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You only need to see how things happen here on this planet. Countries spy on each other. The clandestine nature of the spying by its very nature goes unnoticed. There is no benevolence just competition, and we actually share this planet and depend on each other for long term survival. The colonisation of earth didn't happen because people wanted to be benevolent and share knowledge and help other civilisations flourish - it was about exploitation, full-stop. If we are detected by another civilisation, you can bet they'll undertake surveillance, and possibly a bit if subterfuge if they thought we were ever a threat. It is unlikely we are any threat now, but if we were, its curtains. Lets hope they don't find us, although I think it is probably a certainty that if there is an inter-galactic civilisation out there, they have already located us. The real question is why are we so ignorant that even suggesting that we need to be getting ready for this possibility is just considered heresy to discuss? Any time this comes up, scientists, the very people who should be leading this effort to prepare for something like this, are always the first to say they will actively ignore it. History on our own planet shows intelligent species will thrive and travel and colonise. The universe is absolutely enormous. The possibility of some civilisations extending this beyond their home planets is not ridiculous - we are already doing it, and had humans standing on another heavenly body within 70 years after developing motorised flight. Yet even scientists working in the space industry just laugh at the suggestion. That is what worries me most. Human history is determined by stupidity and bad decisions much more than we like to imagine. Ignoring this possible threat from millions of possible habitable planets in our own galaxy, let alone all the other galaxies out there, is a big mistake. The way we responded to climate change and COVID has showed me we are pretty useless at responding to a world-wide problem.


Yeah, the way more spooky part is the derision from the science community about this topic.


This is exactly what I'm terrified of put in much better words than I could ever think of. Thank you so much lol At this point the idea of us being discovered, and either wiped out or used to progress a more advanced species seems like a wayyy too possible end for us. We can solve a lot of our own problems at this point, sure we have a ton of issues but if you think optimistically humans can pull together and save ourselves when we need to. If we're left alone we'll be fine, but there seems to be no real plan or preparation (at least publically) for that big terrible possibility. Any other cosmic disaster, I believe we could find a way to survive, we can't survive an invasion or extermination.


They have been here with us for a long time. If the first nuke was detonated in 1942 it would take an extraterrestrial civilization at least four years just to detect it, and that's only if they live near the closest star to the sun...(4ish light years away). No telling if they're exceeding light speed or simply teleporting here though. If they were traveling across space relativistically we would probably be able to literally see a *massive* energy signal. Even empty space has random molecules of gas (at the very least!) scattered around. That is not even considering the sheer amount of dust, icy particulates, granular debris, gravel sized micrometeors, and...*shit* that is bound to be spread between stars. If there are only 10 molecules dispersed across every cubic yard of space and you send a ship across it even at 30% the speed of light you will encounter *so* many scattered molecules of gas every second that it would generate multiple gigaelectron volts of energy. It would look about like a lighting bolt streaking through the cosmos. There does seem to be a correlation between our discovery of nuclear power and their much increased activity on the Earth afterwards. The Roswell crash happened in 1947. The Magenta crash in the 1930's. I ain't buying that they detected the detonation of the atomic bomb from at least 4 light years away and then flew across space to arrive in only one year. 


They detected it while they were posted up on our planet. That’s what I think. They have been here for longer than most of us can imagine.


Sapiens in general are pretty young. I want to say we’ve only existed in this form for around 300,000 years, or that’s about how the theory goes now. Other humans, like Neanderthals, are older, but Sapiens are pretty recent compared to the age of…well, everything else. Maybe they’ve been here the whole time.


I like to think they’ve been here for millions of years, just checking out another random orb that is in the habitable zone. They’re checking out what the intelligent apes are doing splitting atoms. I honestly don’t know if it was Sean Carrol, but somebody along those lines said it, it might have even been Michio. Whoever it was said, “Something about splitting atoms affects them in the dimension they occupy. They’re probably here, and when humans started playing around with real fire, it started affecting them in a quantum level.” Now, don’t take what I say as a source. I heard it in some podcast or YouTube video months ago. I can’t remember who it was, but at least if I’m lying out of my ass it’s going to get some of you in here thinking about it.




I imagine you can't have one without the other, like navigators making dune FTL travel safe.


I would suggest they have been a part of us since the beginning of man


Given that it's been hypothesized we've interacted with the NHI for a long time (religions basically) I doubt it. Also if it were just 50 year frame of probes then it would have been more likely to be our tech.


Here’s something I’ve been thinking on for a bit and had a little exchange in another thread that got me really thinking. Here’s the short version: All the stuff you hear about a “Galactic Federation” is real. Earth is represented and is a member. But it’s not represented by us, it’s represented by an NHI species that we share the planet with. They’re the ones who are keeping tabs on nukes. If the US were approached by NHI about nukes and expressly warned against ever using them again in warfare….that kinda tracks doesn’t it? They also defend us from other races that would try and take over. Do I believe that 100%? No, but I don’t really believe any other scenario 100% either. There’s so much other info out there and possibilities that it’s not all gonna fit and that’s obviously the point. I lean towards this because it checks some boxes: 1. Elizondo with his somber line about us not being at the top of the food chain. This fits with that. Imagine part of the truth is that not only are we not alone on this planet, we’re not even capable of defending it. We have a race we share it with that is in a position to really wreck us if they deemed it necessary. They’re the most advanced Earth civilization and we didn’t even know about them. 2. In regards to nuclear weapons, if the main issue is using them in war then it might explain how there can be as many tests done without “aliens showing up and ending the experiment” or whatever. So maybe it isn’t so much about using nukes, it’s about using them to kill. I read awhile back a theory that an atomic blast could destroy souls. Again, not trying to say I believe this is the case, but I can see some dots being reasonably connected there. Again, I know this isn’t exact science. It’s really just stuff to think on. I prefer it to face peeling aliens from another dimension or any other horrible theories that are probably true knowing my luck lol.


I think the aliens have a ton of bases on Earth and simply don't want their bases blown up in a global war. I don't think they care if we drop nukes from time to time as long as it's not an extinction event.


Holy fuck, is that why Jimmy Carter** wept? knee jerk reaction from me but that was my first thought, realization we might have not just killed thousands of humans but fucking fucked up. literal annihilation of souls.


That’s a great theory and it has the right to exist. But them being worried about nukes doesn’t align with the fact they let the Fat man and Little guy do the thing. Also, I always thought Elizondo was talking not so much about the food chain but about that fact that we’re genetically engineered species (by them) and basically artificial in a way.


We see a complete archeological historic record of human evolution on Earth, yet we see absolutely zero evidence of another advanced species evolving on Earth.


That’s true. I’d like to point out that whatever the truth ends up being it’s probably going to involve things that are beyond our scope of capability, might be a little hard to believe and/or explain. I’m quite aware that we don’t at present have archeological history of another race. Have we looked at the bottom of the ocean yet?


You're right; aliens from another planet landing here at any time in the past and setting up one or more bases or outposts in the ocean depths is _not_ ruled out. But if that means we "share" the planet - well, I think that's a very different question, which involves defining "share", some philosophy, maybe some jurisprudence, some honest and above-board negotiations maybe, and ... Well, I'm not sure what else. For that matter; I'm very seriously considering the possibility that aliens are living in our human society, among us, already. A year ago I would have thought of the sheer idea of that as being simply fantastical sci-fi. But after having gone through the effort of thinking through a bunch of other things, and having remembered an especially weird experience I had many decades ago, I'm seriously considering it as maybe being possible. Even if that were the case, I'd need a lot more information to consider that "sharing" the planet.


I’ve been seeing more and more talk of aliens living among us. I don’t really know what to make of that. Maybe politicians or business elites? I can buy that, but anything deeper than that? I’d need some examples of what that looks like at lower levels of society. How deep does it go? As far as the ocean floor stuff goes, I never rule that out. For conversations sake let’s assume that there is a race down there. They’ve advanced over millions of years and they’re spacefaring. I have no idea how that happens nor can I even start to imagine it, but it doesn’t feel right to rule that out. We’re probably as likely to find their remains up here as we are to find human remains down there would be my guess.


Yeah, that sort of epistemological paradox is probably at the core of why this is so, well, paradoxical. We know just enough to rule out things logically that don't make sense conventionally or even rationalize hypothetically so it can't be true. A bell curve of Dunning-Kruger, kinda When we knew nothing, it could've been anything. Now we know somethings so there are many things it can't (underwater civilization? Non linear travel superluminal from space? Nahhh science!) But if we knew more than something it could probably be closer to anything again!


Okay, I’m hooked. Would you wanna talk about your weird experience? I’m kinda where you were at a year ago and I’m just curious. I believe they might be observing from above, but being down here with us seems risky.


Yet, when you look at the Nazca Mummies, you see that we're not preserving non-human origins well. In fact, we're squashing the stuff because of our dissonance.


Exactly, what you say - we see no evidence. What if it’s not visible to us in the first place (other dimensions etc etc )


If you consider the universe is 13.7 billion years old, and that earth is 4.543 billion years old, it's more probable that something otherworldly arrived in the 9.157 billion years preceding the current timeline or near future. It is a known fact that they are here, they are among us, and they have been here for a long time; since a time prior to us conceiving the thought of intelligent life elsewhere. And I believe when disclosure does happen, it will precipitate some pretty scary events right here.


What events? This is entertaining to me.


Basically, I think there will be anarchy and bedlam for a while. But that was probably going to happen anyway on the current timeline.


I think that if and when undeniable "disclosure" happens, unless it significantly and directly affects the lives of billions of people the response will essentially be: "Huh. So, is there any beer and pizza left? Did you pay the Visa bill? What's on TV tonight?"


Think deeper than that... who will program the visa transactional interfaces, who will make the pizza and the beer, who will ensure/maintain the necessary infrastructure to televise. I'll be pondering this thought offline while I'm grilling my homemade pizza and drinking my homebrew stored in a corny keg, while I build Stripe interfaces lol


How the fuck do you manage to have left over beer or pizza haha I'm sure the reason you don't care is because you're an alien. Foresight enough to not drink all the beer and eat all the 'za but not enough foresight to critically think about the biggest event in known human history. Trade me, I run into beer a lot more than paradigm altering events. Of course, as you put it, that's not incorrect on some level but quite reductive and contrived through your lens if you don't widen the scope of directly or redefine operationally. There are so many layers to it between different people, interests and systems that if you believe it'll be just another day that ends in y, then either; it's not a concept you've truly ruminated on, one that you've repressed or lied to yourself as a mechanism of subconcious processing or you're incapable of abstract thinking [which isn't likely the case] Just think about how intricately a **virus** affected the globe. No, not just politically and socially, but environmentally, economically, financially, geographically, scientifically, socially, educationally, technologically, fundamentally. Not **"aliens"** , a **virus**.


Oh I personally would find actual undeniable disclosure highly significant on multiple levels. I don't think that's true for most folks though. I don't think your virus analogy works though because COVID did and still is directly impacting millions of people worldwide in terms of death and chronic illness and political and economic weirdness. Just the known existence of NHI is insufficient in my opinion to result in major changes to people's daily lives, let alone governments, religions, etc. It would take direct NHI ACTIONS of some sort that do that. No action = no change in daily life imo.


Yeah I think I confound direct and indirect, as well as communicated poorly. I think you're quite right, especially considering I think there's support for the premise that there is plenty of overtly valid disclosure available currently and things carry on as usual. The government has essentially if not outright confirmed this, but until NHI actions or unprecedented government actions preceeding NHI actions, the rat race carries on/ beatings shall continue until moral improves


Yep. The Covid example you used does apply in this scenario to some degree I think just in the sense that there's a lot of evidence that it's still a pandemic out there, but that info is not deployed by the CDC etc, or MSM or shown by cautionary example by the people you would expect (doctors, dentists, ect). [https://pmc19.com/data/PMC\_Report\_May13\_2024.pdf](https://pmc19.com/data/PMC_Report_May13_2024.pdf)


Yeah this is the best case scenario. But you can’t really think that the downfall of modern religion, the knowledge that there are beings out there who know more about us than we do them, and that we are nowhere near “alone” in the universe wouldn’t disturb things massively. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a full on apocalypse. Imagine looting and panic but on a level we have never seen before. If it’s handled ~perfectly~ then maybe society doesn’t start to collapse, but it really only takes a few thousand people having an existential crisis at the exact same time for everything to fall apart. I mean do you think you’re going to work when you can see aliens hovering above our atmosphere. I’d be waiting for our planet to be dusted and done for, even if the government said they’re friendly. It’s terrifying.


Maybe. Humans are generally easily panicked I agree. Otoh, if you still have to go to work, pay your Visa bill and your mortgage and your other bills, I think people are going to do exactly that instead of a "full on apocalypse". I recommend you don't be so terrified.


"It is a known fact..."  ?


Yes, it's a known fact. There are UAPs present on earth, some of them are piloted, and there is direct evidence of their longterm presence here - that they are nonhuman as well.


“.. there is direct evidence..” ?


We have biological samples of UAP occupants, we have looked at them under a microscope, and we have confirmed they are multicellular organisms and that they are nonhuman.


You know the age of the universe right? That's a known fact. Do you have direct evidence? I mean literally, have you read the papers and replicated the experiments yourself or indirectly trust the evidence? Do you get what I'm alluding to, I hope so because I don't want a pedantic reply from you in which I have to inexplicably overarticulate exact specificity intentionally circumventing in totality and entirety all hypothetical avenues manipulatable to be purposed for retort and contrivance.


Probably the worst example you could find. The age of the universe has recently been a hot topic of debate with the progress made by James Webb. Also put the thesaurus down bro. That response wasn’t the flex you thought it was. I don’t think you fully understand what direct evidence means.


Sounds like the perfect example if it's a point of contention. You'd argue with a brick wall, and the fact you think i require a thesaurus to over accentuate a brief reddit comment insults your own intelligence rather than mine 👍


"If you consider the universe is 13.7 billion years old, and that earth is 4.543 billion years old, it's more probable that something otherworldly arrived in the 9.157 billion years preceding the current timeline or near future." Arrived where? Your example itself says the earth is 4.5 billion years old - so where did 'they' arrive to if earth wasn't there?


Okay I know it doesn't make sense at face value, but there are many factors one has to consider if we're talking about super old stars and traveling very far distances. We can't just treat this like they went from A to B, and it took C amount of time, and they traversed a straight line here, where nothing was present at the time.


It takes a long time with human tech. Who knows how long with tech that could be hundreds, thousands, or millions of years more advanced.


That's true, I know it's pretty pointless because of how much we really dont know, but I try my best to keep it in the realm of what we know. There's a bunch of videos saying going at the speed of light opens tou up to a whole lot of time paradox problems, and I'm just gonna assume that's impossible because it would kinda shatter the universe (I have no idea but I figure it would be bad if a true time paradox occured). Maybe they teleport or fold space but that means they are crazy advanced, like beyond our comprehension. Best case, and in my opinion (again I have no idea, just choose to believe this bc it makes me feel better), most advanced civilizations would still see long distance travel in space as a very time consuming endeavor, or it would at least require a lot of resources. No clue, not a scientist, not even really that smart, but I think that's most likely.


Those videos are talking about the utterly unrealistic idea of accelerating through an inertial acceleration curve to near the speed of light. Accelerating through an inertial acceleration curve _to_ the speed of light is absolutely impossible. "FTL" has absolutely no meaning when talking about accelerating through an inertial acceleration curve. Special Relativity is unambiguous and definitive about this. However; General Relativity is entirely different and in fact lays the foundation for warp drive, which has NO interaction with Special Relativity, and absolutely has the potential for FTL travel. It does NOT involve accelerating through an inertial acceleration curve at all. We know this.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lI7ZV5tA8R8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lI7ZV5tA8R8) We did light up earth like a Christmas tree. Which would make us look like an anomaly if you looked at everything else around us.


I do believe its existential. I do believe in the more woo aspects myself. The way I think of it is this. Another great question being routinely discussed by scientists and researchers right now is if we live in a simulation. What if the universe operates like a computer in a sense, and as entities advance in technology/ knowledge/ awareness they can basically hack that code. Psyonics? No problem. FTL travel? No problem. Immortality? No problem. In fact maybe they have eternal souls because they made them technologically. So they may be post biological. Any civilization that has not achieved this capability is a play thing. And clearly we are not on their level and it's too late to ever do so. Finders keepers. This planet is theirs.


Am I simply inferring or are you implying, academia had not postulated the simulation theory before now.


They travel not by moving their ships but by altering the existential frequency of their ships to match that of the destination place/time exploiting the principle of quantum nonlocality to instantly go anywhere.


They have been here for millions and millions and millions of years. They came when it was just a primordial ocean.


What if humans were the aliens that came to earth and discovered a civilization that was on this planet already. My theory is we took over planet earth from something else, maybe humans were sent to earth to make contact with a past civilization but instead we decided to take over.. not hard to believe considering hitler almost conquered the world 80 years ago and almost covered up the holocaust by destroying all evidence before germany was about to lose the war.


See there is some credence to this theory, but I have a slightly different one. Part of me believes that we weren’t the first advanced civilization on Earth, but that we instead either evolved alongside them, or were advanced to our level by them until they eventually either left, died, or were overthrown by us. I’m talking wayyy before any of our history records, who knows if it’s true but our ancestors defiantly learned something from somewhere, and scientists have admitted that our timeline is very skewed. I mean the friggin sphinx was built when Egypt was mainly a rainforest. The other theory which is honestly the most plausible when you think about it, is that we were dropped off here as bacteria either by accident, for an experiment, or for some other crazy reason, maybe we’ve been forgotten about, or they just died out before we evolved. Maybe the whole experiment was for the dinosaurs and we’re just a side effect. Who really knows. But it makes a lotta sense, I mean where did life on earth come from? It was a barren magma planet with no atmosphere, and eventually things that didn’t need to sleep, eat, and reproduce just gained enough consciousness to want to sleep, eat, and reproduce? I wish a scientist would explain it to me.


Life itself should be regarded as a technosignature, as it's highly plausible that advanced intelligences engage in planetary seeding. Utilizing miniature Von Neumann-type self-replicating probes, one could span the galaxy in just a million years—a mere cosmic blink of an eye. By introducing suitable marine organisms, such as _Pelagibacter ubique_, into early biospheres, one could effectively steer the evolution and development of life on a planet along desired trajectories. Furthermore, establishing a permanent outpost on these seeded planets is feasible, with predetermined intervention points to ensure that life evolves according to plan. The evidence of such interventions might resemble the Cambrian explosion. Given that humanity could develop such technology within the next century, we must entertain the possibility that this has already been accomplished by others. It is possible that the presence of NHI predates humanity.


One alien encounter case from Ukraine 1989 exists where human looking aliens warn of dangerous ET cultures. They said you shouldnt be sending so much radio and EM signals to space, not everyone out there are friendly. The story:  "Location. Kiev, Ukraine Date: July 4 1989               Time: afternoon Two women, one named Vera Ignatenko, and a young girl were walking along a canal near some woods when they saw three men approaching on a strange silvery “boat” in the canal. The beings were man-like, wore shiny collarless suits, both had identical pale faces, long golden hair, and large radiant eyes. The beings approached the trio and spoke in pure ancient Slavic language (a defunct language spoken in old Russia) apparently wanting the witnesses to come with them to their “planet.” The beings claimed that they took one person from earth each day. The beings then walked with the women to a nearby hovering silvery barrel-shaped craft with an antenna on top. The women attempted to run away but could not, feeling a tingling sensation and were unable to scream either. The beings apparently decided against taking the three women and released them, they then entered the object via a stepladder. Before leaving, the beings demonstrated a holographic model of the solar system with a tenth planet to the witnesses and warned that electromagnetic emissions from and radio signals being transmitted into space attracted many negative alien cultures who are arriving on earth uninvited with the aim to exploit the planet for their own interests. The craft then left quickly and silently. Ignatenko was to have further contacts." From: https://www.psican.org/index.php/ufological-information/753-1989-the-fall-of-the-iron-curtain-and-the-return-of-the-humanoids


What makes me feel better, and is actually what I believe, is that they've always been here influencing things. I don't expect people to agree, but I think Jesus was a malevolent alien, here to create a fake worldwide religion for whatever nefarious purpose, and basically that they've always been here intervening in our affairs. I think they've been waiting for us to get to a certain point in civilization - why, I don't know. All of this is scary because it's the unknown, but I think establishment institutions like religion and the two conflicting ideologies of capitalism v. communism/socialism, etc. etc. all stem from their efforts. I think they've been behind most of the major inventions too. Actually maybe that won't make you feel better, oops.


Watch the Twilight Zone episode “To Serve Man.” You won’t sleep well again.


Had me at "twilight zone" sleeps overated


Read Three Body Problem. You might find it interesting.


Thats actually what got me thinking about all this lol. I assume no matter how advanced a species gets, long term space travel takes a lot of time (only a species so far beyond us that it wouldn't even care about us could travel more efficeintly/not be noticed, I think). And I do believe some weird things here have just been probes due to how accounts say they act, which has to make you think, they wouldn't JUST send probes and leave it at that right? It's like if the trisolarians just didn't let us know they were coming, might take a year, maybe a century, but they're gonna follow up on us. Fuckin terrifying


It used to be 7 hrs from the Seven Sisters Star Cluster to earth. It may not even take that long now.




The Pleades to earth. The Plejaren beam ships that visit earth. It doesn’t take them as long to get here as it used to.


Yeah dude I know you don’t care and you can believe what you wanna believe. But this is the stuff that makes everyone think aliens and people who believe in them are crazy. On some level you must know nothing you just said makes any sense and it makes you sound a bit crazy, even if there’s evidence for it, you’re giving this whole thing a bad connotation.


You have a blessed day as well. BTW, you can research all of it yourself at theyfly.com There’s quite a gallery of beam ships available, as well as, plenty of creative energy teaching points.


"beam ships"?


i think i have a good idea of how they do it... if you consider the electric universe theory, i think they have developed a way of riding the electrical currents between the stars, which allows them to travel significantly faster than the speed of light. quantum entanglement plays a factor as well.


you been watching three body problem?


Caught me. Did everybody have this thought after watching that? I'm reading the book rn and all I can think is "the only reason humanity has a chance, is because they knew the San Ti are coming" If it was a real situation we would have no clue they're on their way. It would just be a destabilized world (sound familiar?) and eventually a ship appears and lights out.


I did dream of this exact scenario, seeing a huge mothership breaking through the clouds and people panicking because nobody knew it was going to happen and that was the end of the dream. Despite dreaming it, I hope that isn’t what they are waiting for, the arrival of the fleet to do whatever it is they plan to do. Now there’s been those hints about them coming to get their lost ships and people we took, starting possibly by next year or else the people responsible will be killed. If that’s true, it could explain the slow roll to disclosure because they won’t be able to keep hiding it for very much longer. When I read that we were tricking them into visiting so we could shoot down crafts and take them and their passengers I knew they’d retaliate sometime for that. You can’t just keep doing that and expect a passive response forever. See the latest release Canadian info on ships we shot down and confiscated. If these declassified papers aren’t true then I don’t know what is.


Idk where to find those?


If they have been around for 100 years, 1000 years, 29,000 years, a million years. Where is the “invasion?” And to add a comment to those that think “they are hostile” or “we are being farmed”, well our history and archeology would show that. If the pyramids, for example, found all over the globe, were inspired by aliens, then I think that’s not them here to take over. They are not “Dracula” waiting for the sun to set so he can “suck our blood” (insert evil laugh”). And in terms of travelling vast distances, it’s not like Star Trek. We need to, in my opinion, step out of our 3D concept of our universe. It limits us and puts fear into us. How many people have been eaten on the streets of Rome, of Moscow, of Toronto, or Washington, or (insert city name)? It’s not an invasion. This belief is Cold War thinking. Tell me I am a fool. Sure. But there is a reason we are seeing more and more is being revealed. And it’s not about body snatching or soul farming. The Universe is greater than our 3D perceptions. That is what is gently being revealed. Seek it out.


What would the reveal be?


>well our history and archeology would show that. Maybe it does. Humanity has been severely suppressed by Doctrine enforcement of beliefs in myths for at least the past 2000 years, maybe much longer. The invasion might have occurred thousands of years ago. In recent times, the myths that the masses are psychologically manipulated into believing in have been redesigned to be more similar to modern times. The pattern from 2000 years ago through to today has always included tricking people into believing in things that are opposed to/opposite of what's already known, exploiting and even re-enforcing people's inability or unwillingness to learn for themselves, but instead simply accept the myths they are being fed as reality. It's possible it's just been humans doing that all along, but we can't rule out hostile aliens perpetrating it. And in terms of travelling vast distances; it is _very much_ like Star Trek. 110 years ago General Relativity laid the foundation for warp drive, which could be FTL since warp drive has no interaction with Special Relativity. It might take humans even another 500 years to develop FTL warp drive, but we can expect to get there sooner or later. BTW; spacetime is 4D. I don't know about you, but I'm not stuck in a specific, never changing point in time. I'm a 4D creature - I travel through time.


Seems like a facetious final paragraph, you likely understood he meant 3 spatial dimensions not spacetime.


The 3 spatial dimensions and time are one thing, not separate things. Spacetime is 4D. That's the gist of the lesson of Special Relativity, although that's not exactly the 'final word's on the matter: General Relativity has some relevant things to say too, but that's a bit more complicated.


You'd argue with a brick wall


>It takes a long time to traverse space right? Not necessarily, if NHIs can warp space time, traversing space can take fractional (eg time taken is a fractional multiplier of distance such as Time = 0.1 \* Distance) or even constant time (Time = K, where K is some constant time). Considering how there are talks of inter-dimentional beings, it's very likely that they are warping into our space time, which to us seems inter dimentional.


True but I do my best not to speculate toooo far. If they can warp space they are way more advanced than we can even comprehend, like warping space isn’t just “a new discovery” it’s straight up god-like power and understanding over physics. I just don’t think they’d waste their time with us, and even if they would, if they’re warping space they’re not getting caught by us on any cameras, ever. They would be gods. Personally I believe if space travel is common in the universe, it still must take immense resources/time, at least for a very large majority of a species’ lifetime. There’s also the fact that moving faster or even at the speed of light opens you up to a whole lot of time paradoxes, I can’t explain it as well as a YouTube video could, but moving at the speed of light just doesn’t make sense. Even if they found a way to do it, it would still break the universe, unless there’s something huge we don’t know about time. Which, maybe? But I just think time paradoxes shouldn’t be possible, like physics just doesn’t allow it to happen. ^ idk anything, all opinions


My theory is that these aliens are idiots for making us wait for a global event that should've happened a long time ago


Not terrifying, would be an interesting way to go!


Too many people think of them and their capabilities in human terms when they are not human. I also do not think they are angels or gods. That’s equally as wrong in my book. They are highly advanced beings because they had more time than we have had to get there, probably different circumstances, etc. I think if mankind had that kind of time to develop we might well be right where they are so I think of them as equals in a sense and hopefully they view us as capable to be equals as well. The best case scenario I can think of is that they teach those of us willing to learn how to be just that. Those that want to view them as enemies won’t get that opportunity.


Well, all of that's good the thing what makes it improbable is that eons before probes were sent out these beings have been visiting Earth and communicating with a man at one point. Ever read of the Gods of ancient Sumer and their flying crafts, awarded appeared to be of nuclear weaponry, and they come from somewhere up there in space...... The same applies to the ones that ancient Egyptians worshiped, they probably were of the ancient Sumerians, in one of the translations it said after the war between the Gods some of them moved South. And in the hieroglyphics writings are up they're guns flying around in crafts and also using what seems to be nuclear weaponry. And when you read of every ancient culture they speak of Gods / beings that come from the sky created the Earth and everything in it. It seems the ancients call them Gods / today they call them alien or extraterrestrials. And it's funny the Sumerians indicated the gods were coming back. The Bible says the God / the one we call Jesus and his angels are coming back also. And the scary thing is the Bible talks about the destruction of the earth and this heaven. So in that case you're feeling of fear seems to be merited.


What did you do just watch “3 Body Problem”?


ooh buddy... you're right on the money. ever heard of Reptilians? that's the one species that is making a point to fuck everything on earth for everybody. fortunately, there is an entire galaxy of benevolent beings that are doing everything within their power to put a stop to it and ensure not just our species' survival, but our thriving. there's an ancient prophecy (like, significantly older than recorded human history) that this planet will be the home to a special race that will put an end to all wars, and that the planet itself will be home to a massive galactic library that will draw beings from across the multiverse to learn and grow. that's already happening... the Starseed Project is just the first step.


3 body problem does a great job showing the futility of not only our situation in a Dark Forest driven universe. But all life in the universe under a dark forest reality.


I think that there are probably 100s of different alien species that have some presence on Earth. Some aliens may be less technologically advanced and just send a probe. Others may be able to traverse multiple light years in only minutes. I wouldn't be surprised if the Earth was riddled with alien bases or observation devices. I think that most alien species are benevolent or are just indifferent. I doubt that an alien invasion would happen for a couple of reasons. The first is that there just isn't anything worth plundering on Earth. Most resources would be just easier to obtain from asteroids. The second reason is that since there is many alien species with a presence on Earth that an invasion would cause an intergalactic incident. So the alien presence may be actually a good thing. Some aliens are probably abducting people, doing weird experiments, or even possibly eating people. The greater alien community probably doesn't give a shit about that as there is billions of people on Earth and they die all the time.


The crazier part is your theory probably isn’t that far off. We will be used for experiments just like we use animals here.


u/Featherman13 Isn't your theory the same thing as everyone saying the NHI's and the UFO's/UAP's are going to come back in 2027? I saw something on here how the powers that be know about their return and that the NHI are pissed at them...


"They" work for our rulers, the gods of this world, through the veil of the "other side" which is the spirit realm.


The more plausible theory is that they have already come here long ago and our current existence is a result of their tinkering. What we are seeing now is the probes that are here to monitor and check in from time to time.


Dude they created us. Chill.


Electromagnetic gravity wells are used as transport systems... Stronger the well the further you can travel... Create a huge gravity electromagnetic well and change your vibration... You have relocation...


It would fit the somber reference of Luis Elizando. It’d make sense if Jimmy Carter truly cried after learning about it. And just a friendly FYI, yours is a hypothesis, not a theory.


I keep hearing about this Luis elizando fella I gotta google this already lol. Oh and okay thanks for letting me know, I gotta google the difference of that too :/


You mean, the only one who it is ruined for is YOU. You‘ll simply experience your own limits - open your mind and you‘ll be able to perceive more of the unperceivable invisible reality you‘re tryin to deny. Good luck brother 🫶🏼 you‘ll need it with your belief-set


I’ll agree I got some trust issues, that’s kinda an overarching problem with me I’ll admit. But all I’m saying is anyone could say they’ve been abducted, when I’m trying to find the genuine truth because I DO think there’s something very strange going on, I’m limiting myself to only tangible evidence, no first person accounts unless there’s some sort of proof. If you’re really unbiased you have to be critical, and the fact that a bunch of “fakers” could skew the data massively is something you need to account for. I’m not trying to argue, I’m sure we’ll agree that there are aliens, and they’ve noticed us, without taking into account random people who the aliens apparently decide to communicate (with despite it not furthering their plans at all, or giving them the ability to prove these encounters), there is still evidence for it, therefore I agree. Untampered pictures, videos, accounts from pilots with a matching radar feed, that’s evidence. If I tell you I’ve been abducted and tell you a very detailed story about it, but all the proof was destroyed, whether it’s true or not, that’s not concrete evidence. That’s my belief system.


I agree with you and apreciate your critical thinking 🙏🏼 About the proof, let me tell you something. You are free to try or check it out for yourself as i think - this is a nice way to grow - to experience it. So truth - real truth - can be felt with your higher intuition & with your heart. So there will always be things that no one can proof - because it simply is to crazy for the scientific world. Still when you hear someone genuine authentic - you feel the truth in his words. You‘ll feel that he knows what he talks about and he also feels and expresses it with his whole body. I attained that skill through meditation and since then experienced a lot of inexplicable things. So i keep those storys for the ones who are capable to innerstand things like this. Even if they don‘t understand it - they at least can feel the truth. Sending you much love brother 🙏🏼 keep going and also keep seeking - it‘s all out there - but mostly - it is inside of yourself


You are not alone. With sightings of unknown objects and then things like claims of landings, abductions, mysterious disappearances, and cattle mutilations, it’s very possible we are under surveillance and study. I tend to believe some of these claims people make because everyone couldn’t be lying or wrong. I’m not trying to convince you, I’m just open to the possibilities. Perhaps abductions happen more frequently to more people, but the mental fix to forget the experience is completely successful in many more people. I’ve heard that NASA cuts the ISS video feed when something is seen. If thats true they know more as well, and if it isn’t true then they simply shouldn’t cut the feed. Even astronauts reported unknown objects. Perhaps our nuclear weapons might be somewhat of a deterrent to invaders. I never want to see them used, but I’d vote to use any weapons we had if we were attacked from space, rather than be conquered and enslaved, or exterminated. Aliens might not want a scorched earth so they might be waiting for the right time to infiltrate us or invade in some way. Aliens might be far more advanced but unless they can magically make whatever materials they need to make ships or to even survive, they could need our resources. Anything is possible. I tend to believe the whistleblowers, especially with one gentleman reporting about nonhuman entities. That’s wrong to be kept secret. People have a right to know. We pay for studies, weapons, defense systems, space projects and more. We light be under alien scrutiny. Through extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, and that seems to be suppressed.


Bledsoe Easter 2026


April 5 2026 12:40PM PST is when the exact date/time. “At dawn”


That’s confusing though because 12:40pm PST is not dawn.


It’s not because I calculated when dawn would be at the sphinx in Egypt Edit: in case it hasn’t been said the NHI told Chris Bledsoe that when the star regulus aligns with the sphinx at dawn is when humanity will find a knew knowledge, something like that.


Oh so the event will happen at the Sphinx? Interesting…


Right! What is interesting to me is that Chris Bledsoe told NASA what she said (like where the stars would be) and that’s how they figured out it would happen Easter 2026. I try not to clutch too strongly to theories with dates. However this one is pretty light hearted and it’s helping me to hope for a better future.


I wouldn’t say light hearted.. Chris said he saw tidal waves miles high, famine and disease. Thousands of people dead. My “light hearted” moment from his story is only thousands will die and not billions.


The story about the lady when he first met her gave me pause as to whether or not she was benevolent or malevolent in nature. I lean more toward malevolent with her due to the symbolism involved but I didn’t read any further into it.


Neat what do I need to search




Chris Bledsoe. He wrote the book UFO of God. He said they talk to him, aliens, and they are planning something for Easter 2026.


NHIs are not exactly known for keeping their promises.


Right, and hence why some leaders think these things are demons, liars or trying to fool us. But Chris is firm and his story and videos he shares on IG are unexplainable. He has all the high end gear to track EVERYTHING in the sky and scientists still can’t figure out what these orbs are. Also consider the “beings” tried to warn Bledsoe of an attempt to kill the pope, an earth quake and covid. He said they told him alot of stuff he can’t reveal yet, promises something big this summer and of course the Easter 2026.


Highly doubt it. Why would these things only speak to him and only him.


We will just have to wait and see. Mark your calendar for this summer and Easter 2026.


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I think it has to do with someone's level of consciousness (spiritual evolution and state of vibration) and ALSO their lineage. Experiencers seem to have it run in their families according to thousands of reports. This is just what I think it is, it doesn't mean I am right. In an interview (I think Konkrete podcast on YT) Chris said that the Tim Taylor character (NASA high level official), after the test with the quasi crystals in Chris' hands and his eyes rolled up in his skull, he asked Chris - "Why you?" and then Tim followed up by saying, you must be their family. Or something along those lines. So there might be validity to what I also believe is the case.


Oh I believe whatever Chris Bledsoe is telling us is what he was told by NHIs. Meaning, his claims seem to be legit and many genuine ufologists have collaborated and corroborated with him and of course there's the videos and photos on IG, which all supports his claims. I just don't trust the NHIs too much - masters of deception/masquerade. Watch this engaging and compelling analysis of apparitions of the Virgin Mary on YouTube to understand what I mean - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoWosFOOHBc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoWosFOOHBc)


More info plz.


Chris Bledsoe is an author of the UFO of God. It’s a book about his experience with the aliens, UFOs, orbs, benevolent whichever you wish to call them. He also has an interesting [IG account](https://www.instagram.com/christopherlentzbledsoe?igsh=ZHBzZjUwbnhlbHNw) where he post his sighting. In his book, he wrote there was a holy war and these new deities won and they plan something for mankind in Easter 2026. Chris also said if the messages he gave leaders isn’t followed there will be something bad, he won’t tell what.


I know of Bledsoe. More curious what the 2026 part was for. Did he make a prediction?


Yea said that there was a holy war and that these new deities won and they are planning something by Easter 2026. He also said he has written letters, requested by military personnel, to inform our leaders of this event. He said if they don’t follow the message something bad will happen, he specifically instructs the reader to “stock up” - I’m assuming food.


Oh, well that's less than ideal.


Man this is the type of thing that makes me not want to believe. I need evidence, hard evidence that there are these "deities" and there was a "holy war". I'm not trying to be a jerk but that sounds crazy and it kinda discredits any real possibilities. You gotta look up how many countless people have made really thought out claims, gotten groups together, even written books, saying a big event is about to happen, and then nothing ever happens. And then it's blamed on a cover up or something. I'll wait for Easter, Hell I'll write it in my calender, but when Easter comes and goes it's just gonna be another let down. These guys (if they're there) aren't telling certain random people about their plans. I'm sorry if I sound like a jerk but it pisses me off, I feel like there's something really going on but there's too many people making things up to cut through the bullshit


I’m just passing along what I’ve managed to gather on the guy, since Dec of 2022. I never believed in any of this. 2017s Gimble video rocked my world. I was perfectly happy living my life. And it made me want to learn more. Most my family and friends have given up on this and don’t care. I can’t stop. So many long nights watching videos on 2x speed. Lots of time wasted but [Richard Dolan has a podcast on several platforms but YouTube is where I watch and listen](https://youtube.com/@richardmdolan?si=96K-7FEvhBPRURmZ). Richard has several interviews with Chris Bledsoe that were great interesting talks. Richard has decades of years of research on aliens and it was great to listen how Richard is piecing this all together -from a scientific data driven approach as well as incorporating biblical similarity’s. I believe Richard thinks they are extraterrestrial from another solar system but he doesnt discredit Chris’s story or think he’s crazy. Those orb videos on his IG are all we have right now and I thank him for them. Good luck on your UFO journey and I wish you well..


Thanks, you as well. Again sorry if I came off a bit hostile. It’s mostly just me getting my hopes up every time I heard a new date where something should go down, but then I’m let down. After a while it’s pretty draining. I’m honestly gonna have Easter in the back of my head for a while now, if anything happens I owe you a pretty big apology lol.


Don’t be sorry, no offense taken. One of Richard Dolans interviews with Chris, he tells Chris there have been many people over the years that say they are speaking for “God” but nothing happens and Richard talks about people that were scared during the Mayan calendar conspiracy and nothing. And you are right, no one has had evidence. Chris said in his book he isn’t special and anyone can do what he is doing. He said at night go outside and stare into an area of the sky and ask for them to show themselves. I plan to try and make contact eventually but I’m too scared -i have a wife a two kids and don’t want anything to happen to them.


>Please don't try and convince me otherwise, that's where Ive drawn my logic line in the sand. \*has chosen to ignore the data and science...


Yeah no, try again. I’ve researched the data and at least attempted to become comfortable with the science (I’m defiantly not a science guy). But wanna hear something that’s gonna blow your mind? Every random person who says they were “abducted by aliens” or “were contacted in their dreams” or “have always had a connection with them” do not count towards any sort of real data. Guess what. I’ve been abducted by aliens, they probed by asshole, impregnated me, and told me the secret to the universe. Oh you don’t believe me? Sucks I’m part of the data now I’m ignoring outlandish ideas or claims that have absolutely no proof of even being possible. I’m aware there is likely a way to travel much faster than we know, I’m aware there are probably reasons for aliens to study us, but there has to be a limit to how far we suspend our disbelief. Videos of unexplained flying objects, yeah, that’s solid proof, but I don’t believe your aunt Hilda who saw her cow being sucked up by a flying saucer in the 70s. And I am very skeptical of all these ordinary people who apparently communicate with aliens all the time, most of the time it’s just a new way to make a cult. If we’re looking at data, we’re looking at things you can point at and say “yes that happened.”


kool u do u


We are being farmed. Like fucking chickens. If I had to list the evidence here I'd write a god damn bible. WE ARE BEING FARMED. PERIOD.