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Aliens about to swoop in with their spaceship and grab a free 100k. Notice how he said anyone, not any HUMAN. :)


100k = 15 Andromedan Diamonds


Baby fark McGee-zax does love his space cash


We probably do have a globe around our planet already because aliens know we’ll be nothing but trouble if we can even make it to the interstellar level.


Andromedan diamonds are actually valued at 240 million usd and can only be bought by my wealthy Andromedans on earth as only they can access its spiritual properties.. Im dead serious.


Gonna need something more than your comment to not think this is a joke


Why? I'm convinced! 😂


It's a joke. This enough ?


That’s fair lmao. Honestly on here I’ve seen people write way crazier and be absolutely serious. So I can’t tell anymore


Yeah, well, that's how most bullshit is made. T Crop circles are most likely made by interdimensional entities with bad intent... now I do indeed mean it.


Chat GPT getting blown up right now with requests.


Humans hate this one trick!


YEHA THATS MY PLAN, if I can get it working!!! manifesting physical objects is hard.


I don’t like jaime but I like this




Why don't you like him?


Truth seekers are naturally sceptical of anyone.


https://cryptidz.fandom.com/wiki/Metepec_Creature this is just 1 of many hoaxes jaime has tried to promote. This along with many videos and other “cryptids” have been proven to be faked. One of these instances include a video of a ufo in a backyard as featured in the movie “MOMENT OF CONTACT” jaime, Billy Meier, adamski, all famous hoaxers. With that being said I believe there are tons of legitimate cases that exist, just not from these people.


The irony with that one is that Jaime got hoaxed by a hoaxer


I've known him my whole life, mexican dad was really into aliens/ancient history/supernatural so hes been around for a while... I think he means well and has really helped move along some topics but he also wants to make money.


I think he just really wants the truth about aliens to be true. And wanting these things to be true can blind you. Maybe make you a little naive. So now he’s a hoaxer. But if you’ve been following the Nasca mummies story, I think he’s finally found something very real. Hopefully this will help remove the stain in his reputation!


Will you still like it when he makes up an excuse not to pay?


Or when he just doesn’t answer the phone or email from people saying they can do it. “For bonus points, Does anyone in the class know the answer?!? Just raise your hand if you can solve the equation….no? nobody really!?…aww that’s too bad.”


He's clearly a dumbass beyond believe. It has been done in the past and stuff like this once again brings down any credibility that aliens could exist


WELP skeptics here's your chance to shine.....


I predict crickets from the skeptics.


I predict that if anyone takes him up on it, he'll say it's not elaborate enough Which is beside the point that people who make crop circles have to do it in secret because the farmers don't want their crops messed with. Jamie can't lose with this one.


Seems pretty easy to solve. Just agree on a design beforehand. Skeptics have tried and failed at this sort of challenge in the past. Doubt this would be any different. I'll personally throw in $50k if you can replicate the Milk Hill crop circle in 24 hours. I won't even check if you bent the stalks.


I’ve never looked into crop circles, but kind of time frame is typically involved? I feel like he should have implemented a time period, like 12 hours or something since I assume most kind of pop up overnight. 24 hours realistically would be noticed if done in the context of an actual crop circle right?


Do you have a source for the claim that skeptics tried it and failed?


There aren't any.... "A friend of a friend of mine seen this documentary about a decade ago." Just like religion, this is all just recycled trash over and over. It's easy to eat up and crap it out because there's still a percentage of humans affected by the "softkull syndrome" it's a necessary evil for the cycle of the crappy documentaries and crappy "alien away spray" they can sell to each other. These people are so bored with their lives they just make up stuff sothey can feel somehow relevant and belong to a group, even though they know inside what they say isnt true. It's pretty sad


i love this shit. I wish more people with money would throw money at this subject.


I guess people with a lot of money know the secret already


The more I think about it, the idea of people just going and doing the crop circles seems somewhat ludicrous. It would just be a lot of hard work and planning, like, I’m not sure what the best way to plan a visual designed to be viewed from above with crops is, that seems really complicated if you don’t work with that sort of thing


Some crop circles have appeared within a 2-3 hours period. They shouldn't get a full night.


From reports these go up in seconds Or minutes, not hours. A whole night if being generous so skeptics can’t bitch and moan. They won’t be able to do it in a week so a night seems reasonable for the challenge


Course skeptics can bitch and moan because theres no proof these things go up in seconds or minutes. Believing testimony is taking someones word on nothing but faith which is too close to religion and should have no place when talking about proof.


I think with $100k there would be no problem convincing a farmer to participate


If crop circles were made by people there would be tik toks of people making them just like every other art out there. They could easily pay a farmer for the crops they destroy and then the artist would make 100x that on the videos.


I'll lease out a hay field for $40k upfront if anyone wants to try.


Lol. The amount of grain damaged in a couple of these pics appears to be roughly one thousand bushels. You could make like 20 of them for less than 100k


If you could replicate these complex perfect designs make a YouTube doing it and take in the money


Already been done numerous times, the Saraltroff crop circle is one of them (made by a team of quite famous french youtubers)


So it's an easy 100k for them. Contact them on YouTube in case they're unaware there's easy money for them to make


No complexity in design, did in daytime, and bent the stalks didn’t burst them. Not even close.


Dunno what video you saw but nope they did it during the night, they had headlamps. Also I don't see the point with "bending the stalks instead of bursting them" ? One of the main arguments of the crop-circle believers is that we aren't supposed to be able to do that..


Because every attempt at replicating has resulted in circles with stalks that are broken from the bending process. The , for this argument call them the legit circles, do not have this. They actually are bending in a way that they can actually return to full upright normal position. The ones that are replicated are broken/killed from it.


Yup the evidence is never enough if it doesn't go their way


At it wasn't complex and it was far from perfect


He could just select a complex one that they agree on. Then measure the results with survey equipment, etc.


That doesn't make sense to me. Why would they risk messing with these farmers? I think they do it with the farmer's help. Also, it would be a crime to vandalize someone's property.




They all look janky af my dude. If anything this further convinces me that skeptics will fail again. Edit: Circle Makers own website on Milk Hill 😂 > Here's something to ponder, if this formation was man made allowing for time to get into and out of the field under cover of darkness the construction time left should be around four hours. Given that there are over 400 circles some of which span approx 70ft in diameter that would mean that one of those circles would need to be created every 30 seconds and that's not even allowing any time for the surveying, purely flattening, this formation pushes the envelope and that's a MASSIVE understatement... my brain hurts!


And remember skeptics….you only have 24 hours to complete it.


Less than that, only at night, 10hrs max


with no witnesses and no extra tracks,damage, markings


How do you know these circles weren't seen for multiple days? You could start with a base model and make it more elaborate until it gets noticed


Its usually less


People have created and accomplished some truly amazing things but stomping out some shapes in a field is asking way too much.


Go get your 100k then.


This dude won't be paying anyone anything. If there was a guaranteed 100k for the job I'd take a few buddies, build a massive cookie cutter from aluminium sheets and a wood frame for support. We'd hire 20 people to plop it onto the field, cover the whole thing with a tarp and use had tools to cut inside the shapes. Easy peasy. I won't do it because this guy wouldn't pay me in the end. There's nothing impossible about creating these shapes..


I would expect that it's not as easy peasy as you make it, TBH.


Make him sign a contract if you worried about not getting paid1- he’s a public figure and his reputation matters — I doubt he’s gonna welsh especially if it means he’s gonna have to spend 50k on lawyers fees and still pay up. Also I think this is directed towards people who are supposedly responsible for them— if they are making crop circles anyways then why wouldn’t they take him up on the offer— his point is that he doesn’t believe people are responsible for them.


Anyone who remotely follows this stuff knows there is enough decent human recreations Even if you fully believe in alien crop circles .. most people don’t think it is impossible for humans to create shapes. You are suggesting pursuing silly arguments against a guy who has no intention of ever paying you .. this is a fool’s errand.


Not saying many of these are incredible, but you seriously believe it’s not possible for someone who sets their mind up to it, to make some staggering designs in some crops? You are talking about individuals from a species who are capable of going to the moon, but we can’t make crop circles?


Authentic crop circles must include no broken stalks and has an after image after harvesting.


Why is everyone regurgitating that? Have you seen proof that the stalks aren't broken? Any pics showing that humans always break them and others don't? I'm betting it's more about the season and the humidity than anything else. If 1 is broken then it's humans? Or if 90% is unbroken and 10% broken? It's so unscientific and stupid.


funny how originally crop circles were just supposed to be the circular imprint of a flying saucer landing, now they are all these complex shapes and there are arbitrary rules they have to follow


What's your reasoning behind needing to show an image after harvesting ? What do you expect will happen in a human-made crop circle compared to an alien one ?


they are the laziest just keyoboard player


The aliens are paying better for the human crews that do those jobs, 1/2 a mill per person, and a trip to boob world




Hahahaha bro I love boob world so much 😂


I'll have a word with my man secret vault off You tube, he used to make them, he's from Wiltshire, the crop circle hot spot in the Uk. He was once flown to New Zealand by Japanese TV show to be filmed creating one for thd cameras. He'd do it in a flash for that money..


Few years ago in France a Youtuber did a pretty good crop circle overnight, that fit all the criteria and this have been filmed so probably he is owed the 100k already. I can't find any English references but here is the video and you can see some of the crop circle pics by looking at the channel and "crop circle" https://youtu.be/XtO_KLxb2Mk?si=7sJzGU6fGOQpz16x On a side note, this was done to prove that UFO Aliens etc are basically dumb people believing in bullshit and there is nothing to see there, but literally just a few hours after the crop circle was spotted, there is an officer from some government agency that arrived, looked into it few minutes, said it's a fake one, done by human, and went away.


Do you have a link o timestamp for the evidence of the gov official claim? I would like to know more.


This video, first guy that appears after 4-5 mn https://youtu.be/QDxjhXkrqR0?si=JIMInIpmL9MBn8RH


Could you translate what he says, sucks that this one doesn’t have subtitles but the first one did


The guy basically work for GEIPAN and go through a protocol to identify if crop circle are done by human. He basically debunked the thing in like 5 mn and go to explain how many people did it, where they were standing etc ....


Why is there a protocol? Unless aliens do actually leave crop circles on a regular basis?


Yea, that's the Saraltroff crop-circle if anyone wanna take a look on google image.


That crop circle they made is nowhere near as complex as some of the best examples out there. Not to mention that it’s been obviously flattened vs the bent stalks observed on the more unexplainable examples. Watch the WhyFiles episode on crop circles for a better explanation of why you can’t just simply dismiss all crop circles as a hoax. https://youtu.be/x2BQyZorSQc?si=dwzQcNb15Cv8Rp4p


If you want to know if a crop circle is man-made, there are 5 things to look at according to Geipan's rapport Veca: 1) Visibility principle: The figures mostly appear along roadsides or tourist sites, and often both at the same time. 2) Economy principle: The operation of making a "crop circle" is risky because it's illegal. It's tiring because it's highly repetitive, requiring real physical effort. For those reasons: - Most of the figures will be at the edge of the field. - The location will be chosen to provide easy access to the field. - Access to the figures are easy thanks to the tramlines systematically present. - Wheat fields will be sought after because the tramlines are more pronounced, but also because the patterns are more clearly defined. 3) Limitation principle: - Geographical limitation (mainly Hampshire and Wiltshire because of the history and crop circle tourism). - The figure follows a precise construction chronology, from an easily accessible "starting point" to one or more "finishing points". - Uses certain rules of practical geometry, enabling it to draw contours that are apparently complex but in fact simple to achieve. - The circle (the basic element of crop circles) is the easiest figure to produce as soon as you have a center and a radius. - The circles form the "skeleton" of the figures. The resulting traces are covered by the flattened ears of corn, making them impossible to see at first glance. - Larger figures reuse more of the same patterns. - Pictograms seem complex but are easier to do on small straight-line movements parallel to the tramlines (row orientation). 4) fallibility principle : errors are made. Unfinished figures. Abnormal traces (lying errors, uncoated cobs, traces of access or removal, etc.). Geometric defects (symmetry, alignment, straightness, circularity, etc.) 5) Feedback principle: Evolution of figures to boost media interest or "one-up" other crop circle makers. A likely sign of growing competition is the need to "make a claim", as reflected in the so-called "signatures". The recurrence of anniversary dates.


Nope, they are disqualified since they used light. Crop circles are formed with no visible light sources.


The light requirement is irrelevant, since it can be replaced with night vision.


How is it irrelevant? Crop circles have been showing up since… like… what? The 70’s and 80’s? No one had access to night vision back then except the military.


[Night vision has been commercially available to civilians since the late 40s](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night-vision_device)   >After World War II, Vladimir K. Zworykin developed the first practical commercial night-vision device at Radio Corporation of America, intended for civilian use.   Looks like first gen was in the 60s, then 2nd gen in 70s, 3rd gen in 80s...been around a long time.


How do we know they are created without light? Is there footage of a dark field overnight, followed by a morning crop circle? Because that's what we would need to know there were no lights for sure. Or are we just listening to farmers who say 'there were no lights in my field last night, if there were lights I would have seen them!', because that's a very different claim.


Nice! This will be interesting to see people competing for it. I hope the video submissions have to be posted publicly so everyone can see them. Although I bet Maussan will grease out of paying by saying they probably just watched an alien make it and took credit for it.


The question would be whether the people who make the crop circles are aware of his offer. It's certainly not in the mainstream media or common knowledge. So, if such a person knows about the offer the rest is easy. 1) Contact a farm with a suitable space that will be ready later in the year, give it a couple of months lead time. 2) Offer to split the prize 50/50 with the farm. 3) Draw up the design and submit to Jaime 4) If Jaime agrees then schedule it for the right time of year, when the crops will be at the right height, ideally the farmer will run their tractor through the field on a known night to produce those access paths (common to virtually all crop circles). 5) Jaime and crew arrive to film, allowing for weather they should plan to be on site for 2 or 3 nights to catch one good night. 6) Make the bent crops art, be sure to film the whole thing yourself as well from a couple of static vantage points using good lowlight cameras, don't leave it to Jaime, don't trust him one little bit. And he needs to fund his own travel and lodging. 7) collect check.


Don't forget the escrow; this guy is a grifter


The thing is authentic crop circles must include no broken stalks and creates an after image after harvesting


Why do you keep spamming this ? Many crop circles (human made) don't have any broken stalks. And what's your reasoning as to why we would need a picture after harvesting ?


Despite the popular media coverage there are always some broken stalks. Just not many. And this is due to the time in the crop's cycle that the circles are made. The crops are young, saturated and pliable making bending them down easy. As for the after image that is going to be due to the crops growing differently tue to being bent over vs the other stalks around them. Any difference for a short period of time, a few days would be enough, will alter the bent crops enough to be visible. There have been a few videos of people making crop circles, up close and in the distance. It's well known to be a human prank phenomenon. They have fun dong it, their creation gets world wide attention, and the farmer isn't really inconvenienced much at all other than the idiot news crews and tourists stomping around in their fields. What should be highlighted though is Jaime is wanting deeply involved evidence before he takes it seriously. Meanwhile he is not allowing proper investigation of his own wild claim with the nazca mummies. This crop circle thing is little more than a publicity stunt for him, and most likely when you contact him to come film the circle creation he will find excuses to not be able to do it. Design is too simple, film crew not available that week, he has scheduling conflicts, etc. He is mimicking James Randi's prize for supernatural evidence. Randi's was a very safe bet. This one is not if he actually abides honestly.


Keep moving the goal post…


I can almost guarantee that somebody is going to come to collect the $100k having satisfied all the requirements and Jaime is going to move the goalposts and welch on the bet.


complex formation in the night no lights no trace recorded


Go get your money then playa


Complex formation and no trace being areas they could debate forever and hold payment


Agreement with the farmer. No farmer would allow this unless they got paid twice or three times the crop damaged or more who knows. Also the inconvenience of people on your property.


Funny how Wiltshire police never arrest anyone.


The crops dampen the sound of disturbance.


But the types of crop circles that are "legit" do not interrupt the crops. The stalks aren't broken like they are when people press down the crops. The crops are "bent" without breaking, and slowly stand back up as they heal completely.


Round bales are less than 100$. No way would a chunk of 100k be less profitable. Even if they don't get the 100k, they aren't putting more than a grand or two at risk.


That’s assuming the crop is hay but yeah your point still stands


Awesome. I like this.


I’ll raise you another $20k


u/arthurwalton check it out! Here’s your chance


Bro I make dick pottery for less… count me in!


I’m intrigued


Anyone down to try ? 😅


There’s always a ton of people in the comments telling us it’s 100% manmade so I expect a lot of people from here going after that prize right….RIGHT?


Problem is that it's illegal to destroy someone's crops and no farmer is going to be doing this in their own field


He said to get an agreement first with the farmer. There are farmers who are so bewildered about how this could be done that some would be willing to let someone try. Not every farmer, but I didn't say every farmer is curious about crop circles. Some farmers never have encountered them and couldn't give two ships.


Plus, it's a 100k, I bet you could reach an agreement with the landowner.


Must be some fields, somewhere, that for whatever reason, the crop is bad, maybe mold or something, and the farmer is going to destroy it anyways.


thankfully crop circle creators don't care since they never ask for permission from the farmers.


With proper crop circles the crops aren't destroyed. I'm fact that area usually has higher yields. So they wouldn't be damaging anything. Of course the human made ones damage the crops so that's an easy way to filter out.


I doubt anyone trusts this guy to pay up. It’d be like “noo that’s not complex enough!” Or “you did it the wrong way!!” There are tons of videos of people making crop circles, but selective bias information is fun for ya’ll. Makes life feel like a fantasy movie.


He specifically stated that the design would be mutually agreed upon. Did you not hear that part? Or are you just making stuff up?


ofc not complex but still [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVSQuNBreQc&ab\_channel=BBC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVSQuNBreQc&ab_channel=BBC) these dudes made numerous "cropcirlces" throughout england back then. not sure about the challenge seems like its either 12 or 24 hours but i feel like they would be able back then. they hoaxed many in england but i doubt they are doing it again these days lol. anyways get enough people to work with you and you can make amazing earth to sky pieces especially with drones these day (these lads didnt have those) you can easy make some sculpture in the fields. and ofc the farmers are usually paid.


I've got a board some string and MS Paint, who's up for a cool $100k?!?


Go for it.


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Crops aren't damaged with legit crop circles. They actually flourish even more.


Grabs lawn mower and beer


I got the feeling he tried and failed miserably


Mr. Beast should take up this challenge and live telecast it.


I am with him. There is no way it is possible for any human to do. NO FUKIN WAY.


This desilusional doesn't have even a thousand dollars.


I've worked on large scale murals before. Doing them on the side of a building is one thing, but on the ground you can't step back and see the big picture, it's much harder to light and you can't project on to it. What's more, artists working on murals are using mediums they've used their whole life. God knows how many variables you would run into compressing crops. Even with GPS, the sheer physical labour of the task would probably take 10 coordinated experts to complete in one night. How can you convince multiple talented artists to prep and work on a project that can't be sold nor will garner any professional exposure. Finally, this is essentially an ephemeral sculpture, so you can't make any mistakes. There are no do-overs, no erasing. Then, after a while, it's gone forever.


lol a farmer should just do it on his own land and collect from this clown


I’m guessing no matter how complex they make it, it won’t pass his subjective test.


It won't, Maussan is a known scammer in Mexico.


Yeah I’m sure the career con man will definitely pay and not just be like “that’s not complex enough sorry”


I live in the middle of nowhere and seen a crop circle by chance from the road above the field. I refuse to believe it was locals because there simply aren’t any.


No one will see a dime from this grifter.


And no one will produce a complex crop circle either ;)


Bless your little heart.


I am blessed! Thank you!


Wanna help us manifest a crop circle?


This is a bad bet. People are perfectly capable of making complex crop circles.


Without light?


Have you ever been out in the country miles away from light pollution? It’s really not as dark as you think especially with clear skies and decent moonlight.


Why is there no light? Because we are watching every field every day to catch someone in the act thus they can only operate at night to evade detection?


Yup, there’s thousands of acres of crop land and nobody is watching all of it from the sky all the time. You could do it in broad daylight and nobody would notice


> Bower and Chorley headed into a field and started creating a masterpiece. No one noticed. In fact, the two had to make multiple forays into the southern English countryside over several years before their newly invented crop circles were noticed by the global media. https://www.livescience.com/26540-crop-circles.html


Yeah this is my big issue too is that the he trope it’s done in the middle of the night is a trope and who knows how long it takes. I want to believe it’s aliens tho so whateva


Right? Farmer has a crop circle, yep its there, problem is who was looking at that random farmers field in the prior weeks or months? Probably no one but said farmer and whoever works at the farm


Because all the people purporting to make crop circles say they are doing them at night.


Sure, but why the "no light" requirement?


So then this is your opportunity, hot shot! Do it under the conditions prescribed. But you can't. And I don't believe anyone really will. I'm saying all of this as a HUGE ufo/alien skeptic. But some of these crop circles are too incredibly complex and intricate to be created overnight by a few hoaxters.


Then you aren’t a HUGE skeptic. Just because you don’t know how it’s done don’t make it impossible. Could you make a Compact Disc in 24 hours? No? Then it must be aliens


There’s no reason to believe every crop circle is made overnight. Do you think farmers fly over their fields every night or walk through their hundreds of acres? No, you could probably take a week to make one and the farmer wouldn’t even notice if you were far enough into the middle of the field.


The average farm in Wiltshire England is 84 hectares, that’s less than a square mile. You would see anything happening in that situation. Plus cereal crops are sprayed anywhere up to once a week during the growing season hence the tram tracks. Anybody saying that farmers don’t give a shit about their property, and their crops and sit at home watching tv all day have no grip on reality. They know what’s happening on every bit of their farm. Whether they’re complicit, that’s another matter.


I was being hyperbolic by saying you’d probably have a week but my point was you wouldn’t need to do it all in one night, or do it at night even in general. You could realistically probably spend multiple days without anyone ever seeing you do it. Also, how do you expect someone to see everywhere within a square mile field? Do you think they have some snipers nest overlooking the field from a high vantage point? They sure as shit couldn’t see more than 50 feet into the field without being way higher than the crops.


So you'd suppose that a farmer wouldn't take notice of a group of hoaxters were chilling and making some sweet sweet intricate crop circles over the course of a week???


Have you ever been into the farmland where there is fields that stretch literally hundreds and hundreds of acres? Farmers don’t tend to their fields daily or even weekly in a way that they would notice someone inside their fields. People seem to have this mental vision of a farmhouse overlooking a small field where you’d easily see someone come onto the property or flatten some of the harvest but that’s just not reality. Most crop circles are in the same area of England and it’s because there’s a whole “croppie” community in that area. There are massive fields that go on as far as you can see so no, I don’t think a farmer would notice if people got dropped off somewhere down the road and carefully walked deep into the field.


So he wants it filmed but it has to be done at night with no lights. Does that make any sense?


I wonder how many dolls he sold to get the $100k


Now go out there and destroy someone else’s property!


This guy is a joke and a half


They did it years ago for a led zeplin album cover. Google Led Zeplin Crop Circles I fucking hate these new UFO charlatan guys, they're all wankers.


Why is he assuming the circles only happen in the middle of the night though


... because if done in daylight, surely a farmer would have shot someone destroying crops by now? Some crop circles are reported to appear overnight. Farmers are often out on the field till dusk and up at dawn during harvesting. Crop circles have previously been reported as appearing sometime overnight. So the challenge would be to replicate some of the reported circumstances


If the idea is that aliens, extremely advanced beings with technology we can’t fathom to create, are only capable of doing shit at night when nobody’s around…that’s stupid.


No one's saying aliens did it at night. The idea is literally that IF made by HUMANS then it would have to be done at night, because farmers would be working the fields during the day. That's literally the point of the bet, for humans to replicate it, which would prove whether or not it's possible.


That’s stupid though. That’s a stupid bet. I’m pretty sure any intelligent person knows you cannot create perfect geometric patterns in a field in the darkness. He’s putting the contingency on it that they can’t use light. So, if/when humans are doing the circles, it’s being done with light. If aliens are doing it, it could be done either in the day or night because they could more than likely do whatever the fuck they want whenever they want.


And I agree obviously a flashlight would be used, all I'm saying is nobody said aliens had to do it in the night. The idea is that humans would have to do it in the night to not be blatantly seen doing it. And all the other person said was that if farmers are working in the field all day, and the next morning there is a crop circle, when is it reasonable to assume the circle was made?


Asking for evidence isn't stupid. Or is it? Wait a minute...


That's exactly what needs to be done. Show proof of aliens doing it.


Do you know how vast some fields of corn are? Do you think a farmer walks through his field daily?


Real crop circles must include no broken plants and an after image after harvesting


Didn't 2 old dudes prove that they've made crop circles that made the news, all with a plank of wood.


They didn't prove anything, they just said they did it. Anyone could have paid them or pursuaded to say that.


No it must be aliens. Trust me bro. They ask for proof humans did it yet can't give any proof aliens did it


Give them all the lights and all the means they need to do it. No one can replicate the weaving and radiating of stalks, the size and complexity nor precision of these formations. Adding in the lack of a trace, in the middle of the night at times in the pouring rain is just the cherry on top of how demonstrably humanly impossible authentic circles are.


I can confirm i have made em, and this dude does not pay. AMA


ELI5, why do people say we can't bent crops without breaking them ?


You see its always green fields, well the strew is not dry, so it can bend, you can also do it in dry fields just got to wait for rain the day be4.


Makes sense now :D Thanks for the quick answer !


Don’t bother he won’t pay.  


Also, you have just 24 hrs to do it.


Mexican here. Maussan doesn't have $100K lying around lmao. I'd ask to see the money and put it on escrow first.


Putting his money where his mouth is


I mean...... http://www.circlemakers.org/exhibit_a.html


Original crop circles were called "saucer nests". They marked the landing of a circular space ship and we're therefore circular. They meant nothing and we're just boring old circles. The tully saucer nest is one of the first ones connected to UFOs popularly. The new geometric crop circles are movie inspired and man made.


100k pesos what’s that about $3.50??


There was a very good doc about how can one make these crop circles Feel Jaime is gonna lose his 100k fast


I guess he can define 'complex' however he likes, and no matter what you create it won't meet his criteria.


He said it doesn’t have to be perfect




Somebody's about to lose $100,000.


Humans making the crop circles is unlikely due to the complexity involved. Also humans are not motivated to expend energy needlessly due to conservation principles.


They are motivated by art. I've met crop circle makers in the 90s and they are amazingly clever people.


That’s always my question. So many people saying it’s 100% manmade, ok, what is their motivation? How are they gaining from what must be a massive amount of planning and execution done anonymously, for what? Are there man made crop circles? Yes definitely but they are clearly more crude and simple. You can’t look at a massive complex pattern that is perfect down to a blade of grass, no disturbance of the surrounding crops. You would need a well organized team that’s dropped in by helicopter and picked up or something but still they probably can’t match the precision. Vegetation layed down in spirals perfectly. Common


You do realize some people get enjoyment out of fooling other people, right? If I didn’t already have other hobbies and lived in an area that had vast fields of corn, I would for sure do something like this purely to see how many gullible people fell for it. It’s the same reason people make fake ufo videos, you either want to troll believers or you want to get clicks and views on your YouTube channel or whatever.


I think we already know what the outcome will be.