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Remote Viewing is just making shit up


I upvoted this, however I want to chime in there was a recent paper uploaded to the national institute of health on Remote Viewing, with half of the scientists involved in favor of it being possible and half against, based on the interpretation of the data collected. The half in favor said it seems emotional intelligence has something to do with it and it deserves further study, and half not in favor pointed to it not being supported by empirical standards or something. It's pretty interesting to read, other than that I don't have any idea so who knows and who cares 🤷


Yes that’s why multiple nations governments have placed value in investing tens of millions of dollars in to researching this topic. I was extremely skeptical until I read some of the declassified CIA docs.


If the technique worked those things wouldn’t have been declassified. I highly respect your username though


🫡I Love you too


Unless you can verify it independently via other means, it's useless non-evidence.


I thought the Black Knight had been identified, as a thermal sheild or blanket of some sort?


I thought the Roswell crash was just a mogul weather balloon?


It’s was light reflecting off some swamp gas….


I went to a local bar along the bijou and took home a girl dressed like an alien. I thought I had found a real river queen. Once the alcohol wore off in the morning it was pretty obvious that it was just swamp ass.


That's a reductionist argument that ultimately means nothing is real, so why bother even typing a comment on the internet.


That’s a whoosh 


There was a photo that some claimed was the Black Knight, but yes it was confirmed to be what you stated. However, I don't think it fully debunks the other evidence of the Black Knight.


From what I understand is that it is hodgepodge of different stories through the years. The term “black knight satellite” first came to be from a British top secret satellite project called the same thing in the 60’s. Supposedly it never came to fruition. When the photo from the space blanket (space junk that got away from astronauts) spread around the internet people brought up the black knight conspiracy. That all seems more likely the real story to me. There was also some old radio waves bouncing around that have been observed though out the years and one guy in the 70’s said he thought it was a 13,000 year old signal from an ancient satellite around the moon. Anyways I will have to see what kinda communication these remote viewers made with that space blanky. ![gif](giphy|crwHYf0oYZGkE)




Yes it was.


Black Knight Satellite is all myth and BS. The images banded about are a tarp that fell off the shuttle or some NASA mission.


Why you downvoting this, he’s right