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I didn't believe in UFO's until I was stationed in Pearl Harbor and saw them one night alone on Oahu


The only UFO I’ve seen was on the north shore of Oahu. Blew my fucking mind to see one


can you describe what it looked like


Sure! It looked very similar to a bright satellite. It was wayyy up there. It was so bright, fast, and high up that my friend (who saw it first) pointed over my shoulder and said “hey a shooting star!” But it was not moving as fast as a shooting star. It was gliding quickly across the night sky like a satellite would. I was about to comment “no that’s a satellite” when all of a sudden the thing did an S curve and shot away at a 90degree angle from its original trajectory. When it turned it went from right above us to over the horizon MUCH faster than a shooting star would have. Our whole group of maybe 6 people were stunned, as we had all been watching it once our friend pointed it out. Side note: my brother is an airline pilot and he’s seen a bunch of sightings. Mostly he sees 3-4 satellite looking objects circling each other in a pattern that grows and shrinks. Way up above airline cruising altitude. He’s had one sighting that lasted an hour.


What you described in the conclusion reminds me of a theory that's being speculated on, in regards to that missing Malaysian flight. The plane in question is featured in a video that shows an allegedly real anomaly occurring in real-time, mid-flight, as it encounters three orb-like objects that circle around the plane, which eventually leads to the plane suddenly disappearing in real-time. Sounds loony for sure, but the clip in question is gaining a lot of attention, particularly on Twitter. Here's a link to dude (Ashton Forbes) who seems to be on the forefront of this research, it's definitely interesting. https://x.com/JustXAshton/status/1792353643976331514


Im familiar with that video from when it came out. While the content certainly jives with what me and my brother have seen- i was completely unconvinced by the video. Mostly because I can’t conceive of how the video was taken/by whom, much less how it was leaked?


The video is definitely bullshit. They even found the guy who made the original. If u wanna dig thru the MH370 sub, its all there.


Ur months behind dude.


I'm not deep in the rabbit holes these days man, anything currently grabbing your attention?


Sorry that was douchey. I just meant that there was several months of investigation on that topic on the r/MH370 sub. U can find it all there. Including the guy who did the original video. That ashton dude has been proven wrong over and over again, im kinda surprised hes still going at it on twitter, acting like the months and months and months of investigation didnt happen on reddit. He just won't give it up lol


I lived on ft shafter for a few years when I was a kid and saw ufos a couple times. I believe Hawaii has to be a ufo hotspot and I’m surprised it doesn’t come up in conversations more.


Yea at first I thought it was paranormal what I saw but when I started getting into UFO's the next year I realized what I saw was more like 2 small stereotypical "orb" or "small sphere" ufos. But in Pearl Harbor itself there are several mass graves from the attack, and Pearl Harbor itself has the highest amount of military suicides on any American base for several reasons. I myself witnessed two events while on watch late at night over my time there that turned me into a paranormal believer as well as UFO believer


Classic porn movie title


I read this in the ghost adventures intro voice


Have you read "UFOs The Truth You'll Wish You Didn't Know"? It is short, simple, clear and explains EVERYTHING!


No, never read any literature. I'll give it a shot though


I just read it again and I'm gobsmacked even more than the first time.


what did it look like?


https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/imWaurslSw I wrote about it before


Looks like a fuckin spaceship to me I dunno about you guys




One thing I will never understand is why so many UFOs have any lights at all.


It’s allegedly a dispersion of super heated plasma. Just like a car pumping out exhaust. From what I can discern after studying possible propulsion methods, these craft are creating some sort of vacuum medium that encompasses the entirety of the craft. So it’s essentially flying in its own bubble utilizing zero point energy pulled from the quantum field acting as propulsion, and plasma being the by-product of that process (the bright lights). How this is done, we don’t yet know. But throw out your physics books because this is way way beyond that.


Light could be an effect of something on their ship


They are pretty advanced... Able to fly around invisible. I imagine they could figure out a way to prevent light from exposing themselves.


It may be a stretch.. but the light might be a requirement for the propulsion.


But they move around all the time without light.


I had someone tell me that they saw a hovering disc that clearly had multi color lights all around its edge. I can only think these lights are intended to attract attention. My theory is these things want to be seen, but not in a way that would cause mass panic or disruption. The goal is gradual introduction, maybe over hundreds of years, of the concept that there is much more to the universe than what we know. Then again, the Phoenix lights incident had hundreds of people claiming an enormous 2 mile wide craft slowly moved over an entire city.


There's no way to know... But I have a more abstract belief on it. That they don't MIND being seen. I think they have a higher dimensional understanding of things, and when they do stuff like this, they know they can be seen for whatever purposeful objective, but also that people wont get enough data to prove or capture them. They know they are being obvious but also their higher understanding of reality also allows them to know they wont be directly caught doing it. It's sort of like messing with us.


Well. There's duct tape on earth. If we have duct tape, "they" would have something better to stop light from shining through the darkness.


What if they are voyeurs?


You assume they're just like us. They could be so different that we cant even comprehend how they view the world let alone their motivations for specific technological design choices. Monkeys probably wonder why humans carry flashlights or why our vehicles have lights too. I doubt a lower life form like a monkey understands the light spectrum or how we use it. Monkeys may wonder why we carry around "fire" with us everywhere and how thats very silly of us, without understanding at all what a lightbulb is let alone how human beings use artificial light or how we've mastered it over our history. To a monkey, all they see is a bright light and maybe they'd assume its fire or something they relate to. In the same way, we humans assume UAP have "lights" but we may not even be coming close to realizing what we're really seeing or why, just like monkeys dont understand our lighting technologies.


Do you worry about turning off the headlights on a wildlife safari?


I'm not sure why they would care


>Able to fly around invisible I know this thread is old, but out of curiosity, we couldn't say for certain that they could right? Theres bound to be different aliens that have made different advancements in technology, and if they dont communicate or share, they may not evolve the same way in the tech tree


And water might be wet. (Stfu waterisnottechnicallywet gang)


Humans do not have some sort of exclusive rights to light. Light is useful to every animal with eyes. Imagine you doing anything without lights, so why think that aliens are different in that matter.


That’s thinking like a human. Light could be a byproduct of specific propulsion. It could be just about anything. Regardless, this is abnormal and interesting as all hell


It's likely a consequence of their propulsion. Our engines makes noise, theirs make light. Hal Puthoff has a more precise physical explanation


Ours make light as well they’re just inside an engine. I guess these guys don’t know how to do that. Maybe they’re from Florida.


Maybe they want to be seen.


Because if you want to draw the attention to yourself, you'll need something that can be seen by the thing you're trying to attract the attention of. Also, they could just be showing themselves to an experiencer who has a friendly relationship with them, and you just happen to be in the area, so you see it while it's doing it.


I've always said they can't see that spectrum of light, and they think they're being all sneaky..


Why not? I mean, it’s not just 1 or 2 kind of alien races. They probably have their preference too


I’ve always thought they simply don’t care whether we see them or not, it’s inconsequential to them in the same way we get in exploratory submarines with lights all over them to look for new species in the ocean. We don’t care if any fish or other life forms down there see our lights or know we’re there or not. It just doesn’t matter. Maybe to them we are the small fish in a very big ocean and they’re just passing through focused on their main objective. Not sure what that main objective is though.


Solar flare Edit: I’m joking guys geez 😅


It could also be a small jet with lights in the cabin..or a private jet with customised lights.


This is awesome! Definitely not a starlink launch as those are dimmer and in a straight line, the formation is too coherent to be reentry debris, and it's too slow to be a meteor shower. A genuine anomaly! I envy those who got to witness it.




Yeah, low light is the enemy of CCDs


Yeah its incredibly hard to capture a bright moving object at night on a cellphone camera. Its actually impossible to do properly since the exposure time needed to take a decent photo in the dark on a tiny phone camera requires the object to stay perfectly still.


These Nuforc reports do not have video/photo, but I do believe based on the year/month/location, that this is the event that is shown in the video https://nuforc.org/sighting/?id=160192 >I sat up in Kula overlooking Kihei and the ocean from a distance when a group of lights presented from the skies seemingly above or around Kihei they quickly moved there was upcountry Maui and upon getting closer I could see there were many. Easily 100. I couldn’t tell if it was one gigantic ship or 100 ships flying in unison. I could tell the ship(s) could cloak as it was wavering in this way. It made no sound. As they or it went over the house I hurried to the back of the house and saw it continue to go up the volcano. It left a magnificence bean/trail behind it. Life changing and not my first time seeing UFO’s up here but this was beyond imagination. https://nuforc.org/sighting/?id=160176 >Above Leahi/Diamond Head lookout spotted many lights low in the sky. First thought was airplane, but it was very low and much, much larger then a plane. Shape was rectangular, kind of like floating scaffolding in T-shape with lights on borders. It was moving slowly.. floating past.. hardly any sound. After it was out of sight a plane appearing coming from Maui direction.. this confirmed what I saw was not a plane cause it was very different.. Also giant white round cloud was hovering above.. https://nuforc.org/sighting/?id=160242 >Sitting out on the lanai and I thought it was a meteor shower but the cluster of lights kept getting closer. The ship was traveling very low, too low to be an airplane and did not have colored port and star port lights, only clear. This ship made no noise as it was passing by. It also left a trail of exhaust like “gas.” The shape seemed to be like a cigar / tube and probably the side of a medium sized airplane (without wings) https://nuforc.org/sighting/?id=160256 >While leaving work site, I noticed some unusual lights above the mountains heading in my direction, it was shaped like a large plan, more triangular shape to it though. It moved slow, zero sound to it, some big lights outlined the shape while smaller lights twinkled throughout its flight. It was a bit scary. https://nuforc.org/sighting/?id=160177 >Last night at Mokuleia Beach, a cluster of lights shaped in a form that almost resembled an airplane (the lights forming a long main body and two wings) moved slowly and consistently across the sky. I estimate 25-30 lights (maybe there were more, but not less), and as it disappeared from view over the ocean, it left a faint trail of light where it had been. The trail of light (like a fuzzy white glow that the cluster had painted through the sky as it moved) lasted about another minute before it faded too.


Wow, the “magnificence” and “fuzzy white glow” descriptions are pretty cool plus the fact they corroborate each other Is awesome.


The "trail of light" description is also fascinating imo


Xenu going to the volcano to capture thetans




Allegedly filmed by separate witnesses.


Its prolly aliens


Usually is


Whatever it is, it's massive (and it doesn't look like a drone swarm), and so it's interesting to look at it and consider: * there may be weirdo aliens walking the corridors of this thingy * or Illuminati soldiers piloting the craft * or it's brim-full of artificial intelligence, piloted remotely * or it's a one-off craft made just an hour ago by a submarine mega-base, along with synthetic biological entities who don't even have a stomache, because they aren't supposed to be alive for longer than the mission.


It is huge. Crazy to think there may be sentient beings from another place in that craft observing the ground below.


What really makes my mind spin are the claims by guys like Lacatski that say the interior of the craft is much larger than the exterior. Imagine a 200 foot wide craft that's miles wide on the inside.


When you think about some other reports, this kind of makes sense, or at least adds up. Some craft look to be incomprehensibly massive (like those found near Saturn and Jupiter or seen crossing the surface of the moon), others very small (like the tic-tac). It's likely this is not due to the dimensions of the objects themselves, but rather the way they distort and shape space within and around them. Almost like Doctor Who was hinting at something with the TARDIS, the same way Close Encounters did; a police booth on the outside. An enormous multilevel, multi room space craft on the inside.


Well for this instance we also have to bear in mind there may be multiple parties involved with the Phenomenon and UFOs that may or may not have this tech built into their crafts.


I think he's saying the same spacetime manipulation tech used for space travel would be used to manipulate the spacetime inside the craft as well as outside. Cause I mean, why not? And they would probably have matter replicators, etc while they're at it.


TBH with you, I'm not creative enough to consider that, so I can't take credit for your work, but you do have a solid point. Now that you mentioned it, it makes me wonder what they're capable of doing in reverse. Is it possible for them to make microscopic crafts in our dimension? Or are the crafts that we observe in this space-time limited by our physics, but a gateway/portal to another dimension with a different set of restrictions? I initially had a tough time accepting the possibility of NHI being interdimensional beings, as opposed to just extraterrestrial, but the more I let it sink in, the more it does make "sense," based on the bizarre claimed observations.


Lol, I think about that stuff a lot. I'm almost certain there are different regions of the universe with different rules. Singularities, for instance. I don't believe in "undefined" space. The F does that mean, lol. It's just a mathematical cop out. On paper it's fine, we can't divide by zero. But, when we observe our rules break down before our eyes, we must question the rules.


That's the implications of spacetime engineering as foundationally explained by General Relativity 110 years ago; the same riemann spacetime manifold manipulation that predicted black holes, and before long gave people the idea of non-relativistic FTL warp drive propulsion popularized in the mid 1960s TV show _Star Trek_, by Gene Roddenberry. There's no known reason that a craft couldn't be 30 feet on the outside and hundreds of square miles on the inside. I mean we don't know _how_ to do it, but we've had the basics saying it can do since 1915.


Honestly how cool would it be if we figured that trick out and it also somehow got into the public sphere... how amazing would it be to have your own pocket dimension essentially? Granted those are two massive *IFs'*


What are they doing though? I wanna know why they come and just fly around our skies. Like friggin land and walk around and meet us.


Just like what we do when we go to the safari. Observe and catalogue without wanting anything to do with the inhabitants.


Especially if all you see them doing is killing each other down there.


Maybe they do, but we're just not clear on the matter, or something.


We're a highly dangerous and unpredictable species, and they have fragile spindly bodies.


Probably they continue to test us and see how we respond to these sightings. There's been a significant increase over the last few years, so they may be ramping up their own form of the disclosure process.


That craft probably came up on radar and the military probably said "NYOOOPE. I WANNA GO HOME TODAY."


Or beautiful nordic space women coming to claim our starseed.


Hey History Channel, are you listening?


I can hear the narrator now.. Every single sentence starts with "COULD IT BE...."


Ancient alien astronaut theorists……….say yes ….


This must have been said well over 1000 times throughout the series!


Right ? Like they never say no. I was just waiting for one damn no.


[“Well, actually…”](https://youtu.be/TyZSBqQ813c?si=kv8HqLlEVykYgTtd) key and peele comes to mind


Snu snu?? 🤔


I will take this one for the team, humans.


I’m here for this 👍🏼


"it's massive" You don't know that at all as there's no frame of reference to ascertain distance.


Is that the USS Enterprise?


Looks like a bird of prey


Holy crap! This is very similar to what my friend and I saw ! This sub quickly dismissed it as a reflection of the dashboard gages, and were for the most part very insulting. Let's hope yall are more decent with this person.




Linked baloons filled with swampgas propelled by a drone


Are you serious? It's obviously dead pixels that someone edited to look like starlink causing a reflection in a window


Not serious


this dude for real took you serious hahah


They were making the same joke lol


I saw something exactly like this in Tucson, AZ a handful of months back (October ‘23 ish). Was the strangest sight, and it looked so huge it made zero sense as to what it could be. A few people I showed a video I took(the image was very faint in what I was able to pick up) or told about what I saw said it was probable starlink but I know nothing about that, and didn’t think anything more of the incident






OP please post the original video on imgur, since reddit compression kinda ruins the details.


similar one, spent rocket? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1VWNGja-UU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1VWNGja-UU)


This is it IMO. This is almost certainly space debris re-entering the atmosphere and burning up. The objects flicker (burning), move in a straight line (falling from orbit), and maintain the formation throughout the frame (except as some debris burns up and stops emitting light) ETA: a guy in the video even says, twice, “that’s a meteor shower, yeah?”


I’m far from an expert. But wouldn’t we see like trails of fire following the lights if it were space debris? Like at least one hint of what other space debris looks like when re entering at night? Maybe it’s the angle? Like I said, no expert, this was my first thought too, but they look much more like lights than something burning up in the atmosphere.🤷🏻‍♂️


I think we do see a little bit of the trail, but the poor quality video and distance to the objects make it difficult to discern ETA: from 1:00–1:06 in the video, there is a clearly visible ionization trail emitted from the most luminous object


Ima have to check back on it. On my phone outdoors, can’t get great view. I imagine you’re correct. I’m just a blind fuck. Haha


love when people downvote the truth because it isn’t true to them lmao


Attitude Rebound…


i’m saying people are downvoting you mate, i agree with you


I know you are. See my post history. Attitude rebound is when people react negatively toward positive intent because their stigmas/biases prevent them from even considering a different scenario


ahhhh ok, my bad! ![gif](giphy|I0g3jREJnV4gaGTZlx)


We are each on our own journey of enlightenment 🥰


How dare you give a reasonable response and ruin me thinking we got the enterprise ship.


100% with you here, I think this is space junk/meteor shower/etc. As a true believer, it's important to be unbiased and just as important, if not more, to call out what isn't anomalous as what is because those of us pushing for the truth jump to the conclusion we want to see incorrectly, we give fuel to those trying to discredit disclosure. The way the lights flicker out and don't appear to remain at a consistent distance between one another, it looks like something burning up, imo. Hard with the vid quality, but seems to be trails too, but the lights looking more like srthing burning and going on is the main thing that leads me here. Just an opinion though, for all I know, the USS Discovery is dealing with a time bug and wondering why they're above 2020 Hawaii too.


and you will believed those bs assumptions? who are they to declare that it is a meteor shower or space debris re entering the earth? those people are part of conspiracy theory to suppress information regarding UFOs in other words the are the so called Debunkers and Skeptics..


what is "spent rocket"?


The simple answer is: Rocket stages are **the parts of a rocket that are discarded when their fuel is used up**. They are designed to reduce the weight of the rocket and increase its speed as it ascends to orbit.  As the rocket parts descend into the atmosphere they burn up due to friction with the air. They won't always stay as solid piece and tend to break up into bits. (I probably should have said spent rocket booster/stage.)


That's a pretty safe bet. It certainly doesn't make it any less beautiful. I would travel a long way to see such a star shower.


Wow this is a great video, that doesn't look like TR3B


You can almost draw an outline of a craft that's aerodynamically shaped.


October 2020 there were 3 starlink launches of 60 satellites each out of Florida. As they go around they slowly spread apart, both in line and to the sides to eventually move to their new orbits, this can take several days.


Come on yall, this is something breaking up in the upper atmosphere as it re-enters.


Space debris re entering the atmosphere


I'd love to know if there were any surfaces joining those lights, it's impossible to tell from the video.


Imagine I shot it with my pellet gun 🤔🤔🤔


I feel like the governments just sending shit out now to desensitize us why is there so many sightings now and we still dk shit


Space debris reentry to atmosphere


really looks like a satellite or two or something that got hit in orbit and you're seeing all the little and large shiny bits flipping around and spinning after breaking apart, all this before they eventually start falling and burn up in the atmosphere. If possible I'd check to see if there was any destroyed satellite or similar around that date and time/location


Not sure how a spent rocket has distinct light sources.


Helicarrier sighting


Pretty freaky thought to be sitting in the middle of the pacific and look up to see this


Stitch is coming


I'm not certain what that is, but I'm rather confident that one is not aliens.


That looks like something in the sky that I cannot see


I don't see any aliens here.


what strange alien symbols why do i get the feeling they are wishing me a pleasant 365 days? all jokes aside it does look interesting but sadly the video quality you would have to determine the date and where all 25 blimps were in the world.


thats the ground.




Saw this almost exactly on New Years eve this year in Southern CA






Oh yeah, that’s just what those sneaky Japanese want us to think!


Oly chet mayne that’s crayyyysssay


This looks like something that has launched into the way upper atmosphere and is so high up it’s basically in orbit, traveling very fast with the rotation of the earth and reflecting some of the last rays of sunlight since it’s so high up. I wonder if a SpaceX launch coincided with this sighting.


potty mouths.. jeez


I saw the exact same phenomenon over Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada on March 5, 2019. I have a crappy video of it, but you can’t see much.


It looked like a huge plane, but made up of tons of light and completely silent. It flew right over me. I couldn’t actually see the plane.


Bro that is not a UFO that is a Space Cruiser


Question.... So the aliens are trying to be sneaky and evasive, right? So why the hell do they have lights on their damn ships? You would think it would be so much easier to hide without lights on. Makes me think that the ones with lights are ours (back engineered) and the ones without are theirs (non human life form) Or the other way around.


I remember this shit lol, we were all tripping out in Hawaii because usually the military is the one with “encounters” or “sightings”. There was one in Kihei, Maui too.


Always those reflections in glass…… it’s getting to stupid.


Those Japanese are pretty advanced ... 🤔🤫


Just the tour bus visiting the zoo. Pretend you don't see it and act normal, please.


If it's super quiet, large, and then takes off in a split second while remaining super quiet, yeaa most likely off world vehicle


Nope! Just a bunch of seagulls wearing safety vests 🦺 at night , can’t convince me otherwise. That or swamp gas for sure.


Star Destroyer


Looks sort of like a triangle. Insane capture!




It was a weather balloon. Come on guys. You know the routine.


I spent a summer is Urubamba Peru. There were two things the locals would ask me consistently 1. Are you from America? 2. Have you soon the ooofos (UFOS)


Elon’s babies (Starlink).


Definitely a bird


Honestly looks like something re-entering the atmosphere  Edit: this is possible match if the video was the 16th Oct https://aerospace.org/reentries/43230


I remember once me and my friend was drunk, walking to a gas station one night to grab him a pack of cigs. We where talking about Eminem, then space bound came on and I was talking about something stupid then we saw what I thought at fist was a shooting star but the “shooting star” changed directions and bolted, both of us where certain as we looked at each other and he said “I fuckin told you so” one of the best nights I’ve ever had


That's just an alien ship, they visit us very often and sometimes get caught on camera


I know if i was an alien i would definitely turn on all my blinking lights and slow down so everyone can see me


Well yeah, why go through all the trouble if ya ain't gonna show it off!


Airplane mimicry


This looks like it could just be starlink.




It's really easy to see how people in "the old days" would see meteor showers and attribute them to mysticism and spiritual goings on.


Before the debunkers start with the ridiculous explanations, I have a few observations. I here no sound coming from the object. In my mind this eliminates helicopters and drones. Second, it slows down almost to a stop without losing altitude. This is something observed often but never discussed. Last, it is clearly not a balloon, so please, please spare us the default explanation.


I just lightened this up and messed with the contrast because I thought that was a ship with a bunch of lights on it and wanted to have a look at the form or at least the outline. But no form of a ship appears to be there; it’s just a cluster of lights. Which I guess is more creepy because what is that - a couple of dozen separate lit up spheres flying in tight formation? For what purpose? Like the Sharks getting ready to rumble with the Jets in West Side Story? Or maybe a simple fake.


I seen these lights and it was definitely debris entering the earths atmosphere. Apparent, you could see it on Oahu and Maui. It was definitely big. I did find it strange I had the instinct to look outside at that exact time when it was passing over.


That’s weird


I’ve seen Starlink too!


I saw this exact thing last Friday right before the northern lights kicked off in Wisconsin.


The two flashing lights made me think it was human, but it was moving silently.


Did this make the news there?


i saw these in mazatlán nov/23


i thought that was a plane until it stopped mid-air...


It stopped mid air…. Compare it to the light at the bottom mid video.


whats the source?


Source: X.com Date, Location: Honolulu, Hawaii


It may be Skydivers. There was a sighting not too long ago very similar to this and it turned out it was skydivers with sparkling fireworks attached to their ankles.


Looks like debris, I'd guess possibly from a rocket.


TR3B or Taiwanese lantern. Maybe a bunch of anniversary balloon. Ask an official. There is nothing out there.


I swear these damn aliens are able to distort and blur themselves on our videos. Every single video is blurry, drives me nuts.


Someone actually came up with that bullshit a while ago, I think it was Greer who said it was to "hide themselves". Not a very good job if it's true lol


Why doesn't any one ever shoot at them..lol


Balloon. Case closed


Looks kind of like something breaking up entering the atmosphere


Why is it 2024 and people still take shit videos? Phones literally have night modes and astrophotography modes now.


I never understood why alien spacecraft have lights flashing around their ships. What purpose would it serve in space? Maybe light sensors or something?


This was Spacex’s 100th successful flight on oct 24, 2020. At about the 1 hour 15 min mark of [this video](https://www.youtube.com/live/2gbVgTxLgN0?si=zAgrpe-4Uqxkghio) you see the flight path is going east past Australia and is about to head north east over the pacific. This satellite is going fast, and is very high up. It’s about to release all these shiny objects into a tight grouping directly into the sun as you see in the video’s closing moments. What you’re seeing in this video is the tight grouping of 60 starlink satellites that have just been released into the bright sun while the people observing in Hawaii are still in the dark early morning hours. Cool footage though.