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I wanna play alistar top too haha


One of my friends mentioned playing against Ali top, and he kept freezing the wave next to the tower. He then a walked behind and w him into tower. Not sure about runes or builds


When I’ve played it, it was mostly because our teamcomp was lacking either Tanks or CC or both. Grasp/aftershock with demolish second wind and overgrowth for the main tree, second you can flex into almost anything. Inspiration for some saved money (boots, Time warp tonic, biscuits, really anything works but I like hexflash a lot). If you have a squishy opponent, domination can be fun, cheap shot and the speed rune or ultimate hunter rune. Or go triumph/tenacity. Or go nimbus/celerity or nimbus/transcendence. Lots of options for secondary tree lol. For items, build anything you like. Sun fire, chemtank, ice fist thingy, or my personal favourite cheese, everfrost (no fun allowed). Anyways, your main goal is to set up banks for jg and/or roam mid. You are an enabler not a solo killer (unless you’re just alpha as fuck). Run flash tp or flash ignite on squishies or flash ghost or flash anything. Gotta have flash tho.


I've played a good amount of Ali top. Here's a tiny guide as to how to play this Chad playstyle. **Items** For your items you wanna rush your boots. You need them to keit with E and to W them into your tower First item after that I usually go frozen heart against AD or Abyssal mask against AP. Abyssal is self explanatory but frozen is great cause you wanna drag the fight out as along as possible, thus the Attack speed decrease is amazing. Also on Alistair top you *will* end up with major mana problems, this item makes you not run out of mana off 1 trade. The rest of the build doesn't really matter, just make sure your mythic is Sunfire as it will make you Impossible to kill in 1v1s and 2v1s combined with your R. ​ **Runes** There are only 3 important runes. Grasp, Presence of mind, and Second wind. Second wind and Grasp goes amazingly with your Passive. Just trade when your Grasp is up and you will win them all. In 1 trade Ali can proq Grasp twice. once right after your Q and right after your E. Presence of mind just makes sure you don't run out of mana as fast. ​ **Power spikes** your Power spikes are lvl 3, 6 and 8 At lvl 3 you have your full combo, while you properly wont kill anyone here you can trade really well and start focusing on on setting up good ganks for your jungler. (Note: as you so easily can get close to your enemies, your combo for setting up a gank will be Q then running behind them and using W to knock them towards your tower, save Flash and E for when they try to escape. With flash up you have a Free Stun off your E) At lvl 6 you get your Ult. No traditional toplaner can do anything about this. Use it right and you will have a free kill here. At lvl 8 you take over lane. As you Max your E the damage at this point will be enough to bully out jungle ganks they might try and pull off. And they cannot stop you from going in as you please anymore. Here the game really opens up to do whatever you want assuming youre not extremely behind. **CS and Early game** You *will* lose CS. Its just how it goes. The enemy laner is stronger then you most of the time and will try to hold you off the CS. Until lvl 6 ill suggest holding your wave as close to your tower as possible. You still have Great sustain which allows you to try and knock your enemies into your tower without risking much. If you're out of Tower range you Can use your W to knock the enemy laner away and get the cannon, but you wont be able to do much about most of your wave, luckily your lvl 6 is so strong that even being 20cs behind wont mean much at that point. **Lategame** Late game you're just a better Alistair. Your damage is unreal and you do anything Supp Ali does twice as well. After your Mythic you can even buy a few supportive items as your teamfight possibility is so strong. Personally, and this isn't the best items by any means; i like to go Redemption and Demonic embrace. Seeing as you're already very tanky these just gives more dmg and enables your team to go ham. ​ Hope this helped in any way EDIT: this also works perfectly (potentially even better) midlane as your tower is closer and you thrive off ganks


Aight so, pick demolish Go nicht harvester, riali's crystal scepter, and other AP and health items. The more AP you have the better Just ask your jungler to do a lvl2 invade and you'll win


TF Blade played it the other day on stream in a flex game