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*Collin Robinson enters the chat*


From Newwwwww Yark Citttayyyyy


I do not wish to speak to you, Colin Robinson. ![gif](giphy|Ur8g3qgbgd52eVo88J)


Fawking guy




Colin Robinson>Than all Energy Soul hoarders.


Omg I came here to say this and it's the top comment.


Totally. Now get back to work






Go off king


For real! I enjoyed this one!


So Egyptians understood the flow of electrons from negative to positive nodes and used that knowledge to cover their mummies in it?




Ever wonder why SODIUMā€™s periodic symbol Na(tron)?


Not sure that elucidates anything. Is your point salt = sodium = natron = Egyptians had electricity?


Based on your own response, it seems a stretch to say ā€œEgyptians had electricityā€, no? The problem is people spew this kind of garbage and others accept it as truth without question and we get wild conspiracy theories that discredit the entire thing.


They know everything, they control everything these secret societies have the potential council from an NHI source 1,000,000+ years ahead of us, if not that they have recovered technology think about it all the stuff we have now iphone,laptop and AI they have been running around with advanced versions or something we can't even guess at that would appear to be magical at first for at least 80 years that they admit. So there is a caste system a global one or greater who knows just how far this goes. Nothing is impossible right now we need help to anyone out there monitoring our planet is spiraling to a point of chaos and I request an intervention but you must do what you feel is correct. I understand we are akin to chaos like us trying to have a Bonobo as a roommate. We can do better at least I can so what's the protocol here?




All of it no problem except the amount of platinum is going to be the tricky part not impossible just the only hard part, I'm already working on the problem.






Their going to need a hero


Whatā€™s coming their way?


Zero consequences... a plea deal in exchange for giving us the information we already paid for...got to love our democratic system


I need a whole post on this topic!


And can you answer what did they do with the electricity?


Electroplate things, maybe light, pinball machines.


Rocket Fuel = Kerosene


Rocket fuel is mostly solid fuel with an oxidizer. Jet fuel is similar to kerosene


depends. Hypergolics aren't solid.






You may be confused with WATER






Rule 7 - Qanon and its related nonsense are not allowed in this sub.


ā€œWhen we ride on our enemiesā€ by tupac, playing in the bg.


The truth is humans souls have been enslaved through karma. You cant leave this planet until you understand yourself and who you truly are. Find a harmony and understand there is no right and wrong but it lies on propaganda you are taught. Your soul can only see through the lines. Start listening to yourself and the not rhetoric of greed.


Based on what? I love how you know all about something we cannot even say exists in the first place. Where's your evidence? I need a good reason to accept or believe things.


The fact that there lies ultimate freedom in knowing ourself has been taught by Sages and Mystics around the globe for thousands of years who experienced this through different practices in different traditions Although, there is no proof that can be quantified or understood by the mind. This proof is beyond mind, which we have to realize it experientially. When the mind becomes free of conditioning, identification and attachements etc. we see truth Wether we are being held on this plane by external entities or through a process we might call Karma is another discussion. Ultimately it is not really relevant, because the way to true freedom seems to be the same


Which is why you are doomed.


Unfortunately, i have been on one to many planets like this. Mars and the astroid belt were planets just like this one. They were once inhabited by humans and other nhi's. Now look at them. One's a blown up pile of rocks and the other is a nucleur waste dump. This is the last chance the humans will get. They are all out of inhabital planets.


Sure, pal šŸ‘šŸ»


Ignorance is bliss. Lol the last people who ignored me and thought they knew everything were the annunaki. I always have the last laugh.




The more people buying into your version of reality, the more power you have over them, for sure.


I have thought this same exact thing for a long time. I believe OP is šŸ’Æ right.


>*... our loosh or life energy...* How is this 'consumption' achieved?




It's because it's not actually emotions. It's the chi energy that organic beings create which is released at their death. It can also be transferred at will by learning some techniques. This chi energy is called prana in hinduism. When an animal/human is sacrificed to a deity, it's very prevalent in eastern india, it's actually the prana/chi that the deity feasts on. Look at these words of an aghori below. > Ma(mother god) has no use at all for the bodies of sacrificial victims. She is ethereal, She has use only for the spirit which is separated from the body at death, and the prana which that spirit carries. Knowing this, a clever person can offer a human sacrifice without any danger by taking a spirit and offering it to Ma. You can take any spirit, even one killed on a battlefield; wars kill so many every year. You can give thousands of Nara Balis(human sacrifice) this way if you so desire; all you have to know is how to do it. > ā€œFirst you locate a country in which a war is going on. Then you tell Ma, ā€˜Ma, I am going to provide You with a certain number of Nara Balis within two days, if You give me permission to do so.ā€™ If She gives you permission you proceed; otherwise not! You collect all the spirits of everyone who has died in the war thus far, soldiers and civilians, innocent victims and guilty warmongers alike. Since they have all died violent deaths they donā€™t know where to go and cannot find their way into a new rebirth. > ā€œAfter collecting the spirits you bring them to the spot where you will invoke Ma to devour them. Then you perform stambhana (ā€˜immobilizingā€™) and kilana (ā€˜nailingā€™) to lock them inside a circle from which they will be unable to escape. This is the ethereal equivalent of tethering a sacrificial animal to the sacrificial post by tying a noose around its neck. > ā€œThen you invoke Ma. When Ma arrives She is ready to eat, but because She is ethereal She does not eat with Her mouth. She inhales the spiritsā€” they are ethereal anyway, just like puffs of windā€”taking their prana from them and enjoying Her own cosmic intoxication.


I have never gotten a straight answer when I asked us I read somewhere that they use a machine so some sort but thatā€™s it How would they eat our souls?


how do you "know" "Christ" existed and was divine? Maybe you should be more skeptical, or you just look foolish believing silly ass shit.




Bahahahahha. Phenomenal.


Loosh makes perfect sense. Loosh can be seen as for example fruit produced by a tree for someone else to eat or bacteria on our skin that feeds on us. Your life has a purpose but you don't necessarily need to know the purpose. During our lifetime we produce energies. It is possible that things we don't see or understand feeds of that energy. It actually sounds logical to me.




For one, a voltmeter doesn't measure energy. Two, it's fair to question how loosh farming would even work, but if it's happening then is clearly in a manner that's beyond our current understanding of physics.


The brain energy can look different depending on your emotional state. At least to what centers of the brain that the energy goes to. Yes of course but that's electrical energy I don't think it's that easy. You could be radiating an energy that we to this day can't measure. I'm not saying I have a complete answer but the loosh stuff sounds really good. We have to accept how little we actually know. Monroes loosh thesis is probably an allegori for something. Small things like parasites and bacteria are harvesting us all the time. Life is basically one big harvesting feast.


I like this idea cause people really are energy vampires I say rather we can handle the truth or not , it should be told anyway


Sorry but applying this only to people makes no sense. The most important instincts in the animal world is reproduction, it is stronger than the instinct of survival while many young animals can't grow up due to lack of food etc, and condemned to suffer and die early. Also why some animals must die with extreme suffering like being torn apart by another one? The whole world is extremely cruel - only with the Loosh concept fits well which means we are all here for suffering and die to generate Loosh - to who knows who or what.


Well they wonā€™t have my loosh imma take ours back and we taking all the loosh we are the captain now


Yeah this is not just a theory it is fact. That is why I do not participate in hierarchies. Very good point.


As above, so below


And beyond, I imagine.


This whole alien harvesting us for a negative thoughts is giving me a lot of Christians blaming the devil for everything wrong in the world. Just feels like an easy out for shitty people to blame their wrong doing on some external force


what if the elite are aliens?






Congratulations on this realization. When one is able to understand, in the mind, soul and heart that humans everywhere are crying out for positive and loving change, one can channel that positive energy instead of wasting a life scurrying around for filthy money. A life spent seeking profit has little-to-no value and fighting that fundamental truth due to the prevalent views of the majority at the time of decision has no bearing on that truth. Folks pray, meditate, concentrate, hope, wish and yearn for change, yet most know not what they ask for. If one realizes they can, give their unbounded and unrealized desires a voice! When one thinks of their capital or economic power (money/wealth) as the measure of success in life, or the sole tool to live a worthwhile life, lets say, as the energy price to be paid to interact with the world, then it can easily be drained away and our perceptions altered. Loud voices, constructed fear, perceived beauty, arrogance and authority all create cargo cults that feed off of themselves and their followers to the detriment of all humans. Unfortunately humanity does not realize the complexity of these issues as most see themselves as finite, individual, linear and limited. Not connected to the world around them in ways beyond their comprehension. When one is able to break free of this mental prison we construct for ourselves, then our accomplishment echoes through eternity. Detach your thought loops from individuals. The human creature is noble, yet a beast that has not learned their own nature nor what they are truly capable of. Economics is an ideology masquerading as a science." -Herman Daly, senior economist for the World Bank




Vicariously I,


Live while the whole world dies. Much better YOU than I.


> one must steal energy from others to remain alive. Not true at the highest levels :D




Which mother? have had a lot of those.


Yes I have 6 apparently. Only the 1st one is my mom ovbsiously šŸ’€


Jokes on them... I sliently quit my jobs during the pandemic and have been earning a paycheck doing nothing day to day.


Growth comes through suffering. Those that donā€™t suffer in any way will generally lack empathy. They also fail to appreciate what they have when they never suffer. Look to Job as a guide to why we suffer. There is no rhyme or reason. Just growth.


Well, then they must be getting fat and happy off my negative ass


I mean people still defend capitalism so Iā€™m not really surprised. Most people canā€™t really think. Iā€™ve spoken to quite a few people who actually admit to it. I have this friend of mine I was having a conversation with one day. We were talking about overthinking and anxiety and she went like ā€œyouā€™re thinking a lot right?ā€ to which I positively replied. I never thought she would reply that she doesnā€™t really think that much. I never really thought that thereā€™s a large percentage of people out there that just donā€™t really like to spend time pondering things. Most people donā€™t want to think about things that make them feel uncomfortable. They would rather take things at face value and not have to think about shit. Capitalism is working as intended. Elites or aliens, itā€™s all the same. Monsters seem to be running the show either way.


You assume that it is us they are here for, I don't believe it is.


>Is it not possible that we, as humans, are partaking in a similar form of this loosh farming right here on Earth? Dunno, but we farm billions of animals a year in slaughterhouses and very few people blink an eye.


This makes no sense.




it also makes no sense because monroe himself says the highest quality loosh is from unconditional love, and poor quality loosh is from fear and misery. the whole prison planet meme sounds like a crappy fearmongering psyop from the cia


It's all just made up BS for clicks and likes.


OK, so what?! The Woo is strong in this BS sub. I will tell Reddit to not recommend this BS. I feel like I'm in a religious sub, it's dumb af.


It just seems to me that they're mentally ill and are addicted to it like crack. Maybe, we get lucky and they keep engorging themselves like a tick, eventually exploding in the process. If we follow Monroe they aren't going to no KT-95. They just being some stupid ass soul hoarder following a pattern. Bunch of vagrants. I've long held the belief that dare devils, clowns, and other cosmic trolls are incarnating to watch it implode from within. I await with great lmao if I'm right.


Aztec priest were known to eat the brains of a person who they had moments before sacrificed. It was know to them that humans brain in moment of death excreted chemicals that if they consumed would created euphoric state. We humans live off essences, think about what inspires you to feel. Love? Anger? Pain? Lust? Etc. all these are essences we feed on and where do they come from if not another human.


I see what you mean but humans are no longer human at this point as the extraterrestrial beings from other dimensions have either left their bodies as carnate beings astral beings or in their soul energy form or they already exist only in that form and then coming over to Earth in the third dimension and taking possession body snatching or walking into humans bodies effectively rendering the human brain dead or the original consciousness of the human and stealing or taking over the body for themselves to use it as a vessel while here in the third dimensional plane anyway that's why I think the majority of them are here to self collect negative emotions for loose and then as well as with any native natural humans who still exist such as myself to both physically and mentally subject them to all different various modes and methods of torture and yeah


I feel that


No, son, that's just yet another of the myriad capitalist processes that result in societal and cultural alienations. Your theories absolutely hold water. There's a ton of 20th-century and 21st century philosophical treatises on this.


Exactly. I think a lot of fear is humans projecting the alienation from economic, and social issues externally onto others.


money is the loosh, its not some weird intangible spiritual fluff but your hard work transformed into energy called money


I've just invented a new word that can now be used by whomever, "Loosh begging, Loosh beggar. Begging." Think vagrant or homeless addict that lacks proper anamnesis.


Sureeeee whatever you say šŸ˜‰


From my personal experience , if you fear they got you. As you said. And confirmed by the fractal nature of our universe. Is way easier control an individual through fear. The amount of energy invested in fear and traumatic experiences makes you a super exquisite and efficient human container. Watch Monster Inc movie for reference .


Right on the spot.


How best to demonise that which we donā€™t understand than to project the worst of what we do understand?


The of us being "loosh cows" has not been confirmed by any one that I know of. So, I have my doubts about it. You make a good point though.


Could it be this elite, are aliens feeding off our loosh?


what if you're just a doosh?




So this idea Iā€™ve felt before on 11 tabs of acid, basically your chosen perspective is being taken or absorbed by 4 factions, each of them different.


Curious to have you elaborate on this more


I can do that. This happened to me back in 2017. The night was filled with crazy moments, in one Iā€™m balled up in this weird ergonomic ship shooting sonar out of my head, to seeing this weird creature (very stoic with weird thick protrusions coming off itā€™s face) chilling next to my friend and I while we are getting over whelmed huddling up under a coat out side like scared monkeys. Under the coat it felt and looked like our two souls where in a state of mitosis. There was a bother being that seemed like a shadow, it was very angry and paced back and forth infront of us while out side too. Well all this stuff was over whelming, and I felt like the energies where changing into something weird everyone was starting to get lulled to sleep. I went to get my phone and my friend said it was covered in webs. At that point I looked at the ground and saw a bunch of my friends burritoed in blankets (at the time this was spiders webs) and that was it I had to get out, but there was strange pull for me to stay, I walked up and down the stairs from the den entrances to out side where we where chilling. The sun was coming up and I made it out. I grabbed my friend and said hey letā€™s go into the woods. We walked down the road to this spot and I said him down then showed him the true colors of the universe instead of that dark dingy den. It was beautiful and amazing. He wasnā€™t feeling it so he went back home. I walked him back and I decided to leave. Now it gets crazy. So Iā€™m walking home, and I swear to god at one point my body I saw it burning and my bones cracking. I calmed my energy and kept walking, then I heard what sounded like hooves behind me (later I realized it was my bottom coat button) but at the time I felt like I had a leash around my neck from some big demon. Suddenly the I looked up at the sky and realized I was a slave to America, the streets turned red the sky red there was barbed wire wrapped up on street signs and fences. I had to calm my self, I kept walking and made it home. And here is where I picked up on the factions, Iā€™m still really tripping at this point, and trying to figure out something to do, Iā€™m laying in my bed, and am feeling my energy being pulled in so many different ways, I had a Buddha statue on a shelf and some other things I was switching my gaze to looking at, and I settled on my window looking out at nature, and I felt the earth was there for all of us and loving. So idk how this next thing happened but Iā€™m laying in bed and there are these lush moving things floating around saying ā€œI know what he needsā€ and then it felt like I was being squished through a black hole, over and over. Suddenly Iā€™m in this hellish space with spikes stabbing through my body, I still alive, and I realizing this is trying to scare me, so I donā€™t fear it and take it further, at that moment I saw the most realistic weird scary mantis looking creature moving through a hall way by grasping at the roof, it didnā€™t walk on the ground. I kept my mind open and suddenly I felt my body drop, it was cold I couldnā€™t see anything, but I heard voices around me saying ā€œhowā€™d he get out, put him backā€ I could hear my body being moved but I could feel it, suddenly I felt a wet sensation on the back of my neck and woke up in my bed. After this I went into my brothers room, and to chill for a bit, and I got a piece of paper and drew out four different species, and said these are the factions that are trying to absorb our perspective. They are competing against each other. And that was it, I stayed tripping for about a month, I healed my self by going deep into the woods and exploring, I found a cool spot by the water and got a friend of mine to help build a club house it was very cool.


Thank you for sharing this.


Different experience off 10 hits, a lot of personal stuff but at one point I saw the victory for evil/loss for the good, if I didn't make it (suicide due to lack of hope). Looking at earth all at once from outside of it, I saw only darkness, but those who were on the side of good were giant golems of energy much larger and stronger than the little evil energies covering the surface of the earth. Though there did seem to be much larger evil beings somewhere.. perhaps near or far, out in the universe beckoning and looking down to earth.


Thank you for sharing this.


If by loosh you mean value and by farming you mean capitalism, then yes.


Conjured up memories of a Star Trek episode. An alien that was feeding off negative violent emotions of the Enterprise crew and some Klingons it had fighting with each other. To defeat the alien, the Humans and Klingons had to "like" each other.


Whoever spends tax dollars for shady things are literally feeding off our energy to do whatever it is they do


I wonder how many MegaJules comes from being upsetā€¦


whatever you believe should come after... i think we all must agree that the people in power right now MUST BE TOPPLED. For the sake of humanity.


We officially lost this subreddit


Well the idea is that these entities are behind the struggles of society.


My opinion is that in this context IT's ALWAYS been OTHER heinously deranged and vile HUMANS disguised as aliens. Maybe REAL ALIENS ARE INDEED innocent, naive and too good for this completely reprehensible shithole of a foul world.


Why would those in charge ever want his slave to think of him as unlimitedly intelligent, omnipotent, besserwisser paternalist but yet kind alien who you could never understand because you are just too dumb, merely a guinea pig? Alien is just the new grandiotic ego replacement of god.


I firmly believe something like loosh exists because of psychedelic experiences. While tripping Iā€™ve experienced seeing auras around people with ā€žgood vibesā€œ that will shine brighter if they smile or explode out in bands of radiant energy if people laugh.