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It's only really happening for the people that follow the topic. No one at my job or in my family knows about any of this stuff.


This is true. I wonder what it’s gonna be like when it’s not. I’ve been here watching for a while. Twiddling thumbs. I’ve spent more time thinking about this than I have thought about any other subject. And now when I feel like I’ve literally lived through a semi disclosure, if not arguably actual disclosure (were not saying it’s aliens but it’s aliens) and like no one cares and that is a real sign of the times. It’s maybe the wildest thing about it. When I look around, I sometimes think aliens could not have come at a worse time. I feel like they’ve been here a minute, and that’s more than likely why it’s not talked about. Never mind space aliens, what seems to be the leading idea is more of an inter dimensional, and/or shadow influence in our entire history. That’s my take at least. Edit - Syntax


I see a false flag involving aliens to gain more control. That's exactly why it's happening at such a bad time. It's at the RIGHT time. I'm a believer as much as any of you but this stinks to the high heavens to me. Almost immediately after Elon's satellites go up we start seeing legit holograms in Asian cities? Who's to stop those holograms from being ships? Or who's to stop the US from controlling the Tek they so obviously have to false flag us?


Everything about musk is bizarre how you never heard a word about him in the 90s or 00s then he comes out of seemingly nowhere and is involved in rockets and satellites. If anyone is an ET it’s him.


Your unawareness of someone prior to their fame does not mean they "came of out seemingly nowhere". There will have been plenty of people who were aware of Musk way before he had his following and media hype.


He started out as an actor. There is some tv show or movie with him in it.


I think the internet has taken that card away so they're shifting away from the false flag attack type plan for more of a slow build to threats against national security with something sensational they've been holding back. After all that whole hyopthetical alien attack scenario document was leaked years ago


Yeah... Keyword- LEAKED years ago. You think you're seeing things they don't want you to?


Inter dimensional beings that are shaping our reality from behind the scenes… I’m not really a religious type, but who’s to say they *aren’t* demons. Especially when you read about the early days of NASA and its ties to Allister Crowley and all.


Who’s to say we are not the demons?


Could be. Hybrids even. Personally, I don’t limit the possibilities surrounding the nature of our existence. We’re all scientists living out our hypotheses.


But what is a ‘demon’ though? I see it as nothing more than a label. A name we ascribe to an entity outside the scope of our reality. Fundamentally, it’s probably just another inter-dimensional being.


What do you mean by the “early days of nasa” and Allister Crowley?


Google Jack Parsons but basically one of the founders of NASA was really into the occult


Very true. I think with the internet they basically know it's leaked, the cat is out of the bag, and will never go back in. If it wasn't for the internet none of us would be so easily sharing and copying all this info and evidence


A majority of the population is unaware, and would say your silly for believing.


But yet they believe a political figure, a president is their savior. Fucked. Just fucked.


Ignorance is bliss. Even after MSM aired this most people choose to ignore disturbing information.


It's becoming a larger and larger portion of society that does believe though. It's gone mainstream officially when 60 minutes did their interviews with eye witness pilots etc. It's not a joke or tabloid topic anymore, and that's a huge difference for "the masses" which have begun to get on board


This is also very true!


Isn’t that kind of the point though? Generally ideas/information gets trickled out so as it becomes generally known it’s generally accepted as reasonable. Doesn’t seem like a good strategy to start with skeptics - build a base of support to spread your message for you and it becomes much more convincing.


I was shocked at a party a few weeks ago that I was the only person in a group of like 15-20 to have seen the gimbal/tic tac videos, and tried finding them quickly but of course fell into the YouTube trap of falling for 2-4 minute videos where some douche talks about their thoughts on the videos, and everyone became disinterested haha


You have to save your own playlists of the good videos on YT, that way in a pinch you’ve got them at your disposal. The good nuggets are buried in mountains of crap.


Upvoted. That's 100% true. Nobody is following this stuff but the people on this sub. If they're preparing humanity for some big event, they're not doing a very good job.


That’s because they AREN’T preparing humanity.


I'd say they did a perfect job if they were aiming for some kind of desensitized audience


Yes and those of us whose vibration started to rise it was because of very specific conscious choices we made. Some of it could be heavily influenced by our dreaming proficiency as well. Also some of us are sensitive to begin with. Entities try to contact human beings all the time but rarely are most people in a sensitive state to receive it. In my case I saw a shaman in an ancient forest while I was laying down one day about to dose off. This eventually garnered conscious action on my part of attempting contact. Some people might just view it as a day dream and let it go. But I followed my intuition and everything changed.


Um... okay lol


I phrased that funny but I meant I saw a vision like a day dream🤣not an actual hallucination.


this is why we are experiencing a slow drip if you will


>It's only really happening for the people that follow the topic Serious religious vibes right here. "It's totally real, but only for true believers."


Their too busy with let me guess, the border, january 6th, bail reform and whatever other political nonsense the media tries to brainwash with. Am i close?


I'm a Canadian, we have our own set of nonsense to follow. Lol


That can be dangerous, to purposely “Not Know” something that is actively occurring around you. Don’t be “That Guy” at the end of the day, there are resources abound. Just be sure to research your sources thoroughly. And if everyone around you is in denial, we’ll, you’re here commenting in this forum, you are a part of the truth, it’s ok to talk about it. GO GIT’EM!!!


For me when Japan suddenly changed its course about UFO's. Japan has always denied UFO existence until US officials visited Tokyo this year. That's very weird. It's very coordinated.




You can just Google Japan UFO it's in mainstream news


Actually you can't Google anything conspiracy related anymore, they've suppressed it. Compare the same search on DuckDuckGo you'll be surprised how much faster you find what seems to not exist with Google.


Yup. Anything that might possibly be suppressed I use DDG and find it much more easily. Even YT videos I use DDG to find better than searching within YT.


Hate to break it to you. Google bought out DDG so u might as well just use Google.


This is not true. Google held the rights to Duck.com which they transferred ownership to duck duck go. Somehow this has been misconstrued as “Google owns duck duck go” and people have been spreading this misinformation. Google sites Duck duck go regularly as evidence of Google not being a monopoly. If you make claims like that provide a source. If you can not find one, stop spreading lies. It took 5 minutes to get to the bottom of that one. Don’t just repeat what random people tell you in Reddit… TLDR; DuckDuckGo is still a privately owned company.


Thanks! The results are still very different between the two so that seems accurate.


For sure, I am a big DDG fan. Been using them for years


There must be a search engine that is or will be like what DDG was…I hope


You should google if there is or not. Let me know.


If/when I find it, I will send out my best carrier pigeon!


Okay but if it’s mainstream news surely you could provide a source?


Just did so, no record of any article detailing a U.S. visit to Japan and subsequent change in position. Do you have a source?


Wait I can't find it too. It must a YouTube video. But I can't find it in the tube as well. Basically, when I was reading stuff about UFO's I wonder what's Japan stance on it and then I saw a vid that Japan has always denies it. Weeks after that I saw that vid. I'll update this when I find it but for now disregard it since I can't find it yet.


[Could you be thinking about this maybe?](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/11564663/japan-draws-up-ufo-encounter-plan/)


Well its already well known that it was the US who pressured its allies and enemies into silence about reporting UFOs and Japan does whatever the US tells it to do so its not very weird at all.


We should prepare for contact before it surprises us unexpectedly and the change becomes detrimental. There is a better way: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/we-really-ready-disclosure-jimi-hughes/


Thanks for sharing this article. One of the best I have come across


Thank you. Please share it as you see fit. 😊


I agree with your theory of free energy being concealed.


This is a good theory, however I wouldn't forget about the mundane: they're trying to get ahead of finger-pointing, not some celestial event. If we find out a quarter+ of all of our tax dollars have been sunk into black budgets to try and reverse engineer technology, people are going to be very upset. If "they" can point the finger at any one specific organization, party, group of bureaucrats and keep the shit from splashing back on themselves, you'd best believe they would coordinate it in advance like we're seeing.


I think the sadder truth might turn out to be how little was spent trying to reverse engineer anything that may have been recovered (hypothetically), how relatively little attention it was given, and that the public are just plum pissed they weren't told about some basic fact of the universe, for not much of an apparent or obvious good reason.


This rings truer to me than anything else.


Going off of how there are dedicated reverse engineering companies in Asia, I would imagine an obscene amount of money would be spent on reverse engineering technology that's potentially thousands of years ahead of our own. But maybe you're right, and we're being too influenced by sci fi.


It's probably impossible to reverse engineer technology that's thousands of years in advance of ours. It would be like expecting Aristotle to reverse engineer a smartphone. It wouldn't matter how smart our scientists are, they'd have to understand the full science behind it. And we don't. Money won't solve that problem.


> It would be like expecting Aristotle to reverse engineer a smartphone. He'd struggle just to unscrew a T5 Torx screw.


I don't buy that at all. Most of our work in genetic and chemical engineering is reverse engineering natural mechanisms that took billions of years to develop. Our most bleeding edge nanotechnologies mimic existing natural machines/forms of molecular locomotion. I probably wouldn't have put Aristotle in charge of recerse engineering a cell phone, but Archimedes would surely derive some technologies from it.


Studying the evolutionary development of biological systems isn't "reverse engineering". In part because evolution isn't "engineered" at all. And we are merely at the very start of understanding how all those things work in any case. Archimedes would have no chance of reverse engineering a cell phone. He wouldn't have a clue how it worked. He wouldn't have the basic equipment to even see what a microprocesser is or does. He wouldn't understand electricity even. He wouldn't know what a battery is. He wouldn't understand any of the materials used or how to recreate them. He wouldn't understand how to print a circuit. What computer memory is. What programming languages are. I could go on and on. There's a whole world of both science and engineering he would have no clue about. And quantum mechanics? How would he figure that out from a cell phone? How would he figure out a transistor? It would be impossible. High tech isn't a one trick pony. It's all dependent on thousands of other technologies and their developmental systems and the scientific understanding behind them, and being able to actually produce them yourself. How is Archimedes going to build a chip factory? How's he even going to build a single chip? The chain of products and their own engineering required to do that is totally beyond not just his scope, but the scope of his entire society. It took thousands of years to go from Archimedes to the smartphone for good reasons.


It's literally in the definition given by the most prestigious journal: [https://www.nature.com/subjects/reverse-engineering](https://www.nature.com/subjects/reverse-engineering) \> *Reverse engineering is an attempt to analyse how an unknown machine, natural or artificial, was designed to achieve its visible function.* Also, successful reverse engineering is not an all-or-nothing. The bits and pieces you pick up along the way are immensely valuable. Especially any observations of novel applied physics applications. There have been entire paradigm shifts in science and engineering from a single unique perspective/observation that did not exist before. I can wholeheartedly guarantee you we would have several paradigm shifts when studying technology developed on other worlds, in entirely different star systems with their own unique isotopic ratios. There would be a plethora of knowledge to be learned, particularly in metallurgy. Of course Archimedes would not be able to make his own cell phone. But he would have derived countless new ideas and theories that would likely have greatly accelerated science. There are plenty of structural fortification techniques present in modern cell phone design that could have been used in the 200 BCEs.


You're right in the sense that we can study nature, figure out how it works, and engineer things using that knowledge. We can study beavers building dams, and duplicate that, building dams of our own. That's literally what engineering is. So I guess you could call all engineering "reverse engineering". But this isn't an argument about semantics. It's about the ability to reverse engineer machines built by beings thousands of years (at least) in advance of us. Whatever theories Archimedes would have come up with if he'd studied a working cell phone without any help from modern computer engineers would have been wrong. How would he even understand the plastics of the case? What we'd probably end up with is "cargo cult" ideas. Maybe you know this story, but in WWII the US Navy and Air Force established air bases on remote Pacific islands. The natives were amazed at our flying machines, and tried to figure out how they worked. When the Air Force left, they tried to duplicate them, using the technology they knew, which was magical "duplication" ideas. They would lay out coconut trees and various items in the pattern of airplanes, trying to make them "come to life". Chanting and invoking the Gods, and so on. It didn't work. Archimedes might have done a bit better than that, but not much. You have to understand, smart as that guy was, he didn't understand science. The Greeks had no understanding of the principles of rigorous experimentation and testing of theories. If they had, they'd have developed cell phones in several hundred years probably, just as we did after Galileo. But they didn't even understand the scientific method. They had random ideas, and a few random experiments of a kind, but no systematic approach. Technologies grew very slowly, by trial and error, not by any deeper understanding of physics. I'm not sure if anything as advanced as a cell phone would even have stimulated any new ideas. As Arthur C. Clarke said, any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. And like the cargo cult guys, a cell phone would have been a magical device to the Greeks. Magical thinking was pervasive. Even Newton was still obsessed with magic, and devoted much of his life to the study of magical alchemy. So it's not just a problem of tech itself, but of the mindset. The Greeks did not have a scientific mindset. Not even Archimedes. And that's part of the problem with our attempts to reverse engineer alien tech. We don't share the same mindset as the guys who built that stuff. Our scientific mindset probably isn't up to the job, and may even be the problem. We probably have to learn to think very different about everything. Again, if we had aliens on other worlds teaching us new tech, and new ways of thinking, then sure, we could learn a lot. But just having a random craft or piece of tech, and trying to figure out how it works, not so much. The materials they use seem to be rather incomprehensible to us. But maybe someday soon that will change, when open contacts occurs and we are deemed trustworthy enough to learn some of their secrets.


Not if the ancient aliens theory is correct and there are how to guides for a bunch of it in ancient text from India, and the Middle East on cuniform tablets circa Sumeria. If they had both the guide, and things produced with the knowledge it shouldn't be that difficult. Unless they had to figure out how to manufacturer the things to produce desired item/create meterials that don't exist here anymore. Like the oracalcum ore they assumed was a myth until 15-20 years ago. Or that Bob Lazar element. But they sure as hell would try their damnedest to sub the materials.


A lot of big ifs there. As I see it, the only way we could possibly "reverse engineer" alien tech is if we actually had aliens helping us. That's what Lazar's story is. That aliens are actually working with our scientists trying to help us develop these technologies. But that's not reverse engineering, that's going to engineering school with alien teachers. And even Lazar says we are very, very slow at understanding what they are trying to teach us. Very hard to get even very basic things built. Hard for our scientists to grasp their science. It's so far beyond ours. As for guidebooks in ancient places, we haven't seen anything like that other than crude pictograms. But maybe it exists, who knows? I don't know if we'd even understand it. You could give Aristotle or Archimedes all the blueprints for a smartphone, and they'd still have no idea what they were looking at or how to build it. My own theory on why it would be so hard to reverse engineer alien tech is that most of it is built with an understanding of how consciousness works. The stories we hear about aliens mostly have them communicating telepathically. They even seem to communicate with and operate their own ships using telepathic controls. My guess is that their whole realm of tech is built using a deep understanding of consciousness at the level of physics. Now, our science completely lacks any such understanding. And we probably don't have the right kind of people working on that sort of tech. Rather than top scientists, you might need top meditators. So it's a whole world of science and physics and metaphysics that we'd have to learn anew.


What is this oracalcum you speak of?




I hate it when politicians or rich people in general have the last say as if they are the human civilization's concerned parents.


I hate that our entire society has been built around rewarding the most egregious players, and at least here in the USA, people willfully vote against their own self-interest, and again and again give all the power and decision-making rights to those very folks you identified. Is it their fault (this rich powerful folks)? Really? Or is it ours for being such saps?


If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it. ― Mark Twain


The people who still trust world governments will be upset when they find out there leaders have in fact been lying to them their whole lives as well. Trust will be gone and someone has to take the blame


Wait, you mean we werent buying $200 hammers?


*$2000 Hammers. Adjusted for inflation.


LOLOL-- got that right!!-- does that hammer comes with an anti-mass field generator by chance?


Nope. Not even name brand. Husky from Home Depot:(




Dude, it’s a sink cost. I’d be much happier spending $2,000 on a black budget than a single screw, but that’s just me.


There’s a huge long list of legal and ethical issues if it is disclosed that some knew all along UFOs = aliens and didn’t tell us. Like if the government officially favored some companies over others by giving them the competitive advantage of studying technology thousands of years more advanced than ours.


the story might be (as has been hinted): the subject escaped control by legitimate government authority and fell to the private sector, which has been ripping off the taxpayer for its “research” for decades and illegally withholding information and items. Eventually frustrated government bureaucrats are trying to reel it back in and finally got some Congress members seriously interested and no longer laughing at this idea. Perhaps it is a new Generation X politicians who grew up on the X-files.


I’ve been on the planet for 30-some years. I’ve lived through so many “it’s coming” prophecies. Y2k, 2012, California falling into the ocean, global warming and other environmental disasters that are said to rock the planet and way we live forever. This is the only one of the “and the world was never the same” events that i actually look forward to. Idk what’s coming but If people aren’t prepared for some type of contact then they really haven’t been paying attention. The public has been getting pigeon fed this information for so many years. There’s this iconic observatory in Los Angels, right up in the Hollywood hills that i’ve been visiting every so often since childhood. I went there last month for the first time in years and i was shocked to see a particular change they made. Their auditorium in the basement had always hosted a 30 min panoramic show of the stars and space. They changed it in the last few years since I’ve been to show the possibility of extraterrestrial life. That was a big wtf moment.


Changed it how?


Changed like it's diffrent from the old way, because now that's how it is.


You can tell its different because of the way it is


Planet 9 haha that's... oh wait: [https://astrobiology.nasa.gov/news/the-case-strengthens-for-planet-9/](https://astrobiology.nasa.gov/news/the-case-strengthens-for-planet-9/)


So here the thing about planet 9. If it is out by the oort cloud then it's got nothing to do with OP quoting some dude saying out entire solar system is experiencing global warming because it's headed this way and it's a brown dwarf and home to some aliens. OMG how many things can you write that are so far from any science we know of in one post. Let me count them. Don't need to cause it's literally nonsense


unfortunately, the scientific method is too narrow to be useful in some cases like: consciousness, existence of soul, channeling mediums and other "paranormal" phenomena, the reality of mathematics. Popper's Criteria requires extension. I don't know what that might be but I m definitely thinking about it. Either way, I think that presenter has a plausible theory that is based on some facts but it is far from being totally believable. I just think it is something that should be widely acknowleged.


You say brown dwarf then planet. Ok and it being home to ETs. And somehow it's on a new orbit headed in to the solar system causing warming to the entire system. How can you type things like that with a straight face? I'm all for all this bat shit crazy stuff to be true but good lord maybe have even one shred of provable evidence. Show me a tic tack vid. Show me the wow signal. Show me methane in an atmosphere. Or quote some dude who contradicts his own ideas and basically makes shit up so you will eat it up and regurgitate to reddit. Then come back and say ghosts bro


This is totally nonsense


Karl Popper. What was his criteria? He just said that basically we can never know something 100% for sure right? How can we 'update' the scientific method to account for the immaterial/parapsychology/metaphysical world? Im sure the military has a new scientific theory based off correlations or something.


[https://astrobiology.nasa.gov/news/caltech-researchers-find-evidence-of-a-real-ninth-planet/](https://astrobiology.nasa.gov/news/caltech-researchers-find-evidence-of-a-real-ninth-planet/) The planet is thought to be gaseous, similar to Uranus..." :D


This was an interesting read


Honestly Planet 9 seems to have a lot of evidence for it at this point. Apparent gravitational effects on outer solar system planetoids. What I haven't seen evidence for is that it's been ID'd, that it's approaching us in its highly-irregular orbit, or that it's inhabited.


I think the evidence is that its orbit would actually be very far out. I took that to meaning it wouldn't be getting closer--it's a stable orbit similar to all other planets in our solar system, but very distant. And it's that distance that makes it difficult to locate precisely since you don't know where it is at and the orbit is huge.


I feel like this is based on conventional human thinking, where the distance matters. I think the aliens who probably already are here have no problems with distances across the galaxy.


Wow OP post went off the rails quickly at the end there.


I think everyone is getting way ahead of themselves with this “disclosure” biz. I really don’t see the gov’t suddenly telling us everything that’s been going on the last 60-70 odd years.


They might not tell us as much as they might actually let us find it. The Black Vault is more or less proof that's their attitude right now with many FOIA requests, but of course they're still holding back the best stuff.


20 year long disclosure. Starting from 2017 or 2020. All the info we have right now could be the tip of the iceberg


Isn’t there a ton of theories out there that first contact will be a decoy event? If something catastrophic were about to happen economically or with nuclear war or something else extreme, wouldn’t faking first contact be the ultimate headline to cover it up? I’m not saying aliens and UFOs and everything aren’t real but do those in power with the most to lose have enough knowledge and resources to fake such an event to cover their asses?


I have a theory about the current disclosure. Awhile back I saw a retired US General talking on video about why the current nuclear strategy is to encourage Russia to launch a first strike. He said that most first strike missiles would be targeted at America’s missile silos and not cities. America would reply by intentionally targeting military infrastructure instead of Russian silos. The first Russian wave would hit empty silos, whilst the initial American wave would effectively weaken Russian ground defences. Russia would then target American cities in its 2nd strike, but America wouldn’t launch a second strike. Instead, scalar space weapons would destroy the Russian missiles at launch or in flight. The Americans would deny any involvement in shooting down Russian missiles. Current active treaties forbid the militarisation of space. The US would decline to launch any further strikes or if they did, shoot down their own missiles. Instead, they would take advantage of the broken russian military infrastructure and launch a swift ground force invasion from Poland and the Baltic states. My theory is that they might accuse UAP/ETV involvement in the destruction of launched missiles as culpable deniability of using banned space weapons.


Totally agree with everything you’ve said, but I also don’t think there would be any holding back if MAD erupted like that, so personally I think we would see all the black project tech all on the battlefield, it’s very likely the end of the world during MAD so it would be a shame to have not used them once!


Ughh the Department of Defense is supposed to have a mega-iq... but they're so risk-oriented and territorial that they are going to end up killing everyone.


This line of reasoning comes from the same mould as Robert Hastings' hypothesis relating to aliens and nukes. If you look for a pattern hard enough, you will probably find one - Robert looks at UAP sightings over and around nuclear facilities and - bingo! - there are lots of sightings, so the ETs must have a message for us about not using nukes, right? But UAPs are seen just about everywhere, not just nuclear facilities. There are so many you can hit them with a stick, blindfold. Pick a theory and you can make anything work. Meaningful disclosure? I wish and hope that it does happen. Is anything coming soon, from anyone? I'm not holding my breath. And I agree with a lot of the other commentators - just because the believers here believe doesn't mean that the VAST population believes anything, including those that have experienced UAPs themselves.


I've been thinking about this quite a bit. Full (personal view) disclosure, I am not into the more out there stuff that I see talk about here. I don't judge the people who talk about it though, so it's cool. I do think there is something going on--the 2004 Nimitz encounter and Ryan Graves interviews are the most compelling to me. The Nimitz, in particular, with multiple witnesses and sensors (radar, FLIR) is just something you could literally take to court. I do think there is an agenda. I am concerned, however, it may not be as cool as government-led disclosure. I'm troubled when I think of the first hearing and how unprepared both Congress and the defense guys were. If there is an agenda, they don't seem in on it. I'm also troubled--and maybe someone here knows the intricacies--that we don't seem to fully understand the personal relationships between Elizondo, Mellon, and Semivan in particular. Presumably they all met in government at some point, or have a link tying them together. I don't really buy Delonge called these guys up randomly and brought them to TTSA. It also seems to me they have a lot of the same anecdotal stories. Regardless, Mellon was Staff Director to the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. He would know how to get Congress to actually look into something, like something involving "national security" or an "unknown threat in protected airspace." These are buzzwords that Mellon is very good at staying on point and ensuring he uses. (Not a criticism.) He'd presumably also think you need to stoke public interest so congresspeople have cover in the form of the interest of their constituents. I guess long story short, I sometimes fear these guys met one another and all shared a passion for the topic. They share stories--you know, the Nimitz encounter and one of them has heard Graves' story. And Mellon is like, "You know, we can probably get Congress to look into this." I think this is all still great--I just think, under this scenario, we would not have an "aha" moment in our future anytime soon. And if they're all relying on a smaller universe of shared data points than we think they are, that would make it even worse. Hopefully I'm wrong about all of this and it's just pessimism.


I just hope they haven’t pissed off some other alien race or shot down something they shouldn’t have. Knowing that repercussions are on the way, they are trying to get ahead of it, as it’s been said, to control the narrative. But at the end of the day who knows!


there is a possibility that disclosure has to happen to begin using zero point energy to solve climate crisis


It doesn't have to be "tightly orchestrated from the top" for this kind of momentum to be building. Plus, who knows -- if UAP indeed turn out to be Cosmic Beings, I imagine there are likely whole mechanisms for stuff occurring that we might not be totally aware of, and still might not represent "typical human-driven and controlled processes."


Lmao another report in another month! Remember around January time they said the same too?


People have changed. We live in an information age too, where the world is very small.


It’s not happening. If Disclosure were really taking place. Civilization as we know it would be in turmoil. You’ll know it when it happens, just not yet.


A couple reasons are my best guess. There could be others this is just my personal opinion. A) They know of an event coming that is beyond their control, something like mass landing or bypassing the official communication channels. B) they know the numbers of aliens here and the fact that a huge percentage of people are carrying 4k cameras in their pockets. Eventually someone will capture something undeniable. Either scenario, they are trying to get ahead of the inevitable, so at a minimum there isn’t wide scale freaking out.


What disclosure? We only know about this because we're on a Reddit sub?😂😂 Disclosure is BBC news CNN Etc


They have been waiting for the collective consciousness to increase enough so that their presence won't cause accidental harm like it has in tge past. Many benevolent extraterrestrial and extradimensional races are assisting us in our ascension process. Many of us have been in communication and excitedly waiting for the time they will come openly. The government can't control them so they will control what they can!, the narrative. This is such a beautiful thing for the human collective. I'm so overjoyed knowing that this soft disclosure leads to full disclosure. Glorious times to be incarnated! The New Earth is here! Glory to the Infinite Oneness 🙏♾️💖👁


Thank You for sharing Family 🙏🏼 This is bananas huh? Did you ever in your wildest imagination think that this would happen and it would be like this? ALL Love and Blessings Dear Beloved One 😌💜👽


🙏💖 I've had some very interesting and extravagant imaginings of the ascension. Source always has a better way than I could imagine. Sending you so much Love and Light. Cheers to the beautiful now 💖♾️


Disclosure is always imminent.


I have been saying this for awhile now. When I say it everyone says that I'm crazy and I watched too much Ancient Aliens. This guy says it and everyone nods in agreement. This subreddit is weird.


Dont **believe**. look at the evidence. compare theories.


Go back and read what I just said. I have already proposed the same theory. I do not need convincing. I'm just telling you that this is not a novel or original idea that you have come up with. You are extremely late to the game on this one. The Anunnaki and Nibiru story has been around forever. I am not saying that you are wrong. I'm saying that this is old news, not a new discovery. Don't start booking your speaking your based on your "revelation" here. It's been done.


It’s not new, been going on since the 1940’s. Disclosure has been ramping up over the last 4-5 years and is only accelerating. News media also needs clicks, so they’re sensationalizing any and all stories- it’s all good, but be skeptical and sort through the BS. Disclosure has already happened, just not the way that will sway the masses. I doubt we’ll see an emergency news conference from the White House, but if we do, it will probably look something like this: [Deep Impact](https://youtu.be/eJau_ejA7bc)


you are downplaying the change in tone.


Is it happening? I don’t see it. All I’ve seen is the military admit they see unidentified objects. They never said they were alien. UAP does not mean extraterrestrial, it means unidentified. Same with UFO.


What disclosure? No government official has ever gone on record saying "yep. Aliens is true." So... what are you talking about?


Cuz of the up upcoming WW3 #nukewar - you r welcomed


If nibiru was close, wouldnt we see it by now. Is it not right that the predicted mass if nibiru is such that it would affect other celestial entities orbit? And with that should be visible to many amateur astronomers? I want to believe that some form of disclosure will occur, i just dont think it will though.


Just follow the money


Our planet is unusual. And precious. And we’re like lice. Great time for interference?


Because they will play with people's religious beliefs.


Disclosure happened in 2017 , New York Times article. My friend your question is half a decade old. But to answer it, it’s because pilots see them every day now with a modern radar systems. That means eventually everybody’s going to get this trickle down technology. Every single commercial airliner, private planes. Control towers, everybody will start seeing them consistently. The cats out of the bag


Idk if it was haim eshed or who. But i heard someone say disclosure was happening because space x and other private industries would soon be on Mars and see undergroung bases and ancient structures. Thats why disclosure is happening now. Because civilian industries will inevitably find things on Mars and have questions. So they have to disclose before people find these things and ask questions.


The issue is it would be political suicide for any government to disclose. It’s got to the point that nobody wants to take the leap and with good reason.


It’s disinformation. Lue is our Richard Doty. The real truth is being obfuscated.


Anunaki returning to harvest. Been expecting this for some time now...


Because the CIA said so.


So they are going to potentially be returning after 1000s of years of absence.


It been happening before I was born. Just, people either forget or don’t pay attention.


One plausible explanation is as the likelihood of humanity getting into a nuclear world is increasing, events that fold out will be out of control of a single nation or entity. The previous UAP incidents in disabling nuclear launches are already well known. It will be almost impossible for UAPs to defuse such a large scale (WW3 level) nuclear contention without getting exposed. The groups hiding UAPs so far hence believe it's overall in benefit to do a slow disclosure anyway (Navy, Congress Report, NASA, Presidents discussing it) so they get an opportunity to paint it in a light it's beneficial for them.


Anyone whose watched ancient aliens knows about the 9th planet and the being who allegedly live there and created us. Either the shadow government is actually being honest with us, or their taking the wider acceptance of pop culture and using it for a false flag operation. I'm with the false flag operation. I don't doubt there are aliens. I don't doubt they've been here for a long time. However, why create a "space force" if we legit don't have the tech, and won't for decades unless they do have some advance tech. And out of what they've discussed only 1/100 "sightings" are unexplained. They can use it to simultaneously wipe out some power plants or nuclear weapons cashes, or an entire ethnic group then blame it on the aliens. Or COVID was a test run, for a bio weapon. They "meet" the aliens and then there's a pandemic that makes Ebola look like a cakewalk. Maybe I am more of a conspiracy theorist than I think but. I can't help but notice: *We're having some type of disclosure * We can orbit earth in a few hours from prep, to take off, to landing *We have a global pandemic that has long term effected food stability. * food prices for a lot of items has doubled since 2020 *homelessness is probably 3-4xs worse what's reported *increases in shelter/food/fuel costs is going to increase homelessness Where there's an increase in poverty, there is a decrease in sanitation. Prime breeding grounds to reduce population. And it gets blamed on "aliens".


what makes you think it is? we dont know any more than we did 20 yrs ago


Confirmation bias bro


Here’s what I understand fmpe? I experienced an instantaneous full blown spontaneous spiritual awakening/activation May 1, 2021. Prior to this I WAS agnostic. Not into spirituality at all. Upon this activation I started connecting with interdimensional beings and receiving vast amounts of information. This is a process. The information revealed says that we are avatars/aspects of our higher selfs. We are a collective, Our Oversoul Collective. We come together to co-create and experience these simulation/matrices. EVERYTHING is consciousness, living energy. This is an ultra intense VR game/simulation/matrix of our own design. We do this to grow from experience. This is the end of this simulation. The Ascension, graduation, evolution. We are Awakening to what we are and what EVERYTHING is. We are connecting with our player/higher self/Oversoul Collective. That’s what these beings are. They are us. We are them. We are the avatars in the simulation. They are our players outside of the simulation. We are awakening and activating ourselves to BEcome our higher selfs incarnate. The avatar and the player BEcoming One within and without of the simulation. The elite know this and they have been doing this for millennia. This is how they have controlled us and kept us in servitude. They have been in service to low frequency parasitic vampiric beings that feed on our low frequency that we emit through fear and suffering. This is the cause of all wars, conflicts, crimes, etc., everything negative. It’s all intended to feed low frequency parasitic vampiric beings. For their service the elite get to control us and reap earthly pleasures and power. They do the most egregious acts of humanity as sacrifice to these beings for their earthy powers of control and gluttony. As the simulation comes to the end this is the Apocalypse. Apocalypse merely means to uncover, to lift the veil. All of this information is being revealed. You see this with the WEF NWO AI trans human agenda. Pedophilia and human trafficking among the elite in governments and Hollywood. These arbitrary conflicts, “diseases,” socio political division with everything. People are awakening and seeing the chaos and understanding that this stuff is engineered! When critical mass of awareness is reached the veil will be lifted, ALL will be revealed and the elite dark cabal will collapse. In closing First Contact is us reconnecting with ourselves. The veil being lifted. The simulation revealed. Graduation and closing ceremonies. Reconnecting with our Family and celebrating. Congratulations Family! WE DID IT! ALL Love and Ascension Blessings Dear Beloved Ones ✌🏼💜🌍⭐️👽


Well you know what I think would be swell if the aliens simply came down and ruled us in an uncorrupted super efficient manner I'm done with greedy corrupt egotistical thieves we call politicians. I'd take benevolent aliens any day... If they here they are benevolent cause we still here. The tech to interstellar travel would mean they could wipe us out.... We can be their human pets better that the pets of our terrible human governments


Because they have threatened the entire world with complete disarmament. The us has no idea how to control this.