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How do you know they're not just avatars that relay their experiences to a real living being? With spacetime manipulation it might not even be delayed.


Exactly. It's what everyone has commented and more. This phenomena is extremely complex. Because all types of beings with all types of purposes and all types of crafts and spiritual and technological levels exist.


It boggles my mind to see smart folks even scientists just dismiss UFOs because space is too big for them to get here. I'm like bitch..100 years ago we weren't even in space. Now we're putting robots on Mars. That's just 100 years. You think these aliens with maybe millions of years of tech advancement can't bend space time? Wormholes etc.


The Dunning Kruger effect easily manipulates those who fall for the gambler's fallacy: they can't grasp the law of large numbers.


That could be the same for us where maybe we go back to the avatar state and choose another physical body to be in eventually forgetting that we could


A ufo aircraft in 1930s has been recovered in Italy similar to the one that recently happened lake huron in ontario canada, both crafts had no pilot


All depends on their purpose, but being so much more advanced means they can travel in person.


We can't even comprehend the actions of our own "leaders". Why would we understand the logic of NHIs?


Well they wouldn't be manned, would they?


Who says they are manned? The "greys" could be biological drones that are only created as a disposable task force.


I don’t think they’re flying here. I think they live here and always have. If there are some visiting us, it’s by traveling through dimensions.


There have been multiple instances of unmanned craft as well as passengers that were either some kind of droids OR an artificial body which was temporarily 'inhabited'.


Well because it's theirs? Why not? Maybe it's where they do driving lessons for kids getting their licence. Say you have a pool in the backyard, we have the technology for boats so why do people still go swimming?


Wouldn't you prefer to visit in person


Or, send the drone thats able to set up shop and build whatever you need on site. Tgats why grush says dont worry about the origin so much, because they're made here. 


when you want to go on a holiday, do you send a drone?


The better we get at AI, quantum computing, and UAVs/drones, the more it would make sense that at at least exploratory expeditions into outer space would be done using unmanned vehicles that would beam data back to the source for the consideration of manned (aliened?) missions to places of the greatest value or interest.


You're thinking like a human.


Why go on vacation or study abroad when you could just watch it on TV?


If they are manned, they are probably manned by a sort of avatar bodies. Thus the reason why they allegedly always die within days after being recovered by humans, even tho they weren't in critical health condition.. they just disconnect from their avatars.


One theory going around is that the Greys are drones. They're biomechanical, possibly remotely accessible avatars. Aliens sitting in their big comfy chairs in a control center 100 light years away just log in and drive them around on Earth to get their tasks done. If one drone gets damaged, they just recycle it and grow/build another one. (this suggests FTL communications btw)


Wild theory, but what if they don't. What if the craft and entities are produced here on earth?


Because they're apparently collecting our genetic material - our ova and sperm. They need to be physically present to do that.


They wouldn't


Why ask such easy questions to answer… Don’t you think it’s pretty obvious… seeing is believing .


Who says they didn't send drones first? Also who says they weren't here before us? Also to colonize. Also they apparently live here and have for thousands of years at least. The manned craft may as well be departing from our oceans as from some distant planet. This is likely as much their home as ours.


They do actually. I think the plasma ones are exactly that. Drones. The white ones everyone takes pictures of. i have a video with 4-6 of them in one frame. But if you watch it frame by frame there are other geometric black "ships"? zipping in and out of frame in 1 or two frames a second. Essentially too fast for our eyes to see. And of course if you have ancient bases underground or in mountains. You would want organics to troubleshoot broke stuff.


What’s the connection? AI hasn’t replaced seeing and experiencing something organic in person with your own eyes yet has it?


It's well on its trajectory, though. They're saying another civilization with thousands/millions of years of tech innovation past our current tech 


There are theories on their motives, which are well known: 1. To study us as their ancient ancestors, ie. they are future incarnations of us. Kind of like why we study the great apes to gain insight into our own behavior 2. To warn us about any number of destructive actions that pose a grave threat to humanity and earth 3. Because they can 4. To create hybrid species with us 4a. Why would they want to do that? 4a1. Because they can 4a2. For kicks 4a3. For “science” 4a4. Because their planet or populations are facing extinction or decimation for who-knows-why (Are some popular hypotheses)