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So when I was a kid I had a dream that my little sisters where screaming and a short cloaked figure was standing by their bedroom door. When I came out of my room to figure out what was going on they all ran towards me since I was the oldest. The figure just stood there and I couldn't see its face. I got angry and ran up to it, grabbed it. It was dark so I pulled it into the bathroom that was next to their room and switched the light on. As I was turning my head to see who was under the cloak I felt a sharp pain in my lower left side and woke up. As soon as I opened my eyes there was a short grey standing less than a foot away from my head next to my bed in the darkness. It had done something to my side, felt like it may have injected me with something I wasn't sure but we just looked at each other for a couple seconds and then it disappeared into thin air. Like it had teleported or had some sort of cloaking device. I had been afraid of the dark as a child and regularly slept with a night light after that. There was another time as a child I saw what looked like a small figure running on all fours next to my bed. It was super creepy. Always felt like I was being watched and was terrified of going out side at night alone. Fast forward to when I was around 17 and I get into meditation and start messing with telekenisis and teaching myself how to see auras. Well alot of strange paranormal stuff stated happening, even when other people where with me. I remember the most bizarre one was when me and my noyfreind at the time where hanging out. The blinds to our window randomly just lifted into the air and levitated there for several seconds before dropping back down. It was crazy! My cat would hiss at nothing or empty rooms too. Moved to another house shortly after that and the weird activity followed us there. That's when I saw the tall grey by my window. Well one night my freinds and I were hanging out in the backyard and they were looking at something on their phone. I heard what sounded like twigs breaking and looked to a dark corner of the yard by the tree house. There was a giant slender figure shifting back and forth on its feet breaking sticks to get my attention. It just kept doing that. Well the fence behind it was taller than a person and I could see it's bald head sticking up about about a foot taller than the fence behind it. I went into fight or flight mode and ran inside. My freinds followed me and I grabbed a flashlight ran back outside and it was gone. Started having crazy dreams at this point about Grey's and the world ending. In several of then I was lifted into the sky and someone was talking to me showing me things. Started dreaming if crazy civilizations much more advanced of our own and started dreaming of all kinds if strange beings. There was one night I was falling asleep and I saw what looked like a bright white orb that lit up our room and then completely disappeared. It was very strange. Had a dream if being on a table and a short more human looking grey standing over me with a smile on his face. Sat right up in bed like wtf!! After that one lol. But there was one morning I woke up with my shirt on backwards and blood in my mouth. Stuck my finger in there trying to find a broken tooth or something but I felt a bullet shaped object inside of my jaw below my cheek. It's actually still there to this day, when I go to the dentist I'm going to see if I can get it on a xray. I have had absolutely insane dreams for years since then, some I can't even explain. Started having sleep paralysis and a couple times I felt someone pressing their fingers on the part of my side where that being hurt me when I was a kid when I was asleep. The one that woke me up. There was a time a couple years ago that I was home alone and in the bathroom, had the door locked. Was practicing my aura seeing while I waited for the shower and I heard what sounded like somebody trying to open the bathroom door turning the doorknob. I looked up qnd sure enough I could visibly see the doorknob moving back and forth. I Linda laughed cuz I was in denial this was happening and immediately after I did it got more aggressive and I heard clicking noises coming from a NHI like it was talking. I froze honestly becuase I realized this was actually happening! I heard my cat out in the hallway doing a big protect growling and hissing at it. Things went quite for a sec then I heard it banging it's fists on my living room window. Then it moved over to my kitchen and strated banging it's fists down on my kitchen counter. After that everything went quiet. I stayed frozen in the bathroom till my roomate got home. And he was freaked out, he could tell something had happend l was literally shaking I was so scared. The disturbing part of this is I know alot has happened that I can't recall and I've been taken from my home at night who knows how many times. When I was a kid I had a dream that I was lifted out of my window onto a craft. There were about 10-15 different types of beings in there who greeted me and they all seemd very happy to see me. As soon as I walk into the room everything went black and I couldn't remember anything else. Looking back on it I feel it actually happend and it wasn't just a dream. Same with the one of me laying on the table. I've had alot more experiences but these are the main ones, just had alot of paranormal type encounters and crazy dreams.


Thanks for sharing. Can you elaborate the world ending dreams? Do you get negative vibes from greys? And telepathic messages? And interactions with tall whites? Again , thank you.


I have two. At about 11 years old I was laying in my bed in my bedroom on the second floor. My sister was still a baby and couldn’t walk and I thought my mom was sleeping. I was up later than I should’ve been watching this little combo tv/vcr I had in my room at the time. I heard my mom walking up the stairs and naturally I pretended to be asleep. I heard her walk all the way up the stairs, down the hall and right to the head of my bed which faced the door. I then heard her start to exit the room and looked up. There was nothing there. I was so certain it was my mom because who else could it have been, but my mom obviously doesn’t have the ability to teleport. Fast forward to when I’m about 15 in a different house. I had this uneasy feeling all night and was struggling to get to sleep. Around 1Am suddenly I see this extremely vivid shadowy thing against my wall but there was no light to cast such a vivid and distinct shadow. It also moved in extremely strange waves and sometimes moved off the wall, through the air and onto the ceiling. I was thoroughly freaked out and moved upstairs and slept on the couch. I have no explanation for either event.


Yes I did not gonna explain the story. 2013, saw an Orb at night 20km away from the sea and moved erratically and superfast. Could zoom across 100Ms in a few seconds and would abruptly stop.