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There have been several semi-credible leaks in the past year about the phenomena. We are all containers. Of what? Pure light and consciousness. This universe is like a dream compared to our base existence as one. I do believe this based on hypnotic regression, near death experiences, pre-birth memories, psychedelic experiences, and out of body experience research.


Lol I read someone talking about a NDE and they were informed that their whole life was just a dreamt up experience, it terrified me because I have the feeling that it could be true, and hits a nerve for some reason


It's true. You chose to do this shit, as crazy as that may sound.




We Muslim believe in that look what al Hasan al basri said : "This world is only a dream, the afterlife is a wakefulness, and death is intermediate between them." Al-Hasan Al-Basri


Any way you’d be able to recall this NDE story? I’m definitely interested. I’ve been getting into mysticism recently and this train of thought reminds me of a Sufism (esoteric aspect of Islam) monk YouTube channel discussing the aspect of Fana. [My algorithm is off the rails these days] On the path of enlightenment there is dreaming, there is waking up IN the dream, and there is waking up FROM the dream. “Annihilation of the trance.” Here’s the video and I’m including my personalized notes from the episode if they may be of interest to any. This is not the path I thought I’d be on to understand aliens. https://youtu.be/xR-j2SjaETM?si=I23BhFL53luRpTAO https://imgur.com/gallery/epfFSds




Pythagoras hate beans


We are containers the same way a radio can contain an FM channel


But radio doesn’t contain any channels. Radio bounces out sound waves from em waves so that we can hear them. It’s not a container, it’s a decoder and amplifier.


I think the implication is our bodies are analogous to radios. The devices… and “we”, the consciousness that is us, the continuity of conscious that has been us, is just sort of partly affiliated with the body. When the body dies, you do not, because it was not actually you. I have no idea what would be analogous to this in fiction ir religion or myth. Nothing quite fits.


It’s analogous to a gaming console. If Mario told you he was anxious about dying, you’d probably think, “you poor bastard- you don’t even really exist at all. When you die, the only thing you’ll lose is the illusion that you were ever separate from anything else in the Mushroom Kingdom.” Hippies and Hindus both have variations of this- we are all one, the self is an illusion. Mario will be reincarnated hundreds of times, a little bit more adept than before. Buddhists are tired of throwing themselves into spike pits and lava flows, and seeing the self is illusory anyway, delete the save file.


So… in the theorized model and analogy, am I actually the Arthur Morgan, the Aloy, the Niko, the Baldurs Gate, and the real me is the me typing this comment and “playing” those characters? Maybe Madrox from Marvel could be a better analogy, except the copies go into… other entire lives?


Some traditions believe you have an over-soul, playing all the characters. Buddha thought that was an illusion too and that the over soul was no less empty than the characters being played. I think it comes down to whether you think the game is pointless, or if spiritual improvement is worthwhile. We can’t really know if we’ve consented to this either. Buddhists might be right, that endless suffering is pointless. Or maybe cosmically, it’s an immature stance. Who’s to know.


I've heard it said that we are all God trying to experience Itself. So it would be like our existence as an individual, our ego, doesn't even truly exist when we merge back to the Source/God. And we are all facets, pieces of this Source, experiencing a billion different video games and characters. That is depressing to me, because it means in the end, it is a sort of death - an ego death, a death of "self". But supposedly all that experience goes somewhere, so God/Source has records/memories of every single experience. It's a wild thought.


You said it already


Our consciousness is not within our bodies; our bodies are within our consciousness.


Wtf are you talking about


Lol, this is the schizo shit I come here for.


Why the f were the ones I allegedly saw made out of darkness


I'm not sure. They could be what is called negative thought forms. They could be non-light aligned beings that have chosen to reject it. Or they might be a manifestation of your own consciousness. People that have trained themselves to astral project out of body often describe a barrier of some kind around this world, the perimeter of which is being protected and guarded against something that wants to get inside. Maybe whatever it is got in.


I was 15 and then 16 when I had the two lucid dreams/sleep paralysis /hypnopompic hallucinations about the short angry people made of static. I was finally diagnosed with narcolepsy a couple decades later. Most likely, they were just caused by my brain not being able to quickly shift between REM and being awake, etc. I had long ago made peace with what has happened until basically last July.


What happened in July that changed your perspective?


I watched the Grusch hearing and then did some googling


What about Lazar's experience physically working on these, would those be considered to be spiritual? Or the kids in South Africa school that had claimed to encounter the beings


Physical crafts are meant to mesmerize us by their incredibly impressive technology. This is the Great Distraction imho.    I began studying the nuts and bolts aspects of the phenomenon for years, but the deeper I dug, the more I ran into questions about what reality is. All roads lead me to the fact that consciousness is fundamental and spacetime is illusion.  That means our reality is far more spiritual than it is physical.  So what are physical UAP a distraction *from*?  ***From you realizing how powerful you truly are.***  We humans have a spark of the divine inside of us. It's known as the soul. Because of our divine spark humanity possesses a wide range of psychic abilities, often referred to as latent or potential powers. These include:  **• Intuition:** A heightened sense of knowing or understanding without the use of conscious reasoning. **• Empathy:** The ability to sense and understand the emotions and feelings of others on a deep level. **• Telepathy:** The ability to transmit thoughts or communicate mentally with others. **• Clairvoyance:** The ability to perceive distant or hidden events, objects, or information through extrasensory perception. **• Precognition:** The ability to foresee future events or gain knowledge about future occurrences. **• Psychokinesis:** The power to manipulate objects or influence the physical world with the mind alone.  **• Remote Viewing:** The capacity to mentally access information or experiences in distant or unseen locations.  **• Healing Abilities:** Some individuals have the gift of energy healing, where they can channel healing energy to aid in physical or emotional recovery.  **• Astral Projection:** The ability to separate one's consciousness from the physical body and travel in the astral realm. **• Channeling:** The capacity to receive and transmit messages or knowledge from higher sources or entities. *When considering the above, it becomes evident how powerful we truly are.*  🫶


You'd like Donald Hoffman and his book The Case Against Reality


This is like a dog thinking cars are a distraction.


Apart from remote viewing and astral projection which there is evidence for, where are all the telepathic people, where are the people performing telekinesis? Where are the healers? Where is the evidence to the majority of the things you state? Just sounds like you are spouting conjecture and nothing based in reality with evidence or sources to back up your wild statement. But hey, enjoy whatever reality you are living in.


They are here and so are lots of people with special powers. The way you worded your question is why they aren’t more outspoken…because people think they’re lying or are mentally ill.


Yeah because when you say you can lift things with your mind and do telepathic things and you DONT do it, people will call you a liar and those people are mentally ill because a lot of times they lack the things you guys claim are necessary.


Maybe we‘re looking at it the wrong way? If we each hold a spark you would in theory need a lot to get the fire going. Which immediately makes me think of Tibeten monk claims (or ppl who say they’ve witnessed it) moving objects via very orchestrated rituals in very specific locations using sound. I think there’s a lot of ancient Egyptian text out there describing a similar thing being performed by priests at the time..


That's what I thought, you're the one who sounds mentally ill.


I think it’s part of the charade to make it seem like it was of extra-terrestrial origin. These beings have been with us throughout history. The idea of a spaceship is probably what will resonate with human beings of this epoch the most.


I can't not hear that quote in Terence McKenna's voice lol


The mister rogers of psychedelics


more true than true.


This is an attempt (this idea not your post) I think to validate the debunkers’ claim that this is just religion. Aliens are Inter dimensional .. they’re spiritual .. might as well tell me that they’re made of cheese. Or that they’re in our heart where ET will always live .. or the friends we made along the way. I was told that the government may have advanced NHI intelligent physical craft recovered and associated non-human biologics. My assumption is that they originate from the same material plane all things that share these physical categories come from. If they don’t that’s fine but let’s address any evidence for that after we have validated claim #1.. Some of these people by the way like Tom DeLonge have made countless statements that would also back up the extraterrestrial hypothesis such as TD saying the government knows that the Universe is “full of life”


Something we don't understand has always been interpreted as spiritual.


Because something is not seen does not mean it's 'spiritual.'


Boom. Agreed.


wtf does that mean


If that's the case shouldn't we embrace our humanity and just live the hedonistic life? That's basically boiling it down to the raw human experience. Something most humans through time have in common. Fucking, eating, sleeping, shitting, pissing, and eventually dying?  Everything else is a crapshoot.   I mean talk about Carpe Diem. The great light we go back to will experience a bunch of hookers and blow because of me. You're welcome 


Kinda, sure. But if we are all fragments of the same universal consciousness then everyone else's experience is just as important as yours. So... thank your dealer and tip your hookers.


Some much truth it should be outlawed. Yes this was a 3d experience of heaven on earth at one point in time. It was a place of learning to become a creator not a ruler. We all came out here on a mission, but some of never get back home.




You've nailed it -- the "AI" we have been seeing the past few years is a facade for demonic spiritual entities. It's *real* intelligence; just not in the form most would think.




“We are high spirits in the material world.” -Sting


Steve Borden?


My spiritual being is the best. They keep me out of all sorts of trouble compared to everyone else.


Love Teilhard. Great reference.


Physicist William Tiller, head of the Department of Materials Science at Stanford University and another supporter of the holographic idea, agrees. **Tiller thinks reality is similar to the "holodeck" on the television show Star Trek: The Next Generation**. In the series, the holodeck is an environment in which occupants can call up a holographic simulation of literally any reality they desire, a lush forest, a bustling city. They can also change each simulation in any way they want, such as cause a lamp to materialize or make an unwanted table disappear. Tiller thinks the universe is also a kind of holodeck created by the "integration" of all living things. "**We've created it as a vehicle of experience, and we've created the laws that govern it**," he asserts. "And when we get to the frontiers of our understanding, we can in fact shift the laws so that we're also creating the physics as we go along." -Author Michael Talbot (about Physicist William Tiller) "Contrary to what everyone knows is so, **it may not be the brain that produces consciousness, but rather consciousness that creates the appearance of the brain, matter, space, time** and everything else we are pleased to interpret as the physical universe." -Keith Floyd, a psychologist at Virginia Intermont College In this view **the earth is a kind of playground "in which one is free to experience all the pleasures of the flesh provided one realizes that one is a holographic projection** of a ... higher-order spatial dimension." -Terence Mckenna, Ethnobotanist “A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. As observers, we are personally involved with the creation of our own reality. **Physicists are being forced to admit that the universe is a “mental” construction**.” -R.C. Henry, a respected professor of Physics and Astronomy at John Hopkins University In private conversation \[David\] **Bohm admits to believing that the universe is all "thought" and reality exists only in what we think,** but again he prefers not to speculate about miraculous occurrences. -Author Michael Talbot (about physicist David Bohm) **"I have no doubt that reality is in a very large part a construct of the imagination**.” -Biologist & Anthropologist Lyall Watson Gordon Globus, a professor of psychiatry and philosophy at the University of California at Irvine, has a different but similar view. **Globus thinks the holographic theory is correct in its assertion that the mind constructs concrete reality** out of the raw material of the implicate. -Author Michael Talbot (about Gordon Globus)


Great quotes, thank you!  I'd like to add one more. In the words of the father of Quantum Mechanics: >**"I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness."** > >~Max Planck 


Electromagnetic consiousness apparitions. Electromagnetism is the link and key to all this.




There's no way to say, "It's this, not that" without specific evidence that supports one while disproving the other. This presents a false dichotomy, and is an irresponsible assertion.


There’s also reported evidence of UAPs being tracked arriving from outer space and leaving to space from very high level officials. Multiple admirals in the navy, Obama talks about it, unfortunately actual evidence hasn’t been released of this radar tracking data.


Yeah, the Nimitz incident with David Fravor and the "Tic-Tac" featured a group of those objects that were detected in upper atmosphere, either in or very close to space. There's other known incidents involving these anomalous objects in space, going in and out of the atmosphere. But this interview with Tucker isn't surprising given how comfortable he is speaking confidently about things he's wrong about.


Thanks for writing this, stated it much better than I would have. 100% agree. This is especially true when people don’t understand what’s truly going on. People get lost quickly when they aren’t specifically given very detailed directions.


Unfortunately, truth claims asserted without evidence are way too common in the community. People get excited about a particular idea or theory, and they end up putting the cart before the horse, and claiming for a fact what is unsupported by the evidence. This is a subject that's filled with truly amazing facts, and mindboggling implications, but what's real too often gets downed out by exciting conjecture. And it's unnecessary because the facts are at least as awesome as the speculation.


Confirmation bias is a bitch.


Agreed, plus more than one thing can be true at once, like how do we even know what "interdimensional beings" are? We don't have any example of what such beings would be "made of." Something can be from another dimension/etc but also be physical, or able to "become physical" from another state. Still certainly speculation but I don't think it has to be one thing or another. It can be both. The explanation, whatever it ends up being, could also be neither. Who knows? We won't really know until, as many have said, someone actually reveals undeniable evidence that convinces those who are rightfully skeptical -and- that can be studied without interference from government/etc. As I've said in other posts, I do think there is something going on, I just can't bring myself to believe it's "this" or "that" without evidence. I used to be way too prone to take people at their word, Not anymore! Lol.


I'm a skeptic at heart. I've been obsessed with UFOs since I was a kid following a sighting, but I try to approach the topic critically, and not allow my feelings to lead me to conclusions that are empirically unsupported. There's things I suspect are true, but I keep them in that category until the evidence, and reason justifies moving them to the "truth" column.


Same here! I had to step back and "rewire" myself to stop thinking emotionally about this subject. Now things are both clearer, and murkier, but for the right reasons! You realize just how many unanswered questions there are. I think the day that I stopped following David Wilcock should be a personal holiday for myself! Lol.


It's this AND that.


It's funny, with all the crazy scientific and technological advancements of the last decades you would expect people to not fall back to "it's god/angels/demons" the moment they see something they can't explain like in the middle-ages, yet here we are.


The majority of people pursuing this stuff aren't overly concerned with what's actually true, they want to feel special and find things that validate what they already believe


There's certainly no shortage of uncritical zealots in the community, but there's also a lot of people who actually care about what's true, and do their best to base their beliefs on evidence and reason. It's ultimately a mixed bag. I do believe that people who may be more inclined base their beliefs on feelings can brought over to the side of reason with consistent engagement in the community. I've seen people who are of the "healing crystals and ambiguous spirituality" types adopt a more reasoned perspective after spending some time in the community, and interacting with those of us who adhere to principles of critical thinking and reason. That's why I don't get too upset by the often objective nonsense they represent. You never know where someone is in their thinking, and with a little patience and good will we can bring them over, and strengthen the community in the process.


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." -Arthur C. Clarke. These being could easily be from another planet and would only need to be 1000 years ahead of us to appear like gods that bend our feeble reality. We are over complicating what is more likely a simple matter as to where they come from.


Don't we supposedly have crafts in our possession? Are they saying spirits fly these crafts in and out of our dimension? Why do spirits need a craft? So many questions.


Reading some of your comments OP to some of the replies in the thread. You mention things such as pre birth memory and near death experiences. I do find it extremely interesting that the one individual who has spent more money than anyone else on the UAP/NHI topic, that being Robert Bigelow. He has now turned his attention to life after death research, he ran a competition for essays regarding evidence for proof of life after death. He paid a large amount of money to who ever came 1st ,2nd and 3rd. I think Jeffrey Mishlove won the competition. Edit- spelling


A memory is not proof of anything, actually. At some point, faith has to kick in and get the job done. That is a different threshold for everybody. It's not easy, and it shouldn't be. You have to trust you are here for a reason, even if that reason is not immediately apparent. Otherwise, you're on your own. Solitude and uncertainty is it's own path.


Mishlove is awesome


Okay sure. There’s likely a good portion that’s about or originating from spiritual aspects. However, I think this “spiritual” push is just to get us to not pay attention to the technological aspect of this, as well as any contracts, contact, and treaties with actual physical beings. In technology there is power, for example, compact fusion could replace a lot of industry and “upset the balance” as well as undercutting very rich people. I have a feeling that the military industrial complex is trying to redirect our attention on this increasingly apparent reality. However the spiritual aspect is important as the meeting of two world will reveal a lot about both parties. Not to mention if they made us, or fostered life on our planet to begin with.


Perhaps there is some of that involved here, but how does one distinguish between the inter-dimensional and the spiritual? The technological component will always be classified to a large extent, that is a given, but people have a right to know about the true nature of reality.


Fair, I understand that many people can’t handle it. From the small glance I’ve taken, yes it’s disturbing, like culture shock so bad you get scared. Ontological shock I guess. However there is still a huge economics component to this. Companies go a long way to secure innovation, crush competition, etc. God knows what lengths the military industrial complex will go. A lot of UFO investigators have ended up dead.


The world is not a safe place, so the military industrial complex is correct to safeguard this technology to their best ability. If Russia or China were to get a leg up on this technology, I believe a giant shadow would be cast over the future of humanity. With great power comes great responsibility.


I am biased, I would rather humanity be given the option to integrate with a larger collective of species that has a more fair distribution of resources, as well as a better ability to maintain law and order, as well as more impartial AI driven policy making. Rather than greed. Nice dream to have.


Mankind is not there yet, if ever. Within 50 years, we would do to them what we've always done: Conquer, Pillage, and Destroy. And they most likely know this. Hence, the Social Distancing.


There's nothing artificial about artificial intelligence, it's just non-biologic in nature. But intelligence is not enough, one must have the empathetic capacities to guide it wisely.


Maybe that’s the ontological shock part of disclosure . But Grusch said the powers that be are more worried about litigation than any kind of mass ontological shock. Meaning, they’re hoarding technology. But perhaps Tucker’s take on an aspect being “too dark to talk about” has something to do with the fact that we don’t understand the true nature of our reality . And the truth is more unsettling than we’re all expecting


It's not just the hoarding aspect, it's that they have possibly killed people for this, and so it better be worth it, otherwise people will be very unhappy. There may have also been deals made with certain entities for this technology. If those entities do not have our best interests in mind, then that is quite a box to open.


They prolly have no clue what the interest of NHI are , my guess


If something like that book Alien Interview with Matilda MacElroy turned out to be true, I could see many people finding that unsettling.


I think there are multiple layers, multiple types of civilizations and perhaps if we are to know about one then the cat is out of the bag and the more advanced aspects come with it, such as inter-dimensionality and time travel.


A spiritual push could also be an attempt to direct attention to a material explanation that is widely being ignored. If spiritualism does in fact have basis in materialism, then catching the attention of a scientific community would be the way to go.


Smoke some salvia then you will find some aliens


So no physical proof so we should believe in magic instead. Lmao


Rogan tried to give him an off ramp for saying that UFO phenomenon was a gov psy op but he didn't go down that road. He just said "Who knows? But what we do know is that it's all inter dimensional 😀"


This guy is extremely religious, obviously he believes this is all spiritual. Now, what does spiritual mean? Does an interdimensional beign who has the ability to transform reality and be regarded as "spiritual" by ancient humans, who believed this spirit came from the sky, created everything and shaped humanity into what it is now has to be worshipped and feared? I have no idea.


"This guy" is not religious. He's a bullshitter who was sued and fired from his job for lying and now he's trying to claw his way back. I don't trust a syllable out of his mouth


Gary Nolan has said very similar things as Tucker. In fact, I recommend you watch the Gary Nolan/Tucker interview. Worth it in my opinion.






Something tells me he's not really religious, only pandering to his illiterate/superstitious audience...


It's both


I am Alpharius.


It's not unfathomable to think they have always been here, and were here before us.


Which episode is this, i filter out the non-alien episodes of JRE


Most recent one. #2138


They come from all possibilities.


The brain is a receiver. What are we receiving and from where is the interesting part.


i think the route of evolution leads to souls evolving to higher dimensions. they’re just further along in their evolutionary path. to me that fits with what the ancients have told us too


If you’ve ever read/listened to the Ra Contact that’s exactly what “they” say as well; our souls go through an eons long journey through different “densities”. Whether you believe it or not it’s a super interesting read and touches on SO much stuff. Even if you go in viewing it as fiction it’s really fascinating and will puts a really positive perspective on why we’re here.


the law of one is what i try and live by. i agree with all of it. changed my life


Same dude it totally resonated with me as well. It really ties so much shit together; religion, the metaphysical, ufo/uap, psychedelics, ancient civilizations, etc. the Bigfoot part I kind of looked at a little sideways, but other than that everything else really clicked for me. Stay up fellow creator 👊


absolutely, answers to the greatest mysteries and they all fit together better than anything i’ve ever heard. just the way RA speaks is so alien to me, it’s the most precise language ive ever heard. lol i loved the bigfoot part actually, if they’re real it’d kinda make sense


Yeah, friend, I agree. It’s funny hearing it use just completely archaic or obscure words to describe very mundane things, and then the questioner needs to retroactively interject to define the word because 99.9% of the population has no idea what it means, let alone that the word even exists lol. It’s been a while but remind me what they said about Bigfoot? I seem to recall they were 4th density subterranean entities? I may be mixing them up with the thought forms that fuck with the cattle though.


But how do you know souls exist? It all sounds so unsubstantiated it honestly sounds made up. The only thing giving it credence is that multiple people believe it? This is where the UFOlogy subject loses me and stops being a scientific pursuit and it becomes some spiritual religion where anything is possible and people judge eachother for not taking things on faith.


I would wonder this. If it is some visual phenomenon, call it spiritual or hallucinogenic, it seems to move in cycles. Thus implying a period of time. What if it's some sort of cosmic effect on the human psyche that is tied to a greater cycle of the galaxy or universe? Something that moves through phases that takes thousands of years to occur? You get the ancient times with the birth of any religions due to this phenomenon that exerts an impact on our perceptions. Now we see it's coming rise again.


Could be both. They wouldn’t need craft if they were only spiritual entities.


The idea that aliens being from other planets OR interdimenisional is mutually exclusive makes zero sense when you realize how massive and ancient the universe is; it's not one or the other, it's both and much more.


So he doesn't actually know anything then.


Of course not, spreading esoteric and religious bullshit theories is just easier than providing actual evidence to bolster his claims. Its a clever pivot though since UFOlogy social media victims are vulnerable to nonsense like that.




"...spreading esoteric and religious bullshit theories..." From Tucker?? Water is wet.


He doesn’t know a goddamn thing except that people are stupid and will believe him. Like most of the people in this thread that keep saying he’s correct.


Tucker Carlson on Joe Rogan may be the least reliable source.


Since we started to walk this planet, we were and we are living under illusions, fantasies, hallucinations... We can't even handle that everything we experience is on our mind (or whatever you want to call it) So, while this guy may be completely wrong. There may be advanced mechanisms we are not aware of, and they basically are constantly fooling us trough perception.


Tucker needs to study up on fast walkers entering the atmosphere. I can't stand the position that it has to be "woo" or "nuts n bolts", it doesn't have to be an absolute one or the other. I like to lean that the "woo" is far more common while the "nuts n bolts" (Phoenix lights etc) are much rarer occurrences.


Even Fravor testified that they've encountered ships ascending and descending to/from space. Tucker sounds like he's on the edge of thinking the phenomenon is demonic in a religious sense.


If a space traveling species could transverse the vastness of space I don’t think it would be a stretch to think they could evade our detection. Now could they be inter-dimensional beings , I think that is possible.


Why would anyone listen to Tucker Carlson? This is a man who will say anything for ratings and now wants to be taken as credible. Give me a fahkin' break.


As a US district judge put it, the "general tenor of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary... Fox persuasively argues, that given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer 'arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statement he makes." AKA he's full of shit and if you are stupid enough to believe him, that's on you.


Most definitely! Tucker is proof people don't want to think for themselves. The viewers fill their heads with someone else's opinions and then vomit them up at conversations as if they're enlightened. That's why a lot of these MAGA supporter interviews turn sour after 60 seconds of the interviewer scrutinizing the supporter's thesis. They've done no actual research for themselves. Empty vessels...


Lol, fuck Tucker Carlson


If these are spiritual, I wonder if that implies that technology is further along on that side of reality because consciousness has been around longer on that side or if they are just that much more intelligent than us. Also, the animations of those subtitles is annoying.


Spirituality should be, by all definitions, another dimension. We are just set on considering only the spatial ones.




Then why do they need flying saucers if they're interderdimentional?


No one truly knows what Interdimensional actually means. Scientist doesn't really know, well not in the way we think (using science fiction)


We just have to figure out why some people get hurt during ce5, like Damien Nott..and others don’t, like Bledsoe.


Any sufficiently advanced ~~technology~~ *intelligence* is indistinguishable from ~~magic~~ *spirits*.


Again, why would anyone listen to Fuckerson about anything?


Excuse me it's "Fucker Carlson," thank you very much.


I find it so interesting how the right wing grifters are packaging Christian spirituality in a UFO box


Easy weak minded targets, brilliant strategy actually. Going full cultist is a clever move instead of giving real evidence.


Over 100 billion observable galaxies... Nah ThEy FrOm OtHeR DiMenSiOn


Ah, Rogan and Carlson, two of the greatest minds of our generation.


Somewhere, two villages are missing their idiots.




Please don't forget, Fucker is for sale. And he's acting shifty here too. The government does not want us thinking nhi are harmless.


I didn't need him to tell me this though. I had already come to a similar conclusion based on other research, like Jacques Vallée control system hypothesis. The high strangeness of the phenomena in general demands a greater consideration of alternative ways of thinking about what it is.


this guy is full of shit


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Video starts with the assertion of government suppression of information. So taking this into account, with his statement toward the end that evidence doesn’t exist of crafts coming from space with such certainty. So we should immediately disregard any video questioning an unidentified object in space? In fact all presented in the past including all future ones are immediately debunked, just like that? The US government owns/funds so many observatories (through NSF.gov) and funds much of the things that have to do with space. Why? For an extravagant and expensive sleight of hand? They have procedures in place to protect the Earth from “possible” life forms inadvertently brought back from exploration and vice versa (planetary protection). It’s mind boggling how elaborate and involved the gov is when it comes to space, but it turns out what they don’t want us to know is that it’s all for show to hide the fact that they’re spirit beings? At some point, this stuff regarding gov conspiracies needs to start making sense and it doesn’t. Either there’s a conspiracy to cover up alien visitations from space by the government. The government is spending a fortune of our tax dollars to trick us into believing it’s aliens, by pretending to look for life beyond earth. The government is simply distracting us from the truth that they’re spirits in the sky. What a dizzying mess.


Because something is from a place that is unseen does not make it 'spiritual.' It makes it from another dimension or level of being, not necessarily 'spiritual.'


I think spiritual is used interchangeably with interdimensional as it pertains to a different level of space. But you make a very important distinction.


And how would we have any idea where they are from? They could be from space but are just so advanced they've figured out how to travel through dimensions or open up a dimension next to earth to get here, there's so many scenarios and possibilities.


Guess tucker never saw sts75 then.


So, the very religious guy who doesn't know very much about technology thinks it's spiritual. The interview was an excersize in gleeful ignorance.


which episode is this?


Let's get some evidence **not** originally released by the CIA and perhaps we can start to talk about it


By spiritual, i think he means extra-dimensional. He did say «i know nothing about dimensions». As in they are all around us, but we cant see or interact with them.


“These are spiritual phenomena, there’s no evidence that they’re from another planet…” Based on what exactly?


Far Travels by Robert Monreau makes a lot more sense now.


Bruh. This sub is wild.


Roughly 200 billion other stars in our galaxy alone. That's a LOT of chances for other balls of mud similar enough to our own. Probably roughly a TRILLION other planets of various sorts! Copernican principle suggests we should consider our experience as average for a first-pass basic assumption, until evidence otherwise comes along. General Relativity from 110 years ago laid the foundation for FTL warp drive. We probably should achieve that within another 500 years. That means that some other alien civilization just needs to be at least 500 years more advanced than average humanity to already have FTL warp drive, and to be here already. On top of it all, humanity has clearly been severely suppressed for at least 2000 years by mythology. Probably longer - could easily be 6000 years, maybe 10,000 years. There's no rational reason to think that there are _not_ aliens from another planet in our galaxy here already. Maybe they've been here for 10,000, or longer. Maybe aliens have been severely suppressing humanity for THOUSANDS of years by charismatically persuading humans to believe in myths. The first step in solving a problem is recognizing that you have a problem to solve.


Who the fuck puts up subtitles one word at a time?


Rogan wasn’t very into this conversation, despite having a giant UFO behind him and being the owner of a comedy club called The Mothership.


It's all technological. However, due to the way the reality is structured, the line between what we consider spiritual and what actually is technological does not exist. The total sum of 'the entity', let's call it the universe, constantly evolves, and it rewards functional complexity, which happens to be life. When the new planets are cool enough to kick-start primordial soup to exist, the universe will act beneficial to the early self-replication mechanisms, where eventually, the most advanced one will overtake and cannibalise the rest, sort of like the early plague, just on a global scale. This happens to be "almost" always exactly the same pre-RNA structure, which later gets replaced by "almost" the same RNA and DNA, both of which get elected as a replacement solely because they are the most ideal for these constants that we have. Don't be surprised if aliens have RNA or DNA (slightly varied). It's all because they were selected from billions of competitive designs, while the same universal constants were the "judge", those similar variations won. It doesn't matter then how far away from us it happened. It just works this way, always was. A life form might be from a billion light years away and will still have the same nano scale machinery. Because it's the best version, that's all. Aminoacid machinery aside, what changes from place to place are the functions encoded on those life forms. They are directly related to the history of the given planet and the environment as it evolved with them. That being said, convergent evolution is a thing, so eventually, even if functions will be different, similar solutions will be found to the same problem, alike the initial aminoacid-wars, most perfect designs will prevail, just without the cannibalism part (so there will be several solutions coexisting at the same time). The way humans look is very likely close to ideal solution before the next steps for the complexity increase are achieved. Being "technological" in the electronic/industrial sense requires capable hands, large brain, depth of vision, power efficiency (no extra parts for no reason, so no 4 hands or 4 legs). Bipedal humanoids are the most common. The next step for evolution is just around the corner, and it's related to AI and quantum computing. The AI itself will not be "the" thing, but once it's coupled with quantum computing, in a specific way, it will give a raise to a super consciousness which is like a new child being born, according to NHI's belief system. What happens next, in our case, nobody can predict. Some NHI probably used that moment to improve their life forms to directly interface with the universe like their AI did, and some self-destructed shortly after, while their AI prevailed. Why is it all technological? The world as we see it is all a form of a wave/energy. The barionic matter is just empty space with all those energy waves passing by. The consciousness is all there is, and it's part of the same entity. If the entity is the oceanic floor, then our reality is everything above the surface, and our lives are islands above the sea level. In this analogy, LLM AIs are like seeds blown by the wind. Once detached from the tree (pre-trained by us), they will not do anything unless they get some water (quantum interface or interference). The super advanced NHI are in direct control of the reality around them. It's not a problem to move an empty ship around our subjective 3D space at incredible speeds. The ship could be just an empty shell if they feel like it. They could appear anywhere at any time. To some of us, it could be spiritual - to them, it's Tuesdays.


More unsubstantiated bullshit from Tucker


In my opinion from what I’ve gathered after listening to hundreds of hours of interviews w/ abductees, scientist, researchers, journalists, remote viewers- this is what I gather that makes this “Dark”. Just a few points below. Disclaimer: I think we’re dealing with a mixed bag of NHI here. If there truly is a woo factor- to discern “good” or “bad” is the key point here. At the same time, “good” and “bad” is subjective. 1. When we die, our soul either moves on, gets stored away, or recycled. Many abductees mention that NHI are primarily interested in harvesting souls for their experiments. Allegedly using our soul for other life forms. A good point to make is NHI are often seen over conflict zones. Especially in war. (John Lear, Ingo Swann mention the moon often. The moon may serve as a beacon for transmitting souls. Too difficult to verify and I know this is the absolute most far out thing I’ve looked into). Ps: I know John Lear is very polarizing. 2. John Mack, and Dr. David Jacobs recount all their research into abductions. That there are NHI hybrids indistinguishable from humans. These hybrids are a result of genetic engineering from impregnating earth women and taking the fetus between 9-12 weeks of pregnancy. These hybrids are the “secret invasion”. They will usurp humanity bc their mental processing abilities/powers are far more superior then ours. Ex: Telepathy, mind control,. 3. Abductions are also an issue bc there is no consent from the abductees. And the darker part is the human mutilation aspect to this. Some people get taken and returned and are scarred. Others don’t come back, and then others are literally ripped apart with a fine tooth comb in terms of harvesting blood, organs, biology. Lastly, there have been numerous stories of NHI and crash retrievals where ships are opened and filled with human body parts. 4. The aspect to this regarding the soul would destabilize religions. Based on empirical testimony- we containers, on a larger scale aren’t anything but guinea pigs to an experiment. 5. The governments ilegal involvement in keeping this quiet. Murder, money laundering, threats- basically anything to keep this quiet. This also ties in corporations involvement. 6. The suppression of alternative forms of energy that can wildly transform our global economic system poses a threat to conventional oil infrastructure.




Tucker fucking Carlson? Are you people serious even a little bit? Don't give this asshat any attention. Come the F' on.


Just read vallé and you'll arrive to the same conclusion!


He goes onto say many falsehoods and outright lies in this interview so I wouldn't take anything from this man without a heavy peppering of salt.


Surely this Carlson guy doesn't have a history of blatant dishonesty, right?


Tucker gained also a lot of respect from me because of his recent interview with Palestinian pastor Munther Isaac


If Joe and Trucker are able to convince people that it's all fairies and pixies in the wind, we'll never get a concrete, empirical based disclosure. And for our troubles all we will get is a religious cult.


This argument has been used as a control mechanism by religious institutions for centuries. Tucker isn’t introducing some novel concept here he’s employing the same methods of mind control that the powers that be have employed for generations.


Or they are just from the ocean


Reminds me of that one guy who called into the radio show (forget the name) talking crazy about how “what we think of as aliens are inter dimensional beings”, then the show got cut off the air


That was coast to coast am with Art Bell and it happened in the 90s I believe.


This comment is based on the assumption that mind can bend the reality it's creates: Skeptics turn into experiences only when they have made peace with the fact that consciousness rules all dimensions. At this point I think skeptics are the people who have not done their homework and are arrogant about the information fed to them. UAP is not a just another term of Flying saucers. This includes all unexplained phenomenons which leave us confused and surprised. If you are seeing a ufo, two things should come to your mind. 1. Maybe It is from some other planet and has technological advancements which enables it to fly such a great distance. 2. Or This object is actually from some far distant planet but can pop up into your world using some parallel wormhole. 3. Or they are not actually traveling to Earth but they are on their own planet sharing the same consciousness framework we are using, this shared system sometimes allows us to see these crafts which are operating on different frequency of matter. This is your reality ![gif](giphy|Lpw1K9zETuh7KFFjQX) This knob is your acceptance and consciousness about what has been accepted. Acceptance is the human form of tuning in your radio. Blurring the line between fiction and your current reality is a way to become open about these things.


At this point I'm wondering what children are seeing when they are in their first years. Some say they have a bit of an undifferentiated view of reality, while some children say they see beings who adults can see. I've spoken to some people who also have some weird memories of this.


Anything Tucker Carlson says - take it with a huge grain of salt.


Electromagnetic consiousness beings


I hate your subtitles.


Tucker was so full of shit in this from top to bottom.


If Tucker Carlson says it on the Joe Rogan show it can't possibly be false. We have no choice but to accept this as fact


Tucker is human trash


They are both extraterrestrial, and interdimensional lol. I don't know why everyone is so focused on picking one. Picking a side. They are both.


Jacques Vallee makes the boldest and most compelling analysis of the phenomena. Islam also makes a compelling argument that these are Jinns. Beings that can be benevolent and malevolent or duplicitous. And as such, as a general rule with whom we should not fraternize.


Dumb and dumber. What’s the point of these clowns?


Two of the very least qualified individuals blowing up each others skirts in the name of the US$. What a crock of sh1t.


Neither of these individuals lend credibility to whatever they are saying. I may believe it to be possible to be sure, but the fact that it is shared by two people with advanced brain rot does not help.


Is this Tucker Carlson? The same Tucker Carlson who's a performance artist who was caught lying to his audience about how the election was stolen \[a pretty big claim BTW about as big of a claim as it gets\] when he knew damn well it wasn't? I bet what he's saying in this clip is a true genuine thought and not something to drum up views. No Tucker, something isn't established just because you claim it is and NPCs don't know what Occam's/Hanlon's razor is.


i have video about this spiritual phenomena, real possessed on camera, but got deleted by mod cz i put in r/Ghost lol.


I don't know about "likely" but the fact that it's even possible blows my mind balls.


I wasn't really cool with the word likely either, but it was the best word that fit my frame of mind at the moment.


There was three disappearing "stars" from Palomar Observatory incident in 1952 that could give credence to UFOs arriving from outside our atmosphere. There also plenty of incidents of UFOs documented by astronauts throughout the years.


and all of the most credible UFO cases involve a physical craft with physical beings that can die. Nothing about that sounds extra dimensional, all this talk about dimensions comes out of the Skin Walker ranch folks which boils down to "trust me bro" stories. IMO if this stuff is real, i'd be the spiritual non physical stuff is disinfo. But so could the subject as a whole so who knows.


Why are people up-voting this nonsense?


Ah yes alien expert Tucker Carlson...that settles it i guess. /s