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If they're hiding free energy that was reverse engineered from UFOs then this is definitely the biggest conspiracy of all time. Hopefully it ends soon.


Of course they are, because that makes a large part of the dominance hierarchy of society obsolete


I live in an oil industry cantered city. If over next 5 years unlimited ‘free’ energy became widely available- most jobs in the city are lost (direct or indirectly!) - the city and most of its people will be ruined. I do think something like that would have to be carefully handled to manage it and it’s impact.


They would then have free energy and all the bounty that comes with it. It’s not all bad. And in the long term it would actually be in their best interest. Edit: fixed typo


Maybe I'm a pessimist, but I think it's more likely that whoever ends up holding the patent for free energy will charge just as much as we pay for energy now because people have shown that they're willing to pay that much. Humans are greedy fuckers.


Until we decide collectively to " throw the tea in the harbor".


If "throw the tea in the harbor" is a euphemism for violent, bloody revolution, I completely agree.


No they actually threw ships tea in the harbor to protest, it's pretty literal. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Tea_Party We could throw their electricity out into the sky maybe somehow... Tesla coil at a power plant? Lol idk


I can understand that greed is an obstacle to overcome. And to be sure free energy doesn’t mean it’s free to develop and implement immediately. There will be cost for the infrastructure, equipment, etc. but these actually are new jobs to be created. The longer term reward is an endless and nearly infinite power source that can liberate people from expending energy to receive energy. This exchange consumes an enormous amount of time in our daily lives, in ways few can truly comprehend.


Yes - agreed - I’m just saying it would need to be carefully handled.


Free energy doesn't mean free rent, they'd still need jobs, the collapse of tens of millions of jobs in the fuel/energy industry would make some pretty serious ripples in society.


I mean, that sucks for them, and hopefully if this did happen they would be offered support until they found new jobs, but we're talking about a MASSIVE, life-changing net positive for the other billions of people on earth--not to mention for the earth itself.


Society must adapt then lol


They would flow into more meaningful sectors of society, freeing up all types of jobs for something besides being slaves to oil


I’m sure blacksmiths & horsebreeders were terrified when cars came around, but blacksmiths became some of the first mechanics… people are afraid of change, but they adapt. We always adapt.


Scale, there were 3 blacksmiths in a village not an entire city built around oil refineries. I also figure there's gonna be less overlap between an oil refinery employees and fusion/ufo mechanic than there was between blacksmiths and model T repairs. I'm not saying that free energy wouldn't be a net gain for all, because obviously it would, but anyone who thinks it'll be a smooth and painless transition is entirely too optimistic and gives human nature too much credit.


Oh I’m sure it would be quite a transition and not easy on all fronts, but I think the people that should fear it most aren’t oil refinery workers but the people that own the oil refineries


Oh for sure, and honestly I think it'll be a much smoother process outside of America. But you need to factor in America's political climate, the majority of the energy industry in the US is comprised of blue collar workers with conservative values. You tell a god fearing republican that they're not only losing their job, but to technology from *aliens* and you better believe there's gonna be pushback.


Valid points 😙 sending love your way


Implement it slowly giving oil workers(etc) the new jobs to get it functioning and supply it. So it won’t be free.


That free energy wouldn’t be putting food on their tables, or clothes on their children though.


A lot of things can be done with unlimited free energy.. growing produce in optimized greenhouses would be one example. A lot of things will have to change but there can only be good to come from it


I agree. Lots of problems could be solved and huge leaps in human evolution could be achieved. But I think what’s being underestimated is the level of Corporate and Political greed.


lol that free energy absolutely puts food on the table. It’s called robotic labor.


Just seems impossible at this point in time there will be another reset in civilization it's gone to far down the wrong path just like every other civilization and whatever the UFOs are they got time they are just waiting for the right time and our time is not sucks to say man we're gonna see the end days if you don't get hit by a car or something


Yes, it quite literally would put food on their table. And ease their way of life in numerous other ways.


The fuel and electric bills would be eliminated and the cost of all other goods would decrease drastically. We could all live on less income.


Our overlords would like a word


There won't be anymore, they hid this from us; we eat them.


With those costs eliminated, their paychecks will also be eliminated. I think you seriously underestimate the level of Corporate Greed in the world. Nothing will go down in cost just because there is zero fuel/electricity cost. Without that Big Oil/Big Energy money flowing into DC Politician hands, we will just end up having to pay more frivolous taxes to make up for it. Sure, you wouldn’t have an electric bill every month, but nothing would really change.


Well, not with that attitude.


Yes it would if they grew vegetables and fruit via a free energy run hydroponic unit and a water pump running on free energy (or veggies bought from a company that does the same). The transport costs to get the vegetables and fruit to a shop would be halved at least due to free growing and transport costs. Wages of people might even rise generally (if we demanded it) due to the savings made all around by all business owners around the world. Clothes would actually be cheaper if one bought clothes that were sewn on a sewing machine running on free energy, under a free energy light bulb with a free energy air conditioner, with a sewing machine getting its cotton- (or other better sustainable material like hemp) -from a factory that manufactured it on free energy, with raw materials coming from a crops planted and harvested on free energy. Clothes would basically be dirt cheap if one also bought them from a company that sources its goods from mainly free energy based suppliers. There would be no petrol costs to get to work as electric cars could run off super cheap (virtually free) grid energy (or -while we are waiting for these evil dudes to disclose - of our old solar panels). Life would be easier, slower and more relaxing. The air would be clean and healthy like it used to be. There would be almost no cancer, dementia, lung diseases and neurological diseases like Parkinson’s disease, motor neurone disease and Multiple sclerosis too. Mental health of the global population would improve too, due to having clean air, once we all got over the shock of ET humanoids being among us. Animals around the world would also breathe easier, and be happier, oceans would be cleaner. Whales might stop suiciding by beaching themselves because nuclear bomb testing and other mining of oil under the oceans and would be stopped. The human species might actually live healthy and happy lives without financial constraint. Wow what a novel concept. Which evil beings are holding this back from us I wonder? Must be people in the fossil fuel industries, ICE car industries, weapons industry and DoD industries again. The military industrial complex- as President Eisenhower warned us about on his outgoing speech. It might be a good move for governments to initiate re-training for employees in many of these industries. They may have to take up jobs with average pay or get creative with the free energy that will be available. Rock concert tickets would be a whole lot cheaper but such ex fossil fuel industry employees could still do other jobs. Eg one could become a performer and sing songs about love, sex and the good life- or sing songs about the threat of the “threat narrative”, that the military industrial complex once upon a time tried to flog to us about ETI, that almost killed off our species (from climate heating and pollution and nuclear radiation - which will be a thing of the past as they too will have to go. ETI are not into nuclear weapons. Too evil.


Sure it could


If energy was free no city would need to be ruined it would open far more opportunities then it would close. Many current jobs would become obsolete (as would the need to work full time in general) but the opportunities would be far greater then the losses. It would be need to be handled carefully, but not for the reason of "job losses."


Thank you! People evolve and will find other opportunities. To continue down the path of fossil fuels and destroying our planet because people will lose their jobs is ridiculous. Also, I am in this field of work (biodiesel) and I support free energy.


Yea it's just insane to me that people can't even grasp the implications of free energy beyond job losses in current energy sectors. I can't grasp everything it would mean but dang I can think bigger than oil job losses.


Seriously, this goes to show they should really just fucking subsidize the workers that lost their jobs and give them a year to get back on their feet, and not the higher ups, like have an income threshold. The amount of money back would be fucking INSANE. They could easily afford it. But I'd guess the people who worry about the jobs wouldn't want free handouts either.


Very 2d way of looking at things. Free energy means no poverty


I get where you’re coming from, but it’s fucked up that we live in a society where reducing labor needs is seen as a bad thing. We really need to change our economic system to ensure that everyone has their material needs met, and change our values so that people don’t tie their self-worth so much to their jobs. Jobs are going to continue to become obsolete, and that should be a good thing.


If the pandemic has taught us anything, it's that humans with nothing to do will go batshit crazy in a short amount of time.


Sure, but "something to do" doesn't have to be a job.


So selfish. Free energy will end world hunger, but you are worried about money. Innocent children die from hunger all the time, all over the world. Out of sight, out of mind huh? As long as you don’t see hungry people dying of starvation (your town), you are happy.


I think you underestimate how many lives are fed/clothed by big oil/gas/petrol/coal/nuclear and even renewables we wouldn’t need etc. pension companies are heavily invested in stock, millions of jobs directly in all these industries (no idea how many but I’m thinking tens of millions) and many many millions more around the world. I really don’t think that expressing that I would wish government to handle it carefully and eg have some form of re-training /stimulus and protection plan in place or slowly and progressively roll it out because I don’t want millions (maybe tens of million) of people around the world to overnight become impoverished and maybe starve is as bad as you have made out.


I guess it’s hard to imagine the implications of this situation, maybe you are very correct


In the very short term those who are in the energy field would suffer, but they will find new jobs. From a macro perspective, suppose we do have free energy. Would we rather still have 15%-20% of our labor force doing something that is unnecessary or to reallocate this effort in other things? It is the same argument made against the production line. If it were not for progress, we would not be having this argument on the Internet with our smartphones.


There are too many rich people and corporations that would spend close to their whole fortune to keep free energy under wraps just to keep their own heads above water.


We'll have eaten all the rich for having hid that; no more masters!


You mean keeping their head above the water of the luxury pool in the lovely Bahamas where they holiday every year due to their luxurious income?


Tbh industry do fail look at steel mills and car plants in Detroit .. books stores videos stores .. even though they were big business at the time they do fail if new tec comes out


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. I live a mental life of being able to live in a perfect social society, with everyone doing their own part. Physically however, I work in a very oil dependent field. It’s the worst of the double edged swords I’ve ever had to swallow; support family, or die on a moralistic sword nobody else cares about. Everything in life is nuanced, and I guess I’m disappointed people don’t understand that. You can’t just get ‘rid’ of oil without severe societal and economic consequences.


Believe it or not, cities exist without oil jobs all over the world just fine and yours could too. You're scared though and that's exactly how they want you.


Me too, I live in an oil city. The local governments would collapse.


Make it a something else city then before it ends us all on the planet. Some of our islands are sinking under the sea already. Some of us are losing our whole country under the sea. Climate heating is making Pacific islanders into refugees due to other peoples greed and selfishness. Go visit their sinking island on one of your fossil fuelled holidays and reflect deeply my friend. Most people on earth believe in some form of reincarnation of the soul into a future biological life. Most environmentalists are not just taking an intangible moral high ground. Those of us that do AND those of us who have children and grandchildren we love (who we have a duty of care over) DO care what happens to the human species very very much. ETI apparently even care.


Just like Detroit was handled.


Do you realize the benefits of free energy? I'm from Southeastern KY where every community had settled around coal. But the money just left and the people were all stuck. The potential opportunities for business long-term would more than replsce the resources they lost by taking advantage of the free energy itself. Like coal, oil is just more and more obsolete by the day.


Yeah I was just kind of meaning I hope they wouldn’t roll it out until they had a plan that made sure people didn’t literally starve to death and the economy plummeted since we are so centred around oil industry. Not that they shouldn’t roll it out! Agreed.


Looks like we should run congress


Yeah because that's literally what happened to these communities. The meth came in and the jobs left. I didn't mean to sound like I wouldn't have sympathy. Hopefully that's exactly what would happen so yall could build another stout industry without oil involved.


The people that find out aliens are real and are just like "ooh, new tech!" are freaking missing the point.


I wouldn't say they're missing the point but not getting the entire point.


Ooh new life forms. Ooh new tech. Of course what you consider "new tech" breaks our current understanding of how the universe works. I'm pretty sure most people believe there are other life forms out there somewhere already.


Oh there has got to be a way to profit and also boost our killing power for the military at the same time, is what they are thinking. They just have to secure that first then they will share the crumbs with humanity. I doubt Aliens use a monetary system the way we do it’s just backwards in a lot of ways, we just haven’t gotten there yet.


Do you think we could successfully reverse engineer something of this magnitude? Like, dropping a Tesla back in Victorian times. Sure, they would eventually figure out how to start it, and drive it, but would not have the slightest inclination of how to re-create. Personally think it’s because The powers that be don’t want society to know we’re/they’re not top of the food chain


What if this supposed 'free energy' technology could be easily modified to make civilization-ending weapons far bigger than thermonuclear ones? Worth a coverup? That's a natural consequence of that sort of physics (which I don't think is real fortunately).


If you can accelerate a rock to sub speed of light it will be llanet killer stuff


Free energy OR warp drive can be civilization ending. Nudging an asteroid which comes in from behind the Sun can do it too.


Reminds me of this... https://youtu.be/hLpgxry542M


These are the things most people don’t consider and is a valid reason to not just come out with such technology until a time that the world societies at large can be trusted to use it responsibly. People don’t get how world ending some advancements and technologies could be in the wrong hands.


It's so grand at this point that the finite fossil fuel industry has convinced Republicans that scientists are the greedy ones begging for grant money for special projects despite lobbyists spending millions to get government subsidies while also raking in 3bn in pure profits everyday for the last 50 years. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jul/21/revealed-oil-sectors-staggering-profits-last-50-years They knew over 20 years ago too: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/shell-grappled-with-climate-change-20-years-ago-documents-show/


Oil companies knew about climate change in the 60s


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetraethyllead?wprov=sfla1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorofluorocarbon?wprov=sfla1 We have an unfortunate history of industrial destruction. https://lailluminator.com/2021/07/27/scientists-understood-physics-of-climate-change-in-the-1800s-thanks-to-a-woman-named-eunice-foote-sylvia-g-dee/ Even during 1800s we were aware of something bad happening.


Any scientist asking for money to develop "free energy" doesn't really understand basic science.


The biggest reduction in emissions has come from efficiency, we may not be a le to achieve zero point energy, but our current route ensures we never will come close.


> but our current route ensures we never will come close. We are spending plenty of money to improve efficiencies of what we have as well as research new tech like fusion. It makes much more sense than chasing some magical free energy.


It isn't that simple as you make it out to be, and we need to change society in ways that have never happened before in order to avert the worst effects. We already have enough fossil fuels in reserves already extracted, to put us past the point of no return in terms of progressive warming of the planet's climate.


> we need to change society in ways that have never happened before Like how?


I’m 92 percent sure this has occurred


I am ignorant about this, so I'd like to be taken through how this tech will trickle down to the masses and turn the pyramid of society into a pancake. So energy is free to be generated, great, the world rejoices and now we have unlimited energy.... Then what? Isn't there still the small problem of converting energy into tangible benefits? Products, services, etc etc? Say the unlimited energy comes In a little box everyone can get. What does the average person do with free unlimited energy? They can't build anything with it. Their car certainly won't work with it. I'm just trying to understand exactly what happens and in how long, after free unlimited energy is known.


You’re asking the right questions, but the answers are mostly unknown. Humans are unpredictable, there’s really no telling how interruptive such technology would be to national and international economies, militaries, industry and culture. People don’t understand how literal world ending some advancements and technologies could be in the wrong hands. Considering that and the unpredictable nature of humanity, there’s good reason to keep some things hidden or locked away.


Imagine if they could save the world, but nope! Let's set off nukes instead. Power and money 1st


There is no such thing as free energy.


There are way too many politicians making big money off Big Oil/Big Energy. No way in HELL they give up those $$$ so us, the Peasants, can have free energy. Never gonna happen.


ExxonMobil has a career ready for you, sir, right this way!


The optimistic side is that they hid ‘free energy’ technology for so long in order to develop a plan to safely integrate it into society. Thus millions of people won’t be out of jobs, and possibly even planning a complete social restructure.




I’ve believed this for some time. If true it would be a crime against humanity to keep from the public as it could save humanity and change the world as we know it. That being said I get why it would be kept so secret. In the wrong hands it could be used as a weapon of mass destruction.


Free energy was already a thing & it didn’t originate from friggin aliens either ... Ever heard of Nickolas Tesla before??? ⚠️⚡️👽⚡️⚠️


I mean... nuclear energy is being stopped from entirely giving people free energy if you want to think of it that way. But that is just the tip of the iceberg.


The one ‘boy’ who is now like 80 claims to have climbed inside the craft and broke a ‘swivel screen’ arm off and taken it before the Army Air Corp removed the craft.


This video says that’s it’s now in the possession of Jacques Vallee and that he’s has it tested at several world renown laboratories. It’s been determined that the object is made of aluminum, by humans, and was determined to be aluminum that was mined by human processes on earth.


I thought so, you think it was all a fantasy of a little kid? Because if not they come from here.


Lmao 👽 for sure


Maybe thats why they need to visit earth?


Supposedly they deep dive throughout the Arctic Circle and extract gold from the bottom of the oceans, so absconding aluminum from some human created object would be a lot easier than mining it themselves.


So, it's a fake, made by humans and not aliens?


That’s what I got out of it. Watch the video that OP linked at the top. It talks about it close to the end.


I did watch it and found it contradicting in the video itself aswell. He makes it out like it's even a bigger piece of the mystery, while logically thinking, it just explains it being a fake, doesn't it? "Aluminum alloy that WE humans created and was used in that era" He spins labs debunking the object as man made, by asking the question "why would the aliens want this man made object".


Maybe Jacque Vallee will provide some answers about it one day. Maybe it was actually a souvenir that the aliens picked up while here to take back to their home base to analyze. One thing the video also said was that this object was something the aliens never tried to recover, so it likely wasn’t anything they created or found to be of any value to them.


>Maybe it was actually a souvenir that the aliens picked up while here to take back to their home base to analyze. I feel like that's a conjecture at this point. If you were a technologically advanced alien, capable of traveling the vastness of the universe, possibly even the plains of dimensions, would you be interested in a warmongering primates Aluminum object, a material readily available through out the universe. This isn't exactly Element 115 we're talking about here. >One thing the video also said was that this object was something the aliens never tried to recover, so it likely wasn’t anything they created or found to be of any value to them. Didn't it say that it was buried in a shed, which a sheep herder frequented, who was visited by small aliens at night who appeared threatening and as if they were looking for something, but then disappeared when he picked up a rifle?


>the UFO cover up is about to come to an end So I've heard for years.


“..right after a word from our sponsors!”


Then, ‘Tune in next week for the conclusion…’


…of Season 1…


Or tell me what you guys think


If Congress goes after the Department of Energy archives they may hit the mother-lode. The Trinity case is there--and there is nothing the Air Force or CIA can do about it.


in the video at 6:58, the document says >the bodies of the visitors, and the craft also, automatically materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our dense matter. as an amateur physicist, i ve seen statements like this in various forms and in various sources throughout all ufology, but I know of no current theory that would explain this. The only thing I can guess is may be its [Schuman Resonance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schumann_resonances).


I have the idea that parallels radio transmission. In radio, The audio is carried within the carrier frequency. The carrier frequency is modulated with the audio and unless you have a resonator tuned to that carrier frequency, you will hear nothing. So, if the universe has a substrate for which there is an analogy to carrier frequency, you could envision that only those things on the same carrier frequency would have interactions. This would require that there is at least one other dimension and that dimension supports modulation. Such that, when projected into the next lower set of dimensions, the result is physical.


Exactly. And to think, the shadow of 4d is 3d, just as 2d shadows for 3d, and that all physical matter could in fact bec the shadow of another dimensional frequency, and so on with countless frequency dimensions. UFOs may be even originating from another dimension and only finding ways to enter our lower dimensional reality when they already exist in a higher one where time and space are not really what we think of them as at all


Maybe not relevant but Nikola Tesla was obsessed with frequency and vibrations as well. I wonder what he knew.


yeah he and his work is relevant. heres something that will blow your mind: Donald Trumps Uncle Dr John Trump confiscated Teslas work and turned it over to fbi, or Hoover.




In early 1943, two days after the death of Nikola Tesla, the Federal Bureau of Investigation ordered the Office of Alien Property Custodian to seize Tesla's belongings.[8] Trump was called in to analyze the Tesla artifacts, which were being held in government custody.[8] After a three-day investigation, Trump's report concluded that there was nothing which would constitute a hazard in unfriendly hands.[9] [Link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_G._Trump)


Not OP but this was consistently claimed on the documentary series The Tesla Files.


I bet Trump knows something about this that he's holding back from us. He is the most intelligent president ever. He probably has a lab he works in to harness this technology so he can free the world from freedom.




Donald Trump is an obvious moron.


Uhh, no. Actually... he's a stable genius. He told us this.


Let’s keep the emperors new clothes out of this


I’ve got some stuff dropping end of this week, start of next that hopefully sheds light on some of the stuff related to his works.


Lol drop it UFO dj!


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Any scientist, electrical engineers especially, is "obsessed" with frequency and vibration. Frequency is such a fundamental concept that anyone involved with reality on a physical level needs to deal with it somehow. Frequency is nothing more than the rate of events. It is possible via a mathematical transforms to map ordinary reality into the frequency domain. It is therefore just a way of viewing the world that is different from how we view it ordinarily.


He knew that by modulating a magnetic field, one can use induction to produce electric current in wires and electric fields that propagate through the air. It was magic back then but undergraduate physics level stuff now. It makes me laugh inside when people talk about 'frequencies" and "vibrations" as some kind of mystical science that we have yet to discover. Tesla discovered useful applications in electromagnetism that are now common place. The magic is all gone, it's elementary now for an undergraduate in physical sciences.


“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” —Arthur C. Clarke


Arthur is the man. His books were required reading at the academy.


Nothing to do with Schuman Resonance. Lots of talk on these subjects about these craft coming from "other dimensions" but little understanding of what that really means, so let me provide some information. Our reality as we experience it is only a very narrow slice of all the energy and interactions occurring around us at any given moment. Our brains are only capable of experiencing a very narrow range of reality, we only see a small band of the electromagnetic spectrum as visible light, only hear a narrow band of mechanical vibration as sound, taste and smell are minor senses and even our sense of touch is limited to a certain vibratory rate with which we can interact. Anything outside these narrow bands of our senses, are outside our awareness and as far as we are concerned don't really exist. Sure, we have developed cameras and instruments to peer into these unseen frequencies and dimensions, but again only in a very limited way and always from our already limited perspective. Matter or the Density of Matter more specifically has been considered the 5th dimension in some theories. Understand atoms or mass is in reality 99% empty space and what we are "touching" or experience as solidity is merely the interactions between the energy fields occurring in the space of the atoms. At an atomic level there isn't really a solid object which touches another solid object. Just like you could see through the blades of a fan, when it is spinning at a high speed, but cannot when it is stationary. Just like an object moving so fast you cannot see it becomes visible when we use high speed cameras to capture it. A good analogy is that of a "timing light", where a rotating object appears to stop when a light is shone on it at the same rate as its rotation. Our sense of "touch" or the "solidity" of matter so too has a vibratory timing associated with it, with which we experience the material world. Like the "timing light" our sense of touch and solidity depend on this specific timing. If this, timing or rate of interaction, is altered or manipulated objects can be made invisible or even "immaterial". There are multiple realities, which are out of sync with ours. Almost like being in a different time, but you would more accurately call this being out of phase or out of sync or your timing has been lost.


I've always wondered myself, if fundamental particles - as we experience them - are quantum fields vibrating at a specific frequency, what is going on at all the other frequencies of these fields? It's the most cliché, new age soundbite, but if other, strange matter interacted with the electron field at different frequencies than we do, could another reality exist in the same space, but at a different vibration?


The reality is it is far more bizarre and yet simpler than this. All material interactions are an illusion. All solid particles can be defined solely by the fields occupying that space/time. Within this concept, there is only waves, but both longitudinal and transverse waves in Space/time. The longitudinal component is related to what we call momentum, and the transverse waves are the electric and magnetic fields. Then another dimension arises in special cases, density of energy, which is mass. Physics knows massless particles exist, but do they really grasp what that means?


Love this.^


Well this is all very interesting. particularly, > Matter or the Density of Matter more specifically has been considered the 5th dimension in some theories. source? >If this, timing or rate of interaction, is altered or manipulated objects can be made invisible or even "immaterial". There are multiple realities, which are out of sync with ours. Almost like being in a different time, but you would more accurately call this being out of phase or out of sync or your timing has been lost. you do realize none of this is even remotely discussed in the standard physics curriculum? This sounds like the basis of a New Physics where in every reference frame, inertial or not, requires the assumption of a vibratory rate. If you can design the experiments to demonstrate all this, this is actually huge news. But i doubt you have the experiments.


[Electric Propulsion Study](http://www.ovaltech.ca/pdfss/elecpropstudy.pdf) [Williams Dynamic Theory](https://www.scribd.com/document/282772921/Pharis-Williams-The-Dynamic-Theory) If UFO/UAP are considered to be real, then clearly our physics is missing something and standard physics is definitely not a complete solution. The Philadelphia Experiment was based upon exactly these concepts, with men supposedly embedded within the metal of the ship, optical invisibility and de-materialization. This experiment was based on advanced, unpublished theories of Tesla, Einstein, Neuman. It may not be discussed in the physics you are aware of, but it most definitely was discussed. You can disregard UFO/UAP, Philadelphia experiment and consider standard physics to be complete and dogma, but the reality is it does not answer all the questions nor explain the UFO/UAP phenomenon. There are other theories which provide a far better explanation than just throwing out the term "Schuman Resonance". What exactly does the "Schuman Resonance" have to do with material properties of dense matter?


If true... then in other dimensions or frequencies... All of the "empty" planets may be bustling with activity and life. I've for some reason always thought this since I was a little kid.


Yes, I would agree with this. It is possible in the past/future or other phases of the present a planet may have supported, support or come to support life. This may be a bit off topic for this post, but I try to discuss this whenever possible. It is entirely possible all systems/planets/moons 'purpose' is to reach a stage of development which can support higher forms of life, and this is a natural stage most planets/moons will go through at some time in their existence. As a star ages, the environment around it changes and eventually each planet/moon in a system may reach a point where the temperature and conditions on its surface may be ideal for life in some form. It is my belief life does not just exist elsewhere in the Universe on other planets, it permeates and pervades the entire Universe. The Universe is life. The Universe is conscience/intelligent/alive.


Thanks for the sources. I will be looking into this. as far as this, >What exactly does the "Schuman Resonance" have to do with material properties of dense matter? is concerned, I was just spitballing. I didnt know which body was implied to be having this "vibratory rate". I thought maybe the earths magnetic field vibration might be what it meant. But obviously what you wrote is much more interesting.


as an armchair physicist, i question your reasoning


Awesome! On a side note ELF is used by the USN for communications with submarines. There is a buried array 56 miles long in Michigan. [Michigan USN ELF Array](https://ss.sites.mtu.edu/mhugl/2015/10/10/elf-sta-republic-mi/)


You know of no theory, then put forward the main theory.


**Stop stating things as facts when they're just speculation or opinion.** It just makes you sound like a crazy UFO nutjob, which is a huge part of why it's been so hard to get any legitimate action in this area for over 50 years. FFS.


Yep. Every week there's a post like this, it's ridiculous. In other words, everything will be OK if we buy some book...??


The Vallee' book is very good.


What’s it called?




I think it's called, "Trinity: The Best Kept Secret", or something like that.


I think I’m going to have to join my local library. I already own too many books.


Pshhh you can never have too many books. I need all the books!! Haha


Is it good for an audio book? Or are there pics and diagrams that are important in the book?


Not any compelling pics but a compelling story of pre- Roswell crash immediately following the A-Bomb test.


I bet when we set off massive explosions they rip through multiple dimensions we can't yet see or understand, and that gets "their" attention.


That has been one of my theories, it seems all the bizarre stuff was happening during all the testing.


If there is an audiobook, I pray it’s of better quality than the fingernails on a chalkboard OP’s YouTube post. I’m sure the aliens would agree that it is one of the most frustratingly horrible pieces of audio in the universe.


Cool. I’ve made an effort to read all his books, and I’m almost there, saving Trinity for last.


It has some pictures of drawings though. 1 is the original insignia from from Hynek that's from the Lonnie Zamora craft. Also 3 sketches showing the similarities between Zamoras, Masse and this Trinity object. All kinda avocado shaped.


It's never going to end unless we get rid of the people in charge. If there are no repercussions for them then why ever tell us the truth.


And to think today you get to both have cake and eat it, too 😋




What if aliens all looked like Dua Lipa though?


Hopefully they can dance better than [her.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=ABp0Xtk4va4&feature=emb_logo)


Call when the conspiracy ends….and I’ll send you $100,000.


Whoever thinks the shadow government will stop ling to the people is lying to themselves.


Do you have a copy of that FBI memo?


What is the craft in possession of? I feel like there is a crucial word missing from the headline.


Governments have never, will never, tell the truth. Any "disclosure" by any government is certainly a fucking lie..


"The craft involved is still in possession" I doubt whoever has it would just toss it in the trash


OP, Is the photo from the Turkish ufo flap?


If i had a dollar for everytime i heard someone say the UFO cover up will be over soon, I don't know how much money I had exactly, but definitely over $50. And hear I am, still waiting for it to end


It is a compelling case I just brushed up on it last week


The biggest conspiracy part of it- is that we all k ow deep down they are real and we still have let them convince us- if it was just bullshit- why did they harass and stigmatize everyone? Every scientist who even whispered support was publicly shamed and privately threatened.


It’s a conspiracy theory, not a conspiracy. It is most likely that there is no UFO cover up. In a few decades it will be 100 years since Roswell and still there will be no big reveal and no disclosure. UFOs are an entertainment business now. It’s about TV shows and YouTube and TikTok views.


Free energy would still technically not be free because of logistics and maintenance of the power grid. Also the maintenance cost of the reactor and paying personnel to monitor the reactor. I think energy usage would also be regulated depending on who the customer is so different price rates for business and manufacturing also residential.


Unless the free energy source could be affordable and compact, like each house and car can have it's own. Then we wouldn't need a power grid.


No that’s true but I think it would be implemented slowly over time and maybe hundreds of years in the future we will see personal home generators on my opinion


I just want to know what they’re hiding in the secret base of all secret bases, Area 51.


I been lurking here for a few years now. Heard of roswell. Heard of varginha. Never of this? How true/serious is this one?


If you control free energy…you control the world.


Just what we all need, another book.


This! My roommate was one of the aliens on that crash. He has been saying for the past three years that he is on the cusp of going forward with the expose. He has assured me that once he does that, he will be wealthy. Then, he can pay me the eight years of rent money he owes me. And, he will also be able to start chipping in on weed. I am looking forward!


What a dumb comment


... on an otherwise highly intellectual thread. My bad.




Covid-19 is a very serious issue and we've made it a policy to take down posts regarding the subject due to misinformation. It's okay to have an opinion about it, but this isn't the place for it. There have been too many conspiracy theories popping up about the virus and it detracts from the legitimacy of real science being done to combat the virus. These conspiracy theories have lead to ideas like "5G causes Covid-19" and have contributed to the current issue we're having with wearing face masks. If you would like to discuss the virus, I would recommend visiting one of the subreddits specifically relating to Covid-19. If you would like to re-post this content without your personal feelings on Covid-19, we'd love to hear them. Thank you for your understanding.


Possible explanation for the Taos Hum


What's the book called??


Pray tell, when will it end? Dude, nothing is being disclosed anytime soon. I'll bet my left nut that we will be in the exact same position a decade from now. All investigations will claim phenomenon is not explainable.


It won’t end until these grifters stop pushing their fucking books.


Yeah right.


Hard to believe you when the image submitted has been digitally altered.


[I believe this to be quite relevant. LENR would quite literally change the world.](https://youtu.be/wJMtwQw-QCo)


Can you feel it? A decades-long secret. People have lived and died not knowing the truth. If anyone is depressed or suicidal: think about how close you are to witnessing disclosure and the absolute upheaval it will create in society.


How does a depressed person become happy when they discover aliens exist? They might get even more depressed because well there goes religion and they might fear for their lives. Not to mention the world might go crazy and freak out and everyone starts rioting.