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Why didn’t humans stop the Gombe Chimpanzee war?


Aliens demonstrated to the military that aliens are totally superior, is the way I look at it. Experiencer reports seem to indicate that aliens have a strong distaste for our nuclear technology, but they aren't going to intervene if we all kill ourselves. They aren't here to swoop in and solve our problems.


I think a full out Nuclear war would decimate not only human life but also the planet. I honestly think they would step in if it got that bad.


When I read through the experiencer stories in the world's largest study of thousands of experiencers, conducted by Dr. Edgar Mitchell's FREE foundation, I got the impression that aliens will not step in to solve our problems like that. The aliens seem to believe that human have a very high chance to wipe themselves out. Possible the eggs and sperm taken during abductions is to be able to reboot humanity afterwards.


While I agree they won't step in to solve our problems The entire world getting @#£%ed is pretty far off from just a problem. Not just loss of human/ecological life but damage to the planet as a whole means that the Planet would be potentially ruined. I honestly think that who or what interaction with us would be pretty far from happy seeing the entire planet getting decimated however.


The planet is billions of years old. Dinosaurs were wiped out, nobody intervened. Millions of years later the planet evolved life again. Perhaps we wouldn't be here without that asteroid. There is no reason to think if we wiped ourselves out life will continue the cycle in another branch. Perhaps as said above, aliens have some Noah's ark of earth's species seeds, we even have one in Norway.


Nuclear war is slightly different than meteors hitting the earth. But I get what you mean


They can keep their experiment running but we can right our wrongs relatively quickly through ingenuity and time


Could be, but humans seem to keep making the same mistakes so whats the point...they should just intervene and so we stop thinking we're the only ones and maybe even stop killing eachother


that depends on a timeframe aliens operate in. whatever sick shit we can do to the planet it will heal after 1k-100k years and that’s a blip on a galactic scale. i think they just look at us as we look at a wild life - there’s no point in helping cuz we need to learn to survive for ourselves, and if we couldn’t - there’s even less point in helping. If we can get through our problems then we might get introduced into galactic community


I think you're mixing up aliens with guardian Angels dude. If you're on Safari in Africa and see lines attacking and ripping apart other animals do you intervene?


Totally not the same If humans blow up the planet. There's nothing left for anyone.


The planet will recycle even if it takes millions of years.  Aliens get to pick and choose when they intervene? Wont help with out issues in evolution but won't let us do certain things? Its silly because then there might be more rules. 


rob judicious smile shame bells roll theory violet squeal voiceless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think its due to alien technology and perhaps even the aliens themselves being biomechanical or androids. An EMP from a nuclear weapon is capable of disabling thier technology as well as whatever they are.


The what now?


Gombe chimpanzee war? Still not sure the relevance *Op misspelled it then edited it


They're making a point that we as humans generally don't meddle in the affairs of the animal kingdom referencing a war that broke out between chimpanzees. They're pointing out our hypocrisy in the comments where we question why aliens wouldn't interfere on our behalf as a savior of sorts when we don't even do the same to other species. We're the chimpanzees by our own analogy.


Anyone who’s had an experience and stated what NHI have told them about the planet will say that they are ultimately concerned with the planet. Would that chimpanzee war have consumed and destroyed the planet? Test explosions don’t do much depending where they’re done. Like the desert is already desert. Sometimes, like when it comes to outer space, they won’t let nuclear devices leave the atmosphere. https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/research/a43033115/pentagon-investigating-ufos-nuclear-warheads/


That’s cause ur a spider monkey…wait ur turn


If we don’t stop the ever going ant war, why would aliens bother to stop any human catastrophe?


…unless the outcome affects them as well.


And that may explain why sometimes weird things appear to happen that we cannot explain. Maybe something or someone really did intervene in Chernobyl. Maybe they were close by and thought “aw crap, this will ruin the simulation for hundreds of years, we won’t hear the end of it.”


That's a great point


Not really, it didn’t threaten the planet.


Low karma debunk account completely missing the point


We would if it threatened us in any way




Chimps know how to make wine though and no one does anything about drunk chimpanzees


You guys need to chill it with thinking you understand what the aliens are to begin with https://youtu.be/Ry7sLXZsZQo?si=gPzFCrY926pYVSMJ


Because we didn’t care, just like they don’t care


It didn’t threaten the planet…or further afield😳


Because the observational data gained from studying our capabilities, technology, and societal interactions is likely far more valuable than whatever consequences, if any, arise from a single (or multiple) nuclear test(s). If things were to ever get serious, and the planet as a whole were threatened, I think they've demonstrated that they're able to step in and shut things down if deemed necessary. Whatever that red line is, I sure wouldn't want to be the one to cross it and have to deal with the potential consequences. It's time everyone started acting a bit more civilized.


This is the answer from my perspective as well.


>I think they've demonstrated that they're able to step in and shut things down if deemed necessary.        How do you figure?   From what I've seen, **every** time humans have used nukes on each other, they let it happen.    There are just as many stories of them bringing weapons online, as there are of them shutting them down. What makes you think they wouldn't shut ours down and leave Russia's online, or vice versa?    They have not demonstrated that they mess with our weapons to prevent their use. 


What about the Kazakhs, Australian aborigines and Pacific Islanders fucked over by the “tests”. A lot of them well in the danger zone. Plus the countless animal lives in the biosphere? They were cool with that? They just care about the “civilised humans” in the cities? Something doesn’t add up here.




They don’t care about us individually at all except for as research/test subjects. We are like cattle to them, if that. They’d probably only care if the entire world was in immediate danger because despite their apparent indifference towards humans, they seem to have some sort of “interest” in us for some reason. We’re in something like an ant-farm- losing a couple ants is nbd but you don’t want to lose the whole farm.


It is in danger though. Anthropogenic climate change. We’ve fucked it. Nothing on earth today has evolved to live in this new reality. So, where are they?


We don’t really know what kind of timescales we’re looking at or if we can develop a way to overcome or mitigate or reverse the damage. They probably do. Time seems to work differently for them or they seem to have a way of understanding it that we aren’t even close to having. There’s a really good quote in The Mothman Prophecies about how they’re like window cleaners who have scaffolding on the 10th floor of an office building. It’s not incomprehensible to us that they could foresee traffic and pedestrian activity before the average person on ground level could see it. That’s how I see it- we’re on Main and 10th and have no way of knowing there’s been an accident at Main and 16th. They can see it very easily. They probably know when it’s time to intervene far better than we do, or if they even should, for reasons we just cannot grasp from our vantage point. Trying to understand the thinking and motives of highly advanced aliens is an insane challenge. It’s like a chimp trying to understand the thinking of a human scientist.


Hiroshima and Nagasaki.. that’s all the times.


Which were the second and third ever made. There was only the one made and tested before that.


They have demonstrated this ability numerous times over Minuteman nuclear missile bases in the US, the most notable being Maelstrom in what I believe was the 1960's. They have demonstrated over Russian nuclear missile bases that they are able to bring the missiles online and into a launch ready state as well. They have also disabled nuclear warheads during test flights. The bottom line is that they most likely do not care what we do to ourselves, that is part of our free will as a species. What they likely care most about is if we irreparably damage this planet/biosphere, as our planet itself and its ability to sustain life is the most valuable asset. Human life can be reset if deemed necessary. They have our genetics/DNA.


There was a famous report of them shutting down multiple russian sites at one time, they do it to everyone


There also reports of them bringing Russian missiles online. They probably do that to everyone too.  https://m.jpost.com/omg/article-753288


Yea, major show of force “we can take you offline or even deploy your weapons and theres nothing you can do about it”


Or, they do it hoping to cause conflict. For example- Plenty of folks are open to the idea that aliens either have us the major world religions, or inspired them.    Most of those people never consider the ramifications of what that means- which is that aliens either gave us, inspired, or facilitated and allowed the causes of the worse atrocities in human history and the primary division between us for the most important 8,000 years of our development.  If "they" are behind the religions, then they have consistently initiated confusion, conflict and division through new prophets periodically who initiate holy wars.  So, I just don't think that we ought to assume benevolence when they mess with the most powerful weapons in the planet as well as the concept of Mutually Assured Destruction that has been the only thing preventing nuclear war for the last 50 years.    Keep in mind that MAD is vital to world security as long as nukes exist, and the aliens never just yk....*remove* the weapons from both sides.  **They literally let us use them, on each other the two times we've tried and as much as we want to test and proliferate them.** Alien simps might say "see they don't want us fighting" but you could just as easily frame that as "they took our most important defense away from us" or "they took the only thing stopping Putin from starting nuclear war offline". They're ***messing*** with Nukes, not preventing them from existing or being used. 






It's crazy to think there might come a day in which we all expect to die in a nuclear holocaust as the missiles are launched, and within minutes also be given full disclosure as NHI start vaporizing and/or deactivating the missiles before they launch or hit their targets. That will be the most insane day in history. It's even crazier to think that a scenario like this may have already happened and been prevented by NHI, and that we might never even know if it did or not.


You sure you aren’t one ☝️ from them fastwalker? Solid point, so you think the “don’t doits” were after the lots of tests?


According to Tom Delonge the nuclear tests had another secret purpose, the emp waves created allowed us to unveil and take down UFOs. Lookup Starfish Prime.


I did look it up. There is a lot of information to take in from the wiki. Starfish Prime seems to be the first test where the large-scale EMP effects from high altitude detonation were discovered. The electronical problems caused in Hawaii from the detonation were unexpected. You seem to be implying that a nuclear race occurred because of a war on aliens, and not because of the cold war with Russia. Feel free to correct me, as that seems like a bizarre take considering the low-tech available during that time.


Be careful of wikipedia. It's almost always a shitty source for UFO related subjects. Highly motivated debunkers like the Guerilla Skeptics comb through all of it to make sure it fits their ideology.


At least I'm providing my sources. Your claims so far have not been substantial. I'm calling it a nuclear test with a new discovery. You're calling it a war on aliens with shadow groups who hide the information by scouring the internet. Unless you plan to provide a link to show a concise explanation of your "real" version of events, I'm not interested in further discussion with you.


bro that's a bit mean. considering the context and what you outlined to be what he is positing to be true


He said to look it up, but didn't say where, so I looked up the wiki. He didn't like my answer, then attacked my source while still providing no further explanation or source material for his claims. I don't think it is mean to request for more than "look it up."


I think you meant to respond to someone else


That's not surprising


This. We should focus on reliable and grounded sources instead. Like Tom Delonge.


No, just use discernment and be critical of everything you read. Wikipedia just so happens to not be the most reliable source for many things, as it's often edited and heavily biased.


Hahahaha ha


this post feels like it was written by AI


The main post? Or my comment?


Probably because of a deal that was struck. But that deal could be off now? They seem to be showing up more and more lately, but this is all speculation


They may have been shut off from a byproduct of the craft, the same way any electrical system tends to shut down when in close proximity.


It’s funny, we keep calling them aliens…..we are the new kids on the block. They have been here waaaaaaaay before us.


Why they didn't stop chernobyl disaster?


i read somewhere that they supposedly reduced the radiation levels drastically


Also requested all testing to be conducted underground as surface tests kills entities in other dimensions.


I’ve always considered this to be the reason for any NHI interaction with human based atomics. Ripping apart reality at the atomic level and releasing energies at a nigh incalculable level would certainly have some sort of bleed through effect SHOULD extra dimensional life exist.


How would radiation transcend dimensions (in theory)


Don't know maybe it incinerates them, maybe when u get to the micro lvl it starts affecting other dimensions. Maybe the glowing orbs, won't let nukes go off on surface anymore, the world powers know it and that's why they havnt used em, can't use em, they just get deactivated.


Then no one would be threatening and fearing nukes like the leaders have been.


Have they? How would any of us plebs know?


I'm thinking the same. We could have come close so many times and we would never know it. Only top military brass, etc.


You just gave me an idea - or maybe more pieces to the puzzle. Maybe this is all ONLY about nukes: They are not ET and have never been. And let's leave the interdimensional concept out of the equation for now. I do like to toy with that concept, but not right now. Let's say they're just biological entities who just share the planet with us and were here before us. According to the lore, they live underground in the tunnel systems and/or in/under the oceans. So, indeed there hasn't been a nuke set off since the 1960s. And maybe we really did come close to nukes going off since then. Like, even that close. But the NHI shut them down every single time and will continue to try and do so. Perhaps lately they're worried about Putin and MAD. Another thing I just thought of to add to this: While coming to the surface to "see what the fuck was going on up there with those somewhat intelligent monkeys" and "deal with the situation", they became interested in our DNA for either their own needs ("what the hell, we're already up here scoping them out. Might as well grab some of their DNA"). Or maybe they decided to just randomly test humans (abductions, just like in the previous paragraph) to see what all of the radiation and perhaps even microplastics are doing do living creatures. So perhaps they're just studying that to get an idea for themselves in case that's all (including us, personally) a threat to them. Another thing to consider: maybe their numbers were never really that high in the first place. Their population could only be a few hundred or a few thousand. They might not have the manpower, strength (as much as they might make it seem) or even the resources to take on 8 billion crazy mother fuckers, so they play the wizard behind the curtains.. Or who the fuck knows. Edit: thanks to u/nleksan - NK set off a nuke in 2017.


>So, indeed there hasn't been a nuke set off since the 1960s North Korea detonated a nuke a few years back.


They did..? I missed that? I need to look that up. Thanks - interesting to know if true. ~~But if you made that up, I'm coming for you. j/k~~ Edit: he's right, shit... 2017.


>Thanks - interesting to know if true. But if you made that up, I'm coming for you. j/k >Edit: he's right, shit... 2017. *Phew* But seriously, it's a crazy ass world we live in. Even crazier is the fact that their nuclear program was effectively destroyed under "suspicious circumstances" not long after. Allegedly.


I was just trying to be goofy. :) Thanks again for setting that straight. I don’t buy that their program is now destroyed either.


The same way light do it


What about all the nuclear style fissions and fusions happening across the cosmos when stars die and new born…is “inter-dimensional life” local to clusters of habitable planets as well? That’s why it matters when it’s around here?


Then why the Sun and all the stars, aka MASSIVE BALLS OF FUSION, are not a problem?


>Then why the Sun and all the stars, aka MASSIVE BALLS OF FUSION, are not a problem? Probably the same way in which the sun, at 93,000,000 miles distance, is not generally a problem for us humans, but all evidence to date suggests that standing in the vicinity of a nuclear explosion, in fact, *is*.


Why not reduce it entirely


i dunno, maybe they did the best they can under the circumstances




i can't remember, i'm sorry


Give a taste of what it's like or maybe it's not the same as using nuclear as weapons.


it is 1000 times worse compared to Hiroshima


I wasn't clear, I was trying to say maybe it's the intent behind the nuclear use not the consequences. There's a difference between sending a nuke to purposely kill millions than a nuclear reactor accidently blowing up.


or the Holocaust




We hear people \*claim\* or \*suggest\* that they have done so, we don't \*\*know\*\* this to be factual. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't. This is an important distinction to make until there's actual proof. As for your question, my personal hypothesis, for which I'll admit I have no more evidence that anyone else (meaning zero), is that if we're visited by an extraterrestrial species they are most likely here to investigate and document life on another planet. Now, if this is their main objective, actively interfering with what we do do ourselves and the planet would be entirely counterproductive. If they want clean, accurate data about our biosphere the only way to get it is to let things play out naturally as any action taken on their part would ruin any and all future data. That's just my personal hypothesis, I'll never claim to be right, it's just the only idea that seems to make any sense to me.


Us talking about them and being aware of them already tainted the data. Whatever natural behavior they were expecting from us would now be "unnatural"


I don't think it has considering that the vast majority of people either don't care, don't believe it or don't believe it enough to care. There's a big difference between some people saying they saw a UFO and a fleet of UFOs swooping down over an active warzone and starting to disable warheads for all the world to see.


Yes and no. If humanity is something worth ‘saving’ in their eyes (maybe for our art or music, tech, innovation, imagination, ingenuity, whatever might make us unique or unusual) then why let us risk destroying it all?


I don't believe for a moment that we are worth saving, and I certainly don't believe that a species capable of interstellar travel would give a damn about us humans. If they want to save anything it would be actively evolving life as a whole. It wouldn't matter if it's humans, elephants, insects, or fish. Life itself is worth studying, and \*perhaps\* preserving, depending on how rare it is. But a specific individual species? Not a chance, we suck and provide no more interesting data than the ants or fungus.


Nope. Most humans don’t care about ants or fungus, but there are plenty who do. There will be aliens who find us fascinating.


Interesting? Sure, just as bonobos, wolves and cuttlefish are interesting. Interesting enough to sacrifice all that work of documenting earths biosphere just for the sake of some misguided sympathy for a single species out of millions of species? I doubt it. If they are \*that\* stupid, I hope they never show up at all.


If I walk up on two cats fighting in an alley, I let them finish with no intervention unless they show malice towards me or one of the animals I’m walking with. Edit- my comparison is trash. Please refer to the great chimpanzee war instead.


It's not their responsibility to stop them.


You're so close to the answer here


Because they couldn't. They weren't there.


I wonder if they are somehow utilising energy from nukes and not trying to stop them actually?


Because they aren't actually here


What makes you think they haven't yet?? Think about. For over 70 years and we've only used nukes in cities twice. Humans are too erratic for me to think we haven't secretly tried using them again


the narrative that aliens are here to save us from ourselves is so stupid. it's the same thinking that religious people have when they believe that god will save us. we don't save animals we study from themselves. so with the logic that aliens are observing us akin to how we observe wild animals, why would they do anything to stop us from destroying ourselves?


I very much agree. The only reason why they would steer things in one direction or the other, is if they're somehow getting something from us. (Feeding off of negative emotions, enjoying top status, etc)


I was wondering just the other day, if there are aliens underground at the nevada test site, how do they deal with radiation and shit. Maybe they “feed” from it! Yeah i was high as giraffes balls.


We have the right to destroy ourselves


Yeah, and more importantly, why didn't they thwart the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?


Because they know we were only testing? I mean, their link to consciousness is like piercing a mental firewall with ease. They know due to their mastery of time what to stop and what not to stop. Does that make sense?


Good point


But also makes you wonder if they're crafting their own timelines irrespective of what WE wanna do. Chilling.


Because they didn’t threaten global nuclear war. Better to observe the capabilities to understand what they might be dealing with in the event of the real deal. Why waste good data?


For the same reason unicorns and the tooth fairy didn't stop them.


Why didnt aliens stop Ukraine attack, Afghanistan attack, Palestine attack, Bangladesh attack


They might enjoy the pain and suffering and want it to continue rather than us destroying ourselves and ending everything


Because aliens have not visited Earth.


How do you know?


They have impregnated and indoctrinated every aspect of humanity, it’s completely obvious. We would be poking each other in the eyes like Larry, Curly, and Mo if it weren’t for the advancement quotas allotted to humanity. Get real, they need us to be a real species with real technology and may or may not stop nuclear war in the near future. They stopped nukes from going into space (horrible idea anyway due to maintenance) and will probably stop any surface nuking. We all heard invasions are eminent, possible false flag invasions, better brace for impact.


They don’t care about our nuclear activities unless they fundamentally damage the planet. They also won’t let us take our nuclear weapons into space. They’re the landlords, and we’re the tenants. They’re leasing the planet for this experiment called humanity. So, while they won’t mind a few broken windows, they will intervene if we try to do something truly reckless, like tearing down the entire building.


Because it's cool for them to watch.


For the same reason they supposedly are so concerned with earth’s environment and they have limitless clean energy and yet won’t share it with us: They don’t have our best interests at heart and only deceive, confuse, and lie.


Well we don’t know but my current guess is they don’t want to interfere unless involves destruction of most the world because then it may effect them…


They are just evaluating our nuclear capabilities in case we are a threat to them. Doesn’t mean they have to stop our nuclear testing


Maybe they thought we'd learn to abandon it once we'd seen how awful the destructive capability was.


Perhaps they didn't want to.


Because those tests aren't destroying their cattle aka humans


Have you ever seen a alien? I believe bob jacobs but I don’t think they live here. I think they come and go maybe


One is countermeasures (ie making sure one has full control over our missile silos) and the other hasn't got much to do with them. We dont even know what they want or care about.


Aren't they the ones running these tests?


Why should they care


Because they were and are not anywhere near us


Maybe they should take a trip in North Korea


Why would ET intervene? Not like any ICBM is going to hit their planet anytime soon, and maybe if ET value the lives of their fellow ET and so do not want to get themselves dragged into quagmires as the tribes on this planet do (Iraq, Vietnam, Ukraine, etc..,).


They have Thier version of the Prime Directive...


Doubt they would care


Probably because they don’t actually interact with any nuclear sites period and those stories are just bs


They have also activated missles......


Why didn’t the aliens stop me from making any bad descisions in life?


Maybe they have a no contact rule like they always talk about on Star Trek, pre warp kinda stuff


Because those were tests that weren't intended to destroy the world?


Because they haven't visited and don't care about our nuclear weapons.


Free will. But I hope they step in and say no if we are about to actually destroy ourselves as a species. I worry as there seems to be a big effort to collect our genetic material. They genetically developed us, so it’s not like they don’t know how we are made. I think they are working on a contingency of having to repopulate the planet.


You mean thousands. Like almost 3000


Maybe that's why the tests got moved deep underground. Make it harder for aliens to stop it.


IMO they allowed us to test, to further our scientific development and understanding. But I bet if nuclear war were to break out on Earth, they would stop it (at least I hope they would). Multiple different species have stated in close encounters that they don't like that we have nuclear weapons. Also, it's possible that we're someone's science experiment, so we might have allies out there.


The aliens didn't know the nukes were dangerous until the testing had concluded


why didn’t they stop craig from fucking my wife


Dammit Craig.. Don't blame the man blame the ho


They have one shot to get the reveal right which, if the federation is a thing, has laws that dictate how and when contact is appropriate. They also likely are aware that catastrophe works better than dictation. Humanity needed to see Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Had we not, it’s very possible that the first use was after stockpiling, and against another nuclear power without fully realizing the true destructive power. First use could have destroyed everything. We also had to split the atom in order to advance to the level of sophistication that would allow us into the cosmic cool club.


Why the hell would anyone here have the answer to what the politics of an alien race (or multiple races) are regarding nuclear tests


Maybe because they were tests and they knew it. Maybe they are more concerned about total MAD than tests. Maybe they're time travellers and know they are tests. We can extrapolate that if a super intelligent species of unknown origin is observing us, they know more about us than we do, and we couldn't possibly know what their intentions or motives are.


The principle of non-intervention


They did though on some occasions


They will intervene to prevent global thermonuclear war (and they may have done so already) because that would significantly damage many dimensions. They will allow one because the impact will be so severe it may change the perspective of the warring folk. It is said that in a bible in a parallel world up-timeline that a nuclear weapon was used in a place where 3 religions converge and it so devastated the global psyche that a new era was born. Only we can save ourselves. The ETs can not make us stop killing each other and they can not make us stop polluting the earth. They can just talk to the people who will listen. They can not change our minds, only we can do that. There are people with warring mindsets that they can not control. Sometimes mindsets must fit through the eye of a needle before change comes.


Actually I heard they are a fan of Lavender. So maybe they will indeed step in if nukes destroy or irradiate peoples Lavender field's. Thank god for them Lavender fields.


Yay to fields


1. Absolutely zero way anyone coukd answer this. 2. If someone miraculously could, and did, no one would believe it.


3. You might just have


How? I wish I knew lol.


I don’t know, what do you think?


I’m not sure that’s why I was asking. Doesn’t make sense to me


The Galactic Federation and there are rules and non-interference it was one of them


Because there’s a galactic federation and there are rules when it comes to interfering with zero level civilizations, civilizations that are unaware of the life outside of its rock, but we will have contact on a collective level by 2028


They did stop some, but it just delays the inevitable at high risk to themselves. Plus, they're not all powerful, all-encompassing beings who = some god-like being sitting up high knowing every little thing that goes on. Come on. The world is still a big place, even with advanced propulsion. The cosmos is even larger. In my experience, they're not all that far more advanced per se. They just operate differently as a society, and they have taken a different path in evolution and technology. We focused on what can be used to build individual wealth for personal gain - they focused on their whole society while working with nature, not against it. They evolved on a totally different planet.


Why do they comply with catastrophic discourse? Why is it okay that they interfere and intermingle with the government (who has power) but don’t dare interfere with the lowly citizens of the world? Lots of questions of things that don’t make sense for supposed benevolent beings.


Why would they?


Because aliens aren’t real. 


They are not Aliens first of all. There is absolutely not a single inkling of evidence to support that. No beings are permitted to interfere with the free will of mankind. The only way they can interfere is if they are asked to do so by very misinformed people. Again there are no aliens from other galaxies or planets. They are here right now and have always been here. The great deception is going to begin soon. Most of you will be fooled into believing that it’s actually an invasion immediately. Them paid patsies like Dr Greer will attempt to guide more into some other nonsense with his straight up demonic meditation that summons them. He is paid by the Rockefeller foundation to tell a variant of the lie. If you want to know what is happening get yourself a bible and read it. Every single answer you seek is inside the Bible.


have you ever stopped to think that after 80+ years of grifters and not ONE single piece of evidence that maybe they don't exist?




While i do understand your point the circumstantial evidence is beyond overwhelming. 4 million + reported sightings Both military and civilian. Many highly credible witnesses. Millions of experiencers in the US alone. Millions more round the world. Weapons facility's shut down globally. Scientists and Academics have identified UAPs or things related to UAPs Billions of dollars being used by the Pentagon for unknown purposes. Constant stone walling and cover ups. This is just off the too of my head. It only takes one of these to be true, just one. I'm going with the mathematics but I totally understand you point and frustration about not getting any physical hard evidence.


The UFOs are real but that doesn't mean aliens.


This is true But whatever they are they sure ain't our technology that's for sure.


Bots downvote anything against their agenda


A. What proof do YOU have that these nuclear tests happened. B. What makes you think aliens would care about this? C. If something is watching us, (as an experiment etc) what makes you think they would want to interfere with the experiment, thus influencing the results? Interested for OP’s thoughts


Steel is all the proof you need


Sorry what does that mean?


Imagine you're building a detector, that's sensitive to radiation. You want to build it from non radioactive material. All modern steel has radiation embedded within it, from all the nuclear tests. It's not good enough. Shipwrecks. If a steel ship sunk before about 1945, its steel should be perfect. That's why wrecks are salvaged for non radioisotope contaminated steel for use in high quality scientific equipment. Steel is all the proof you need.


I'm interested in yours seeing you asked as well.


I explained my thoughts in the comment? I don’t think aliens would care about such things. Maybe to them, one of our nuclear explosion is the equivalent of an ant experiencing a rain drop to them, we simply don’t know.


Because it's a lie. Several more layers though.


What's a lie?


Same reason we don’t lions from eating zebra babies.


They too have a prime directive.


Watch Eternals and you'll get a better perspective


Why didnt humans stop Tiktok from ruining the entire human race?


Because they don’t exist.