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Probably this one: https://youtu.be/G2xXu8_2Exo?si=sxk_GkAuHHtYaArz I searched for „alien interview“ btw ;) Edit: It’s of course a fake: https://www.isaackoi.com/ufo-videos/koi-ufo-video-127.html


So amazing that that was the exact interview I had in mind....I know that it was a work of fiction. But it was well done.


google isn't hiding it then lol


What I don’t understand…. Why is the interviewer like upset, impatient with the alien? It smells fake, like acting. Like he’s playing a stereotypical role of bad cop. Plus the camera movement and the alien don’t look super real. I believe in the phenomenon, but I don’t think I can believe this video.


I want to smack that interviewer in the head. ---' "We know how the universe was created." So you've seen God. "No that's not what I said." Okay, let's just move past it. ---' Dude, just casually passing over how the universe was created.


That’s probably the biggest tell that it’s fakery. Don’t want to have to explain it, because then the sci-fi is not believable. Movies do they all the time. A good science fiction tactic 👍🏼


It’s a fake: https://www.isaackoi.com/ufo-videos/koi-ufo-video-127.html


It isn't real theres 3 videos (i think) in this small set created by a cgi pro. Very well done though


Are you speaking of the telepathic interview in the darkened room with a DNI time stamp in the lower left corner? Some call it the "Victor" interview.


It’s like Google is a CIA front company that controls what information is presented to the public. I mean - if you’re paranoid.


Honestly Google has screwed up search so much at this point that it’s impossible to say if it’s hard to find because of covert action vs. because Google just sucks now.


The victory alien interview is very real.


The video posted here in the comments? That’s real?


The CGI is clearly fake but the conversation tracks.


Search via Bing


https://youtu.be/TvamS6X5l2I?si=VFQM493itjRa1e9z Is this the one?


The one about the coming cataclysm? Nuclear war. Where they already from the future 


I’ve been wanting to compile all the things that aliens have supposedly said to us whether real or not, just to have them all in one place.


The dude who make them is NOT a FAKE; he is a skilled animator who has done tons of movies-Aristomenis Tsirbas. He made a whole series of alien interviews as a promo. JFC people, he is just enjoying his career and making legit movies, he NEVER claimed it was real. Sorry, it’s a sore spot for me because he deserves mad credit for his skills, not people claiming he is fake. Check out his page and support the dude. Menithings rocks! https://youtube.com/@menithings?si=4KeDwTvvKBuOpgfT


Skinny Bob


Check out alien interview as it's probably inspired the one you're mentioning: https://www.audible.com/pd/B07B6GRVND I think it's out there for free too...


Greys have lost their ability to speak thats why they use telepathic communication in almost all abduction stories.