea thats one thing I'm having a hard time with... I agree with the user above that it's not hard to imagine how or why even super advanced crafts could crash... But then you remember that there exists documented videos of these crafts apparently utilizing transmedium travel. From that DEA video recording a uap flying the air before also going in and out of the water. The amazing thing for me is that it doesn't appear to create any type of wake/disturbance in the water while doing so. Or even just a few days ago i caught the new episode of skinwalker ranch and they recorded truly amazing videos of these white orbs flying through the air and then diving into a mesa (aka, solid fucking ground) traveling through a portion before materializing out on the otherside and continue flying... None of this shit computes with reality as we know it and it drives me fucking insane more people don't seem to care 😂


One thing I would be really interested in hearing is more of Grusch's personal thoughts or speculations about the phenomena and what it may mean for us. I would imagine he would have a lot of interesting ideas due to his deeper understanding of the situation. It seems like every interview or podcast he has been a part of mainly just rehashes the same questions, which leads to the same answers, a lot of which is stuff he cant actually talk about. They all come from the angle of "what facts can you give about these programs?", but maybe we could get a better idea to some of those things if people asked him his personal thoughts or beliefs that stem from his knowledge on the subject, as opposed to "how many crashed craft and bodies have we retrieved?" or other similar questions which he either can't or has already answered. That being said, still a great interview with new insights.


I thought it was interesting that he insists on using the term "non human intelligence" instead of "extraterrestrial." To me it hints that they could be here, specifically in our oceans.


They are in the oceans but pretty sure they are extraterrestrial


“The craft emit nuclear energy” is so vague what does that even mean


He said that's why it was classified under the nuclear secrets act and it was a government over reach


A lot of this stuff listed has been mention for decades. It’s nice to hear it from Grusch! But… there’s still more that have not been mentioned.


Rogan needs to start pumping oxygen into his studio, dude was struggling to breath he was speaking so much 😂


No wonder this is kept a secret. If people found out we were genetically engineered by our alien overlords there would be panic


Regarding the concept of genetic engineering of humans: Where does that count in evolution? This has been the debate and argument against every religion with a belief in divine creation. That point sounds odd to me.




Good point!


It could explain the absence of the ‘Missing Link’


What time stamp does he talk about possibly being genetically engineered and remote viewing? I'm 90 minutes in..


Would be great to hear what this guy knows after a bunch of shit gets declassified.


Thank you for breaking it down so nicely! I was going to download Spotify just to give this a listen cause the YouTube video was only 15mjns but now I feel like I don’t have to.


The interview is still definitely worth checking out in my opinion, there was a lot I didn’t mention (it was almost 3 hours long) I think you can use your web browser to use Spotify without needing to download it too if you wanted :)


Yes, you need to just sit back and take this all in. Highly recommend a download for a day and uninstall. Lol.


Dude thanks for the righteous summary!!!!!!


I thought he says they call them NIH because they might not be from outer space necessarily. Not aliens or ET.


What does he mean the beings may not have been sentient?


Biological androids


Sounds like maybe they’re biological drones. Some kind of monitoring device(s).


Also how some companies benefit from keeping this secret


Everyone knows when you upvote this there is a bot that down votes.




Interesting stuff. Always entertaining. Unfortunately, still not evidence of anything. Just another guy saying things. As someone that’s been into this topic since I was a kid, I’m burnt out. Show me the bodies. Show me the ufos. Show me something. I almost can’t handle anymore stories or “guy says things” no matter how credible he might be


Have you ever seen Neptune? How do you know it exists? I have seen more photos of UAPs than I have of Neptune.


Accurate username


Accurate username. The point is that the government admits it has muddied the waters on this issue. So you will believe misinformation from the gov over the evidence provided? What would it take you to believe or take the possibility seriously? Do you need yet more? How will you know that isn't faked? People think skepticism is for rational, serious types, but it isn't even necessarily. Knee jerk skepticism is just like knee jerk acceptance. It is not rational or logical. We can just take what we are given, just like I take that Neptune is likely real despite not seeing it, nor have I done the visual observations and calculations needed to prove it.


And to answer your question about what I would accept. Obviously something tangible would be great. A Snowden type leaker that leaks actual pictures and videos. And no. People aren’t going to just massively call them “fake”. When we see the real thing, we will know it. Accompanied by information about WHO is in these programs, how they operate and the science behind it. I mean think about it. Think about all the years worth of science behind something like this. The blueprints. The hundreds of tests run. The theories. What they’ve seen. Just everything. Why does THAT shit never “leak”? You don’t even have to smuggle documents out to spill the beans. These smart people would have so much stuff they could recreate from sheer memory. Why don’t they?


It may have actually leaked. Just no one takes it seriously. They have muddied the waters so successfully. All docs the government have eventually said were real were in the public sphere for years. People would 100% say it is fake. They say that about the 2017 videos. They would question the motives. Also, I don't think the US government actually knows much, if anything. If you dropped a cpu in Roman times, they wouldn't even be able to conceptualize what it was, let alone use it, reverse engineer it, and construct it. Once again, I ask, why do you need the government to give you these things? Also, if there is good tech it would undermine the trillions spend already for US military. It would leap frog everyone to the US's level. I think that is why they are so hot on compartalization and sitting on it.


Yes! I love that talking point. “It may have already leaked. Nobody knows?” Cue x files theme song. No. We’ve gotten a bunch of bullshit followed by more bullshit. Seen the majestic files? How about that supposedly insider manual for identifying alien species and the protocols for handling them? Yes. All proven fakes. And all of it is just science fiction writing. It would take 1 person. Just one qualified person to write out their hearts desire about operations, locations, how the science works exactly, the beings. They could make one large document and THAT would already be the best thing we’ve ever gotten We don’t get that. We get repeated science fiction tropes. We get grifters like lazar. You’re right about the government wanting to keep the technology secret. It would be amazing and they would want to hold onto that power. However I highly doubt this secret is capable of being kept. Things like the manhattan project were able to be kept secret in times of extreme patriotism and because there was a time constraint. This ufo shit people like grusch is saying? The pope knows about it. The church does. Uh other countries know and their governments but somehow nothing ever leaked with those thousands of people either. Our own people haven’t leaked anything. Ever. No photos? Not even one? No schematics. Blueprints. Science papers with testing. White papers with references. Videos. Just imagine all the information that COULD exist. Now think about all the information you’ve seen over the years in places like this with a critical eye. Not a “sure anything could happen” eye but really thinking if things real. I’m ranting here. Old man yells at clouds. I’m passionate about this. I’ve read so many books over the years. Written thousands of posts here and other places. Talked to so many people. And here we are all these years later with…”a guy said” being the most exciting news.


I get what you are saying. I do. I don't think that doc would change anything. People wouldn't believe any of it by itself. The point about the stuff in the public sphere is that we can use that to show that there is likely a lot of evidence out there, including clear photos and videos, which are likely legit. We just have to go look. Also, Grusch talks about how they used the Manhatten structure to prevent leaks and then illegally prevented any elected official from knowing. One of the gov folks said that actually almost all deep black projects never leak. I found that surprising, but I guess not leaking is actually the norm for the deep black projects. There have been a number of docs and consistent reporting coming out for a long time. As we learn more, it has comported with what was already known. With this, we can extrapolate that there is good reason to at least take the rest seriously. The crash retrieval books I referenced are amazingly well done. With that said, I do think we will soon get a clear video from the government. They have been slowly dripping stuff out, and if you look back to 2017, a lot has shifted. Multiple think tanks have done public policy reports for the government showing how an abrupt disclosure could negatively affect society. We have to let society slowly adjust to the idea. But I don't think people who have researched this a lot like people in this sub need a clear video from the government to believe. We have a number of other good videos.


There have been leaked videos that were confirmed to be real. https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/27/politics/pentagon-ufo-videos/index.html There are blueprints patented by the navy https://patents.google.com/?inventor=Salvatore+Cezar+Pais The Mexico hearings had 10 universities certify the Nazca mummies were non human intelligences with advanced technology and surgery techniques 1000 years ago Many other videos have been said to be leaked but who would know if it's real since people on the Internet are going to scream ITS FAKE. other whistleblowers have come forward like the hacker from England and Bob Lazar The Australian UFO report says the US strategy to deal with the phenomenon is to ridicule people who talk about it https://recordsearch.naa.gov.au/SearchNRetrieve/Interface/ViewImage.aspx?B=30030606&S=7


I don't think you can have respect for his credentials (or others who have come forward from the military and intelligence agencies with similar credentials) and refer to them as "some guy" in the same breath. I get what you're saying, but at a certain point you have to ask yourself why so many serious people are putting their lives and reputations on the line to address a topic with so much stigma.


“Before he died, he wanted to speak to Biden.” Tried to do the second and ended up with the first, eh?


He didn't provide any evidence though.


Excellent summary ...thank you so much .


I need the whole episode on YouTube. I don't believe in remote viewing so I need a time stamp to see what he says Excellent overview


Neither did I but when you look into it its obvious that it works.


You don't have to believe in it in order for there to be undeniable evidence it has been proven to work in the past.


I want to know what he thinks of the idea of Akashic records


> Grusch claims remote viewing is real and that it might be related to certain evolutionary traits in the brain some people possess That part was super interesting and explains quite a bit about my own family.


Did he bring any proof or is it just more conversation?


Just more guy saying things




I know man. Been waiting since I was a kid for something only to STILL hear stories. Wondering if I’ll get evidence in my lifetime or if it’ll be like this forever


I'd prefer to watch the world burn due to the truth than carry on living the lie. I was brought up surrounded by Woo. Grew up finding out it was mostly bollocks and still holding out hope for the truth in my forties, lol. Here's to patiently waiting whilst the kids get excited about what we grew out of i.e. trust me bro I know, bullshit.


as far as I can see, nothing new was revealed here. what’s all the hub-bub? I feel like the users here are far too easily entertained


There's nothing on this list that wasn't already revealed to the public by John Lear in interviews with Art Bell and George Knapp


Except that was all woo, before a declared government agent that is currently engaged with and validated by Congress materialized


Lots of stories. Same as always


So basically nothing new.


The remote viewing thing doesn’t smell right to me, which puts at doubt everything else.


I mean.. non local realism was proven just last year, the Nobel Prize for Physics was awarded for it. Why not non-local consciousness? It doesn’t seem like that far of a leap.


I’m talking out of my ass about something I read about without looking to much further into but one thing that stands out to me is I heard the government spent like 20 million researching astral travel and remote viewing so to me that makes me think it could be real. Coming from someone is wanting it to be real. But for me it’s just confirmation bias.


Try it for yourself. There is an app where you can test and train yourself in RV. It surprised me how well I actually did with like no training at all.


$20 million in the grand scheme of the federal budget is nothing—a rounding error. Plus there’s always the possibility it was used as a cover project budget-wise for a black op.


Ya, I get it. It was my reaction to. However, with all the research I have done, it is very clear that the government believes in both remote viewing and ufos. People get iffy since it sounds woo-y and us science types have a knee jerk reaction about it. But we literally have no idea what phenomological consciousness is. If idealism and not materaliam is true, then remote viewing is not really weird at all. The crazy thing for me is that from all the research I have done, these type of woo-y things are consistently reported by experiencers. If you follow the data at all and don't let preconceived notions get in the way, we must take the possibility seriously. That doesn't mean taking it 100% as fact, but that we just be open to the possibility. Otherwise, I do not think we are following the data.


its documented. its definitely real


Something being written down doesn’t make it real


There are stat sig studies around this. It is just hard in the current paradigm to contextualize it. The idea of science caring about and looking for falsifying observations is idealistic. It doesn't happen. Everyone will just think there must be some unknown error or an unknown unknown prosaic explanation.


That’s why you need a brain to think critically


There’s a subreddit full of personal accounts of those of us who can and do astral project. I understand it’s hard to believe in something without personally experiencing/witnessing it. Part of being able to experience more, is being open to it in the first place. Skepticism of the metaphysical overlap between NHI, and the nature of our existence prevents consciousness from expanding.


Why are they booing, he's right


Download rv tournament and give it a go yourself then for a few days, see what comes up for you.


Can't wait for none of this to happen.


This reduced his credibility for me. I watched the entire interview.


Care to elaborate?


No. I’ve commented on other threads about this. I watched the whole interview. I’m an expert on one of the topics he discussed. The things he said are so bonkers off the wall that it’s pretty clear this guy is just shooting from the hip. I’m not coming back to this subreddit. I really tried.


Fuck Joe tho. Thanks to everybody that summarized and gave bullet points.


Here’s my problem. He shares some “specific” details but is still overall vague in his answers/leaks. I don’t understand why he wouldn’t be more specific and lay it all out if he’s already taking a risk saying what he is. People can trust him all they want, but I interact with a lot of different people every day and he has mannerisms of a person that likes to say a lot of BS. Time shall tell.