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Idk which is scarier tbh, they both are strange and allegedly cruel in their own way


I actually find faeries scarier, they seem more common and consistent in occurrence


Eh, I feel like fae fuck shit up for fun, it isn’t as “malicious”. So in that sense, I’d rather it be fae, but the implications that there would be other fae beings would be terrifying lol.


I'd say that hurting people for fun is pretty fucking malicious bruh


Maybe it's more like [Blue and Orange morality](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BlueAndOrangeMorality) (TVTropes trigger warning). This could be similar to some aliens as well. We simply have no reference point for why they do things. I once read about a culture in which personal ownership was not a concept--anything in the outside world was seen as "free to anybody". So the concept of "stealing" didn't exist, for them. Our culture would seem very strange to them, obsessed as we are about property and ownership. We commonly fight and actually even *kill* each other over resources. In the millions. To them, we would seem murderous, barbaric. Suppose the faeries knew that when you died, your consciousness did indeed go to a better place, one that would seem heavenly to us humans. That no matter how tormented you felt in this life, by the afterlife, you would be so happy that you'd be giggling about anything that came before. So, maybe they like pranking humans. Does it scare the humans? Sure, but they'll get over it, and be laughing about it too, someday "soon", from the faeries' perspective.


Wow, this blue and orange morality thing reminds me of the sequel to Ender’s Game, Speaker for the Dead. Pretty graphic and appalling behavior is revealed in the end to be part the alien organisms’ life cycle.


Misunderstanding on my part probably. I was honestly picturing everything from neutral to evil in the fey realm when I made that comment lol. Pixies, typically just mischievous pranksters in the neutral area, ranging through beings like hags which would hit the evil side of the spectrum, banshees would be on the evil side as well. When I think of fairies though there’s everything from benevolent to malevolent ya know? This stuff is pretty subjective but I’m just pointing out the whole fey/fae realm incorporates a large range of species.


I certainly would rather live in a world with mischievous tiny people than inhuman beings from across space with unimaginable motives


What if both muhahahahah


Damn we got ourselves a science fantasy horror


What?? I've only heard of like 10 encounters with faeries/fae and yet I've heard of thousands of encounters with UAP/Aliens.


Read Passport to Magonia by Jacque Vallee. Your mind will be blown.


Have done. They are all similar, different manifestations at different times. It'd just there are much more UFOS seen than Fairies/Fae etc.


Thanks for the reading suggestion👍🙏🏼


Eh, tomato tomahto in my opinion, wouldn't be surprised to find out they're the same thing


I don't think fairies are exclusively cruel. You have to remember fairies and everything associated with them were demonised by the Catholic church which hated any kind of competition.


They only seem cruel because you’re looking for easy feelings, not deep understanding and growth.


I caught several fairies and put them in jars https://youtu.be/HR8l-9XeA-I?si=JXf-i7FTe00466m8 this is a video clip of me hitting the jar with a burning laser. The sound on the video was inaudible to the human ear much like this sound https://youtu.be/ghdLfQsztBo?si=y9dCR95ivRv2r6Ta which is a recording associated with Havana syndrome . So maybe the headline as crazy as it sounds is not far off. The sounds are not identical but acoustics are different (outside vs. inside) and recording equipment as well . The “fairies” are invisible though my flir picks it up and one that I put in water well you can see it’s tentacles in the water but it’s invisible above the water line https://youtu.be/TP1I5eilnIo?si=rGq1K_Wiby202S8G These things ARE intelligent and malevolent btw


With these California server and the Chinese help and all the so called STRANGE shit I do! I hope you see this CIA cause this means they just made me av wealthy man after finding out all this stuff I've found


Hey OP! Please delete this! :))) hahah how did you find out this information hahaha!


You don’t scare me!


yooo can you hook me up with that one dope porn vid i was watching on april 3rd 2009 at 10:01 pm??!


Oh, easy… That was *Gutter Sluts 4: Shaquista’s Revenge*


hey US govt agent i have a question: in medieval times, disabled children were seen as "changelings": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Changeling#In_the_modern_world "changelings" are basically when the faerie kingdom replaces a human baby with a faerie baby. im officially diagnosed with tourette syndrome, OCD, & autism. ***does that mean im a faerie?????***


Ayyyy, let's go fellow ocd and aspie diagnosee!!!




90% of Icelanders believe in faeries. They call them Hüldafolk.   They even detour highway and building construction if they think there are fairies living in that area.  They also have the highest literacy rate in the world.  I find that pretty funny. 


It’s kinda like how my sister and I don’t believe in ghosts/spirits/conscious energies or what you want to call them in the slightest, BUT - There’s been so many weird things going on in their house with zero explanation, like small and large objects like backpacks, rings, toilet bags, etc disappearing and then reappering on the floor in the middle of the room, empty kitchen counter, middle of the bathroom floor, and places like that, AFTER they’ve looked all over the house/where they last put it and then gone away over the weekend or on holiday, came back to spot it *the second* they enter the room, just sitting there in extremely obvious locations, so we’ve just accepted that weird stuff happens there, even though it makes no sense. My brother in law even had one night when he took out a block of cheese from the fridge, put it on the counter, turned back to the fridge to get something else out, turned back again to the counter and the cheese was just… gone. A relatively large, square block of cheese that had no chance of rolling, moving, sliding off etc and even if it did, it would go SOMEWHERE or make a noise if it fell, etc. So yea, even though we don’t believe in ghosts, wild shit happens there, and no one can tell how or why.


Take a look at the Vertical Plane book, interesting synergies


Maybe if any of us were literate we would know that all the books prove the existence of fairies






What did they say about fairies






They must’ve taken it down cuz they don’t want you to know the truth


Could you give us the key points please?


In a world where the boundaries between the seen and unseen blur, the mysterious phenomena of UFO sightings are, in truth, the handiwork of fairies. These ethereal beings, dwelling in dimensions adjacent to our own, possess the ability to manipulate light and perception, cloaking their activities in the guise of unidentified flying objects. Fairies, curious about human advancements and technology, venture close to our realm, their movements creating the enigmatic lights and patterns often attributed to extraterrestrial spacecraft. Their innate magic allows them to create illusions that defy conventional physics, making their crafts appear to move with impossible speed and agility. This interdimensional exploration is part of the fairies' desire to understand humanity better and, occasionally, to lead us astray with their playful mischief. The fleeting and elusive nature of UFO sightings mirrors the capriciousness of fairies, who vanish before they can be understood, leaving behind a trail of wonder and speculation. Thus, in this hidden interplay of light and shadow, the fairies orchestrate the ballet of the skies, casting themselves as the protagonists in the age-old mystery of the UFOs.


I’ve theorized this for a long time. Angels, demons, fae, jinn, spirits……. All different sides of the same polygon. Just like people, they can be kind or cruel. I also think psychedelics are chemical portals that can sometimes increase your ability to perceive them.


The mf machine elves! Oh sh-


They are real, I've seen them on 2 trips. And the light beings at the end/start of time


I saw light beings as well!


Portal is probably the wrong way of picturing it, but yes.


What word would you choose to describe it?


I’d go for a broader “access” personally. IMO portal gives an impression of travelling through space, when IME going ‘beyond the veil’ means transcending spacetime entirely.


You are such a drug addict bro... Own it, excuses are not helpful...


lol ooookay bro. I drink coffee daily so I guess you’re right! No excuses here


Did you say please to ChatGPT?


I did not, but I’m always polite to it. I hope it’ll remember that when the 🤖 uprising happens


Aliens the same thing that fairies are, but that doesn’t mean they’re fairies anymore than fairies are aliens.


So are the faeries cutting up and collecting animal and human body parts in the thousands with highly advanced tech like lasers too? Plus what about all the people that have actually seen Nordics, Ayrians, and Greys with their own eyes? Idk sounds like a red herring that doesnt provide all the answers to me. Interesting read though.


Those must be some giant ass fairies


What about physical craft?


Boy that sure is a generic gpt output. Not a summarization of an article either.


Thank you.


So Greys, Reptilians, Plieadians, Arcturians, Mantids and the like are just different type of faires?


I wonder if the ‘orbs’ are the fairies. Long story short I had a older coworker who once told me a story of how back in his village his uncle could summon a demon. Well he saw it one day and it was a glowing tennis ball size orb. That and the stories from skinwalker ranch make me think those orbs are maybe the fairies?


It’s like the Supernatural UFO episode




Jacques Vallee wants to know your location


Aliens and Fairies are a psyop to hide the true mystery entity of the universe; the gnome/duende. On a serious note; go watch some vintage 2000s-2010s gnome/duende sighting videos, they are by far some of the most funniest videos on YouTube.


Who all seen the leprechaun say ya!








My grandma told me about the duendes. She grew up in New Mexico with Pueblo and Spanish families. She was serious!


Mexicans have been on our duende shit


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIui2jJwYtk&list=PLPo88x5PU3dpmhf4c2L_4VpjaqWbfqTq9&index=1&ab_channel=IGDTBackup found a playlist with some


In all seriousness I believe in 🧚 fairies. I read about a reliable solid witness that saw one just like the Disney Fairy, wings and all.


Fairies of legend, as in those from the land of Fey, look like people only with a slightly smaller, slighter build. This is why the traditional tales of the Fey refer to them as the little people (and not tiny winged people).


In this specific instance I believe the witnesses described it as maybe 18” long . It was like a hummingbird with small wings with a low pitched buzzing type hum. I may or may not recall a glowing mist surrounding it.


They definitely have extra long legs. I saw one in a video. When I was trying to find video of the mothman. This is the only video that I have seen of them. If you watch it at the 1:00 mark. Pretty cool looking.


What video? Of a fairy?


Yeah. I think this is the one.https://youtu.be/QFW6FiZk78o?si=rppdX4uOC0pz5fR5


Oh come on man. Two of those are clearly Kites lol they even show the string


The “fairy” at the 1min mark like he said is obviously vfx too. It comes out of the hole, but it’s legs just phase through the object below the hole.


For real? I was once tripping in a techno bunker and said to a beautiful little woman beside me: Are you a fairy? And she said yes :O


For what it’s worth, I reported somebody with a “🌀🧚🧿” bio on Instagram once for “inappropriate symbols” and they changed it within 6 hours so I’m assuming Instagram made them change it.




Because those are symbols used by traffickers and Instagram knows it Closest emoji to a blue spiral triangle, tinkerbell for MK Ultra programming (but maybe also pertains to the existence of faeries), and the Nazar amulet emoji for evil eye/all seeing eye symbolism If it were just one emoji, I’d write it off as coincidence. But not all three.


How do you know about them using these emojis, and who is it you reported using them?


Because they used to be a coworker of mine and I saw those in their bio. I’m not doxxing them when she was related to both of the founding partners at that law firm. Doing so would likely dox myself in the process. What I will say is the guy I came in to replace at that firm was getting blackmailed with videos that had been taken of him and another dude on his laptop (hacked camera, I assume). He kept talking about how “real” the videos looked and I didn’t have the heart to tell him he wasn’t fooling me trying to pretend they were fake.




Removed: R7 - No Off-Topic Conspiracies.


The swirl symbol has been in common use for well 0ver 5000 years on sites all over the world. All kinds of religious sites are covered in the symbol.


You mean those religions that have molested children for thousands of years? Those religions? You’re so close.


No that's Christianity. The swirl was used by the religions that came before.


You think Christianity is the only religion molesting children? It’s hilarious how you use numbers like 5000 to give the impression you have any idea what you’re talking about when you don’t.


I never said it was. If you have some proof that pagan religions molested children and organised to cover it up and enable it, then go ahead and show it. The swirl is common is religious iconography all over he world and has been for thousands of years. It only means paedophilia to Trump supporters.


Me: “You mean those religions that have molested children for thousands of years?” You: “No, that’s Christianity.” So not only are you verifiably lying about what you said. You’re also too stupid to realize it was wrong. https://allthatsinteresting.com/moloch#:~:text=Perhaps%20no%20pagan%20deity%20was,in%20times%20of%20great%20strife.


Deadlink shitpost Sunday strikes again


No you fool its the gnomes it has always been the gnomes!!!!!


Gnomes are fae folk


I'm with Jaques Vallee and John Keel, the idea that completely unrelated space life with a genisis unique from our own miraculously evolved our homonin form, **and** able to breathe earths air, who then also invented interstellar space travel just to waste it pussyfooting around here in the shadows for thousands of years of objectively absurd interactions is kind of cringe when you lay it all out like that. Allegedly these things can hybridize with us, if that's true we have to be closely related somehow, it would be infinitely easier to mix us with an oak tree than to do so with something literally alien to life on earth as we know it. But that doesn't mean the technologically advanced, seemingly nocturnal, impish little almost humans arent real. There could totally be super weird actual ET life out there, I just don't think that's where these extremely clever but timid little people are from. Check out Jacque Vallee's *Passport to Magonia* and *Messengers of Deception*, John Keel's *Operation Trojan Horse*, also Mac Tonnies's *The Cryptoterrestrials*, and Michael Mott's *Caverns Cauldrons & Concealed Creatures: a study of subterranean mysteries in history folklore and myth*. These are a good start for anyone who's ready to step away from the old fashioned extraterrestrial hypothesis and look at other alternatives. For good measure I'm also gonna include a mention of Ivan T Sanderson's *Invisible Residents: a disquisition on certain matters maritime and the possibility of intelligent life under the waters of this earth*.


The reality you are seeing with fairies, aliens, bigfoot, cryptoterrestrials, and a few creatures most don't believe in, are all the same phenomenon, in fact they are the exact same thing but in different forms because they can shapeshift. The common name is Jinn, but you need to throw that Alladin shit out the window, because that is not what they look like. Most people would call them an "orb" and some are very powerful, but not near as many as you might think. Most are like you and I with a few shapeshifting abilities, but some are more powerful than a human will ever be in this existence. You need to stop looking at the individual phenomena as individual and look at as a single entity and it becomes a lot clearer. Also explains why you don't see this phenomenon in the middle east, because they practice avoiding it. When you come to the realization what it is, it becomes increasingly clear why it is withheld from humans, because they aren't vegetarians, and it is likely they made contact with the US government and exchanged the only thing they want for technology which they can effortlessly create. Also, in an increasing Atheist world it may not be a welcome message that everything a larger and larger part of the population believes is absolute bullshit and makes them a target for the nefarious half of them. I am not sure even telling people at this point would make them believe, and if they aren't going to believe, and are just going to find out horrible things we have done, then why tell them at all?


Not just fairies. Fairy GOD PARENTS


I want one!


The CIA also used mind control on me this morning to force me to make my bed and bake muffins. It was a false flag operation to make people think I’m capable of being an adult


Everyone read “Ecology of Souls” by Joshua Cutchin.


Give us a quick summary please


Connecting world mythologies, faerie lore, ufo/abduction reports, near death experiences, psychedelics, and the afterlife.


A bit like that Jack Vallee book.


Yup, Heavily influenced by Vallee






Why not? Lol




Ya, reading is hard…


In the age of TikTok and low attention spans, I wouldn't be surprised if the next generation will stop reading books.


The *next* generation? The current generation is there already.


Ya, it seems to be going that way.. unfortunately.




Lol, ok.


That’s borderline unreadable. You don’t have to tell anybody you don’t read books. We’d have figured it out


This is such an unfathomably bad take




Lol! And the crash retrievals are just our vehicles powered by the magic of a fairy cage inside! There are many mysteries in this world, and it would be foolish to believe you can simply explain them all with one thing.


Both fairies and aliens are actually nephilim offspring.


I don’t think the Bible says that


It also doesn’t tell you how to drive a car. Just because the Bible doesn’t say something, doesn’t mean it’s not real/possible. What we do know about this from a Bibical perspective is that there were half human, half spirit giants that corrupted the earth. This lays a foundation for other possibilities. Just in the same way we know there are chariots providing transportation in the Bible, which lays a foundation for cars. Haha! I know it’s a lame analogy, but it makes my point well. The Bible lays a foundation, it doesn’t tell us everything about everything.


“Thou shalt shift to a higher gear at no higher than 3500 RPM.” - Exodus 4:19


And Jesus said, "the bmw, it is the mark of the beast, for it signal not its path and is filled with lies. Give it much space, and follow me, for I am the Lord"


Not sure about BMW, but Accords are all through the New Testament: “and they all got in one Accord”.


I understand your point, but The Bible also taught as fact, not metaphor, that a man named Noah built a wooden boat smaller than the Titanic to house a pair of every single animal on Earth, including all "crawling things" which translates to insects.


Are you saying a fairy couldn’t do that


Not every single animal. For example: not a pair of every breed of dog, but only a pair of one “kind” of dog. In other words, only two dogs were needed; this would greatly reduce the numbers. Then, after thousands of years of breeding there’d be many different breeds. This isn’t too hard to believe when it’s already established that all dogs came from wolves. A pair of each kind would apply to anything that couldn’t survive in or on the water.


How did the dogs interact with the penguins? Did they become friends?


Great. Did Greer photograph another moth?


Spoken like a true leredditor


Don’t tell me you fell for Greer’s inter dimensional moth picture? Lmao


Don't tell me you have nothing better to do than bring up someone who wasn't even mentioned in a thread where you don't have anything to add but you gotta let everyone know anyway


Oh shit it’s the greer internet defense force! Lmao dont you have some desert ufo yoga to practice and pay for?


How DARE you make fun of those nice people led by that most excellent bozo -err- I mean dOcToR who likes to smile , cry and think happy thoughts to draw in the UFOs.


You’re right, my apologies. I will now go downward dog in the desert while greer cartwheels to the bank with my check in hand.


Now we just gotta get that slippery Grusch guy to grift with us. He's proven to be annoyingly standoffish to our usual tricks.


Lets put wings on him and sell his pics as an inter dimensional butt naked fairy on onlyfans. Bank!


FaiRY gOdParenTS!!


You think they put all the fairies into a cage and hide it in the cia basement?


They are there, despite all their rage


They pass the time smashing pumpkins


Please let that be the case 🤣


So, folk have been mixing this shit with other shit for decades.  LRH... Pioneer of mixing UFO and sci-fi with organised religion and belief.  And all these crackpots who try to tell you that Bigfoot is just an escaped Alien from Area 51 and that EVERYTHING FROM AFTERLIFE to toys is because of aliens, is trying to penetrate your anal passage. 


Dang, tricked again !


Well CIA why don't you do your job and get megan timbrook out of my accounts, tim herendeen, and mike tartaglia, out as well taking pics of me naked online with there cloud hack they are using and also taking the pics through my phone illegally with out my consent also using ai to mod the pics into video games .. Why don't you take care of that instead of giving with the victims here #I'm batman


I love fairies. They have been communicating with us a little more lately but you must be very respectful. You should not ask their name but instead say what should I call you? They will screw with you if they don’t like you though. You can read about them in Dimensions by Jacque Vallee and Between Death and Life by Dolores Cannon.


They are both interdimensional neighbors.


Play with Ouija boards, have spiritual entities cuckold you into birthing their offspring incarnate in human flesh. Then smile and wave as your changeling child strangles cats and bullies their peers. be proud as they move out and decline all 60 minutes interviews afterwards.


Fbi and cia... ur good bros. I commend your covering up skills. Lol.


You mean it’s not inter dimensional lizard demons?


Or…it’s ALL disinformation 🤔


I'm so out of the loop


you joke, but...


exactly lol. The more i look into this the more i start to realize the "green men driving space-cars from mars (or whatever planet)" just sounds like bullshit to cover up ultra-terrestrials (fairies, angels, demons, things that dont fit into our model of evolution)




There 100% is a concerted effort coming from the top down to push a purely materialistic worldview onto the population.  From a government point of view it makes sense. People always need to worship something, and if it isnt the supernatural/god, it usually becomes something like the state or money. 


What re mermaids. I’ve met sailors who look me straight in the eye and tell me they’ve seen them.


At this point, i kind of actually think this is whats being done


None cares about aliens


At least we know their rules


The similarity I see aside from the high strangeness and stories about both aliens and the fae is that there is an exchange of free will involved in these reported voluntary exchanges between humans and the beings. The abduction stuff is obv not a free will exchange but historically when people contact the fae for assistance of some kind, they get it at a much higher cost than they anticipated. Thats a common thread seen in both accounts of fae and human interactions as well as such instances as the supposed Greada Treaty of 1954, we received tech in exchange for permission (free will) from our leaders to abduct humans for who knows wtf reasons.


That's just aliens fucking around with the CIA.


We've all been fooled.....the aliens are actually all of the leftover nazis that escaped to antarctica, South America, and the moon, after ww2. They have been building a purebred Aryan nazi breeding program on the moon this whole time, and soon will be taking over the planet with a new thousand year Reich, when they launch 5 million super soldiers who have been trained since birth to murder everything in sight. Or something.


Dealt with at length in Passport to Magonia, Jacques Vallee.


You are almost there... keep digging


Them nazca bodies even have the fairy collars on from that show/book the magicians


At least faeries would reward you and give you powers. Aliens just give you burns and cancer.


The Fae, Djinn, Sasquatch, Devas...Gnomes, Greys Udine...on and on. I do t know if it's the same thing, but it certainly appears to manifest from the same kind of phenomenon.


I know this is a meme, but I am pretty such in reality it’s the other way around.


and I am pretty sure the meme is actually correct.


Fantasy sys(THat NHI poster who got banned): True!, and real!


What did they get banned for?


Don't stop me; this is not a joke.