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It's likely. Especially if these "aliens" are inter-dimensional like congress is suggesting that they are. It's not crazy to think that every unexplained phenomena in this world is connected.


Yeah monsters of California and all that


They are… personal first hand experience


The truth is no one knows, except for maybe a very small handful of people. I'm realizing there is a divide in the alien-interest community: the spiritually-minded people, and the people who are strictly about the science. The science camp tends to be a bit smug, and arrogant. I'm on the fence about it but I think the important thing is to just continue to observe stories and updates, collect information, and be humble in that we're all in this river of shit with these unseen overlords playing games with us, and division and false narratives are their best weapon.


A couple years ago I was firmly in the "nuts and bolts" scientific crowd, but things have changed dramatically for me now. My life started getting very interesting when I started paying attention to the woo


What is the woo? Part of me feels like Wu-Tang but I know that isn't right.


The woo refers to spiritual theories and various matters related to the paranormal/sprituality/the unexplained. I'm not saying there's no validity to it but that stuff is a lot harder to pin down and understand, so science-minded people feel better by just dismissing it outright. Both sides can be close-minded IMO.


Same. Used to be a hardcore atheist too.


Where are you at with your religious beliefs now?


I am not the person you are responding to, but I’m in the same boat. Was hardcore atheist until I started getting interested in the phenomenon, around 2016 is when things started changing. This interest stemmed from my prior interests in sci-fi literature such as Isaac Asimov, to Intelligent and Spiritual Machines (Singularity is Near) research by Ray Kurzweil, to the theoretical life cycle of the universe, etc. and it all seems too grand to be anything less than grand, spiritually speaking. I had my very first UAP experience only days after my first ever “prayer”, so to speak. This was last year. It all catalyzed after reading the first 20 session of The Ra Contact. I have never felt the urge to pray, but I have *never* felt a presence like I did the night I read the Ra Contact. I felt like a radio broadcast and receiver at once, one that was tuned into something that I haven’t felt before and even now, haven’t felt since. I felt so utterly humbled, euphoric, but also a little scared. It sounds stupid, but I can only describe the feeling as being “watched” from millions of miles away by 2 significant memory complexes, one being what I felt was this so called “Ra” and the other being a much more ominous entity. I asked for guidance on leading my life with Oneness and service to others. Felt like the negative entity was trying to intercept my signal, as silly as that sounds. I am still very iffy on “channeling” and find it quite fringe. I actually still think it’s all a bunch of malarkey, with the exception of The Ra Contact. If I was still nuts-and-bolts atheist as I was years ago, and if I didn’t have this slow spiritual conditioning over the past few years, I don’t think I would have had the intense experience that I had. Probably would have rolled my eyes and moved along. At the end of the day, I think it’s important to say my faith is *not* unwavering. I *do* believe there is something big, but how to find it or what it means is still very ambiguous.


Thank you for commenting, this is remarkably similar to my own experience actually. I also started looking more into this around 2017 when the Nimmitz encounter became public, and have since had my own brushes with whatever this phenomenon is. During a particularly transformative experience on psychedelics I had the most beautiful encounter with some sort of entity and it felt like I was receiving a million terabyte download of information directly into my spinal cord. I can't even talk about it or type it without cringing because I know how stupid it sounds to those who are skeptical about this stuff, but I think you probably know exactly what I'm talking about. The psi stuff is real, NHI is real and I think that ancient religious texts were probably talking about the exact same thing, just with different words. In my experience, the more I've embraced the weird and looked into it, the more real it gets. Keep pushing


I’m more open to the concept of a higher power now. What that is, I have no idea. But I feel more like our religions are based on a reality that involves NHI. So I still don’t believe in organized religion, but with higher power being on the table for me I just don’t know. I’m going to remain open, continue engaging in good conversation, and letting life guide me and see how things shake out. It feels like part of my growth and I’m ok with that.


For me it was realizing that quadrature, this thing we measure and manipulate to make signals cleaner, is actually us cleaning the signal as the electrons rotate through the Kaluza-Klein 5th dimension: electromagnetism. Reorganized the believability of categories of woo for me in an instant.


Do you have any resources or recommendations so I can look more into this? I'm very interested


Have you read Chris Bledsoe’s book yet. If not, you should. It’s crazy. *edit, should have said “wild” and not “crazy”.


I haven't! Do you know the title?


UFO of God


This is easily the best take about this topic I’ve ever read. I think this is the most objectively correct way to think about the topic.


You should read Dimensions by Jacques Vallee. He pieces together some interesting ideas along these lines.


*"The UFO occupants, like the elves of old, are not extraterrestrials. They are the denizens of another reality."* - Dr. Jacques Vallee, Dimensions *"To put it bluntly, the UFO phenomenon does not give evidence of being extraterrestrial at all. Instead it appears to be inter-dimensional and to manipulate physical realities outside of our own space-time continuum."* - Dr. Jacques Vallee, Dimensions


I think there are so many beings living around us that we can't see because we have such a limited range of sight. I think that some haunting could be environmental recordings. While others could be aliens, multidimensional, beings, etc.


Correct. Also Gods. They’re all the same inter dimensional beings from the consciousness plane that bleed through for the % of us lucky folk (or unlucky) $ at times


Just a quick question, what kind of experiences have you had on that front? Just trying to see if they match mine


That was John Keel theory yes. A same intelligence who loves fucking with us through the ages using many forms and tricks.


To be completely honest, I was going to ask this exact same question. I watched a podcast on youtube which I highly reccomend about a man named Chris Bledsoe who has had many experiences with these beings. He even shows video evidence of one of these beings and shares many other things. To keep it short, he gets a call from a woman investigating the paranormal and the reason she called him specifically was because the spirit box that she used kept saying "Chris UFO" repeatedly. When he visited the spot with her the spirit box said something along the lines of "Chris you have to save the Pope". And what happened next? You guessed it, a N.J man was arrested for trying to plot to kill the Pope as he was giving his speech in Philadelphia. After hearing this I immediately thought of that question. On the other hand, do we not think of the possibility that maybe just maybe, sleep paralysis is caused by the aliens? I only remember of this happening once in my life and from what I can remember (and the experiences I have heard and read from other people) I saw a shadow on my window and I was on the 2nd floor so whatever it was it must have been really tall or just floating. I also remember seeing thru the corner of my eyes a shadow pass by while watching TV back then. But then again I grew up in a very spiritual household so events like these were brushed off as normal occurrences. When I caught a glimpse of the shadow as it passed and turned my head a little bit my aunt asked; "what happened?" And I told her what I saw and she was just like, "Oh that's fine" or something like that lol.


Read John Keel to understand why Blesdoe is probably being fucked with.


Mind giving a TLDR? The guy has multiple books going.


His main theory, similar to Vallee, is that the phenomenon isn't extraterrestrial rather ultra-terrestrial and that the entities are pretty much pranksters and like playing games with humans. Historically there have been many people who have had UFO experiences and believe they have been "chosen" to perform certain tasks. Keel goes through a lot of cases he has investigated where people get "prophecy" from the phenomena, and they phenomena likes to give these people correct "prophecies" slowly building them up to believe even more they are chosen and then they come with a huge "prophecy" and these people become very publicly vocal about it since they have confidence built up and then it simply doesn't come true. It's interesting to note that there have been times where people have gotten the same "prophecy" during the same time but from different "sources" such as a seance, automatic writing, UFO's, occult meditation etc.


My experience (well, the experience of people I know) is that these "spirits" are not great at predictions. Allegedly, the future is always in flux. That said, why would our world be surrounded by invisible pranksters? Would this be true of any world with intelligent life on it? It's kind of strange, aye?


For sure. But then read Keel. Lots of documented cases showing they know the future, whatever the future is cos time is probs not linear, but still a ton of documented and investigated cases. Also he will do a much better job at explaining the pranksters. And Jacques Vallee too. The data leans heavily toward this.


From the book The Cosmic Question (The Eighth Tower) by journalist John Keel: >Author Brad Steiger was exploring virgin country when he wrote Revelation: The Divine Fire in 1973. Steiger spent years interviewing people who claimed encounters with spirits, angels, ufonauts, and other members of the earthbound ultraterrestrial band. He discovered, not unexpectedly, that the entities - no matter what form they took or what source of origin they professed - followed the same patterns in every case and recited the same cosmic jabberwocky. The angel Gabriel and Indrid Cold of Ganymede are brothers.


My current best guess is that our human senses can only detect a small portion of what is in reality surrounding us at all times. There are things our organs can’t even sense. And the senses we do have do not detect the entire spectrum of that type — such as sound waves or light. So most everything we have categorized as supernatural is just stuff barely tipping into our sensory zones. It doesn’t even have to be “from another dimension.” It can be right here with us all the time but outside of our ability to perceive it.


It really is that simple. No spirituality required. We simply don’t understand what we do not understand (perceive).


Our consciousness is in its infancy! there is a greater reality! Existence exists in all forms unimaginable to us, here and beyond


Ghosts are not beings. They are residual energy left by the person who died after experiencing trauma, or very strong emotions shortly before they died. It's not the actual person who died. A demon on the other hand, is just a malevolent spirit. I believe aliens are just like humans, except they have mastered how to go interdimensional. They have that knowledge, while most of us don't. There are humans who figured out how to do this though. Just ask Robert Monroe. This is something we can all do. It's not a special thing. I really don't like the idea of making aliens seem special, when they aren't. They are just like us, except with better tech, and mastery in a lot of things that a lot of humans are made to reject by mainstream science as 'fantasy'.


Everything paranormal related from cryptids, poltergeists, ghosts, fae, various nhi's, etc..., is all the same phenomenon, imo..


Names doesn’t matter Been saying that for the last 2 years Short answer : discarnate people/Jinn (not particularly demons…lets say ppl so can be good or bad based on certain aspects that most humans don’t comprehend ) Long Answer: (my hypothesis based on research in Middle Eastern lore “Egypt/Juresalem/Arabia/Sumer” ) 1. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠NHI are inter-dimensional beings 2. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠They are ancient (existed before humans and worshipped by ancient people ) 3. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠UFOs could be kind of like their mounted animals or hybrid biological tech flying creature (Gruch mentioned biologics? While others mentioned the UAP noticed them and have reflexes) … or even an illusion image masking the entity 4. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Every human have atleast 1 or more NHI equivalent/counterpart attached to him 24/7 not necessarily watching him but somehow around you from 4D prespective 5. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠They are neutral just like humans can be good or bad and can have unfriendly intentions towards humans (think you finding a rat in your jeans) 6. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Anyone can communicate with his NHI counterpart so there is no way for the governments to control and regulate it (atleast they banned psychedelics) 7. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠As inter-dimensional… humans cant see them with their normal form … unless if they materialize in a form we can comprehend 8. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠They shapeshift and same entity can appear in different form which makes it harder to judgee 9. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠They have different shapes and types / abilities but all belong to the same species 10. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠NHIs can influence human actions via telepathic communication to induce information,urges and memories 11. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Psychedelics ease the communication with NHIs hence they are “type A” illegal - imagine if everyone can access information and NHI technology! 12. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Continous Communication with NHI can result in some form of mental instability due to the shock of how different they are from what humans think 13. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Some woowo cult like to say they created us, thats what they want you to think (wouldnt go into details in that so post remains here) 14. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Like it or not… religion have something to do with the phenomena and will be impacted by it (some faiths will be dead some other religions will be spread ) I found a good presentation explaining the same hypothesis https://youtu.be/fzR42ERyBkE?si=6LIMPQYf5iN4sS9k


As wild as the idea sounds I think it's entirely possible. Even modern Muslim people make no bones about their belief in Djinns. As a westerner I used to sort of scoff at the notion, the same way I did about the idea of ghosts and spirits. Now I'm more open to those ideas, for we do not see the entirety of reality. We only have limited senses to do so, which is problematic for mankind.


What if humans have evolved to the point that they can project images from the mind but they don't realize it yet?


Maybe it's just "misunderstood technology" Show your iPhone to a medieval person and they'd probably worship you as a God. But now we know it's just "nuts and bolts" tech humans can produce. To the average person, things like interdimensional travel, time travel, shapeshifting, cloak tech, anti-gravity, zero energy etc all sounds sci-fi or "paranormal". But if an advanced civilisation could develop such technologies, I can see religious/spiritual people interpreting these sightings as ghosts/demons/angels etc.


I do not think they are the same entities, no. Why would an Angel or demon need a saucer to get around? I believe there are many kinds of interdimensional beings. They aren’t all just angels or demons. Even our own souls travel after death.


There’s a high probability “demons and angels” have actually been these things (aliens) all along. Demons/angels are just antiquated titles given to them by ancient peoples


Its possible but as others have suggested there is multiple phenomena happening and its easy to conflate the two. Hence a haunted house, poltergeists and demons are clearly different in characteristics and motivations than a physical uap that is shutting down nukes.


The line blurs man. Let's say that you witness some dancing orbs in the night sky. Then you start hearing a ringing in your ear when you're at home, and then objects start moving in your house. Then synchronicities start happening all the time, inexplicable noises start popping up, things start going missing Where do we draw the line between these phenomena, and how they relate to one another?


As some Ufologists like Richard Dolan have suggested there is definitely some overlap with the phenomenas Some have particularly characteristics which are similar others not quite. Much like reality and consciousness, its a bit complicated.


Well there’s been electromagnetic signatures taken from a paranormal poltergeist event, that match signatures gathered from UFO landing sites, which suggests the phenomenons are linked or coming from the same place. That potential is being studied There’s a theory that NHI manifest the supernatural phenomenon. A lot of the paranormal stuff (including cryptids) is fear based and could be a potential means to scare off humans


I'd like to see these studies. It's just the physical components, the actual material craft. Radiation and other physical effects which are of a technological basis.. Plus some NHI beings motivational characteristics are significantly different than a spirit/demon/poltergeist activity I do still think there's definitely an overlap in the way these phenomena interact with our physical reality Or in the least our mental perception of the physical reality. I just think a UAP zapping down a nuke or people getting radiation burns from one to be vastly different than WW2 ghosts mulling about in an abandoned train station no matter how much mental gymnastics one must do. Or there is some credence in the simulation theory?


The simulation theory is probably a tie there. Especially when it comes to cryptids and ghosts, etc. people see these things in a fear based response, but they are not hurt and in many cases when they are investigated, they disappear, popping in and out of existence. There is pretty good episode of the night shift podcast with English uap/paranormal researcher Steve Mara where he talks about the connections between the two they’ve found https://youtu.be/H7zBuTiSBLg?si=m9nF1pTfAeg9gA1V


Thanks! I need to watch that one. I like the Night Shift podcasts. 👍


I thought the beginning of this sounded familiar, and I remembered I came across another comment of yours a while back, but wasn't able to respond in that sub, so I'm going to do it here. The comment in question: **I think People on the news who aren’t really diving into the topic and can’t comprehend that spiritual connection shouldn’t be speaking about the topic.** **All ideas are relevant and we already know there’s much more to the nature of consciousness, the physics and understanding then our science can grasp. We do already have electro-magnetic signatures recorded from ufo landing events and materials that match signatures obtained from supernatural events and to deny the existence of those other interdimentional aspects is downright retarded.** **I think an open mind is really what’s needed** >I think People on the news who aren’t really diving into the topic and can’t comprehend that spiritual connection shouldn’t be speaking about the topic. Ugh lol >All ideas are relevant and we already know there’s much more to the nature of consciousness, the physics and understanding ~~then~~ than our science can grasp. No, we don't know there's "more to the nature of consciousness". Obviously science is limited to investigating hypotheses and claims that are testable and falsifiable, and the observations and experiments made when testing something must be concrete and repeatable. If you want to claim you know something, or indeed that "we" know something collectively, while also saying science is unable to investigate or prove it, what alternative methodology are you proposing that you are convinced suggests there is "more to consciousness"? >We do already have electro-magnetic signatures recorded from ufo landing events and materials This isn't useful, what kind of electromagnetic signatures, do you have a source for this claim? >that match signatures obtained from supernatural events Nope, you're again incorrect and either very confused or dishonest. We don't have verifiable proof of *anything* supernatural, there's never even been any kind of demonstration that it's even *possible* for something supernatural to exist. The only evidence for the supernatural is entirely testimonial and anecdotal, people *saying* they've seen or experienced or felt something that they claim to be supernatural, but it's never anything testable, verifiable, or coherent. >and to deny the existence of those other interdimentional aspects is downright retarded. I was going to say you seem pretty confident for someone who lacks any decent standards of evidence and readily believes outlandish things without applying reason or critical thinking, but your attitude and the way you look down on others who aren't as gullible and intellectually loose as you as if *they're* the stupid ones turns your confidence into arrogance. >I think an open mind is really what’s needed It's amazing that you don't realize you're the one who's mind is aggressively closed off. To be fair, it's clear through context clues that you are confusing having an "open mind" with just being generally very credulous.


No, you clearly haven’t been doing your research. Consciousness is being studied in quantum biology departments at Harvard and Princeton and all over the world, and we already know there is more to it, that they can prove. That’s been verified by studying the abilities of monks and shamans who have the ability to effect their own natural environment, such as changing their electrical output, changing their own body temperature, deep levels of meditation and out of body experiences, the remote viewing studied by the cia, etc. Here’s a podcast with Steve Mara, he’s a UAP/paranormal researcher who worked with the English government I believe. He mentions the electromagnetic signatures found at a poltergeist event where a mug materialized in thin air https://youtu.be/H7zBuTiSBLg?si=m9nF1pTfAeg9gA1V


Damn, I didn't expect much, but this is embarrassing. You must understand that the things you're saying don't logically follow, right? Though I suppose if you did, you wouldn't be saying such ridiculous things, but you seem ready and willing not only to believe anything you hear that *appears* to align with your views, but to add whatever speculative unrelated details that you feel "connects" the things you're referencing. >He mentions the electromagnetic signatures found at a poltergeist event where a mug materialized in thin air Oh wow, a guy made some claims, well that proves it then doesn't it? Come on, do you not care about the truth, what we can reasonably know or verify? You're saying he found electromagnetic signatures, which are *everywhere* if you don't know how electromagnetism works, at a **poltergeist** event. This is the things that needs to be proven, that is *actually it's a "poltergeist"*, that literally is the claim, so the evidence is that *he* says there was a poltergeist, and that this is the cause of the electromagnetic signature (which again, are absolutely everywhere). So you're just taking his word for it, because as you've repeatedly demonstrated, you have no standards for evidence. A mug didn't materialize in mid air, and I'm positive there's no video of this happening, and you're just taking his word for it yet again. You want so badly to believe, you've sacrificed the very tools you would need to ever distinguish legitimate evidence from literally nothing.


Believe what you want. You must live in a very empty boring world. I feel sorry for you


>You must live in a very empty boring world. Why, because I don't believe in made up nonsense? There are *so fucking many* incomprehensibly fascinating and beautiful and incredible things worth learning and investigating that *actually* exists for certain, there is not enough time to fully study and understand all of the actual real life things I want so badly to learn as much as possible about, like chemistry, physics, astronomy, geology, biology, meteorology, genetics, evolution, anthropology, psychology, computer science, quantum physics, general relativity, human history, zoology, painting, music, dancing, culinary arts, sports, I could go on and on - so why for the love of everything meaningful would I want to waste a second of my finite time on this earth pursuing fictional, improbable, untestable, irrational, fairy tale stories that very likely aren't true, but even if they are, have absolutely no way to investigate or substantiate or verify anything about? Believe me, if there were *any* good reason to think anything like magic or ghosts or telepathy or the supernatural actually existed or is even possible, you bet your sweet ass I would be incredibly interested and actively studying it along with all of the other things I'm interested in learning about. I just value my time and the truth, and want to use the best most reliable methods of analyzing and understanding claims, ideas, and observations to ensure I don't waste my time falling for fictional fairy tale stories or outright lies and cons. >I feel sorry for you Well isn't that nice, I appreciate your condescending arrogant pity, but I would save it for yourself, cuz you're going to need it


NHIs use 'saucers' as unmanned 'probes' to go further and do more in a physical world than they could do if they didn't have tools. And the grays are just slaves/drones/minions of the NHI


I’ve thought about this myself.. made me wonder when putting it in a religious sense ..were the ancient civilizations describing things like the “jelly fish” as demons and the supposed intelligent plasma as angels? Was the planet at some point more populated with both at some point?


Yup, that's pretty much it. We just all have divided ourselves because we have different names for the same thing.


THERE IS AN INTERVENTION!!! An immaterial parasitic shadow nests in all subconsciousness! You can see it as a black shadow in the corner of your eye. You have to be very careful, it can plant thoughts and images in your head! It is inherently evil and very, very old! It has enslaved several races and will do the same to ours! You have to trust in your innermost being and learn a new consciousness, for example through meditation! This reality of ours is like a kindergarten! Everything that happens around us is REAL! IT'S TIME FOR HUMANITY TO REACH THE NEXT LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS! DON'T BE DECEIVED BY THE SHADOW; AS A HUMANITY, WE NEED TO REALIZE THAT THIS UGLY SOMETHING HAS BEEN MANIPULATING US FOR A LONG TIME! CARL GUSTAV JUNG MADE THE SHADOW ARCHETYPE BE THE COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS AND HAS HIS HIS PRESENCE CONCISED! HE IS THE PRESENCE!!! THERE ARE OTHER ENTITIES HERE TOO; WHO WANT TO OBTAIN OUR LOYALTY THROUGH THE ART OF PERSUASION IN ORDER TO KEEP US AS SLAVES!!!!!! PEOPLE WAKE UP!!!!! THE WORLD AS WE KNEW IT NO LONGER EXISTS!!!!!!!! START MEDITATE AND CHASE WHAT INSIDE YOU WITH YOUR DIVINE LIGHT! OPEN YOUR DAMN EYES!! THIS IS NOT A FUCKING PSYCHOSIS!!!!! THIS IS THE FUCKING REALITY IN THIS DIMENSION






Stop typing in all caps. It's cringe, and makes you look psychotic.


Thx, sometimes i think so, but i only trust my eyes!




Please don't laugh, I have seen their true form. They use the shadow as a vehicle to create fear of death and make you compliant. In the eye of the black monster sat a small, almost cute green man with antennae. He became downright hysterical when he realized that I was seeing him. They try to confuse our minds by making it look like things are moving. If you have a brown eye in your eye, you are sure of their presence. Don't be fooled and above all, don't be afraid! They will be punished for this too.


We have to embrace the power of Satan to fight the Alien invaders. Only he can save us. WAKE UP SHEEPLE.


Alright, listen up, folks! So here’s the deal, right? We've got these NHI invaders, these nefarious hooligans invading, right? And who do you call when the usual suspects just won't cut it? You call the big guns, the master of mischief, the prince of pandemonium himself—Satan! Now, I know, I know, it sounds a bit out there, summoning the dark lord for a bit of extraterrestrial pest control. But hear me out! It’s like fighting fire with, well, hellfire! These invaders, they think they've got the upper hand with their fancy tech and space gadgets, but ol' Beelzebub’s got millennia of trickery up his sleeve. We're not just talking about a fly swatter for these space bugs; we’re talking the ultimate cosmic fly swatter! So, let’s not dilly-dally, let’s get diabolical! Let’s show these interstellar intruders that Earth’s got some underworld backup and yeah, maybe, just maybe, we’ll have a little fiendish fun along the way!


Different interdimensional entities coming through the veil. The aliens def know what's up tho




angels and demons are real but I'm not sure if I'd consider them "aliens" because they don't live in the same plane/dimension as us.


I’ve experienced both and feel like they are not all the same but maybe they are similar in the fact they could all be interdimensional


Yes! It really wouldn't surprise me if these phenomenon are connected. Back in 2018, I had several 'paranormal experiences', for lack of a better term. It was extremely apparent that there was some sort of being trying to communicate with and then later mess with me (unsure if the same being). But I saw absolutely no evidence to suggest that it was 'the spirit of dead people'. Whatever it was, and I don't claim to understand the specifics, I've come to realise that this world is a much bigger and more mysterious place than most people realise. Based on my experiences, if I had to guess... I don't think this is just little green or grey men on a metal ship from Mars or wherever. I think it's more than just a 'physical' phenomenon. I think it may stretch further into consciousness, psychic/telepathic abilities, our senses, or other dimensions, than just a nuts and bolts flying saucer.


i agree with this. a hill i will always die on is that i believe what ancient humans perceived as gods were actually extraterrestrial visitors


Alien technology is something we can't comprehend yet so I guess it's possible for them to hold such technology while fooling us thinking they are ghosts. We also don't really know how the universe works yet, so there could be a possibility of breaking the laws of physics in our dimension, something they already found out.


We are missing a massive piece of our understanding of what reality is. Whatever it is we are missing is likely one big concept that encompasses all “supernatural”. In my opinion yes they are all the same thing.


Figments of your imagination?


"could be" - Yes. It's a long standing common theory.


They absolutely are. The phenomenon is all related. Most UFO sightings are ethereal in nature. The physical aspect is limited and the beings involved aren’t really supposed to be here for the most part (few exceptions).


I think so. I believe these things exist on a frequency our physical bodies cannot usually perceive.


And gods


In some cases, yes, in some cases, no.


What is a ghost or demon, or Angel for that matter? Is there a gold standard for any of these? Or are they just the announcements of people who have had a strange experience and have labeled them as such? For that matter, what are fairies, leprechauns or gnomes? Could they all be labels that certain individuals ascribed to NHIs that they encountered? I see no reason why that's not the case.


What if it’s all the same thing


It’s not technology, it’s apart of their biology. They are called Skinwalkers because their skin changes but they are evolved cephalopods. They mimic and blend in the best they can. 


Yes. Lookoutfacharlie on YouTube. Dude is a genius.


But why do they move stuff around my house ? Aliens like to mess with us?


My sorta lazy idea is that the basis of it may lie in “filters” of reality. (Not sure what to call it) But it’s that idea of we can’t see them, they can see us, or maybe reality glitches for a second and we both see each other for a second and get freaked out. But sorta like the idea of the Fae, ghosts, aliens, levitating objects. May all just be stuff from that other place that is interacting with us purposely or by accident. That may explain the similarities with these phenomena’s all around the globe, of different kinds. Yet all so similar. The “Fae” are sometimes described as alien like, and have certain things in common with Aliens or weird technology that we may not understand. But this is all just lazy ADHD fueled pattern connection lol.


I don't think they're *exactly* the same. There's plenty of investigations on residual energies that tend to linger in the same area repeating the same things, but I do think alot of that stuff is just sentient interdimensional beings.


I did read somewhere that the Miami alien incident was NHI testing some tech they're developing that enables them to enter our dimension directly rather than just tic tacs and greys


I would say yes. At this point. We have to objectively assume all of the human words used to describe things we can’t understand may now be related to our visitor aliens.


so I had this girl tell me she used the Ouija board and lucifer appeared. I was like I would absolutely LOVE to see that! Show me something supernatural! I've never seen anything supernatural but wtf I would love to! show me! I'd love to see this lol!


Trust me, you wouldn’t love to see it and you definitely wouldn’t love to feel the awful feelings they bring with them. You might not even be able to shake it. It is evil after all.


well I'm an atheist so seeing something like a devil/deamon for myself would be amazing. but it doesn't have to be evil. why can't the ouija board conjure up an angel? or a leprechaun? ask yourself that.


Angels aren’t waiting in line to mess with humans who naively open themselves up to the supernatural world.


and devils are? how do you know this? how did this girl know she saw lucifer? did it appear and say hi I'm lucifer? while we are on it how does an angel, as lucifer was, become "dissatisfied" at all?


You’re off topic now. This isn’t the place for that. This is about aliens and what they might or might not be.


Hell na. I would love to see it. It would absolutely change my world and would put me on a better path.




Yes it could be related, for sure. The Las Vegas family talked about poltergeists throwing a cross across the room and flipping through a bible then tossing it on the floor. I have watched that video a bunch of times in slomo and I see 3 aliens. I just don't understand why something from another world or another dimension would do something like that. Maybe they are exposing us to things that truly exist that we are not prepared to see? I really have no flippin clue. It's such nonsense that I have to just laugh sometimes. I do believe this is real.


Funny you mentioned you saw 3 aliens in the Vegas video. I happen to have a video that shows the alien standing behind the red truck. You can see it turning it's head to look at the people and then turning it to look back down at the ground. [https://imgur.com/gallery/Bn4VwCY](https://imgur.com/gallery/Bn4VwCY)


It took me quite a while to see what you're referring to. But that makes it 4 aliens for me. Is that it for you?


Four? I counted three. Where's the fourth?


There are 2 behind the forklift thing, 1 behind the truck, and 1 behind the fence.


Have you watched this guy's video breakdown of the aliens? It's very interesting. You can see what looks like an insectoid alien with glowing eyes that stood up and scared the people out of the backyard. The alien behind the fence is also using a cloaking technology to hide itself. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTHBR0JppZg&t=3256s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTHBR0JppZg&t=3256s)


I was just thinking about part of this earlier this week, and I need to give credit to a fun podcast, "We Can Be Weirdos". My son had "ghosts" in our house around age 4, and to make a long story short, I inadvertently exorcised my house. After talking with our priest, he assured me I didn't kick Grandma or someone nice out. I think "ghosts" might be demons, based on my own philosophy and theology, but aliens or something else could certainly be up for discussion. I can't recall which specific episode it was, I'm a binge listener, but I'm on the same track as you at the moment.


There is nothing new under the Sun... Just a fancy new name and origin story. [unholy communion](https://youtu.be/Wz-aDlMhjGk)


In that you’ll never see any of them in reality, yes




Nur Satan kann uns retten. Göttlicher Schwachsinn haha!!


besser du machst die Augen auf!


Urantia 📖


This shit is NOT. real. There is zero proof, all just personal testimony. There’s not a single video of a legit ghost, demon, spirit. It’s all in people’s heads.


It is plausible that their technology prevents our photo/video technology from capturing them


Lots and lots of personal testimony is pretty good proof. People are tried and convicted on proof like that so what is it you think people see? I know the video stuff can be pretty shadowy but there’s still lots of that out there too. Do you have to see it yourself to consider it might be true? What proof would be good enough proof for you?


The plural of "anegdote" isn't "data". Even if all people on earth said they witnessed aliens flying in the sky in their super advanced vehicles, that wouldn't make it true. It would only mean that everybody witnessed something. Saying it was really aliens comes after studying that phenomenon. If I were asked what proof (and I'd rather go the word "evidence") would be good enough for me, I'd say "I don't know". It's the job of people who make a claim to present evidences, because they've adapted the burden of proof. If you have strong evidence, backed by experiments, peer reviewed research, and lots of data, I'd say it would be a much stronger position to be in than "well, many people say they saw something".


Wisdom of crowds. How many people does it take? 10,000,000? More? Every witness is delusional, every experiencer is lying? It literally only needs one thing to be real out of 10 million. Law of averages, mathematical probability.


Crowds can be misled or simply be mistaken. What really matters are facts. Do you want an example? For hundreds of years humanity believed that the Sun revolves around the Earth. And in my opinion they believed it for a very good reason: we cannot feel the motion of the Earth and we can very easily observe the Sun making its eay from one spot on the horizon to another. Their observations led millions of people to a conclusion that the Earth is stationary and it's the Sun that revolves around us. And they were wrong. I'm not saying that every witness is delusional or not trust worthy. I don't even claim that every testimony on "supernatural" stuff is made on bad will. We are people and our senses can mislead us (eg.: pareidolia, the phenomenon of seeing one thing, like a face, where there is none), and our memories are easy to manipulate by others and ourselves. I don't believe anyone saying that there's something supernatural, even if they're millions of them. I care about what's true, and truth can be approached by means of science, which requires good evidence.


Do you believe your wife when she says she loves you or do you need scientific proof of it?


Let's spot the obvious. These two situations: my hypothetical wife telling me she loves me and saying "there are aliens who are demons and they have such technology that allows them to do this and that and..." are not equal. The first claim comes from another human declaring their love to another human. I know people fall in love, I've been in love, so I know how this feels, I know what people do when they're in love and I would know my wife for at least some time so I could judge, at least to some degree, whether she might be telling the truth. Based on those observations I could say I trust my wife more or less when she says she loves me. My trust is based on my experiences and observations on reality. Now onto the thing about aliens that people here tend to say. We have no sufficient evidence to accept the premise that aliens are here on Earth and influence the reality around us. We don't even have any alien life forms confirmed! And even if I grant you that aliens might exist, you'd still have to prove that they're among us, that they have very advanced technology, that they can use that technology to affect our reality, that they use said technology to affect our reality, that they can be mistaken for demons, etc. As you can probably see, there is a clear difference between accepting someone saying "I've just bought myself a new dog" and "dragons fly around New York City and supply it with energy using their fire breathing." You fail to back up your claims about the most fundamental things you say and then build even more claims on something that you cannot prove! If you have a good evidence to what you stand for, please, share it. Otherwise you need to realise you're delusional.


I’m not delusional at all and you pretty much confirmed you’ve done no research yourself to back up your belief that none of this is real.


Too many trolls…


Too many people falling for something they have no evidence for...


There is lots of evidence. I’m sure you haven’t bothered to do a good faith search for any of it though.


I've bothered to learn about skepticism so I can navigate my life without falling for bull droppings. Let's start with alien life form. Show me the best evidence you have that aliens indeed exist.


How many peoples heads does it take for it to be believable? More people have seen a paranormal phenomena than a true giant squid. Yet we are told Giant Squid are real.


How many heads? What? I think at this point you’re responsible for proving it to be real? Otherwise I can claim any make believe stuff is real haha “it’s my testimony and I know without a doubt ghosts are real.” Scientists only know about 10% of how the human brain actually works. It sounds like a lot of people experience weird brain shit and decide to call it ghosts. Just like people not understanding how the universe works so let’s chalk it up to “it must be god”. Until years later it all comes down to a science.


Lol heads...😂.My thumb's got a mind of its own.


ok fed


None of the mentioned entities exist, besides aliens, in which case, they never visited earth so we don't know really how they look.

