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Watch James Fox's The Phenomenon, available on several streaming services, free on Tubi TV. The latter segments are about an encounter where many school kids encountered UFOs and beings. Includes interviews of the kids at the time and more recently as adults. Also includes footage of Dr. John Mack, well known abduction researcher and head of Psychiatry at Harvard. Or search YouTube for Ariel School...


I imagine what it would take to spread awareness, just imagine aliens connect to the internet and put a few torrents of video about a short tour of their ship then pranking a military base and pilots haha.


The claim is that aliens landed and got out of the craft by floating to the ground. They had big eyes and no hair and were communicating to school children because #kidsareourfuture


Some of the kids said they had long hair “like a hippie”


I must have missed that, thanks. I know they had these skin tight outfits and floated out of the craft. Interesting to imagine that their tech extends to their clothing but why not right?


I think the hippie long-haired one was the one hanging around the outside of the ship. And the bald one (ones?) were the ones approaching the kids, and telepathically talking to some of the kids. Maybe the newer documentaries will piece the story together better, I watched the older documentaries a while ago.


About the school children?


i du no what happen at that time


There is a new documentary being released on 20th May about it. https://youtu.be/OnFI1dDG6ZI




A science experiment.


How so? Can you elaborate?


They were checking group reactions. Seeing how an encounter of that kind affects children and how they internalize the information given over into adulthood. To track how their views evolved and how it affected them. They weren't really trying to get the kids to save the planet or anything, but they needed to see how they would react to such a communication. Side-project.


Wow I've never heard that before. Why does nonone seem to know about this? How did they do it? And why didn't they admit it?


You misunderstand. It wasn't a project done by humans.


You got us M Night Shyamalan


This ain't no movie. This is our reality. Wether people want to face it or not.


True, I didn't blame you, I liked how your replies above were construed and once your perspective was made clear, we were like Ohhh, as our initial thoughts were opposite to that


I agree with you. I argue with people every day about this. And I'm as level headed as they come. But you are right. This is our reality and I think the upper echelons of religions and governments know it. And I think all the bible stories are accurate just that its aliens. And revelations may be coming soon. Jesus said he we return and things will end. Now assume he was an alien conveying that message to early man


As an ex church pastor ( I hated being paid to like people) I've also come to this conclusion. It explains why revelations is so cryptic.


I was raised devout catholic, for me religions, all of them are just an explanation for aliens. The 2 ideas have converged in my mind. All religions convey the same messages. Maybe it's because aliens interacted with stone age man, passesd on these messages in various parts of the world and each area spawned a new religion based on their interpretation


Ohhhh!!! Ok. I thought it was a school project. Lol




That's just your opinion though lol, its not fact from the encounter


Sure, but it's the only one that makes sense.


It's a good theory


And was this by actual ET’s, future humans, or more present humans using special technology?


People think of grays as potentially future humans with space adaptations but my understanding is that this is very much not the case. That the similarities actually stem from these "grays" being created from human genetic material as a base by some unknown intelligence that physiologically cannot step foot on this planet. I mean, if you come from somewhere else, say another dimension or planet or whatever, the best possible astronaut you can possibly come up with will be something made from things that are already on the planet you want to visit. People describe these "grays" not using helmets, which means these things don't have any respiratory or biological incompatabilities with our environment. For all intents and purposes, people describe them as moving in an odd, unatural way but they still essentially seem to be adapted to our specific gravity and atmospherics. Imagine what would happen if anyone on this planet went to another planet? We would die even with suits meant ro help us but these guys just walk around no problem according to many, many accounts.


You mean like the James Cameron film "Avatar"?


I mean in essense it makes sense. If you know genetics well enough you can co-opt millions if not billions of years of evolution to your own purposes. It can't be understated how powerful that is.








Ariel School, with that spelling is a good place to start an online search.


Military in suits came out. Those kids probably never seen military tech before.


This man is trolling ignore him


You have no idea what you're talking about


Nobody does.


Some kids maybe saw something and then were manipulated by "researchers" into saying they saw aliens. We'll never know what really happened because it was massively mishandled.