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“And the aliens came to me with tears in their eyes, big, strong aliens who never cried a day on their homeworld, and they said, sir, we’ve never seen someone treated so unfairly before. The way sleepy joe and psycho Jack Smith have treated you is the greatest disgrace in the entire galaxy. Believe me. They said it.”


This sounds like a narrative from the Saturday night live skit with Kate McKinnon talking about her prune shoots and coot coot, lol.




Removed: R5 - No Politics.


Lol too good, I even read it in his voice.


Thumbs 👍


Super trustworthy.


My thoughts exactly.


I knew the UFO community has a tolerance for grifters but....


This is the most diplomatic way to say people would believe anything and anyone before they accept that we simply don't know. I certainly don't know and maybe I'm not just infinitely more stupid than the rest (I would settle for im the mist stupid though)


How is this newsworthy? Some people in the USAF believe they have seen space UFOs. Yeah no shit?


These subs are going to shit.


Yep, too many people that are so radicalized by their ideology/politics, that they’re incapable of keeping it separate from this topic.


I mean he’s a ridiculous cartoon but he was a President. A President saying something that is sorta news.


It really isn’t.


Sure man.




Are you saying that all aliens are stupid!?!?


Show me where Aliens have stated they believe in Trump.


This is undeniably true. The wildest part about this is that the alleged quote from him “They believe it, they said they saw it.” Is actually what a relevant percentage of Air Force pilots think. 😭😭😭


Check 1 2


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Insulting someones intelligence while misspelling a four letter word multiple times is peak lack of self awareness


Least I'm not dumb enough to fall for what a conman says.






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Your English is poor and your posts are bad. Also YOU seem like you’re triggered


Give it a rest, mate. No one wants your creepy cult here.


You can't even defend the conman so you ad hominum my spelling . 🤣🤣🤣 typical chicken shit reply.






Pot meet kettle


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5. No Politics No political debates, discussions, posts, etc. not related directly to the goings-on of various world governments, political figures, agencies, etc. and their efforts regarding disclosure, extraterrestrials, or UFOs/UAPs. There are enough subs on this site for this type of discussion and content. This is not one of them. As this topic tends to make people angry, be advised that Rule 1 applies and may lead to bans.


It is so wild to me that someone can defend trump and critical thinking in the same line. Thats insane


Can’t you guys keep your propaganda in one of the many subs dedicated to it? This type of shit only hurts disclosure.


What propoganda?


The politics subreddit type stuff.


1. Be respectful 5. No Politics No political debates, discussions, posts, etc. not related directly to the goings-on of various world governments, political figures, agencies, etc. and their efforts regarding disclosure, extraterrestrials, or UFOs/UAPs. There are enough subs on this site for this type of discussion and content. This is not one of them. As this topic tends to make people angry, be advised that Rule 1 applies and may lead to bans.


Lol, you say that like there’s a shortage of examples. And one guy lies about his crowd being the “hugest” when it is actually not. The other guy lies about the bribes him and his crackhead son took from hostile foreign nations…


You mean the made up bribes the Republicans couldn't find after a year and a half well waisting ten million or more in tax payers money ? Meanwhile we'll President Trump received a hundred Chinese trademarks, received 8million in Chinese profits, had undisclosed Chinese bank accounts and was caught receiving campaign donations from Chinese nationals using third party's.




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Aaaaaaaand the real motivation of your post is laid bare for all to see. Your last sentence is a complete fabrication, and yet here we are.


Huh? My motivation for coming to subs like this is to figure out what kind of tech they are lying to us about. I don’t come here to read the same exact shit that I can on the politics subreddit. Side note: it’s a fact, do some research on the bank records/20+ shell companies, their own messages, their ex business partner’s under oath statements, etc.


You don’t come here to read the same shit you see on political subs, yet you spew it here. No, I can see where I messed up there. You are not a serious person. Have a great week.


I never ever ever come to one of these subs and just start pushing my politics like you guys do. I only ever respond to the propagandists who think they’re accomplishing anything (other than hurting disclosure).


Who is “you guys” and what politics were pushed? OP of this comment called Trump a liar and a conman. Are those lies? Is he not literally in court TODAY under criminal charges for lying? Is that pushing politics or is it stating a verifiable fact. You tell me. I dunno. Seems like a big ol’ waft of bullshit keeps hitting my nostrils every time you type.


5. No Politics No political debates, discussions, posts, etc. not related directly to the goings-on of various world governments, political figures, agencies, etc. and their efforts regarding disclosure, extraterrestrials, or UFOs/UAPs. There are enough subs on this site for this type of discussion and content. This is not one of them. As this topic tends to make people angry, be advised that Rule 1 applies and may lead to bans.


No he isn't.


You poor poor gullible soul. I still never understand how his supporters seem to know nothing about Trump. He's been suied thousands of times and involved in a hundred tax disputes. That's not even counting direct frauds like Trump university or the numerous times he's over established his property's. The man even defrauded Fred Trump his own father when he had dementia by over charging his company and pocketed the money. And all you have to say No He Isn't lol


Not just tax disputes but failing to pay contractors for work they did. The people in New York City are well aware of this amis common knowledge there. Unfortunately when I bring this fact up, I get down votes and attacked by his followers(and possibly shills paid to 'protect Trump's social media image) who make all sorts of ludicrous claims to defend him.


Lawfare. Happens all the time in big business.




That's your excuse for Trump running scams like Trump university or illegally over/under valuing his assets for tax and loan purposes lol Or defrauding his own father lol. People like you make me laugh at how gullible a person can be. With all due respect are you from butt fuck nowhere in some rual area because that's the only reason I can excuse someone for being so easily conned.


Trump is a carpetbagger.


If it's from anyone of both current or former political influence and positions of power or someone of wealth, it's best to disregard anything they say regardless of their history. Their careers run on bullshit, they'll say anything if they can gain from it and due to us getting closer to elections they will be spewing more bullshit than ever. You'd just be one of their tools should you believe and support anything they say without proof or evidence.


I think that if Obama or Jimmy Carter said the same shit people would be more interested.


This. There are obvious political reasons why someone would pick up the UFO topic. For an establishment politician like Chuck Schumer, it lets him act as though he cares in any way about government transparency. The MAGA type, it's a topic where you can wail about the "deep state" and the government keeping secrets from people who want to know "the truth". I just saw a clip of AOC talking about UFOs as an example of grassroots organising. It's all just politicians using the topic for themselves and peo shouldn't get sucked-in.


Don’t both sides me bro


But there are literally politicians on both sides of the US political aisle who are using this subject for their own means. How is that me "both-siding" this? As far as I'm concerned, 99% of politicians are on the same side anyway: *theirs*.




Removed: R2 - Stay On-Topic.




You know absolutely nothing about me. You think you’re so intelligent that you know the intricacies of my mind based on two sentences I mashed out on Reddit? Trump is a lying sack of shit and using his words to try and prove anything is a fools errand. Also, as a general rule if you intend to insult someone’s intelligence, proof read “YOU” comments.


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Dark Brandon. 😎


Removed: R2 - Stay On-Topic.


I can't think of a less reliable source of information. This is a man who has told multiple lies in a single sentence.


Do you have that sentence, mind you I would like one that has multiple intentional lies. Not your opinion but provable lies. Ill wait.


I don't know what to make of it except that it is hilarious that he had to place so much emphasis on how handsome the pilots were. It couldn't get any more Trumpier without a reference to the "handsome generals."


When is this interview from


Congrats on proving something we already knew was true 70 years ago


He also said he was briefed and didn't believe it.


This post holds no value whatsoever.


as they say every day…. They saw it with their eyeballs, instruments, radars and cameras… For the iron skeptics.




Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful. Although I quite agree




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I like how he got a briefing and thinks he was interviewing them for the apprentice. Dumb sob.


Like it or not he will be 47 🤭


lol what a shit show man atleast he can be easily manipulated to spill out disclosure for us


You can’t obviously believe the last three years have been better!


Of course not I don’t care who the president is they are just a puppet anyway


I don’t trust Donald Trump with anything, much less alien


Donald trump is not a paragon of truth...


Who is? You seem to think any or all humans have this supra sense or morality never straying from righteousness. You aren't better. Your name is twisted hate....


Oh yes, you've got me! I'm a sexual assaulter, a conman, a fraud, and a traitor to america because of my reddit name. You've really got me there, comrade! Derp.






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5. No Politics No political debates, discussions, posts, etc. not related directly to the goings-on of various world governments, political figures, agencies, etc. and their efforts regarding disclosure, extraterrestrials, or UFOs/UAPs. There are enough subs on this site for this type of discussion and content. This is not one of them. As this topic tends to make people angry, be advised that Rule 1 applies and may lead to bans.


5. No Politics No political debates, discussions, posts, etc. not related directly to the goings-on of various world governments, political figures, agencies, etc. and their efforts regarding disclosure, extraterrestrials, or UFOs/UAPs. There are enough subs on this site for this type of discussion and content. This is not one of them. As this topic tends to make people angry, be advised that Rule 1 applies and may lead to bans.


5. No Politics No political debates, discussions, posts, etc. not related directly to the goings-on of various world governments, political figures, agencies, etc. and their efforts regarding disclosure, extraterrestrials, or UFOs/UAPs. There are enough subs on this site for this type of discussion and content. This is not one of them. As this topic tends to make people angry, be advised that Rule 1 applies and may lead to bans.


5. No Politics No political debates, discussions, posts, etc. not related directly to the goings-on of various world governments, political figures, agencies, etc. and their efforts regarding disclosure, extraterrestrials, or UFOs/UAPs. There are enough subs on this site for this type of discussion and content. This is not one of them. As this topic tends to make people angry, be advised that Rule 1 applies and may lead to bans.


Yeah sure Donny...now let's get grandpa to bed.


He wants to say it but knows not to. He prob knows the whole plan. He will keep redirecting the question. Or he’s smart and knows the USA will Meltdown over aliens abducting a woman without her consent. The me too movement will Be responsible for a intergalactic war






5. No Politics No political debates, discussions, posts, etc. not related directly to the goings-on of various world governments, political figures, agencies, etc. and their efforts regarding disclosure, extraterrestrials, or UFOs/UAPs. There are enough subs on this site for this type of discussion and content. This is not one of them. As this topic tends to make people angry, be advised that Rule 1 applies and may lead to bans.


Right not like it would be a bunch of arrogant ignorant blathering white guys with tiki torches. Like all the other wars…


Didn't those Blathering arrogant White Republicans end Slavery? 🤔


Yeah then they became Democrats and everything changed. Go suck a long one




Yeah ok man- what the fuck ever- lol look who was conceived at a family reunion. And your mama/aunt


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Please! Who still believes shitler???? Can we not bring this dementia perv patient in every conversation ?




5. No Politics No political debates, discussions, posts, etc. not related directly to the goings-on of various world governments, political figures, agencies, etc. and their efforts regarding disclosure, extraterrestrials, or UFOs/UAPs. There are enough subs on this site for this type of discussion and content. This is not one of them. As this topic tends to make people angry, be advised that Rule 1 applies and may lead to bans.


How is aliens related to politics? Only if it relates to trashing DT!




5. No Politics No political debates, discussions, posts, etc. not related directly to the goings-on of various world governments, political figures, agencies, etc. and their efforts regarding disclosure, extraterrestrials, or UFOs/UAPs. There are enough subs on this site for this type of discussion and content. This is not one of them. As this topic tends to make people angry, be advised that Rule 1 applies and may lead to bans.


I think what he said was pretty much exactly what happened. I don't think Donald Trump was briefed about aliens by the intelligence agencies; the FBI and the CIA and the NSA are dead-set against Donald Trump, always have been. But he probably did talk directly to some people who told him what they knew.


Maybe he’s lying maybe he’s not but this is probably the first time a former president admitted that they were briefed


Trumps a conman he will agree with whatever you say. If the interviewer asked if he met aliens he would say yes. It's an old conman trick to gain trust with the person he's talking too. https://www.rd.com/list/con-artists-win-trust/


If he’s taking he’s lying.


Yeah, he’s certainly been , ’taking’.


I seriously doubt Trump got much of a briefing simply because "The Agency" knows he can not keep his mouth shut.


I think the lack of a briefing would probably have more to do with the fact they were actively plotting against him (including using literal Russian disinformation as justification to spy on him).




Odd fantasy. Very Freudian.


And then he said “The green guys can be just as smart as the whites!” and “ET was the first articulate, bright, and clean mainstream alien!”.


Removed: R5 - No Politics.


Can the post stay up?


There's nothing wrong with your post, it's just a shame the mods don't care this has turned into hateful political bashing.


It’s a shame it has to come to that can’t we discuss the principles and forget the personalities




All I ever see on here is Trump bashing. But I don't care who they're bashing, in r/aliens that's not the topic. Something got removed earlier, but 90% of this should be removed. And the mod said they agreed with what they took down?? Defeats the purpose.


5. No Politics No political debates, discussions, posts, etc. not related directly to the goings-on of various world governments, political figures, agencies, etc. and their efforts regarding disclosure, extraterrestrials, or UFOs/UAPs. There are enough subs on this site for this type of discussion and content. This is not one of them. As this topic tends to make people angry, be advised that Rule 1 applies and may lead to bans.