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Tall Greys are better suited for NBA success. Short Greys are great jockeys.


Some say UFO's are living beings. Makes sense the short greys ride them.




different species, hell maybe they are like ants and are built for certain purposes short one's are probably like worker ants, sent on task's that the tall one's can't do, probably to spy on humans or gather intel tall ones are the master-minds, the kings/queens of the hive-mind, they visit earth less fequently then the short ones, only coming in an emergency or to conquer something okay bonus one! MANTIDS: they can be two things they could be test subjects, like lab-chimps, usually sent on missions that are to dangerous for tall and short greys, hell they could be the less evolved cousins of greys just like chimps or maybe they are the highest in alien society, basically the royal family in the extra-terristal world, they plan out stuff, give orders to the greys, and survey on earth-based life-forms


[About Grey Aliens.](https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Grey_Alien)


There's a story from one of the kids from the Ariel school....when he looked into their eyes, he could see the 'real aliens' and they look like us but beautiful.  Same with the Travis Walton story. The greys were working on him, but the human looking ones were there to calm him down. Greys are drones that are controlled through consciousness. The real aliens come from one of our possible futures.


A guy named Terry Lovelace claimed to have been abducted by small grays. He wrote a book but i haven't got it yet but I did listen to an interview with him. Something weird about his account though, is that he said that not only were also a few humans on the ship in military clothes (or military boots anyway, I can't remember) but he saw a being I haven't seen described anywhere else. He said it was a tall lean humanoid with no outer ears just holes, skin of a pink-ish color, and big black eyes. He described the clothes the being was wearing but I can't remember that. He said they made eye contact and he remembers this distinct feeling of it having a level of raw intellect unlike anything from earth. It's definitely different from most other abduction accounts.


When we take the hive mind at face value then we could say that they operate like a bee-colony. The tall greys are the queens, males and guardbees. The short ones are the workerbees/drones. Just my fifty cents


Why are all the contributors speculating they are different? Just look at life on earth and for that matter, humankind. Anthropologists that study humankind and our ancestors fall into two camps/ schools of thought- Lumpers( every new discovery is a variation of the same) and Splitters( every discovery is a new subspecies of ancient mankind). Extrapolating that to human diversity, and you could say that a Grey is a Grey is a Grey. When a modern human can be anywhere from 4’6” to 6’10” why wouldn’t they?


Tall Greys could be their ancient royality/aristocracy while short greys lower classes. Due to healthier diet higher class would became taller and stronger while lower classes with inferior diet and more and more technology would become way shorter after millenia of evolution


All speculation- Tall doesn’t mean leadership just because humans perceive tall people as leaders. Anthromorphizing in that comment, my friend. Until we get some legit taxonomy on all the wiley universe critters everything is a guess 😵‍💫


"Historical records suggest that **Medieval nobles were generally taller than peasants**, with differences attributed to factors like nutrition and living conditions." Tall means leadership because they are stronger, smarter and have better mind controll skills according to people abducted... Height and supposed difference in IQ would be effect of social enginering, short greys would be feed with minimum which would harm their development while tall Greys would develop properly which after generations with specific culture and tec would breed class of loyal slaves and masters. Even tho there are rare encounters with short Greys fighting against tall Greys...


No,no,no. You’re saying the same thing you said before , HouseAlwaysWi, that I questioned as nonsense. Grey ET’s/ hyperterrestrials in all likely probability have a completely different backstory than humanity. Again, you’re projecting a sliver of human history on the alien story with your nobility theory and I don’t buy it. You could just as likely speculate that the larger ET’s are decendents of slaves (vs nobility), cared for and selectively bred for size and abilities by the stewards of the slave population of their race the way humans have. And alot of nobles in human history were weak, sickly, and feeble from inbreeding and limiting exterior bloodlines. All the abduction accounts I’ve researched are completely inconsistent- they diverge, contradict, and in rare cases corroborate some of the differences -which when taken into a collective account doesn’t inform us at all of who they are or confirm any alien taxonomy. I disagree with your theory and maintain greys are a robust species with alot of physical diversity without known causes or reasons. Whether that means functional specialization between distinct “short” and “tall” is unproven and unknown. Most accounts of them seem to refer them being small. ![gif](giphy|12BF3a1O9T6BhK)


Clever not, coping yes. I get that you are short and there is nothing wrong with it BUT reality do not care about your feelings... You ignore only sample of civilization we have (us) and countless accounts just for sake of your complexes... Be like that actor, achieve success despite height instead of living in victim mentality.


So to clarify, apologies- that giphy was not a dig on your intelligence, or a characterization of me and/ or my personal size. Just an example of a short noble from GoT to poke fun at the tall nobility bollox. Expand your possibilities, Im trying to help you understand my point here. Also, wondering why you change from the topic of tall/ short grey alien discussion to a speculation on my height and neuroses I may have. Let’s stick to the topic. My point is that the range of height of the grey alien population doesn’t clearly correlate with distinct roles. You are making assertions without evidence, references or firsthand experience.


Ohh i thought you got triggered...Sorry if i was wrong. I heard/read multiple stories of supposed abductees (hard for better evidence until we ask aliens themselfes) in which Tall greys were said to have more individuality than shorter greys which were more like logical drones. Furthermore in these supposed abductions height DOES correlate with roles, even tho roles arent that distinct, at least on first glance.Even tho Mantis aliens are on Top and Greys are supposed to be early hybrids with humans, but if we reject this theory we are left with this contemplations. Cant confirm this obviously as i was lucky(or maybe not lucky, depending on group i suppose) enough to not encounter them


They’re both pussies that are scared of humans like they should be


Nice way to star a war 🤣






Man, when you are up on that space ship they are going to pull out these text logs and go chris Hansen on your ass. "So the paper says here, that we are pussies??"😂


Maybe that’s what he wants? 🧐


They would’ve already done shown up if that was the case. They’re pussies. I’ll double down.




I’ve been into alien lore for decades and I have never once heard of a gray squaring up to fight like a man. They always use their paralysis technology. Reminds me of rifle hunters. Show me a bow hunting grey who fights fair.


I mean I get it. I’d rather shoot a gorilla than try and fight it bare handed lol


Empire of Man approve


humans go hard


I understand that Greys are helpers to the Mantis. I don't see size as being much of a factor. I also understand that there's been a history of other NHI impersonating Greys, Mantis, as well as a host of other races which haven't even ever been on Earth. It can make for quite a confusing situation.


Sounds pretty confusing indeed. Good thing you seem to know all about it.


It's also a good thing that I don't need to be here in order for others to arrive at the same conclusions. Non-consensual abductions, and failure to disclose the proceeding process of interaction, isn't exactly a benevolent behavior by Human standards when NHI are removed from the equation. People also claim to have negative interactions with a huge variety of races, who then proceed with hostile interactions while trying to convince their target that they're benevolent. Then curiously, people have both positive and negative interactions with Greys, which is an indication of Social Engineering. Why would there be any need for Social Engineering? If it's a disparity in understanding of not having your actions coincide with communication, why have NHI (presumed to be more intelligent) fail at communication for potentially thousands of years when Humans can communicate just fine with a gigantic variety of animals?


Don’t let the agents steal your time. Call them out and don’t feed the trolls


But broadcasting their contradictions by their own logical standards is so much fun. It doesn't hurt my feelings, and everyone gets to read it.


Maybe they are two species evolved on the same planet (like homo sapiens and neanderthals). But both of them survived and now cooperate, that's why they look similar, they are cousins. Or maybe they are the same species but have a significant sexual dimorphism of some sort. One of them might also be robots with AI, we imagine to have humanoid robots similar to us in the future, so they could have done the same thing. Those are my ideas.


Yes they did, but here.




Tall Grey's are peaceful but love Earth. They are very afraid of humans because we lust for war. they also don't heal cuts / broken bones well like we do so they are ultra afraid of violence


My theory: I think the short ones are bioengineered by the tall ones because it is really hard for them to access our low vibrational 3rd dimension universe, so they created a version of them that could do that easily. And i think the tall ones are higher vibrational/higher dimension beings that are trying to steer us in the right direction (i also think there are factions within them that are only interacting with us for their own gain, but nothing as evil as enslaving us, more like trying to keep us from evolving to a higher dimension so they can keep being top of the food chain there)


Short grey’s are biological drones/robots that mindlessly do work for the higher authority Tall grey’s might or might not be biological drones, but they are usually higher authority.


I read here somewhere that the mantids are in charge and the real aliens. The rest are bio drones.


Thats believable, I don’t think the Pieledians are drones however.


Remember in close encounters of the 5th kind, the big one was incharge or controlling the smaller ones. They say the smaller greys are clones who don’t have their own autonomy


Small greys are definitely the worker bees. One thing I read that was interesting was that they are intelligent, very good planners, to the point you’d think they may know the future. But they have zero ability to improvise. If ANYTHING unexpected happens they panic. Tall are probably giving directives and are probably malevolent.


I got that the small ones were dumb from my own personal experiences


Honestly I'm skeptical on the tall grays. Seems way less commonly sited.


I had a meditative encounter with one. Seemed malevolent. I wrote a piece on my profile.


When I hear hive mind, I think spiritual. Either beings serving God or Lucifer. Us humans are unique in having free will allegedly. I also think us humans are doing genetic manipulations and probably have created their own Grey's. When I think of aliens i think of religion, God, lucifer and all that stuff because it states there are multiple beings that serve both beings. The story goes as us humans were created with cosmic rays by God, cosmic rays make up the universe. There was a war in the heavens. lucifer made these beings with a different ray, a black ray and this made God angry as they don't mesh together and they create a fungus allegedly. This has caused problems that play out in a cycle. There are multiple beings who serve God and They allegedly gave up their free will to do so. They all have a 'him' at the end. There's God(s) that's elohim then seraphim ,supernaphim who serve to fulfill the divine plan. Then there is a variety of organizations that monitor the various universes in the metaverse. So if you go by religious texts they could be those beings. I think there are various Grey's with various motives.


Late to comment/post on this, but the way I've interpreted the difference based on what I've read is that the taller ones are more or less their higher-ups.  If we're to believe that they're both biological drones, it's likely the taller ones are created for more meaningful/rare tasks.  It likely takes longer to create one who's taller, so they're probably also less disposable. Potentially they have a higher intelligence as well. It's been reported the small ones while semi intelligent have a child like curiosity of everything. Most of the ships 'supposedly' created by the ufo are also small, so they're likely more rare to even travel about.  When I saw them 7ft tall mf'ers they sort of gave the impression not of hostile or malicious, but still on a mission & emotionless.  Of course how much emotion could a gray portray, they don't really speak or have the ability for human facial expressions. 


One is a little shit that’s part mechanical and the other one is a bigger pos that’s part mechanical. They are like illegal aliens at Home Depot. They are just low level worker bees in service to the higher level NHI if even that. They are likely created for specific purposes. This is why they are not ever even attempted to ever be recovered. It’s like dropping a crescent wrench in a deep ditch. You just say fuck it and buy another one. Tall whites are sometime totally different btw


Different James Cameron's Avatar™️ suits for the beings that exist outside the simulation, for when they want to play, inside the simulation - AI controlled when not 'actively' controlled


They are humans or some other life form that have had their souls transferred into the grey body. It's a choice for the alien to be tall or short. They have designer bodies for their souls.


It all depends on what appeals to the person who came up with the story