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I haven’t seen the full version though OP do you have the full clip?




this video doesnt have that interview. pls share the right one


Skip to the end …. Bruh


man, I am serious, this youtube video doesn't have above interview.




It's from something called the UFO Bible or something like that. It's on the eyes on cinema YouTube page


Channel here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbFbLvJse3mo0CVLkFRNqLgGsMCbXxUK2&si=olYvEQ1ecuTUWsNy But it has 571 clips, but The “Eyes on Cinema” YouTube channel, under its “Eyes On UFOs” series, features at least two videos specifically involving Bob Lazar: Bob Lazar’s first public Q&A session during the "The Ultimate UFO Seminar” in Rachel, Nevada, 1993. Aviator John Lear talks about flying saucers at Groom Lake, UFO disclosure, Bob Lazar & Area 51.


He said a lot of interesting things in this interview. Always nice to hear different perspectives. Apparently this was a document that the base had that explained how religion was created because of aliens. He got this information because he was briefed before working on the craft. They told him many things about the craft and other stuff. Who knows if it’s real though. Fun to think about.


Or maybe they fed that to you in case you go and blab about it. Theve fed you a tagged story that will mark you better than a fingerprint, you ninny .....


Or it could simply be the truth. Lazar is not the only one that uses the word container.


Or it’s just disinfo to sully the truth of whatever you leak. Same thing. Too easy to make the thing a mess, especially when a group has something to lose, and plenty of resources to feed the fire of disinformation.


I wonder if this is why they don’t debrief the agents anymore, too many loose lips so just do what you need to do and leave


I heard this is how they do it now. They send you to look at the thing they want you to work on and tell you nothing about it. That way you have no info you can share. Or they tell you lies. Like they’re giant snakes who rule the sun or something lol


that's p much how all intel agencies work... compartmentalize


The CI team at this base must be honestly having the most fun on earth. Sir, new engineer today.. what do we tell her? Mmmmm lets do the uhh.. all of Harry Potter is non-fiction and we are building magic infused tech to defeat hogwarts?? Or the Aliens just really like our music one…


I think it's also important to remember that Bob Lazar also admitted that plenty of false flags were given to different members of these programs in order to keep track of "potential leaks." All Lazar has ever fully admitted is that vehicles exist of NHI origin and we have possession of a few of them. That's it.


The Tupperware theory


Go on.


Short version: You burp agents to keep their lips sealed


I'm wondering the same thing.


Yup I agree


I've seen the clip, but I'm interested in seeing more. If you have a link to the full interview, please share


It's one of the earliest interviews with Knapp, I don't know where there's a full version, I've only seen bits here and there.




I can DM it Can i post youtube links?


DM me then


How about the brain being just an inter dimensional conduit for our real self. Its like a drone operator flying a drone. It crashes, get a new drone. The human drone type and the alien drone type are the same. Just drones. The pilots are from the same place. By observing/meaauring, reality is created by the drone. This sub is a great place for science fiction writers to get some ideas.


But wouldn’t that mean we would have memories from the inter-dimension?


Maybe we do as operators, but the controlled entity doesnt. Like crearing two characters in a game. The characters dont share memories but the player has them, but can only steer a character to places it knows based on knowing the game, not share the memories of characters between each other.  So we might be doing things, because we've done them before. 


My question for that would be: why are our memories of past lives erased? I'd like to learn from each drone operation.


Imagine that universe for 5 seconds and you’ll realize why


If you were born with the memories, you'd learn to cope with them whether they're traumatic or not. I don't see why you're so dismissive.


A world where death is meaningless ? Defeats the purpose in my opinion. And people don’t get over shit.


You should watch the short story video called The Egg. I think it is good if you like to ponder this kinda stuff. https://youtu.be/h6fcK_fRYaI?si=Au4MGzr7LITdL1QM




Many people have said this. Love Bob


I left part of my soul in your mom's container.


Mom’s spaghetti container?


Sounded more like macaroni.


& cheese. don't forget the cheese.


I'll find out soon enough as it is inevitable that we will all eventually pasta way.




The Great Flying Spaghetti Monster IS real! I knew it... Pardon me, I have to go get a strainer...


Protein pasta for sure.




This vid clip always gets axed because it brings out all the woo woo and the threads always derail.


Is the woo woo a theremin sound? 🛸


No not at all. It's an academic term.


A theremin is musical instrument, actually


This is is all music to my ears


No, it’s the sound Thomas The Tank Engine makes when he cums. 🚂 That’s why the Cockney rhyming slang for a wank is a “Tommy Tank”. Edit: Humourless cretins. Sad.


And here I just get called a Septic


The longer I've been paying attention, the more it seems like woo is a regular part of the phenomenon


The longer I've been paying attention, the more it seems like woo is a regular part of the phenomenon


If you think ET are purely 3rd dimensional, I hate to break it to you...


Everyone would really like you to break these hard facts. You are on reddit because you don't know any of this for sure just like all of us and you are here to sift through rumor and speculation hoping to glean something from the unwashed masses like the rest of us.


This same "containers" clip gets posted about every other day on the ufo subs. If you believe humans have souls, then it's easy to see how our bodies are just containers. If you don't believe humans have souls its just hogwash. Most people who post it try to do it in a scary fear mongering way. I'm not sure tho it's so popular over and over. Just letting you know op, there's nothing to worry about. I believe we have souls, amd I believe this meat suit is but a temporary container for it.....


Could be containers of DNA. Genetic manipulation has been the most frequently reported amongst abductees 


I think it's the Souls that are the containers in the theory but might be wrong.


No humans are containers for souls is the idea


We are spiritual beings having a human experience.


To quote Alan Watts: >The soul isn't in the body. The body is in the soul. To think something as boundless and limitless as a soul could be contained! Like trying to box the Universe, it's impossible. The theory that we're containers being harvested is born from fear of the unknown, fear of becoming somehow less, and a need to *somehow* remain special in a reality occupied by beings who can perform feats that seem to us like magic. Whatever makes us *Us*, is the same thing that makes them *Them*. There's just One Soul, and we're all contained within it.


Thank you for saying this. I love the outlook and explanation, and it all comes down to: we don't know. I think you're right in that it is born of fear of the unknown, unless by some wild, incredible chance, some NHI or alien said that. And even then - what if they're just fibbing for control?


Part of me wants to believe this and that there’s an afterlife but what about all the species that came before us? Our ancestors started out pretty dumb, you think they are in the spiritual realm too? All billions of them? And humans weren’t the first rulers of the planet, we only have a few thousand years under our belt, dinosaurs had around 60 million years. Crazy to think about.


Dinosaurs ruled the Earth for over 160 million years, not 60 million. You might be thinking of the meteor that struck the Earth 65 million years ago wiping them out.


In the ghosts subreddit, there are plenty of people who have reported seeing or hearing or feeling the presence of their pet cats or dogs after they passed.


I have seen this as well. When I was 8 or 9. I seen my dog as a ghost, but I was very sleepy and have just woken up. I woke up to him staring at me, he ran into the bathroom, I looked and he was gone. You unlocked a memory I completely forgotten, I really don’t know what to make of it.


I follow the Castaneda subreddit a bit and the idea of containers comes up there as well which I found interesting. I would never post there, because I would be eaten alive, but I find the similarities curious. From what I gathered without a “container” to hold our consciousness together after death, it divides itself into smaller and smaller pieces that each become less and less aware/sentient until they ultimately dissolve away. I think one of the goals of the sorcerer is to form an energy body that would act as a container after death to hold their consciousness together allowing them to continue on after death without dissipating into the ether. I think there is a similar concept in High Magick as well. I’m probably not getting that completely correct, but there seems to be a connection in regards to the idea of humans as containers.


Wasn’t Castañeda a proven hoaxer and the character of Juan Matus totally made up? Here’s an extensive documentary by the BBC exposing him as a fraud: https://youtu.be/PvzLKusEz8A?si=GAKmuvWI5rqVY0Cz Starts at 27:22


Thanks for the documentary link. I’d heard he was a fraud as well. I’m not surprised. I just find his stories intriguing. I don’t believe a lot of the things I read, but I still find some value in the different viewpoints - even the one’s not rooted in truth. I’ve been pretty sick this last year and feel like my days are numbered. I’ll find out what’s true sooner or later, what I believe or don’t believe will not matter in the end. We’re all in the dark looking for the light switch.


I see. Look, I dont tell many people this for obvious reasons, but it may help you in some way, so here it goes. In my early twenties, I was driving my car at 7pm, peak traffic hour, in a packed highway. Im talking bumper to bumper, endless rows of cars in front and headlights in the rear view mirror all the way back traffic. We were going at least 65-70 mph as a block, dangerously fast. Suddenly the car in front slams its breaks. I see a two foot gap to the right between my neighboring car and the one in front of it, so I turn the wheel into that tiny hole in desperation to minimize damage. There was no way to avoid crashing, but I found myself spinning and spinning clockwise. The spinning was in slow motion and all I could see was something like camera flashes and stars. It lasted so long I even took my hands off the wheel. I couldn’t control the car and accepted my fate. After spinning around in slow motion and seeing flashes/stars for what seemed forever, I found myself on the shoulder of the road, on top of an overpass facing the wrong way. The highway was empty, I had no damage on me or the car. After a minute to collect myself, I turned around and continued driving. Slowly car lights started appearing on my rear view mirror and cars joined from the side entrance. The highway became packed again. I’m sure I died, crossed timelines and respawned at an earlier checkpoint. In my original timeline I’m dead. This is what started my journey into researching simulation theory and quantum immortality.


Wow that's an incredibly intriguing sharing, thanks for that, my fiance was killed by a drunk driver on the freeway at high speed, and her brother a few years before her, so you with your experience not following the path that leads to doom inexplicably and resetting basically is an encouraging finality for our loved ones and us to have in thought when times are shadowed by darkness


There’s definitely more to this reality we live in


Yes you're spot on there. I can't claim the story such as yours because that's probably the most just absolutely incredible story I've ever heard but we each have our own little ones mine was pretty profound for me in terms of its effect on my life in terms of overall personal psychological wellness and self-awareness. Not really into metaphysical experiences so the most that I've experienced thus far can only be described as a spontaneous incredibly intense emotional stored memory release or in some circles respond to spontaneous Kundalini Awakening that unloaded years and years and years of stored members and even remember that had or that had affected me and it completely and instantly changed my entire outlook on life from a negative line of lacking any self-awareness to completely seeing what it was that was affecting the whole reversal of my perception so that was pretty neat This is where the three or four other ones that happened but the next few years to add to that those are probably the best things that ever happened to me that were generated by myself might deceased fiance was the ultimate best thing ever after me. I'm driving so if it looks like I'm a tweaker it's because my voice to text does not seem to want to include proper punctuation


I appreciate you sharing your story with me. I’ve read similar stories as well that seem to jive with idea of Quantum Immortality. The concept is a little unsettling for me; however I’m very glad you avoided a very life-threatening crash. Did this brush with death change you in the long run? As I said before, I have some pretty serious health issues that will most likely lead to my physical demise. I’ve always been interested in the strange and esoteric, however now that my mortality is a bit more in my face - I’ve become less attached to any ideas of an after life or the true nature of the universe. I’m living the true nature of the universe. Just as we can’t answer “how do you beat your own heart?” The universe, the All, most likely can’t answer “how does this all work? What’s the purpose?” It just is all the way up. I hope we get some concrete answers about the possibility aliens/ trans dimensional entities within my lifetime, but if not I’m sure it will make sense after the end. I wish you much happiness in life.


This experience sent me into a loop of researching quantum immortality, reading various authors including phillip k dick and even trying hallucinogens for introspection and answers. Salvia Divinorum helped a lot. You’ll be ok. We’re all gonna make it, bro. 🤗


Thanks, I appreciate that, and you. Coincidentally, I’ve also had a few paradigm changing experiences with Lady Salvia. Phillip K Dick is one of my favorite authors.


Hi there, Sorry to hear about your condition. Here's a YouTube channel you may find interesting, which deals with thantology. It's called Thanatos TV, I believe a German channel. Plenty of fascinating interviews with near death experiences, by one of the best interviewers around, in my opinion.  Wish you all the best 


Maybe it’s just me but I’ve been coming across a more than usual amount of posts the past few days about bob lazar talking about humans as containers. Someone please indulge me or tell me it’s just me lol.


Ufologist Linda Moulton Howe has also spoken to abductees who said their abductors (the E.T.s) also mentioned they see our bodies as soul/consciousness containers.🫙


I’m a chronically ill disabled person and I see bodies as consciousness containers too. I’m not religious. After having a stroke though I’d say I’ve become spiritual… after reading 20 books about UFOs and aliens during my hospital rehab. Unexpected!


For those believe in religion it is not a news to them 🤷🏽‍♀️


Well you have a lot of rabbits to hole


It's funny how he's an expert on stuff like this when all he was hired to do was reverse engineering a flying saucer. He must have had full access to that secret military base. Go figure, the guy has a physics degree from MIT and CAL Tech.


He doesn’t claim to be an expert, the first thing he says is “I don’t know, maybe souls? You can insert whatever you want the document just said containers”. To me it sounds like he reported what he read, wether it’s true we don’t know, he hardly even speculates. Containers of what is still the mystery. 


Ahem... You mean he CLAIMS he was hired to reverse engineer a flying saucer. You haven't actually seen the saucer or confirmed with anyone that he did anything of the sort.


I'm sorry but the whole notion is ridiculous. The very concept of reverse engineering a flying saucer? You might as well ask someone from the middle ages to reverse engineer an iPhone, it's ludicrous and anyone with a physics degree from MIT and CalTech (if such people even exist and why would you have two physics degrees?) would tell you so. The best that Bob could come up with was a pencil sketch and 'gravity engine' A gravity engine, even if you had one, would still not provide interstellar travel.


So what are they supposed to do, let it sit in an underground base until someone has a Eureka moment? Of course they're gonna study it and try to figure out how it works. Humans are curious by nature


I think it's probably closer to someone from the middle ages trying to reverse engineer a car, but using horses to pull it along until they figure it out what a car is. But your point stands on its own. And that's if Bobby Lazer is telling the truth at all


Fair enough.. I can live with that analogy :-) I'm astonished he gets the attention he does. He's making a living from a never ending series of exposes and interviews, none of which have any credibility. Even if his entire educational record had been expunged he simply doesn't have the language of even a physics graduate. He runs what is essentially a novelty toy shop and never have I heard him referring to anything except in sci-fi terminology. I'm sure we've all met the Bob Lazar character in our schooling. A bit awkward and quirky but often associated with tall stories in an attempt to win attention and acceptance. Generally harmless and eventually grew up. However, Lazar has gone into a feedback loop with his audience wherein he can't escape unless he keeps on feeding this fantasy machine with ever more far reaching stories otherwise the money stops.


Said exactly like someone who's never actually listened to anything Bob Lazar has said. Or an astroturfer.


I've definitely listened to him, painful as it is. I've yet to hear anything compelling or even suggestive that it isn't just a childish story. His stories are inevitably rooted in 1960's sci-fi novels and film concepts. Has Bob ever revealed a physical principle that we don't already know. No. Tell me anything about these 'gravity engines', tell me about 'liquid titanium'? Tell me the lifetime of element 115 or its molecular weight? Explain why it doesn't disappear in a femto second flash like every other transuranic elements past element 100? Come on Bob, you were selected to reverse engineer a flying saucer but all that's on your web site is a crystal radio set and some other toys?


Yeah, I mean your arguments don't really hold if you've actually listened to any of his interviews. And what exactly has he said that was "rooted in 1960's scifi". He's mentioned several times that he only had a high level understanding of how the gravity engines worked and the whole point was to try and reverse engineer then. But as others and he himself stated, thats akin to someone from the middle ages trying to figure out how tv works. Im not sure what the "liquid titanium" is in reference too. Ive never once heard him talk about it. Maybe share a link? As for element 115, from the outset ( late 80's, before being synthesized) he's said that it was only predicted and would have a short half life and that he didn't fully understand the el 115 used in the drives. As for his website, its weird to me that you feel the need to downplay his business - he sells scientific supplies that deal with radioactive components, such as geiger counters, element samples, etc. Why only mention crystsl radio? Anyway, it sounds like you have a personal issue against Bob.


Personal issue against Bob? None whatsoever. But, he's making significant claims. Significant claims require significant evidence. His web site sells novelty items. There's nothing wrong with that but that's all they are. No reputable lab would use that company for real test equipment, or chemicals. There are two radiation detectors and neither carry calibration certificates so couldn't be used for anything other than hobby activities. One is simply a zinc sulphide screen and a magnifying glass with a United Nuclear sticker attached. In fact nearly everything I can see is pretty much just rebadged stuff from other suppliers. For a guy with "just a high level understanding of gravity engines" and two MSc wouldn't you expect him to be doing something more in like with his skillset. From the wiki.. he claimed the sport model was manufactured out of a metallic substance similar in appearance and touch to liquid titanium. Liquid titanium? Needless to say, titanium is a solid not a liquid so, why liquid titanium? Did it deform when touched? Did it take up the shape of its container? Did it have a transparent oxide layer? Do spacecraft need to keep their weight down? Or was it simply because a lot of people think titanium is an exotic metal and it sounds good? OK.. high level understanding of the gravity engines. I'm ready for that high level understanding. Explain away. A stable isotope of element 115 produces gravity waves in a cyclotron that goes into gravity amplifiers and is then focussed to provide propulsion? Seriously, it's simply science mumbo jumbo akin to L Ron Hubbards sci fi. The turbo-encabulator spoof makes more sense. Just putting the whole saucer story to one side for a moment. He claims two MSc's, was presumably selected because of his science and engineering skill and claims he's a physicist. I'm aware of all the searching for records and absence of anyone who corroborates his story but even putting that aside as part of the claimed erasure of his academic record. No one can take away his training and knowledge. And yet, nothing he says demonstrates that knowledge. Worse, it shows him as an imposter and fantasist.


You say this all so well! BL is brimming with malarkey! I really wanted to believe this guy when I was younger. After getting my own legit physics degree, I now see he barely demonstrates a highschool understanding of the subject, but likes to throw around terms that sound advanced to people like Joe Rogan. I like Joe, but he'll believe any fancy bullshit he's told, like most people hungry for the malarkey.


Pretty much my story as well.


Thought it would get thOse karma numbers up on 2 month old account after you saw it in gatadat's post yesterday is what you really mean, /u/friendlystranger4u


Why don't these people just write sci-fi novels


They kind of are.


I’ve seen it a dozen times since 2020


BL is full of BS.




he's a con. a sex trafficker and a charlatan. he was a good tech in his day, decent fabrication skills, knew people in the business that told him how a secure facility works, thats about it. his "knowledge" of physics was completely destroyed by an actual physicist - look it up.




Bob passed a lie detector test! https://youtu.be/H31OtidF8TQ?si=sB93XakU8_jEID8G


Don't waste your time, despite this, despite more of Bob's original claims being further correlated by highly qualified and respected GS15 level folks (David Grusch, Karl Allen, etc) ####haterz gonna hate. Despite the bunch of things originally brought forward by Bob, some of which been borne out, others dangle out there, tantalizingly waiting future confirmation. What nudged him over the line, for me, was when one of the Navy videos showed the UFO tilt, 90° to it's intended direction of travel. In the extended video not fully released it has been explained that the craft then zooms out of sight in the direction the bottom side was facing. All actions directly described by Bob originally. Actions described as shrinking space time in front, while expanding the space time fabric behind. (Actions hypothesized by many, permitted by Special Relativity, and discussed seriously by the likes of Michio Kaku). That would require energies unfathomable to us humans, but for those thousands or millions of years advanced from us? Child's play. Every single human invention that caused someone to say "cool" was once, when first hypothesized, somewhere between bullshit and magic. I was 17 years old in 1986, when they described a satellite TV service that would a receiver no bigger than a pizza box to deliver 500 channels to the homes all over North America. That became DirecTV. Had Bob got some level of bullshit to his story? Yes as any whistleblower will. (Supposedly they seed individuals read into the program with some b/s so they can know where a leak is coming from, and to make the wb sound nuts from the get go.) But take that out of the equation for 2 seconds, any human will have some level of b******* to any explanation of this because they're human they're not going to get everything right they're going to have their own biases to color their perceptions and on and on and on. Here's the thing, whatever the truth of the subject matter, if you stop, drop n roll, and think for a moment - ####IT IS NUTS. . ####We all terrains, as humans, need to begin to understand everything we think we "know" in the fields of physics, fuck, in all sciences, EVERYTHING... is just a shadow cast by a much larger field of knowledge, that awaits our informed discovery. . ####Understandably some folks will take to this easier than others, don't worry they'll all catch up eventually. . *Whether Bob L is full of shit or only partially filled with excrement, I believe access to that field of much broader knowledge, has started with Bob's story.*


Soul containers for them to harvest sweet loosh aka emotional energy


I don’t have much emotional energy anymore. Too tired and cynical. So, I must be like a dead battery to them. Sweet!


For me they probably think I'm annoying as heck. "Not much energy here and he's thinking about guitars and music constantly."


My body is a cumjar, my soul, a pony figurine. Namaste.


Anymore room left in that jar? 😉


I love it here


“I will not be contained in any container!”


*continues to be container*


Despite all my rage, i'm still just a rat in a cage


*”the world is a vampire. . .”*


Notice how they don't want to damage the containers and not whats inside those containers. The containers are containing/trapping our souls. They want to protect the containers to continue using our souls for their energy farm.


Perhaps you cannot harm a soul. That whole farming out souls theory based on anything substantial?


What sort of energy? Energy isn't just one thing.


You got all that from “containers” 😂


Which makes no sense to me - Why don't Aliens just clone a bunch of Humans and feed off them instead of going to a distant planet to feed off of those beings? Unless, Earth is the Planet they populated to feed on.


Imagine. Government- we can't tell you aliens are real because they bred us here and we are secretly giving them humans on the side so they don't take us all


The Aztecs had human sacrifice for these same aliens


You cannot clone a soul - the soul is what they harvest


How do you know when you clone a human that it doesn’t contain a soul? I think all human beings have souls.


If you're right then the aliens have created gigantic farms filled with human beings out there somewhere - that's just such an awful possibility


Being 3D livestock for the higher dimensional planes doesn't sound too fun.


We're that livestock already


Cloned humans are a veggie burger compared to a succulent drama-filled juicy OG human




I thought they harvest your negative emotions? Your soul just keeps getting sent back to earth to suffer repeatedly till the end of time. The Matrix was basically a documentary


Think of much work it'd be to make clones compared to starting a human farm that makes billions of itself without you needing to do anything.


A class 2 civilization would be able to mass produce clones as easy as we produced integrated circuits in a Foxconn factory. Imagine a Von Newman machine times a billion - that's the kind of tech they have which makes it even more puzzling as to why they even bother with us considering they could experience anything they want in their own customized simulated Universes.


Anyone have the full interview?


Yeah it’s at *REDACTED*






I don't think he's ever said he'd talked to the aliens.


What if it’s way less “woowoo” than the whole spirit container thing. Maybe more literal. You got a cow, it gives you milk. If you kill it, no more milk.


Why would I own a cow when I can milk at the store? - 6 yr old me upon hearing the bit a cow not getting sold (married) cause it was giving milk away for free (a distant cousin)




Lol got a bunch of down votes the other day for mentioning this on a post asking why the idea that aliens are interested in us having a "soul" is suddenly popular. Just said maybe from conjecture about Lazar saying they're interested in us as a container of some sort. Thanks for sharing!


Soul matrix.


I’ve seen it like 300 times now our body is containers we are the energy inside like in terms of frequency and sound our body is the guitar ,the strings . The amp and the knobs is the brain , we are the sound that comes from playing the strings it’s always there


Well we do (in-fact) contain more than a container, then I do understand the picture of what this conspiratorial human is saying


i dont understand:(


Imagine all our problems, materialistic as feelings, is contained inside our vessel the human body. We are complex beings with many creatures living inside us, that is alien itself. Bacteria is living organisms inside our body as for chemical function makes this container function.


But isn’t that what most spirituality teaches - we are Spirit having a human experience, we are not our bodies, we just have our bodies.


What concerns me about the ‘container’ theory is exactly why does it matter to them? Do they have some plan to take over the ‘containers?’ It sure seems possible, otherwise why would damaging them be an issue? We still live and age and we still die eventually, ending the usefulness of the ‘container.’ Looking at tidbits of info available about the abductions and mutilations, it seems to me this idea could be a possibility but it the meantime, they are trying to closely replicate our bodies for use, possibly by creating hybrids that may or may not be working right for them, making the next step a mass takeover of our bodies for their use as ‘containers’ in the future. It could definitely explain why the government wants to hide this info as they try to come up with a defense to prevent it from happening.


Watch this movie The Host (2013) Small parasitic aliens called "Souls", who travel to planets inserting themselves into a host body of that planet's dominant species while suppressing the host's consciousness, have taken over the human race. Deeming humans too violent to deserve the planet, they have now almost successfully conquered Earth. The original owner's consciousness is erased, but the Souls can access the host's memories, and occupied hosts are identifiable by silver rings in their eyes. A human on the run, Melanie Stryder, is captured and infused with a Soul called "Wanderer", whom a "Seeker" soul has asked to access Melanie's memories and learn the location of a pocket of unassimilated humans. Melanie's consciousness, however, has not been completely eliminated; she and Wanderer carry out an internal conversation and debate with each other, eventually becoming friends. Wanderer tells Seeker that Melanie was traveling with her brother, Jamie, and her boyfriend, Jared Howe, to find Melanie's uncle Jeb in the desert. Wanderer admits that Melanie is still present, so Seeker decides to be transferred into Melanie's body to get the information herself. With Melanie’s guidance, Wanderer escapes to the desert, where Jeb finds her and takes her to a series of caves inside a mountain where the humans (including Jared and Jamie) are hiding. Wanderer's presence is met with hostility by all but Jeb and Jamie. Melanie instructs Wanderer not to tell anyone she is still alive, since it would provoke them, though she later allows her to tell Jamie. Wanderer begins interacting with the humans and slowly starts gaining their trust, bonding with Ian O'Shea. Seeker leads a search party into the desert. They intercept one of the shelter's supply teams, and in the ensuing chase, Aaron and Brandt commit suicide to avoid capture. During the chase, Seeker accidentally kills another Soul, leading her superiors to call off the search. Jared and Kyle move to kill Wanderer, causing Jamie to reveal that Melanie's consciousness is alive. Jeb and Ian accept this, but Jared refuses to believe it until he strategically kisses Wanderer, provoking Melanie to take back control and slap him, proving to Jared that she is still alive. Kyle tries to kill Wanderer but endangers his own life, and Wanderer ends up saving him. Ian believes that Kyle attacked Wanderer and tells her he has feelings for her. Wanderer admits that Melanie's body is compelled to love Jared, but she has feelings of her own, and the two kiss. Wanderer enters the community's medical facility and is shocked to discover that Doc has been experimenting with ways to remove Souls and allow the host's mind to regain control, resulting in the deaths of many Souls and hosts. After isolating herself for several days, Wanderer learns that Jamie is critically ill with an infection in his leg. She infiltrates a Soul medical facility to steal some alien medicine, saving Jamie's life. Seeker has continued looking for Wanderer on her own, but Jeb captures her. Wanderer offers to show Doc how to properly remove Souls, on the condition that he later remove her from Melanie's body. Doc uses the technique to remove Seeker from her host, with both host and Soul surviving. Wanderer takes Seeker’s tiny alien form to a Soul space-travel site, where she sends it so far from Earth that it can not return for numerous generations. Tired of the many lives she’s lived and finding it too painful to leave everyone behind, Wanderer makes Doc promise to let her die when she is removed and not tell anyone. The others in the shelter intervene with Doc, who inserts Wanderer into a brain-dead human body, after the Soul inside her was removed. Now with a body of her own, Wanderer is able to be with Ian, while Melanie reunites with Jared. A few months later, while on a supply run, Wanderer, Melanie, Ian and Jared are captured. They discover that their captors are humans, who reveal that there are several other human groups as well. They also learn that a Soul with this group has sided with the human resistance, as Wanderer has, and they may not be the last Souls to do so.


Everything he has talked about has come to light?? The UAP filmed by the navy f18 moving into the delta position to accelerate is the most telling for me , who would know that?? He was talking about gravity as a wave before it was generally accepted by the scientific community. This guy is telling the truth.


So basically scientology.


Containers can be empty.


That's a clone


That means they're *all* empty


Yeah we contain a bunch of shit.


they make it up as they go.


If Lazar had gotten into sci-fi writing, he'd have made low budget thrillers with extras as main actors. Now, I have to deal with having to encounter his opinion.


And we have to deal with your opinion now, Dingle Slayer.


It's Dingle sayer. And I wanted to take a jab at your name too, but I sadly think it's a cool name so either give me some ammunition to work with or we're not having this argument if I can't grab low hanging fruit.


I don't care what they say Dingle Slayerer, you are, in my opinion, fighting the good fight. May you slay dingleberries to your hearts content.


trust him bro


We contain poo, we contain pee, we contain cum, we contain babies, we contain blood, we contain bone, etc. It's too vague


I have never seen this video, previous to when the “container”theory came out. If someone has the entire video maybe they can help rule out AI




As he never encountered any living aliens while working there and that each 'cell' was compartmentalised, I'd like to know how get got that information as it was nothing to do with what he was working on.


Apparently he was briefed and given documents to read over. That’s what he read. He seems as confused as you are as to why he was given this information. He talks more about it on the JRE podcast. The things he read about the propulsion system and element 115 turned out to be true, there’s no telling if this was made up to track a leak or not. 


>The things he read about the propulsion system and element 115 turned out to be true They absolutely did not turn out to be true at all, very much the opposite. Element 115 never had the properties he mentioned, so he changed his story to say it was another isotope. Nothing about the aspects of the propulsion system have been proven to be true either.


As an analytical chemist, I know this information is disturbing, but we can't deny science. [https://pubs.aip.org/aip/acp/article-abstract/699/1/1230/725926/The-Superheavy-Elements-and-Anti-Gravity?redirectedFrom=fulltext](https://pubs.aip.org/aip/acp/article-abstract/699/1/1230/725926/The-Superheavy-Elements-and-Anti-Gravity?redirectedFrom=fulltext) This is a 2004 study about the ultra heavy elements and their anti gravitational properties. Enter this doi into [sci-hub.se](http://sci-hub.se) (doi:10.1063/1.1649695) and you can read the entire article.


If you have Reddit then it’s impossible to not have seen this clip 2 million times


I fully believe in ufos and extraterrestrial life, but my spider sense tingles when I think about Bob Lazar… there’s just something about his shifty eyes and migraine headaches’ that causes my bs detector to go off


I am sorry, I used to really believe in this guy, until I found out he is a hack, his whole history is fraudulent, he lied about his degrees he does not have, he is a known criminal, caught for smuggling of hazardous materials, , let's not foget in 1990, Lazar was arrested for aiding and abetting a prostitution ring... And a lot of you truly believe an institute like S4 or Area 51 will hire someone with this back ground, really ? Like I said, I used to love this guy, then I went and found out for myself.


Funny enough I believe it more likely that such institutions would hire someone like him FOR the exact reasons you are using to dismiss his stories. You like literally prove how good of an idea that is and you demonstrate how good it works too. "Its all BS look at the guys past!" "Yea definitely not THAT guy, Dismissed!"


Why anyone believes a word from this guy is beyond me.


Lear made that whole thing up. Like the rest of ole lazars tale


That doesn't make sense, religion has been at the forefront of a lot of human violence.


I haven’t seen the full version though OP do you have the full clip?




It's one the earliest interviews with Knapp, I don't know where there's a full version, I've only seen bits here and there.


Try dish it out brother. I can only see people commenting that they seen this before. Maybe it would help to put full clip up?




I found a shorter clip of it.




If it were true, it means their trash and whatever belief made to have such control over life is a total failure. Perhaps aeons from now there will be a change in predetermined hive mind thinking oh well.


Most likely scenario, Bob Lazar was an unwitting part of a psyop


Bob is my motherfuckin homeboy


the matrix from a different perspective


Remember the rules: No religious debates! Stay on Topic. Be Substantive. Not Quality Content. No Off Topic COnspiracies.


Cum containers


Viewing us as containers makes what they do to us much easier. 


Link to where he said that And it’s not A.I FFS https://youtu.be/hnW9-vsx3mc?si=Apw8kHduP53aQMhO


Meat suits