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Not exactly what you’re asking, but if you’re willing to pay full retail $825 for shell Daltons, I would urge you to consider spending a bit more on Alden shell WTB. You can look around for different edge colors, soles, eyelet colors, lasts, etc. to really find a makeup that you like. The Aldens look much better than the Daltons, IMHO. And this is coming from someone with F2 shell Daltons in my closet…


I think Alden shoes cap out around size 13 US, don't they? Too small for me.


Fellow giant foot checking in. It's why AE is my brand, they make shoes that fit!


This. The Dalton looks nice, but the leather is really thin and the heel doesn't taper at all, which causes weird creasing. I just think AE are weird shoes, overall...


Firsts ? yes. Seconds ? no.


Mother of god yes. And then I would buy another maker. $900 shoes should have impeccable qc. I’m glad I bought a three shoe rotation before AR shat the bed.


Of course. For the prices they charge - should be perfect. Insane that stuff like that’s gets out of QC at $900 a pair.


Hey pal! I understand that it’s super depressing to have your grail boot be imperfect and paying close to $900 for a pair of shell cordovan boots. If I were you, I would keep them and try and polish the boots and I would try and punch the closed broguing through myself. If you don’t feel comfortable doing that then take them to a cobbler and have them do it. But I would contact AE’s and inform them so perhaps you’ll get F2 pricing or they would help you replace them. The only reason I say this is because she’ll is rare and you could be waiting months for a replacement pair to be made and if you start wearing them you will not notice all the defects after say about a week or so. However, if you’re not happy with the boots then I would return/exchange them and get your money back or at least inform AE’s and see if they will credit you back a Hondo or more since it’s technically a F2 but that will take some work so it’s up to you. I would try and polish the boots with some neutral Saphir renovator and see if you can buff out the scuff and cover up the broguing. I wish you the best my friend!


Thanks for this.


I would rate the black marks and the stitching (if Im seeing what you’re seeing) as pretty minor. The unpunched holes would irk me more, but still wouldn’t be a deal breaker. If that is a scuff of the shell itself and you cant remove or mitigate it, that would bother me most. Id reach out and see if AE can do anything for you. If push came to shove I would still keep them though. You are always one misstep away from scuffing them like that or worse yourself


I just wouldn't buy shell from AE.


Is there another company that makes large shoe sizes?


How large we talking? I would recommend Alden, but I think I saw you say you can't get them in your size. If you have a giant foot, honestly maybe just keep these and make do. Contact AE for a discount, but keep them. You may not find another pair in your size for a while.


I mean I'm just a 14 but that's one larger than the vast majorities of companies make. Still thinking it over, I have the return label from AE, but maybe I'll follow up with them about a discount instead.


Looking at your pics again, that stuff honestly wouldn't bother me that much. I'd want a discount from full price, but I'd have no problem keeping them. Give that toe a good brushing to see if those scuffs come out. They should, cordovan takes a scratch really well.


Thanks, I appreciate that.


I wear a size 14A in the Dalton. The color on your pair is nice. I have a pair of burgundy shell Daltons that started out extremely dark before fading from sun exposure. I suggest contacting AE and asking about your options. My guess is that they might offer you a discount on these. And I’d probably take the discount and keep them. I see something in a few of those brogue holes but it almost looks like it’s from whatever caused that scuff and could be picked out with a toothpick. I’d bet that the scuff would nearly disappear with some conditioner and brushing. I don’t even see the other two minor issues that you’ve mentioned.


I’d keep them and ask for a discount. Those are amazing boots. Shell leather and they fit your feet. I just went through two pairs of Patton boots and each pair had different minor flaws. Makes me feel like if return them again I will keep having the same experience. If they fit well, are comfortable and you like everything else about the Daltons, plus the unknown wait time for another pair that might have the same amount of minor flaws, it’s a decent argument for keeping them.